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  1. ` "Enable Random Direct Falling Meteors On Mining Regular Ones": true,` set this to false.
  2. is it possible to have separate permissions for loading, reloading and unloading plugins. I really like that feature, but got mods on my server that should not unload or load plugin. However reloading could be somehow usefull if a plugin had issues. example: sometimes we got issues with GridPower to load generators on server startup. We need to reload that plugin sometimes to make it work correctly. This is something i want my mods being able to do.
  3. 1. mate added M249 for 1 scrap 2. i bought it 3. he cant claim and error is thrown (15:59:42) | Failed to call hook 'MarketClaimInventoryPageCommand' on plugin 'MarketplacePlus v1.1.2' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.MarketplacePlus+MarketController.UpdateItem (Item item, Oxide.Plugins.MarketplacePlus+MarketItem marketItem) [0x0009a] in <e7f74c794ef44d13ab376a1da324ba72>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.MarketplacePlus+MarketController.ClaimPage (BasePlayer player, System.Boolean confirmed) [0x004d2] in <e7f74c794ef44d13ab376a1da324ba72>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.MarketplacePlus.MarketClaimInventoryPageCommand (Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer iPlayer, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x0004a] in <e7f74c794ef44d13ab376a1da324ba72>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.MarketplacePlus.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00550] in <e7f74c794ef44d13ab376a1da324ba72>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <cd9a02fd331347bd82d550bb1a9c8e9f>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <b76ec77c47d1449e92b2baab8603843d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <b76ec77c47d1449e92b2baab8603843d>:0 (15:59:53) | [Marketplace Plus] Error: Slot data is null on item claim, please inform developer
  4. molokatan

    Npc Random Raids

    @Razor is it possible to make params from L2887 configurable? nextFireTime = Time.time + UnityEngine.Random.Range(5f, 10f); If i understand it correct, its the time between 2 Attacks of an npc with rockets or C4. Would be nice to have this configured by profiles.
  5. I have modified it for our server, so its working as i described for us. But i thought that this could be part of the plugin directly, so i dont have to fix it over and over again on updates. + others might use it too.
  6. Hi, i was searching for a replacement of the SkillTree Ultimate for mining and decided to use this plugin. What i did: 1. added a new permission: onkillshower 2. added hook OnEntityDeath for sulfur, metal and stone nodes to trigger a direct shower - permission validated - chance roll applied 3. on success, i added a new cooldown. My goal is that there are direct showers at the player position when someone is farming ressources. Might be an option to add smth like that to the plugin directly?
  7. Looked it on our test server and looks quite promising. Polished UI and exactly what i am missing on my server. If i have suggestions for improvements, should i create also tickets in support request?
  8. molokatan

    support for custom names

    If you need any help or more infos, let me know.
  9. molokatan

    support for custom names

    Hi. Items are not show, listed and saved with thier original display name. Thats the reason why custom items from plugins like EpicLoot etc cant be sold by players. The skin is also lost as soon as someone is buying the item. An example EpicLoot Item can be found in the uploaded image. greeting molo
  10. molokatan

    Npc Random Raids

    TY for the latest updates. Make my life so much easier.
  11. molokatan

    Save selected color in data

    Is it possible to add the value of "LastBlockColourChangeId" in Data for players too? Imagine you just got disconnected for some reason, like timeout or whatever. Having the color reset everytime when you rejoin the server, feels not that good.
  12. Hi. when we started using this plugin on ours server, we included f.e. death notes, raidbases and other event messages to be shown as notifiaction. It helped us a lot to keep chat cleaner but had one huge downside. 1. you receive a notification -> a timer starts 2. you receive another notification -> timer gets refreshed for first notification and it will stay again for full length As soon as you f.e. start killing a lot of npcs the timer for the notifications shown is refreshed over and over again. As a result, noritifations will not get removed as long as you receive another new notification within the cooldown. thats the reason why i changed the code for our server: public void AddNotify(NotifyData data) { if (!_config.Types.ContainsKey(data.Type)) return; // the start time is set for individual notifications -> they will be removed after cooldown no matter what happens data.StartTime = Time.time; _notifies.Add(data); // the start time only needs to be set for the created notification. /**if (_notifies.Count == 1) _notifies[0].StartTime = Time.time;**/ MainUi(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.Types[data.Type].Effect)) SendEffect(_config.Types[data.Type].Effect); } private void RemoveNotify(int index = 0) { _notifies.RemoveAt(index); if (_notifies.Count == 0) { Kill(); return; } // we dont want to reset the timeout for notifications. They should only stay for the cooldown time and then get removed // _notifies[0].StartTime = Time.time; MainUi(); } With those changes, the notifications fade away as soon as they pass their own cooldown time. Would like to know what you think about this change. It keeps our notification stream clean for players and they get enough time to read each of the notifications. Our cooldown is still 10s.
    I wanted a simple plugin to show a status for our VIP group that has a kind of hardcore mode active (random raids etc.). All I had to do was that. Func<BasePlayer, bool> isVip = (basePlayer) => { if (basePlayer == null) { return false; } return basePlayer.IPlayer.BelongsToGroup("vip"); }; CustomStatusFramework?.Call("CreateStatus", "customstatus.vip", "0.7 0.4 0 1", "Hardcore", "1 1 1 1", "", "1 1 1 1", "hardcore", "1 1 1 1", isVip ); This is called `OnServerInitialized` and when unloading the plugin I call this: CustomStatusFramework?.Call("DeleteStatus","customstatus.vip"); I can recommend integrating this into other plugins. It keeps things simple and clean!
  13. molokatan

    Npc Random Raids

    Hi. We found an issue when players place a TC on raidable bases. The TC is a potential target for a random raid. i added this atm to the method `CanBeRaided` to fix it. if (Convert.ToBoolean(RaidableBases?.CallHook("EventTerritory", privLoc))) return false; would be nice to see this and my other change for the permission in the next update. -edit- same should be done for `CanBeRaidedFlair`...
    When I bought that plugin, I was not sure if it is worth to spend $14.99. I guess most of you will have those concerns when you look at the free plugin available and compare them. What convinced me, is the better user experience. I do not like if players need to know a lot of different commands or read a documentation to understand what is going on. Plugins should make it as easy as possible and integrate into the existing UI (if possible). The UI is quite easy to understand for players, and we had no trouble to integrate it into our current server. You can apply skins for an already placed wall/floor etc. with a hammer tool. You can also apply skins with a single click for the whole building at TC. Everything works exactly how you would expect it. All a player needs to know, is exactly 1 command. You can "hide" that command behind a button and no one will ever ask you how this works. Overall, you do nothing wrong if you buy this plugin.


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