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Everything posted by David

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. David

    ATM (Cash Machine)

    I will have a look if I can prevent skinned card from selling
  3. David

    Custom Buttons

    Message me on my discord
  4. David

    Place Anything

    There are couple of items by default in data file, make sure your remove those you don't intent to use.
  5. David

    Custom Buttons

    You not doing anything wrong, this has been issue since I expanded the plugin. Hey, change base anchors in config to "0.5 0" and then reposition buttons.
  6. David

    Welcome Panel Addons

    This is already possible, just type {wipecountdown} anywhere in welcome panel
  7. David


    nope, all made with custom buttons
  8. David


    yea, its bit tedious I can relate people just always asking for customizations so I decided to give them all options
  9. David


    Hey, thanks for the shout-out! I already have plugin which can do exactly that, with exception that you have to setup your own design. https://codefling.com/plugins/custom-buttons You can basically create group of buttons and then set them to toggle on certain command exactly how I did in video. It's not just for creating buttons, you can also create just ui panels to serve as background in case you want create something which is more like "menu panel" with commands. Like one of my customers did here. Then, its just all up to you what colors you like and how big buttons you want to make.
  10. David

    Gui shop setup

    there is no commands, all settings can be found in data folder and config file
  11. David

    Custom Buttons

    put that button on Overlay instead of Hud
  12. David

    shop inquiry

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  13. David

    shop inquiry

    yes you can, all you have to do is list correct shortname alongside with skin id, those varies based on plugin.
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  15. Hey, please send me your config and cuiData.json file
  16. I have fixed version ready for testing, create ticket on my discord and I will send it to you https://discord.com/invite/Pa2xnsehGD
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  18. David

    Furnace stops cooking ore

    message me on my discord https://discord.gg/Pa2xnsehGD , will give you custom version to try
  19. This one should handle that for you. I gave you license already so feel free to download
  20. David

    Furnace stops cooking ore

    There must be something else interfering, do you run anything which affects furnaces ?
  21. David

    error on start up

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  22. David

    error on start up

    please send your config and data file
  23. David

    Error Edit Panel Position

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  24. David

    Error No Working Commands

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  25. David

    Furnace stops cooking ore

    did it happen when you reloaded FurnaceLevels ?


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