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Everything posted by Nomad3211

  1. Nomad3211

    Cant get to work..

    Hey there! I just figured it out! Fault on my end -> I was testing this all on my test server. I neglected to add a workshop API key and didnt realize, so the console was receiving the command just wasnt able to execute it. I added the workshop API key, added image library, restarted the plugins, Now everything is running smooth! I am soo used to having everything already working on the live servers, I neglected to check that the receiving plugin was working! lol WORKS AMAZING -> Thank you soo much for this plugin!
  2. Nomad3211

    Number Formatted Price?

    Awesome! If its possible, that would be amazing! The ui is amazing to begin with, but those little commas would make the world of difference. I have tried all the shop plugins, and this one takes the cake! Yeah it was the item prices themselves that I also wanted to try and add string formatting to, I just couldnt find the right way to make that happen.
  3. Nomad3211

    Problems with Sync

    Can someone post what the fix was?? Im having the same issue.
  4. Nomad3211

    Cant get to work..

    Please help, I am at a loss here.. I have installed the discord bot onto a pterodactyl panel and configured it so that it shows up and interacts with my discord server.. When I type the skin in the channel, it asks for approval, so I give it the approval. It then sends a message to another channel telling me that the skin has been added. But.. I dont see anything happening in either of my game consoles, even though it says it has connected successfully. I have the command and plugin set to skinbox & skinbox.addskin Any help with this is greatly appreciated,
  5. Nomad3211

    Custom Item as Currency

    SOLVED I apologize! Just had to dig a little deeper! This plugin is a Tinkerers dream lol! Soo many settings to chose from. Didnt realize the required items followed the same format, For anyone reading this in hopes to have the same question answered, Within the: Required Items: [], add: { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 14000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" }, example: Required Items: [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, <- custom item skin there. "Amount": 14000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ]
  6. Nomad3211

    Custom Item as Currency

    Hi there! Love the plugin! I am customizing it to suit my server, and rather than use economics or scrap or something, I am making 1 item with a rare drop chance. am I able to use custom items as upgrade currencies ? I dont see a spot to put the skin ID of the currency item, Does it just use the display name to find the currency? Any help with this is greatly appreciated!!
  7. Nomad3211

    Number Formatted Price?

    Hi there! I love the plugin soo far, but I have had a number of players complain that the numbers are hard to read. I went into the Shop.cs and was able to change the player balance title to a number formatted string, so the balance displays as: $1,000,000 rather than $1000000. Here was my update on player balance: public string GetBalanceTitle(BasePlayer player) { var playerBalance = ShowBalance(player); var formattedPlayerBalance = playerBalance.ToString("N0"); return _instance.Msg(player, BalanceLangKey, formattedPlayerBalance); } I can't seem to figure out how to do this for individual item prices though. went into the item class but that's where I get stuck. Do you have any plans on adding number formatting in the future? Or is it possible to perhaps point me in the right direction, so I can tackle it? Any help with this is greatly appreciated!!!
  8. Thank you!! I ended up making a universal command that opens tab/pages that I specify. Here's the code I ended up adding : [ConsoleCommand("welcomepanel")] private void welcomepanel(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Player(); if (player == null) return; var args = arg.Args; if (args.Length != 2) return; int tab = int.Parse(args[0]); int page = int.Parse(args[1]); OpenMain(player); OpenPage(player, tab, page); } To use this command: Type welcomepanel TAB PAGE in the console. Example: welcomepanel 1 0 will open first tab, first page.
  9. Hi there! Love the panel. I am getting creative with it and its coming along great. However, I would like to be able to fill out some pages with information on specific plugins and then open those pages directly. Tab : Features -> Plugin pages I know about the indexing for tabs and such, but is it possible to add another argument to specify a page OF a category as well? Kinda like /rules 2 opens second page of the Rules tab.
  10. Supported plugins were found: in the docs under getting started.
  11. Forgive me if I am just missing something here, but I am unable to find the list of compatible plugins you mention in your plugin description: How to add addons? Each text tab has addon option at bottom, just type in plugin name. List of available addons can be found at the top of the plugin description, listed as "Works with".
  12. Nomad3211

