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Everything posted by Nomad3211

  1. That would be awesome!! I Primarily plan to use the feature along side epic items/other custom items, so the Name Filtering would be most useful to me! Other Settings: [config option] "Selling items is display name specific": true [config option] "Selling items is Skin ID specific": false [config option] "If Skin ID & Display name specific are both true, prioritize which? ["Name", "Skin", "Both"]": "Skin" [config option] "Blacklist of skin IDs to prevent selling": [] [config option] "Whitelist of Names to still sell if Display Name Specific is True": [] -> Probably not worth the rare use case [config option] "Whitelist of Skin IDs to still sell if Display Name Specific is True": [] -> Probably not worth the rare use case Those are some off the top of my head, but the most useful of them all would likely be the first one; being able to make sales display name specific. Thank you for the wicked support, You rock!!
  2. I apologize for the delay! The issue is still here: When a player tries to recover their corpse from a PvP raidable base ( I have Prevent actions from restore upon death set to true in PvP zones) the failed to call hook thing will pop up in the console. It doesnt appear to give the player a message, it just throws an error
  3. I have a number of custom items within my server. Some of them are significantly rarer versions of base items ( with bonuses/etc). Players are accidentally selling these rare items as they share the same base shortname. Eg: Default L96 Operators L96 [s 0.25] *Custom Item* I see a section in the configs for Display Name that is left blank by default so I tried to add Names to see if that would filter them, it still allowed me to sell the custom version as the default version. I am primarily concerned with weapons from "Epic Loot". When I enter a specific name like: L96 It still allows players to sell the: Operators L96 [s 0.25] with the sell max feature / sell 1 Any help with this is greatly appreciated!
  4. I Run a PvE server where the Turrets are used for NPCs/Events. Sam Sites are set to attack the patrol heli / heli drops, etc. When a player is offline, the sams dont stop targeting other folks Helis / events.
  5. Is there a way to have Turrets/sams Turn off when a player disconnects automatically?
  6. *** I am not associated with this product. *** Web page looks great! It is quite busy however, and I found it hard to follow with all the flashing. But otherwise, great presentation! Worth noting: There is a margin issue in your footer - it overlaps the container.
  7. Nomad3211

    Cooldowns overlap

    UDATE: Found a solution to this: The plugin appears to take the first VIP/Cooldown permission it sees. So If you want a higher rank to over rule a lower rank, put the highest rank at the top and work down. Example: Rank 1: 60 min cool down Rank 2: 30 min cool down Rank 3: 10 min cool down -> If player has this rank, AND rank # 2, the plugin will prioritize Rank #2. However, If done in this order: Rank 3: 10 min -> This rank will be prioritized (if the player has more than 1 rank) Rank 2: 30 min Rank 1: 60 min Hope this helps anyone with the same issue!
  8. Nomad3211

    Cooldowns overlap

    Hi there! So far enjoying the plugin but I have been receiving complaints about the cooldowns. I have it set so that by default, the cooldown is 1 hour. If you have a playtime rank , the timer is reduced to half and if you have a purchased rank, the timer is reduced to 10 mins. However, if the player has both a playtime rank AND a purchased rank (an overlap), there is no priority system taking place that I can see as it reverts to the playtime time rank. Any suggestions on fixing this up would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Nomad3211


    Absolutely LOVE this plugin! It is very simple to use & understand, Fully customizable and Visually Pleasant. The Prices can be automatically calculated and the price displays can be formatted to include commas and decimal places with ease. The in-game UI makes adding & editing items a Breeze! Custom items? no problem! HIGHLY Recommended! The support is strong and the updates are on point !
  10. Nomad3211


    I can say with confidence that this plugin is more than worth the purchase price and the updates are on Point. As a developer it takes time to process, and implement changes. The More plugins and more popular they are, the more support requests that will follow. Mevent Provides Exceptional quality plugins at a very fair price and is always quick to roll out updates as need be. As for the latest update, There was a new feature added that allows ALL shop prices to be number formatted so you dont have to stare at jumbled numbers. Old formatting was: 1000000 New formatting can be set to look like: 1,000,000.00 heres how to do it: at the bottom of the config, there is a section for Formatting: "Buy Price Format": "0" -> Default -> will make your number look like this: 1000000 "Buy Price Format": "N0" -> will make your number look like this: 1,000,000 "Buy Price Format": "N1" -> will make your number look like this: 1,000,000.0 "Buy Price Format": "N2" -> will make your number look like this: 1,000,000.00 LOVE the new update!!
  11. Nomad3211

    price rounding

    Hi there! In order to achieve the Ideal number formatting that you are going for, You must add an "N" in the price format in front of the zero. Like so: "Buy Price Format": "N0" -> will make your number look like this: 1,000,000 "Buy Price Format": "N1" -> will make your number look like this: 1,000,000.0 "Buy Price Format": "N2" -> will make your number look like this: 1,000,000.00 "Buy Price Format": "0" -> will make your number look like this: 1000000 N and then the number of decimal places you want essentially. This worked for me, I hope it works for you!
  12. Nomad3211

