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Advanced Item Crafting 1.0.1

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About Advanced Item Crafting

User Interface and advanced crafting options for Item Perks and Epic Loot

This plugin will not work without Epic Loot or Item Perks.
One of these plugins has to be installed on the server.



  1. Combined Inventory-like View for Epic and Perk Items
  2. Advanced Crafting options for Perk Items
  3. Standard Crafting for Epic Items
  4. Reuse translations and mod configs


Get Started
You can drop the plugin onto your server, and you are almost good to go.
There are just a few steps to get it running correct.


If you want to use this mod, you should make sure that players dont have permissions listed below.
Otherwise, they can bypass costs or functionality from that plugin.

Epic Loot


enhance - disabled (not needed anymore)
salvage - disabled (not needed anymore)

Item Perks


enhance  - disabled (this is mandatory, we have our own cost configurations)


We have to make sure that players dont see old UI Buttons anymore.

Epic Loot


"Enable use of the HUD button? Players can still disable it client side via the player settings" - set to false, we dont need it

Item Perks


"Send the icon to access the ItemPerks menu?" - set to false, we dont need it


Combined Inventory-like View
When you open the view the first time, you will notice that it looks similar to the players inventory.
One of the main reasons why i implemented that plugin was exactly this feature.
You can inspect each item and see additional informations in one place.




Player Buff Panel

Ever wanted to know all Epic buffs and Perk buffs affecting you?
Just check out the full list on the left side.
For Perks you can check out descriptions when clicking the info icon (i).


Selected Items

When you select items, you get a (short) overview of its buffs.
For Perk Items it will show a list of all perks and rolls in the description section.

When selecting Epic Items, a new Panel will be shown.
It contains:
- the name of the epic buff
- a description
- its upgrade costs
- the set piece bonus
- the tier ranges
- the chances to hit a certain tier

Quite some information right? 🙂


Item Actions

Following the mission, each possible action is right where you would expect them.
Add-, remove- or randomize perks actions are shown in the Action Panel.
For Epic Items you will find add- and recycle-action.
Items other than Epic and Perk Items are NOT supported and most likely never will be supported.


Perk Crafting

This plugin supports some more advanced crafting options for perk items. Most actions can run in 2 different modes, weighted and unweighted.

Unweighted Crafting for Perks

Players have to select 1 Kit when modifying items.
The kit defines the perk selected for the desired action and will be consumed.

Weighted Crafting for Perks

Players can select up to 3 Kits when modifying items.
Each kit will add a defined value to the mod weight and increases the chance for the player to hit that mod.
The additional mod weight value is based on the configuration for the desired action.

You can make the selection of 1 kit mandatory for all weighted actions.


Add Perks

(For the basics) players can add perks to existing items.
By default the player selects a kit and adds the mod.

For more advanced usage, you can enabled weighted crafting.
This will pick a random mod.
Players can add Kits to that process to increase the chances of picking the desired mod.

Depending on the configuration, you can enable perk crafting for epic items and "white" items.
Crafting of perks respects your defined white- and blacklist from Item Perks.
You can define additional costs for this process in the configuration.


Remove Perks

Players can remove existing perks from an item.
By default the player selects a kit and removed the mod.

Weighted Crafting will pick a random mod.
Players can add Kits to that process to increase the chances of picking the desired mod.

You can define additional costs for this process in the configuration.
If configured, players can remove ALL mods from an item.


Randomize Perk Values

Players can reroll the values of perks on an item to (maybe) get better values.

You can enable lucky rolls in the configuration.
The player will be able to select 1 Kit for each mod to roll twice.
The better roll will be used for the item.





aicrafting (chat) - Opens Inventory Panel (can be changed in configuration)

cmdopeninventory (console) - Opens Inventory Panel


nothing else needed 😉



You have several options to customize the user experience by giving different permissions.

A good example is the permissions to make kit slots available for weighted crafting.
Without perk.kit2 or perk.kit3 set, the player can only use 1 kit.
You can then give perk.kit2 permission when the player reaches level 20 with skill tree.



perk.add - the player can add perks to an item

perk.remove - the player can remove perks from an item

perk.randomize - the player can randomize perk values

perk.bypass_weighting - the player can use direct crafting for perks

perk.kit2 - the player has 2 kit slots for weighted crafting

perk.kit3 - the player has 3 kit slots for weighted crafting

named.unveil - the player can unveil perks on a named item

epic.salvage - the player can salvage epic items from menu

epic.enhance - the player can add epic buffs to items

free - the player can modify all items for free

settings.hide_button - reserved for settings menu (do not grant this to groups!)



The plugin is reading configurations from Epic Loot and Item Perk when starting.
All weights, chances and mod ranges are used from this configs.
If you change anything on that configurations, you should restart the plugin.


Crafting Costs

Epic Loot

For Epic Loot, the defined upgrade costs are taken from Epic Loot configuration. You dont have to change anything.


Item Perks

Because of the advanced crafting options for perks, this plugin will have its own cost configurations.

You can add default additional costs for each craft type.
Simply set the values for "Item to use when ... a perk".
The default costs is set to use scrap.

Additional costs can be increased for each kit used during crafting process depending on the perk of the kit.



You will find out when looking into the language file, that this plugin barely uses translations.
One of the reasons is, that it reuses translations from Epic Loot and Item Perks.
If you search for mod descriptions or mod names, please check out the language files of those plugins.



If you find issues during item generation processes, payments and views, its most likely caused by this plugin.
Any functionality of buff effects remain part of the original plugin.

If there is a Buff missing, you can simply check out the code and add it to the enums.
And then contact me? 😉

Simply join discord of Epic Loot and Item Perks. I will support you right where its needed.

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