    Messed Up Admin Account

    Hi there! I don't currently have the config, as I removed that with the plugin. However, I didn't change much. Here is my current list of plugins: 01 "Backpacks" (3.13.3) by WhiteThunder (0.13s) - Backpacks.cs 02 "Admin Radar" (5.3.2) by nivex (0.15s) - AdminRadar.cs 03 "AdvancedHitBar" (1.1.4) by ProCelle (0.22s) - AdvancedHitBar.cs 04 "AlphaAnimals" (1.0.3) by Krungh Crow (1.98s) - AlphaAnimals.cs 05 "Anti Ladder and Twig" (1.3.1) by kaucsenta (0.00s) - AntiLadderandTwig.cs 06 "ArmoredTrain" (1.4.5) by Adem (0.15s) - ArmoredTrain.cs 07 "AutoCodeLock" (3.0.4) by k1lly0u (0.49s) - AutoCodeLock.cs 08 "Auto Doors" (3.3.10) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr/James/Bushhy (0.50s) - AutoDoors.cs 09 "Auto Farm" (1.5.0) by Razor (2.99s) - AutoFarm.cs 10 "Auto Plant" (1.2.4) by Egor Blagov / rostov114 (0.01s) - AutoPlant.cs 11 "Auto Purge" (2.1.1) by misticos (0.01s) - AutoPurge.cs 12 "Auto Spectate" (0.0.13) by Aspectdev (0.00s) - AutoSpectate.cs 13 "Automated Stash Traps" (1.5.3) by Dana (0.04s) - AutomatedStashTraps.cs 14 "Automatic Authorization" (1.3.3) by k1lly0u/Arainrr (0.15s) - AutomaticAuthorization.cs 15 "BGrade" (1.1.5) by Ryan / Rustoria.co (0.02s) - BGrade.cs 16 "Back To The Wild" (2.1.0) by Krungh Crow (0.40s) - BackToTheWild.cs 17 "Abandoned Bases" (2.0.9) by nivex (0.18s) - AbandonedBases.cs 18 "BadNameNickname" (1.0.1) by P1S4G0R (0.00s) - BadNameNickname.cs 19 "Bag of Holding" (1.6.2) by BlackLightning (2.57s) - BagOfHolding.cs 20 "Barrel Points" (2.3.1) by Krungh Crow (0.05s) - BarrelPoints.cs 21 "Base Repair" (1.0.24) by MJSU (0.00s) - BaseRepair.cs 22 "Beds Cooldowns" (1.1.4) by Orange (0.41s) - BedsCooldowns.cs 23 "BetterAttachments" (0.0.3) by ignignokt84 (0.52s) - BetterAttachments.cs 24 "Better Chat" (5.2.12) by LaserHydra (0.06s) - BetterChat.cs 25 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.00s) - BetterChatMute.cs 26 "Better Chat Filter" (1.7.0) by NooBlet (0.03s) - BetterChatFilter.cs 27 "BetterNpc" (1.2.8) by KpucTaJl (0.76s) - BetterNpc.cs 28 "Blueprint Share" (1.3.2) by c_creep (0.01s) - BlueprintShare.cs 29 "BradleyTiers" (1.1.4) by Krungh Crow (0.07s) - BradleyTiers.cs 30 "Building Grades" (1.0.11) by Default/Arainrr (0.01s) - BuildingGrades.cs 31 "Building Skins" (1.1.9) by Kaysharp & Marat (0.15s) - BuildingSkins.cs 32 "Building Workbench" (1.3.3) by MJSU (0.22s) - BuildingWorkbench.cs 33 "Buoyant Helicopters" (1.2.4) by BlackLightning (0.18s) - BuoyantHelicopters.cs 34 "Bypass Queue" (1.0.4) by Orange (0.00s) - BypassQueue.cs 35 "ChaosExtensionDownloader" (0.1.0) by k1lly0u (0.00s) - ChaosExtensionDownloader.cs 36 "Chest Stacks" (1.3.6) by supreme (0.07s) - ChestStacks.cs 37 "Christmas" (2.0.6) by FastBurst (0.00s) - Christmas.cs 38 "Christmas Tree Presents" (1.0.1) by redBDGR (0.85s) - ChristmasTreePresents.cs 39 "Clans" (0.2.6) by k1lly0u (0.02s) - Clans.cs 40 "Clan Team" (1.0.6) by deivismac (0.00s) - ClanTeam.cs 41 "Coloured Chat" (2.2.87) by collect_vood (0.01s) - ColouredChat.cs 42 "CombatLog Info" (1.0.8) by Pho3niX90 (0.09s) - CombatLogInfo.cs 43 "CommandLogger" (1.0.0) by Netch (0.01s) - CommandLogger.cs 44 "Conveyor Stacks" (1.0.0) by BlackLightning (0.06s) - ConveyorStacks.cs 45 "Convoy" (2.4.2) by Adem (0.10s) - Convoy.cs 46 "Copy Paste" (4.1.37) by misticos (0.03s) - CopyPaste.cs 47 "CustomButtons" (2.0.6) by David (0.56s) - CustomButtons.cs 48 "CustomLoot" (1.2.1) by Steenamaroo (1.69s) - CustomLoot.cs 49 "Custom Vending Setup" (2.10.2) by WhiteThunder (0.11s) - CustomVendingSetup.cs 50 "DefendableBases" (1.1.9) by KpucTaJl (0.24s) - DefendableBases.cs 51 "Discord Api" (0.0.2) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s) - DiscordApi.cs 52 "Discord Auth" (1.3.2) by OuTSMoKE (0.03s) - DiscordAuth.cs 53 "Discord Nitro Boosts" (1.1.0) by Farkas (0.05s) - DiscordNitroBoosts.cs 54 "Discord Server Stats" (2.1.0) by MJSU (0.06s) - DiscordServerStats.cs 55 "Double Jump" (1.1.6) by Raul-Sorin Sorban (11.35s) - DoubleJump.cs 56 "EasyRules" (1.0.1) by Lockdown (0.00s) - EasyRules.cs 57 "Economics" (3.9.1) by