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Everything posted by BrettG
Perfect, thank you. And one more question, how do I get it to stop announcing the bases in global chat? I seemed to have turned it on and can't remember what line I edited.
Hey, just as the title says, how can I exactly program it so that the plugin will spawn bases at given intervals say between 30-60 minutes so that it doesn't just spawn the max allowed all at once.
Sent you a DM from @endridtelek
Hello, Reaching out because recently switch to Carbon instead of oxide. The plugin works fine, the only thing I am noticing is that Skinner is taking up an unusually high Hook time with the following information from the c.plugininfo command. Skinner v1.5.0 by Whispers88 Path: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\2x Solo Duo\carbon\plugins\Skinner.cs Compile Time: 247ms Uptime: 5h6m42s Total Hook Time: 30099ms Total Memory Used: 9.6 mb Internal Hook Override: False Has Conditionals: False Mod Package: Scripts (83) Processor: Script Processor [.cs] Permissions: skinner.default skinner.craft skinner.items skinner.bypassauth skinner.skincon skinner.skininv skinner.import skinner.skinbase skinner.skinall skinner.default30cd Hooks: # Id Hook Time Memory Subscribed Async/Overrides 1 1330569572 OnServerInitialized 64ms 7.4 mb True 0/1 2 4051942512 CanStackItem 30031ms 2.2 mb True 0/1 3 589422924 OnLootEntityEnd 2ms 0.0 b True 0/1 4 4277473012 OnItemCraftFinished 1ms 0.0 b True 0/1 5 3438704737 OnActiveItemChanged 1ms 0.0 b False 0/1 Any idea what might cause this? It's causing some moderate FPS fluctuation.
- #updates checker
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ahh okay, perhaps It was /rbe despawn that I tried before and not /rbe kill_cleanup. I will make sure to try that one next time.
Doing the command you mentioned near the base remains just gives me an error saying no raidable bases within 100m. I end up using remove all from the remover tool plugin to delete them. I’m thinking this happens sometimes when the server is shutting down or restarting. The raidable base event seems to be deleted (which is why the command doesn’t work). But doesn’t always delete the entire base. we also haven’t seen anything in error logs. So yeah I bet it is hard to fix something that isn’t giving any errors. Anyways looking forward to future updates.
Hey, I am running your raidable base plugin on a Windows server machine running 3 server instances. I am using your tier 1-3 raidable bases. I've found myself having to fly around the map often to delete raidable bases that didn't fully delete. The exterior stone walls will sometimes all be removed but other times only partly removed or not at all. The structure of the base seems to always remain sometimes with loot and sometimes without. Running the raidable bases command to delete a raid base within 100m doesn't work as it just gives me an error saying must be within 100m and I just use an admin remover tool to remove the base. I read in another support ticket you mention something about installing libgdiplus but I'm not seeing many details on Google about how to install that. Hopefully, you can help me out? Thanks.
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- #updates checker
- #plugin
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- #updates checker
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It seems that the number of resources used when I use the /upall command or shift+click isn't correct. I don't have the free upgrade permission (or whatever its called) and it costs a lot less to use upgrade all compared to just upgrading one item at a time. I don't know numbers off the top of my head but lets say I want to upgrade 5 twig bases to wood, IT would cost around 500 wood (again my numbers are probably wrong this is an example) and if I used the /upall it would cost a fraction of that like 135 or something really low.
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- #noescape
- #interface
- #hud
- #build skins
- #grade
- #gredable bases
- #grade rust bases
- #build system
- #upgrade buildings
- #remove structures
- #downgrade structures
- #base customization
- #best grade plugin
- #build plugin by mevent
- #reskin
- #bgrade
- #skins
- #building skins
One suggestion to fix this which would work well in my case is the need of an oxide permission to see the setting button to access the skins
- #building
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- #interface
- #hud
- #build skins
- #grade
- #gredable bases
- #grade rust bases
- #build system
- #upgrade buildings
- #remove structures
- #downgrade structures
- #base customization
- #best grade plugin
- #build plugin by mevent
- #reskin
- #bgrade
- #skins
- #building skins
- #raidbases
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It would appear that the plugin version number is wrong in the cs file. I kept trying to figure out why my update checker kept saying I need to update this plugin and found this to be the issue. Line 15 of .cs [Info("DiscordLink", "Shady14u/Amino", "1.0.4")] It should be the following which fixed my update checker from letting me know it needs to be updated to the latest version 1.2.0 [Info("DiscordLink", "Shady14u/Amino", "1.2.0")] By no means a big deal and a simple fix. I wouldn't worry about doing an update just to change this but possibly just change it if/when you do your next update to this plugin.
Yeah, I confirmed this same issue with the latest version 1.5.14. 1 stone wall cost 300 vanilla and when I do /up all 2 to upgrade just one wall to stone it only cost 60 so this would be only 20% of the normal cost. I would really like a way to change this to vanilla prices if possible.
Not really a big deal for me but I would like to point out a bug or oversight as I don't think you intended it to be this way. So for me, I'm going to allow everyone access to use grade 1 (maybe 2) without skins. I'm going to tie grades 2-4 behind an oxide group with skins. It seems when there are fewer than 4 buttons to click (regardless of if there is permission to use the skins) that it shifts the GUI when you press the gear icon. For me it doesn't matter cause they can't click on anything anyways just figured I'd let you know. Normal layout with all 4 tiers tier 1-3 - image box shifted to the left. There is no gap between the blue box and the skin box tier 1-2 Tier 1
- 1
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- #noescape
- #interface
- #hud
- #build skins
- #grade
- #gredable bases
- #grade rust bases
- #build system
- #upgrade buildings
- #remove structures
- #downgrade structures
- #base customization
- #best grade plugin
- #build plugin by mevent
- #reskin
- #bgrade
- #skins
- #building skins
Thanks for making that as simple as possible by changing a few things to true. Feel a little dumb now that I didn't read the config carefully to the skins true / false was an option for each tier and not just one. Anyways I deleted the config when I downloaded the latest version so that the new brick skin is on it. Working perfectly now that I see what I did wrong. Thanks for the help really appreciate it.
My favorite plug-in checker. Very simple to use and able to change the auto detected plugin link. Sometimes plugins on umod or codefling are similar names and this plugin checker (as well as others I used as the plug-in checker built into rustadmin RCON tool will detect the link to another plugin (the one with a similar link but you aren’t using). Luckily like I said you can change the link to be the correct plugin in the in-game GUI. updates pushed to a discord Chanel with a link to the update make it really handy.
- #updates checker
- #plugin
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Players are unable to use their new brick skin that they purchased with this plugin installed. They said they even turned off the option to change skins and still wouldn’t let them. after I uninstalled plug-in no issue with them using their purchased skin.
hmm, I just updated image library by just dragging and dropping the cs file over the existing one without issue. I didn't update it until after the game patch as the update for that said not to update beforehand. After updating image library i just reloaded this plugin as well as many others that use this plugin on my server and it fixed them all live on my server without restarting.
This isn't a bug. There was an update to ImnageLibrary which this plugin depends on. Updating the imagelibrary and reloading fixed the images not showing for me. https://umod.org/plugins/image-library
Also here to report same issue