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Everything posted by BrettG

  1. BrettG

    Loot table plugin question

    I’m actually going to implement the NPCs in a different way that will suit my servers better and this won’t be an issue anymore. Also I think I set the number to 3 or 4 and it started working the way I wanted it to.
  2. BrettG

    Building Skins

    So how do I get the options for the skins? When I click the gear icon and the material buttons the only option is default. I have a feeling I need to put something in line 19 but not sure what exactly. { "Remove Commands": [ "" ], "Upgrade Commands": [ "up", "building.upgrade", "Bgrade" ], "Work with Notify?": true, "Work with PersonalVaultDoor?": true, "Setting Modes": [ { "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_wood.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Wood", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "buildtools.1", "Default value for additional slot": false, "Enable skins?": true, "Skins": [] }, { "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_stone.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Stone", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "buildtools.2", "Default value for additional slot": false, "Enable skins?": false, "Skins": [] }, { "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_metal.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Metal", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "buildtools.3", "Default value for additional slot": false, "Enable skins?": false, "Skins": [] }, { "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_top.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "TopTier", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "buildtools.4", "Default value for additional slot": false, "Enable skins?": true, "Skins": [] } ], "Upgrade Settings": { "Amount of upgrade entities per tick": 5, "Notify the player of the required resources for upgrading a building when they do not have enough resources": false, "Skins Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/gear.png", "Image for skins": { "10220": "https://i.imgur.com/ty1gZVS.png", "10221": "https://i.imgur.com/CSTnZ9V.png" } }, "Time of action": 30, "Cooldown (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Cooldowns": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 }, "Block After Wipe (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Block After Wipe": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 } }, "Remove Settings": { "Blocked items to remove (prefab)": [ "shortname 1", "shortname 2", "shortname 3" ], "Return Item": true, "Returnable Item Percentage": 100.0, "Percentages of returnable items (permission – percent)": { "buildtools.vip": 100.0, "buildtools.premium": 100.0 }, "Can friends remove? (Friends)": true, "Can clanmates remove? (Clans)": true, "Can teammates remove?": true, "Remove by cupboard? (those who are authorized in the cupboard can remove)": false, "Remove container with items?": false, "Condition Settings": { "Default (from game)": true, "Use percent?": false, "Percent (value)": 0.0 }, "Block Cooldown After Spawn Settings": { "Default": 36000.0, "Permissions": { "buildtools.vip": 34000.0, "buildtools.premium": 32000.0 } }, "Amount of remove entities per tick": 5, "Time of action": 30, "Cooldown (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Cooldowns": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 }, "Block After Wipe (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Block After Wipe": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 } }, "Block Settings": { "Work with NoEscape?": true, "Work with Clans? (clan members will be able to delete/upgrade)": true, "Work with Friends? (friends will be able to delete/upgrade)": true, "Can those authorized in the cupboard delete/upgrade?": true, "Is an upgrade/remove cupbaord required?": false }, "UI Settings": { "Display type (Overlay/Hud)": "Overlay", "Color 1": { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Color 2": { "HEX": "#2C2C2C", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Color 3": { "HEX": "#B64040", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Offset Y": 0.0, "Offset X": 0.0, "Progress Title Text Size": 12, "Progress Title Text Color": { "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 60.0 }, "Settings Background Color": { "HEX": "#0E0E10", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Settings Header Color": { "HEX": "#161617", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Settings Image Background Color": { "HEX": "#161617", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Settings Selected Color": { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Settings Not Selected Color": { "HEX": "#242425", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Settings Text Color": { "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 5, "Patch": 12 } }
  3. This is a life saver. Thanks for making this. My only suggestion is to add the ability to toggle off / bypass the delete confirmation warning to skip clicks when wanting to delete a lot of stuff.
  4. BrettG

    Loot table plugin question

    I am really enjoying this mod. My question is in regards to a plugin called "Loot Table & Stacksize GUI". I know that there isn't built-in support however, I thought I read somewhere in the discussions that if I use option 0 (to use default loot) that it would use the loot table from the heavy scientist NPC. It doesn't seem to be doing this. It seems to still be using the vanilla loot for heavy scientists and not using the loot table for heavy scientists that I have set up using the loot table and stack size gui plugin. Anyways not sure if you knew of an easy way to make this work. If not oh well I will just have to go through and change it all in the config and use option 1 for own loot. Thanks
  5. Hey, love the raidable base plugin and this pack. Is there a way to make stability true? Seems like I can base wipe in testing and everything else remains with stability 100%. If this is able to be enabled cool, if not oh well. Thanks
    This map is awesome. Plenty of monuments including a few custom ones. I have a small server and the few people who play on it also love the map. One of the custom monuments called Nuketown is just like the small map from Call of Duty. The map is a good size with all the monuments. Doesn't feel jam-packed but still plenty to do and explore. DocNorris is great with helping out if you find any bugs, I reported one to him and he had it fixed and updated on here in less than a day. Looking forwards to future maps from Doc.
    Handy and simple to use. I like that it is easy to use a simple command to show different info through messages that pop up for the individual.
    See an object in game that you think should be lootable but isn’t? This plugin fixes that. I highly recommend this plugin and also make sure to check the description to get a file that contains “default” lootables which is a great start. From there, using TGE GUI makes it easy to add or remove lootable objects. Being compatible with zone manager is great, so you can make certain objects only work / not work as lootables in certain areas that you configure.
    Thanks for making this great plugin. This makes it so easy to customize the loot table and stack size using the GUI in game. I would recommend.


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