Wulf (0.06s) - Economics.cs 58 "Electric Generator Tweaker" (1.0.0) by FastBurst (0.93s) - ElectricGeneratorTweaker.cs 59 "Epic Loot" (1.1.14) by imthenewguy (1.70s) - EpicLoot.cs 60 "Extended Recycler" (1.2.2) by beee/The Friendly Chap (0.52s) - ExtendedRecycler.cs 61 "Friends" (3.1.3) by Wulf (0.00s) - Friends.cs 62 "Furnace Splitter" (2.5.2) by FastBurst (2.26s) - FurnaceSplitter.cs 63 "Ganja" (2.0.4) by The_Kiiiing (1.79s) - Ganja.cs 64 "Godmode" (4.2.12) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr (0.08s) - Godmode.cs 65 "GuessTheNumber" (2.1.3) by Krungh Crow (0.00s) - GuessTheNumber.cs 66 "HarborEvent" (2.1.8) by KpucTaJl (0.03s) - HarborEvent.cs 67 "HeavyCargoShipEvent" (1.2.2) by Cahnu (0.18s) - HeavyCargoShipEvent.cs 68 "HeavyOilRigEvent" (1.0.7) by Cahnu (0.15s) - HeavyOilRigEvent.cs 69 "Heli Sams" (2.1.2) by WhiteThunder & Whispers88 (0.81s) - HeliSams.cs 70 "HitDamage" (1.0.5) by Sara (0.17s) - HitDamage.cs 71 "HolidayLoot" (1.1.7) by FastBurst (0.00s) - HolidayLoot.cs 72 "Horn Doors" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (0.00s) - HornDoors.cs 73 "Hostile Time" (1.0.2) by Orange (0.01s) - HostileTime.cs 74 "Hud" (3.1.2) by ahigao (0.29s) - Hud.cs 75 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.17s) - ImageLibrary.cs 76 "Godmode Indicator" (2.1.3) by 2CHEVSKII (0.00s) - GodmodeIndicator.cs 77 "Instant Craft" (2.2.5) by Vlad-0003 / Orange / rostov114 (0.02s) - InstantCraft.cs 78 "Instant Mixing Table" (1.0.0) by MJSU (0.00s) - InstantMixingTable.cs 79 "Inventory Viewer" (4.0.6) by Whispers88 (0.00s) - InventoryViewer.cs 80 "Item Cost Calculator" (2.0.15) by Absolut/Arainrr (0.27s) - ItemCostCalculator.cs 81 "Item Retriever" (0.6.3) by WhiteThunder (0.32s) - ItemRetriever.cs 82 "JetPack" (1.1.5) by Adem (0.19s) - JetPack.cs 83 "Kits" (4.4.0) by k1lly0u (0.35s) - Kits.cs 84 "Custom Auto Kits" (1.2.5) by Absolut/Arainrr (0.04s) - CustomAutoKits.cs 85 "Limit Entities" (2.0.8) by MON@H (1.28s) - LimitEntities.cs 86 "Lock Master" (1.1.8) by FastBurst (3.58s) - LockMaster.cs 87 "LockOnRockets" (0.3.16) by k1lly0u (0.11s) - LockOnRockets.cs 88 "Lone.Design Update Checker" (1.3.0) by Nikedemos / DezLife / nivex (0.02s) - LoneUpdateChecker.cs 89 "Loot Bouncer" (1.0.10) by Sorrow/Arainrr (0.06s) - LootBouncer.cs 90 "Loottable" (1.0.30) by The_Kiiiing (6.08s) - Loottable.cs 91 "Master Key" (0.7.7) by FastBurst (0.32s) - MasterKey.cs 92 "Mini-Copter Options" (2.4.1) by Pho3niX90 (0.14s) - MiniCopterOptions.cs 93 "Monument Addons" (0.14.2) by WhiteThunder (0.11s) - MonumentAddons.cs 94 "Monument Finder" (3.1.0) by WhiteThunder (0.02s) - MonumentFinder.cs 95 "NPC Drop Gun" (2.0.8) by 2CHEVSKII (0.04s) - NPCDropGun.cs 96 "NTeleportation" (1.7.7) by nivex (0.74s) - NTeleportation.cs 97 "NightVision" (2.4.1) by Clearshot (0.08s) - NightVision.cs 98 "No Flykick" (1.3.4) by August (0.00s) - NoFlykick.cs 99 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s) - NoGiveNotices.cs 100 "No Heli Fire" (1.2.6) by Tryhard (0.40s) - NoHeliFire.cs 101 "NoRain" (1.0.1) by KpucTaJl (0.00s) - NoRain.cs 102 "No Weapon Drop" (1.2.0) by Fujikura (0.00s) - NoWeaponDrop.cs 103 "NpcHordeRustEdit" (1.0.4) by KpucTaJl (0.13s) - NpcHordeRustEdit.cs 104 "NpcRaiders" (1.6.1) by Razor (0.15s) - NpcRaiders.cs 105 "NpcSpawn" (2.6.0) by KpucTaJl (3.42s) - NpcSpawn.cs 106 "OxidationMetadata" (1.4.3) by kasvoton (0.02s) - OxidationMetadata.cs 107 "PermissionsManager" (2.0.9) by Steenamaroo (0.04s) - PermissionsManager.cs 108 "PersonalFarm" (1.0.7) by bmgjet (1.16s) - PersonalFarm.cs 109 "Personal Heli" (1.1.10) by Egor Blagov (0.07s) - PersonalHeli.cs 110 "PersonalNPC" (1.6.41) by walkinrey (1.89s) - PersonalNPC.cs 111 "PNPC Raid Addon" (0.0.2) by walkinrey (0.00s) - PNPCAddonRaid.cs 112 "PNPC Heli AI Addon" (0.0.8) by walkinrey (0.00s) - PNPCAddonHeli.cs 113 "Personal Slot Machine" (1.0.5) by bmgjet (0.53s) - PersonalSlotMachine.cs 114 "Placeholder API" (2.2.3) by misticos (0.07s) - PlaceholderAPI.cs 115 "PlayerAdministration" (1.6.8) by ThibmoRozier (0.00s) - PlayerAdministration.cs 116 "Player Rankings" (3.0.3) by