    Skill Tree

    Is it possible to add the ability to respec 1 skill node at a time, rather than the entire tree? <3
    Absolutely one of the BEST plugins ever released! I can't recommend this plugin enough. If you are running a PvE server, or some sort of role play and want that added progression / grind / extra things for your players to do. This is it!!!!!!! Everything within is customizable. You can even add custom skills that turn other plugins on or off. For example, simple symmetry as a skill tree node. There are videos on YT from Imthenewguy showcasing this. But again, super customizable and really enjoyable to use! Very easy to set up and understand! Also, Imthenewguys is very quick to release updates and fixes where necessary. Love this plugin!! It is a must!
  13. Nomad3211

    Server Hud

    Is it possible to add Comma separated currency values in a future update? I run this plugin on a 10x server, so players often hit 6 - 9 digit numbers. Here is an example of what I did for Economics to show a Formatted number: var ebalance = Economics.Call<double>("Balance", player.userID); UI.Label(ref container, ".Main.bg", ".Balance", ".Balance", "0 0", "0.3 0", oXMin: 10, oYMin: 7, oXMax: 0, oYMax: 24, text:_config.MainSetup.Economy.Currency + (string.Equals(_config.MainSetup.Economy.Plugin, "ServerRewards", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? ServerRewards?.Call<int>("CheckPoints", player.userID) : Economics == null ? 0 : ebalance.ToString("N0")), fontSize:14, align:TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, color:_config.MainSetup.Economy.Color); Line: 1592 This is the result:
    This plugin is awesome!! Super easy to set up and looks great overall. Quite customizable! There are lots of different features that make this worth the purchase!
  14. Nomad3211

    No more Bulk Edit? :(

    Figured it out, This program Rocks! Thank you !!
  15. Nomad3211

    Furnace Levels

    Hi there! I am interested in this plugin, but I am curious about the alternative Upgrade Item Cost -> I didn't see a location to put a Skin ID for the custom Item. Is that an available feature within this plugin? I use a custom "Upgrade Token" on my server and would like to utilize that within this plugin if possible. Thanks!
  16. Nomad3211

    Messed Up Admin Account

    I have yet to use it or test it after this afterwards. This ticket can be closed, im sure. It was like a fluke, one off thing.
  17. Thanks a bunch!!
  18. Hi there! This plugin seems great, and operational for the most part! I haven't received any complaints from players, But I am getting an error that keeps rolling through my console. I figured it had to do with heli sams but Im not 100% sure which direction to take in order to fix it. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! I have Attached 2 Files for reference: Config & Active Plugins Here is the error from the console: Failed to call hook 'OnEntityTakeDamage' on plugin 'HeliSignals v1.2.3' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.HeliSignals.OnEntityTakeDamage (PatrolHelicopter heli, HitInfo info) [0x000a4] in <e76a0691dfd84ad9b73705a87cd4be65>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.HeliSignals.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0058a] in <e76a0691dfd84ad9b73705a87cd4be65>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <87ce9ac9776a48658bc55eae6debe38b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <18d4f19bbc844191b11ed9e69284d09b>:0 Plugins List.Txt HeliSignalConfig.json
    This plugin is awesome, and well worth the investment. I purchased it quite some time ago, and have been running on my servers without issue. It is easy to set up, especially with all the information provided within the description, and it is simple to use. Bags of holding can be added to loot tables, or to Kits, Shop, whatever have you -> it is very diverse. Works great along side backpacks!
    Works as described, and works well! Didn't know I needed it until now! Anyone looking to purchase this -> You will need to host the bot yourself, (super cheap, even free options available). once the bot is running / perms setup -> you just drop in a skin Id or a url and the bot does the rest. Havent fully tested the multi server setup, but core functionality is A+!
    I wish I can say I have had the same experience ^^ I purchased the plugin thinking it would work great right out of the box, as advertised. No where on the plugin page does it say its in beta testing, or even remotely close. However, the first paragraph in the plugins Read me is: "Note: This plugin is currently in Beta testing. The price reflects this. Once this plugin is out of beta testing, the price will go up. So get the plugin now if you're interested in it before the price goes up!" Upon adding to my test server and setting up the database ( I used the wrong password mistakenly ) and it wiped all permission data from the test server. -> applied my backup of oxide.groups, verified the correct information on the database and was able to connect. -> At this point all seems to be working correctly. But when the plugin is restarted OR the server, I keep getting this error message stating that the table doesnt exist: Can Not Find Any Player Groups In Database! Use the 'ss.uploadplayers' console command to upload all your player groups to the database! 14:40 [Info] [ServerSync] Can Not Find Any Player Permissions In Database! Use the 'ss.uploadplayers' console command to upload all your player permissions to the database!
  19. Can you Please provide more pictures or information on this plugin ? - Simply enter the location of the server identity you wish to wipe. -> Server name? IP address? SFTP connection info? Rcon info? If the server is hosted elsewhere, what is the location I am putting there? -> is there a way to save my settings for future use?
  20. Please provide more information on this plugin: I see the wipe file directory is for a local machine -> what about for a cloud hosted server? My panel shows directories like: home/container/oxide/etc not C://etc I am also curious about the last question asked: Is this plugin still operational and being Updated? If I dont use Rustmaps, will it Error out? Do I have to run the discord map voting feature? Adding multiple servers - Does that work if the servers share the same IP address (dedicated host, multi server)? In your plugin description -> Config example, at the end of the first server closing } -> you have it }, At the end of the last server, does there need to be a comma after the } ? or was that a typo?


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