Ankawi (0.01s) - PlayerRankings.cs 117 "PlayerRanks" (2.2.5) by Steenamaroo (1.27s) - PlayerRanks.cs 118 "Playtime Tracker" (0.2.2) by k1lly0u (0.23s) - PlaytimeTracker.cs 119 "Plugin Update Notifications" (1.1.0) by Whispers88 (0.00s) - PluginUpdateNotifications.cs 120 "PopUpAPI" (2.0.3) by ThePitereq (0.02s) - PopUpAPI.cs 121 "Popup Notifications" (0.2.0) by emu / k1lly0u (0.00s) - PopupNotifications.cs 122 "Powerless Turrets" (3.2.9) by August (0.02s) - PowerlessTurrets.cs 123 "PreferredEnvironment" (2.0.12) by k1lly0u (0.68s) - PreferredEnvironment.cs 124 "PreventLooting" (1.14.1) by CaseMan (0.03s) - PreventLooting.cs 125 "PrivateMessages" (1.1.11) by MisterPixie (0.00s) - PrivateMessages.cs 126 "Puzzle Bypass" (1.0.0) by Def (0.00s) - PuzzleBypass.cs 127 "PveMode" (1.1.1) by KpucTaJl (0.18s) - PveMode.cs 128 "Quick Smelt" (5.1.5) by misticos (0.87s) - QuickSmelt.cs 129 "Quick Sort" (1.8.1) by MON@H (0.02s) - QuickSort.cs 130 "Raidable Bases" (2.7.4) by nivex (1.59s) - RaidableBases.cs 131 "Recycle" (3.1.2) by 5Dev24 (1.38s) - Recycle.cs 132 "Recycle Manager" (2.0.3) by WhiteThunder (0.00s) - RecycleManager.cs 133 "Remover Tool" (4.3.40) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.05s) - RemoverTool.cs 134 "Respawn Protection" (2.0.2) by Ryz0r (0.05s) - RespawnProtection.cs 135 "Restore Upon Death" (0.5.0) by k1lly0u (7.34s) - RestoreUponDeath.cs 136 "Rustcord" (3.3.1) by Kirollos & OuTSMoKE (0.06s) - Rustcord.cs 137 "Server Armour" (2.40.6) by Pho3niX90 (0.28s) - ServerArmour.cs 138 "Server Armour Updater" (1.0.5) by Pho3niX90 (0.01s) - ServerArmourUpdater.cs 139 "Shop" (1.2.26) by Mevent (0.19s) - Shop.cs 140 "Sign Artist" (1.4.1) by Whispers88 (0.00s) - SignArtist.cs 141 "Signs Monitor" (1.0.1) by Mr. Blue (0.01s) - SignsMonitor.cs 142 "Simple Kill Feed" (2.1.3) by Krungh Crow (0.02s) - SimpleKillFeed.cs 143 "SimpleSymmetry" (1.0.9) by Shady14u (0.06s) - SimpleSymmetry.cs 144 "Skill Tree" (1.4.9) by imthenewguy (1.73s) - SkillTree.cs 145 "SkinBox" (2.1.29) by k1lly0u (1.42s) - SkinBox.cs 146 "SkipNightUI" (0.1.2) by k1lly0u (0.23s) - SkipNightUI.cs 147 "Sort Button" (2.1.0) by MON@H (0.01s) - SortButton.cs 148 "SoundRustEdit" (1.0.0) by KpucTaJl (8.29s) - SoundRustEdit.cs 149 "Spawn Mini" (2.12.2) by SpooksAU (0.17s) - SpawnMini.cs 150 "Stations" (1.0.2) by bmgjet (0.00s) - Stations.cs 151 "Supply Signal Limit" (0.0.4) by bsdinis (1.00s) - SupplySignalLimit.cs 152 "Tebex Donate" (1.7.0) by Tebex (0.02s) - TebexDonate.cs 153 "Terrain Violation Fix" (1.0.3) by Tryhard (0.00s) - TerrainViolationFix.cs 154 "Trade" (1.2.44) by Calytic (0.00s) - Trade.cs 155 "Troll Cheaters" (0.2.0) by x0x58x (0.02s) - TrollCheaters.cs 156 "TruePVE" (2.1.3) by nivex (3.29s) - TruePVE.cs 157 "TugMe" (1.0.9) by bmgjet (1.04s) - TugMe.cs 158 "UFilter" (5.1.2) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.01s) - UFilter.cs 159 "UberTool" (1.4.34) by FuJiCuRa (0.05s) - UberTool.cs 160 "Unburnable Meat" (1.0.1) by S642667 (0.00s) - UnburnableMeat.cs 161 "UpdatesChecker" (1.1.0) by Steenamaroo (0.00s) - UpdatesChecker.cs 162 "Vanish" (1.8.0) by Whispers88 (0.02s) - Vanish.cs 163 "Vehicle Decay Protection" (2.4.2) by WhiteThunder (0.65s) - VehicleDecayProtection.cs 164 "Vending In Stock" (1.1.0) by AVOcoder / rostov114 (0.00s) - VendingInStock.cs 165 "VirtualQuarries" (2.3.11) by ThePitereq (0.09s) - VirtualQuarries.cs 166 "WPKits" (1.1.4) by David (0.00s) - WPKits.cs 167 "WPSocialLinks" (1.1.4) by David (0.00s) - WPSocialLinks.cs 168 "WPVipRanks" (1.1.4) by David (0.00s) - WPVipRanks.cs 169 "WaterBases" (1.0.14) by Nikedemos (1.04s) - WaterBases.cs 170 "Water Works" (1.0.6) by nivex (0.10s) - WaterWorks.cs 171 "WelcomePanel" (3.0.7) by David (0.39s) - WelcomePanel.cs 172 "Welcomer" (2.1.0) by Dana (0.02s) - Welcomer.cs 173 "XWipeCalendar" (1.0.6) by Monster (0.01s) - XWipeCalendar.cs 174 "Zone Manager" (3.1.4) by k1lly0u (2.13s) - ZoneManager.cs 175 "Zone Manager Auto Zones" (1.3.8) by FastBurst (0.43s) - ZoneManagerAutoZones.cs
  13. Aaaaah okay, that makes perfect sense. Thanks a bunch!!
  14. Nomad3211


    I am interested in this plugin, however: My server is on a bi-weekly Wipe schedule. How do I configure this plugin to only run the wipe command On ONLY the first and third Thursday of each month? If that can be sorted - you have a sale on this and the wipe plugin
  15. Hi! Love the plugin! I was going through the permissions in game and I noticed there are new permissions for Epic Loot that I can't seem to find any information on. In the description of this plugin page, it lists a number of permissions, but there are some missing: Skilltree.1 through skilltree.5 default - if use and craft are enabled, what does default do? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated!
  16. Nomad3211

    Messed Up Admin Account

    HI there! I installed this plugin, got it working and everything seemed fine but I kept getting kicked for packet flooding while shooting npcs in admin mode ( testing loot, had to kill em). As a result, I unloaded and deleted the plugin. Problem is, when I kept getting kicked for packet flooding, it was at airfield where I was testing. After the plugin was unloaded and deleted, I logged back in and was stuck in the position I had been getting kicked from. So I restarted my client, refreshed all plugins, made sure everything was up to date and what not. Still same issue, If I teleport to outpost, I am free and can move around no problem. If I manually go back to airfield, I cant see the Npcs, but they can still see me and shoot me. HOWEVER, if I teleport to airfield, my player gets stuck in the same position I was in when I logged back in, and my account is stuck in the seated position, or "mounted". I cant seem to fix this. Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated! The only thing I changed in the server was unloading and deleting admin toggle because it was causing me to get kicked. Thank you!
  17. "Block Plugins Which Prevent Item Durability Loss": True, <- Set this to false. That config setting can be found in "Oxide/data/raidablebases/profiles/difficultyProfile.json Example: Oxide/data/raidablebases/profiles/Expert Bases.json
  18. There was nothing before that error, and it pops every now and then in the console. at least a few times an hour with an average population of 30 or so players. Here is the plugins list: 01 "Abandoned Bases" (2.0.6) by nivex (10.20s) - AbandonedBases.cs 02 "AdminHammer" (1.13.0) by mvrb (0.01s) - AdminHammer.cs 03 "Admin Radar" (5.3.1) by nivex (5.27s) - AdminRadar.cs 04 "AdvancedHitBar" (1.1.2) by ProCelle (8.51s) - AdvancedHitBar.cs 05 "Anti Ladder and Twig" (1.3.1) by kaucsenta (0.00s) - AntiLadderandTwig.cs 06 "Convoy" (2.3.6) by Adem (0.00s) - Convoy.cs 07 "Auto Doors" (3.3.10) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr/James/Bushhy (7.97s) - AutoDoors.cs 08 "Auto Farm" (1.5.0) by Razor (57.36s) - AutoFarm.cs 09 "Auto Plant" (1.2.4) by Egor Blagov / rostov114 (0.27s) - AutoPlant.cs 10 "Auto Purge" (2.1.1) by misticos (0.28s) - AutoPurge.cs 11 "Automated Stash Traps" (1.5.3) by Dana (0.49s) - AutomatedStashTraps.cs 12 "Automatic Authorization" (1.3.3) by k1lly0u/Arainrr (1.31s) - AutomaticAuthorization.cs 13 "BGrade" (1.1.5) by Ryan / Rustoria.co (1.70s) - BGrade.cs 14 "Backpacks" (3.11.8) by WhiteThunder (5.14s) - Backpacks.cs 15 "BadNameNickname" (1.0.1) by P1S4G0R (0.00s) - BadNameNickname.cs 16 "Bag of Holding" (1.5.0) by BlackLightning (60.74s) - BagOfHolding.cs 17 "Base Repair" (1.0.24) by MJSU (0.01s) - BaseRepair.cs 18 "Beds Cooldowns" (1.1.4) by Orange (0.49s) - BedsCooldowns.cs 19 "BetterAttachments" (0.0.3) by ignignokt84 (3.57s) - BetterAttachments.cs 20 "Better Chat" (5.2.12) by LaserHydra (1.17s) - BetterChat.cs 21 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.03s) - BetterChatMute.cs 22 "Better Chat Filter" (1.7.0) by NooBlet (0.84s) - BetterChatFilter.cs 23 "BetterNpc" (1.2.1) by KpucTaJl (2.81s) - BetterNpc.cs 24 "Monument Addons" (0.14.1) by WhiteThunder (0.07s) - MonumentAddons.cs 25 "Blueprint Share" (1.3.2) by c_creep (0.47s) - BlueprintShare.cs 26 "Box Sorter Lite" (1.0.9) by haggbart (10.38s) - BoxSorterLite.cs 27 "BradleyTiers" (1.1.4) by Krungh Crow (2.68s) - BradleyTiers.cs 28 "Building Grades" (1.0.11) by Default/Arainrr (0.05s) - BuildingGrades.cs 29 "Buoyant Helicopters" (1.2.2) by BlackLightning (1.51s) - BuoyantHelicopters.cs 30 "Bypass Queue" (1.0.4) by Orange (0.00s) - BypassQueue.cs 31 "Chest Stacks" (1.3.6) by supreme (0.96s) - ChestStacks.cs 32 "Clans" (0.2.6) by k1lly0u (0.13s) - Clans.cs 33 "Clan Team" (1.0.6) by deivismac (0.02s) - ClanTeam.cs 34 "Copy Paste" (4.1.36) by misticos (0.54s) - CopyPaste.cs 35 "CustomButtons" (2.0.6) by David (18.10s) - CustomButtons.cs 36 "Custom Vending Setup" (2.10.2) by WhiteThunder (0.61s) - CustomVendingSetup.cs 37 "DefendableBases" (1.1.5) by KpucTaJl (0.03s) - DefendableBases.cs 38 "Discord Api" (0.0.2) by Pho3niX90 (0.02s) - DiscordApi.cs 39 "Discord Rewards" (1.4.0) by birthdates (0.01s) - DiscordRewards.cs 40 "EasyRules" (1.0.1) by Lockdown (0.02s) - EasyRules.cs 41 "Economics" (3.9.1) by Wulf (2.83s) - Economics.cs 42 "Electric Generator Tweaker" (1.0.0) by FastBurst (3.15s) - ElectricGeneratorTweaker.cs 43 "Entity Cleanup" (4.0.0) by 2CHEVSKII (0.01s) - EntityCleanup.cs 44 "Epic Loot" (1.1.10) by imthenewguy (30.94s) - EpicLoot.cs 45 "Extended Recycler" (1.2.2) by beee/The Friendly Chap (2.56s) - ExtendedRecycler.cs 46 "Extra Seating" (1.0.9) by Pho3niX90 (2.54s) - ExtraSeating.cs 47 "FancyDrop" (3.2.2) by FastBurst (4.12s) - FancyDrop.cs 48 "Friends" (3.1.3) by Wulf (0.38s) - Friends.cs 49 "Furnace Splitter" (2.5.1) by FastBurst (87.40s) - FurnaceSplitter.cs 50 "Ganja" (2.0.4) by The_Kiiiing (69.69s) - Ganja.cs 51 "Gather Rewards" (1.6.7) by Shady14u (75.76s) - GatherRewards.cs 52 "Godmode" (4.2.12) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr (4.08s) - Godmode.cs 53 "GuessTheNumber" (2.1.3) by Krungh Crow (0.02s) - GuessTheNumber.cs 54 "HarborEvent" (2.1.3) by KpucTaJl (5.05s) - HarborEvent.cs 55 "HeavyCargoShipEvent" (1.2.2) by Cahnu (12.59s) - HeavyCargoShipEvent.cs 56 "HeavyOilRigEvent" (1.0.7) by Cahnu (11.68s) - HeavyOilRigEvent.cs 57 "Heli Sams" (2.1.0) by WhiteThunder & Whispers88 (18.23s) - HeliSams.cs 58 "Horn Doors" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (0.00s) - HornDoors.cs 59 "Hostile Time" (1.0.2) by Orange (0.54s) - HostileTime.cs 60 "Hud" (3.0.7) by ahigao (18.79s) - Hud.cs 61 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (2.00s) - ImageLibrary.cs 62 "Instant Craft" (2.2.4) by Vlad-0003 / Orange / rostov114 (7.03s) - InstantCraft.cs 63 "Instant Mixing Table" (1.0.0) by MJSU (0.00s) - InstantMixingTable.cs 64 "Inventory Viewer" (4.0.6) by Whispers88 (0.00s) - InventoryViewer.cs 65 "Item Cost Calculator" (2.0.15) by Absolut/Arainrr (0.25s) - ItemCostCalculator.cs 66 "JetPack" (1.1.0) by Adem (5.19s) - JetPack.cs 67 "Kits" (4.4.0) by k1lly0u (5.89s) - Kits.cs 68 "Custom Auto Kits" (1.2.5) by Absolut/Arainrr (0.63s) - CustomAutoKits.cs 69 "Limit Entities" (2.0.8) by MON@H (6.32s) - LimitEntities.cs 70 "Lock Master" (1.1.8) by FastBurst (5.80s) - LockMaster.cs 71 "LockOnRockets" (0.3.15) by k1lly0u (2.17s) - LockOnRockets.cs 72 "Lone.Design Update Checker" (1.3.0) by Nikedemos / DezLife / nivex (0.02s) - LoneUpdateChecker.cs 73 "Loot Bouncer" (1.0.10) by Sorrow/Arainrr (1.42s) - LootBouncer.cs 74 "Loottable" (1.0.29) by The_Kiiiing (85.41s) - Loottable.cs 75 "Barrel Points" (2.3.1) by Krungh Crow (0.07s) - BarrelPoints.cs 76 "Master Key" (0.7.7) by FastBurst (34.83s) - MasterKey.cs 77 "Mini-Copter Options" (2.4.0) by Pho3niX90 (2.30s) - MiniCopterOptions.cs 78 "Monument Finder" (3.1.0) by WhiteThunder (0.02s) - MonumentFinder.cs 79 "NPC Drop Gun" (2.0.8) by 2CHEVSKII (1.19s) - NPCDropGun.cs 80 "NTeleportation" (1.7.6) by nivex (9.44s) - NTeleportation.cs 81 "NightVision" (2.4.1) by Clearshot (1.32s) - NightVision.cs 82 "No Durability" (2.2.5) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr (0.51s) - NoDurability.cs 83 "No Flykick" (1.3.4) by August (0.04s) - NoFlykick.cs 84 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s) - NoGiveNotices.cs 85 "No Weapon Drop" (1.2.0) by Fujikura (0.00s) - NoWeaponDrop.cs 86 "NoWorkbench" (0.1.51) by k1lly0u (0.01s) - NoWorkbench.cs 87 "NpcRaiders" (1.5.2) by Razor (3.64s) - NpcRaiders.cs 88 "NpcSpawn" (2.5.3) by KpucTaJl (25.37s) - NpcSpawn.cs 89 "OxidationMetadata" (1.4.3) by kasvoton (0.05s) - OxidationMetadata.cs 90 "PermissionsManager" (2.0.9) by Steenamaroo (0.35s) - PermissionsManager.cs 91 "PersonalFarm" (1.0.7) by bmgjet (91.89s) - PersonalFarm.cs 92 "Personal Heli" (1.1.8) by Egor Blagov (8.29s) - PersonalHeli.cs 93 "PersonalNPC" (1.6.11) by walkinrey (68.41s) - PersonalNPC.cs 94 "PNPC Heli AI Addon" (0.0.4) by walkinrey (0.00s) - PNPCAddonHeli.cs 95 "PNPC Raid Addon" (0.0.2) by walkinrey (0.00s) - PNPCAddonRaid.cs 96 "Personal Slot Machine" (1.0.5) by bmgjet (4.05s) - PersonalSlotMachine.cs 97 "Personal Vault Door" (1.0.3) by bmgjet (5.52s) - PersonalVaultDoor.cs 98 "PlayerAdministration" (1.6.8) by ThibmoRozier (0.09s) - PlayerAdministration.cs 99 "Player Rankings" (3.0.3) by Ankawi (0.25s) - PlayerRankings.cs 100 "PlayerRanks" (2.2.5) by Steenamaroo (17.47s) - PlayerRanks.cs 101 "Playtime Tracker" (0.2.2) by k1lly0u (3.91s) - PlaytimeTracker.cs 102 "Plugin Update Notifications" (1.1.0) by Whispers88 (0.01s) - PluginUpdateNotifications.cs 103 "PopUpAPI" (2.0.2) by ThePitereq (0.06s) - PopUpAPI.cs 104 "Popup Notifications" (0.2.0) by emu / k1lly0u (0.00s) - PopupNotifications.cs 105 "Powerless Turrets" (3.2.9) by August (0.21s) - PowerlessTurrets.cs 106 "PreferredEnvironment" (2.0.12) by k1lly0u (23.88s) - PreferredEnvironment.cs 107 "PreventLooting" (1.12.2) by CaseMan (0.54s) - PreventLooting.cs 108 "PrivateMessages" (1.1.11) by MisterPixie (0.14s) - PrivateMessages.cs 109 "Puzzle Bypass" (1.0.0) by Def (0.01s) - PuzzleBypass.cs 110 "PveMode" (1.0.9) by KpucTaJl (5.54s) - PveMode.cs 111 "Quick Smelt" (5.1.5) by misticos (3.00s) - QuickSmelt.cs 112 "Quick Sort" (1.8.1) by MON@H (0.58s) - QuickSort.cs 113 "Raidable Bases" (2.7.3) by nivex (55.53s) - RaidableBases.cs 114 "Recycle" (3.1.2) by 5Dev24 (31.88s) - Recycle.cs 115 "Recycle Manager" (2.0.3) by WhiteThunder (0.28s) - RecycleManager.cs 116 "Remover Tool" (4.3.40) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.13s) - RemoverTool.cs 117 "Respawn Protection" (2.0.2) by Ryz0r (1.07s) - RespawnProtection.cs 118 "Restore Corpse" (1.1.0) by kaucsenta (1.85s) - RestoreCorpse.cs 119 "Rustcord" (3.3.1) by Kirollos & OuTSMoKE (1.00s) - Rustcord.cs 120 "Server Armour" (2.39.24) by Pho3niX90 (0.36s) - ServerArmour.cs 121 "Server Armour Elo" (1.0.3) by Pho3niX90 (0.03s) - ServerArmourElo.cs 122 "Shop" (1.2.26) by Mevent (7.70s) - Shop.cs 123 "Sign Artist" (1.4.1) by Whispers88 (0.01s) - SignArtist.cs 124 "Simple Kill Feed" (2.1.3) by Krungh Crow (0.78s) - SimpleKillFeed.cs 125 "Skill Tree" (1.3.9) by imthenewguy (124.37s) - SkillTree.cs 126 "SkinBox" (2.1.25) by k1lly0u (1.74s) - SkinBox.cs 127 "SkipNightUI" (0.1.2) by k1lly0u (5.53s) - SkipNightUI.cs 128 "Spawn Mini" (2.12.1) by SpooksAU (3.65s) - SpawnMini.cs 129 "Stations" (1.0.2) by bmgjet (0.00s) - Stations.cs 130 "Supply Signal Limit" (0.0.2) by bsdinis (4.52s) - SupplySignalLimit.cs 131 "Tebex Donate" (1.7.0) by Tebex (0.01s) - TebexDonate.cs 132 "Terrain Violation Fix" (1.0.3) by Tryhard (0.02s) - TerrainViolationFix.cs 133 "Trade" (1.2.44) by Calytic (0.18s) - Trade.cs 134 "Troll Cheaters" (0.2.0) by x0x58x (1.00s) - TrollCheaters.cs 135 "TruePVE" (2.0.9) by nivex (75.81s) - TruePVE.cs 136 "TugMe" (1.0.6) by bmgjet (66.25s) - TugMe.cs 137 "UFilter" (5.1.1) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.10s) - UFilter.cs 138 "UberTool" (1.4.30) by FuJiCuRa (0.39s) - UberTool.cs 139 "Unburnable Meat" (1.0.1) by S642667 (0.00s) - UnburnableMeat.cs 140 "UpdatesChecker" (1.1.0) by Steenamaroo (0.00s) - UpdatesChecker.cs 141 "Vanish" (1.8.0) by Whispers88 (0.11s) - Vanish.cs 142 "Vehicle Deployed Locks" (1.9.1) by WhiteThunder (3.54s) - VehicleDeployedLocks.cs 143 "Vending In Stock" (1.1.0) by AVOcoder / rostov114 (0.00s) - VendingInStock.cs 144 "Vending Manager" (0.2.12) by Whispers88 (182.28s) - VendingManager.cs 145 "VirtualQuarries" (2.3.10) by ThePitereq (2.37s) - VirtualQuarries.cs 146 "WPKits" (1.1.4) by David (0.07s) - WPKits.cs 147 "WPSocialLinks" (1.1.4) by David (0.02s) - WPSocialLinks.cs 148 "WPVipRanks" (1.1.4) by David (0.04s) - WPVipRanks.cs 149 "WPWipeCycle" (1.1.4) by David (0.02s) - WPWipeCycle.cs 150 "WaterBases" (1.0.14) by Nikedemos (5.61s) - WaterBases.cs 151 "Water Works" (1.0.6) by nivex (0.44s) - WaterWorks.cs 152 "WelcomePanel" (3.0.7) by David (27.64s) - WelcomePanel.cs 153 "Welcomer" (2.1.0) by Dana (0.77s) - Welcomer.cs 154 "XWipeCalendar" (1.0.6) by Monster (0.09s) - XWipeCalendar.cs 155 "Zone Manager Auto Zones" (1.3.8) by FastBurst (0.35s) - ZoneManagerAutoZones.cs 156 "NpcHordeRustEdit" (1.0.4) by KpucTaJl (0.16s) - NpcHordeRustEdit.cs 157 "Vehicle Decay Protection" (2.4.1) by WhiteThunder (0.27s) - VehicleDecayProtection.cs 158 "Zone Manager" (3.1.3) by k1lly0u (0.24s) - ZoneManager.cs 159 ArmoredTrain - Unloaded 160 SimpleSymmetry - Unloaded I checked raidable bases and didnt see anything about corpse handling, However the skill tree may...... theres a revive perk in there somewhere.
  19. Nomad3211


    If anyone is looking to add a detailed section about this in their discord, I have organized and combined all the set types with their bonuses: Set Types & Bonuses: Assassins -* Increases damage done to players.* UncannyDodge - Chance to dodge a projectile and negate its damage. Barbarians - Increased damage done with melee attacks. RockCycle - Chance to spawn a new rock once mined out. BulletProof - Reduces the damage received from bullets. Crafters - Increases crafting speed. Researcher - Chance to receive your scrap back while researching. Fishermans - Increases the wearers fishing yield. Gilled - Underwater breathing. FishersLuck - Access to a loot table for fishing. FishingRodModifier - Adjusts the tensile strenght of the cast fishing rod, making it harder to snap the line. Hunters - Increase damage done to animals. Survivalist - Increases calories and hydration from all food sources. Jockeys -* Increases speed of the wearers mounted horse.* PVPCrit - Chance to critically damage a player, adding an additional 10-30% damage. Lumberjacks - Increases the wearers woodcutting yield. InstantWoodcutting - Chance to instantly cut down the rest of the tree on hit. Regrowth - Chance for the felled tree to respawn. WoodcuttersLuck - Access to a loot table for woodcutting. Medics - Increases healing received. TeamHeal - Shares heals with nearby team mates. HealthShot - Heals team mates for damage that would have been done when shot. Miners - Increases the wearers mining yield. Smelting - Chance to receive a refined ore, instead of a raw ore, while mining. InstantMining - Chance to instantly mine the rest of a node out on hit. MinersLuck - Access to a loot table for mining. Skinners - Increases the wearers skinning yield. InstantSkinning - Chance to instantly skin the rest of an animal on hit. InstantCook - Chance to receive cooked meat instead of raw meat while skinning. SkinnersLuck - Access to a loot table for skinning. Reinforced - Reduces durability loss on all equipped items. Feline - Reduces fall damage. Lead - Reduces radiation damage. Perm - Double Jump Scavengers - Offers the wearer a chance to obtain additional scrap from barrels and crates. Attractive - Chance for loot to be instantly moved to your inventory. Smasher - % Chance to destroy barells and roadsigns instantly. Tamers - Reduces damage taken from animals. Reflexes - Reduces damage taken from PVP. Transporters - Reduces the fuel costs for helicopters and boats. IncreasedBoatSpeed - Increases the speed of all watercraft. FreeVehicleRepair - Removes the repair cost for repairing vehicles of all kinds. Assemblers - Offers the wearer a chance for their crafting materials to be refunded. Builders - Offers the wearer a chance for their building/upgrade costs to be refunded. Demo - Decreases damage from explosives. Elemental - Reduces cold and fire damage. Fabricators - Offers the wearer a chance for an additional crafted item to be produced. Farmers - Increases the wearers farming yield. Foragers - Increases the wearers collection yield. Knights - Decreases damage received from melee attacks. Operators - Increases damage done to humanoid NPCs. Raiders - Offers the wearer a chance for their fired rocket/thrown explosive to be refunded.
  20. Thats awesome, thank you!!
  21. Sure thing! { "SecurityStringAgainstF1use": "**********", "RestoreCommand": "restorecorpse", "RestoreCommandConsole": "restorecorpse", "EnableReminder": true, "RestoreRandomLoot": false } The asterisks are a placeholder, I have actual letters and numbers as password.
  22. Sure thing! { "Enabled": true, "Title": "Commands", "Permission": "shop.commands", "Sort Type": "None", "Items": [ { "Type": "Command", "ID": 1850545684, "Image": "", "Title": "", "Description": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "entity.spawn ridablehorse \"%player.z% %player.x% %player.y%\"", "Kit": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": "", "Plugin Name": "", "Amount": 1 }, "DisplayName (empty - default)": "Spawn Horse", "ShortName": "", "Skin": 0, "Is Blueprint": false, "Amount": 1, "Enable item buying?": true, "Price": 10000.0, "Enable item selling?": false, "Sell Price": 0.0, "Buy Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0, "Buy Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0.0, "shop.vip": 0.0 }, "Sell Cooldown (0 - disable)": 0.0, "Sell Cooldowns (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0.0, "shop.vip": 0.0 }, "Discount (%)": { "shop.default": 0, "shop.vip": 10 }, "Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0, "shop.vip": 0 }, "Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0, "shop.vip": 0 }, "Daily Buy Limits (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0, "shop.vip": 0 }, "Daily Sell Limits (0 - no limit)": { "shop.default": 0, "shop.vip": 0 }, "Max Buy Amount (0 - disable)": 0, "Max Sell Amount (0 - disable)": 0, "Force Buy": false, "Prohibit splitting item into stacks?": false, "Localization": null, "Content": { "Enabled": false, "Contents": [ { "ShortName": "", "Condition": 100.0, "Amount": 1, "Position": -1 } ] }, "Weapon": { "Enabled": false, "Ammo Type": "", "Ammo Amount": 1 } } ], "Localization": { "Enabled": false, "Text (language - text)": { "en": "Test", "fr": "Test" } } }
  23. I am trying to put a command in the shop that allows players to buy a horse / rhib / etc. but when I purchase the command, it doesnt give me a horse. when I enter the same command in the console, it gives me the horse no problem. Here is the command I am trying to add: entity.spawn ridablehorse %steamid%
  24. Plugin Update Request: Is it possible to add a feature that enables players with permissions to keep their bags upon death?


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