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Everything posted by zulg

  1. So I just bought the plugin a few days ago, This is an add-on with preinstalled bases? and will it change any of my already made setting in config?
  2. zulg

    Raidable Bases

    Just like everyone else is saying in their reviews, This plugin is amazing! Brings so much more to a server, every single player that joins loves it! Must have plugin for any Mod server!
  3. zulg

    Raidable Bases

    This plugin is getting better every time I set it, nice work! I have simple question that kinda got skipped in the video,In the config file under "Maintained Events, manual events, and Scheduled Events has these "Convert PVE To PVP": false, "Convert PVP To PVE": true Is this saying that if i set pve to pvp true, that players can hurt each other in the raid zone only? and if I set pvp to pve then players cant hurt each other in the raid zone?Thanks
  4. zulg

    Raidable Bases

    ok, thanks alot i will do this!
  5. zulg


    It is possible to turn off the rust reward messages for the whole server or do they all have to type /rrm h off ect. for each one? If so how? thanks!
  6. zulg

    Raidable Bases

    Ok, I have taken my time and went thru every line in the plugin and watched the video 3 times, I have added one base that i downloaded from here to raid, Now that all my settings are the way I think they should be, how do i start the plugin to auto load the raidable base? I do not want players to buy raids i just want them to spawn automatically no more than 2 bases at a time for now and 1 spawn first then maybe 20 mins later another spawns! do i use maintained events or scheduled events? Thanks!
  7. zulg

    Spawn locations

    ok, I kinda figured that, but wanted to be positive, thank you for the help!
  8. zulg

    Spawn locations

    I'm using a custom payware map from here and I have botspawn installed, all NPCs work great, but This map has a large underwater monument called aquadome, I set location inside the dome for bots to spawn, but keep getting message that no valid spawn-point, Is that because the dome is under the ocean?
  9. zulg

    Raidable Bases

    very well thank you, i shall my mt purchase!
  10. zulg

    Raidable Bases

    I would love to have this for my PVE server, who much trouble is this to work with NextGen PVE? and does it also work with custom maps I use from here?
  11. zulg

    Horse plugin

    For some reason i can't get this working right, if I find a horse and get on it, theres no message saying it's mine or I have claimed it, second if i look at the horse and type /hclaim it says i already claimed this horse, but yet other players just hope right on a take it, not sure whats wrong heres my config, and thank you! "Options": { "useClans": false, "useFriends": false, "useTeams": false, "SetOwnerOnFirstMount": true, "ReleaseOwnerOnHorse": false, "RestrictMounting": false, "EnableTimer": false, "EnableLimit": true, "ReleaseTime": 600.0, "Limit": 2.0, "VIPLimit": 5.0 }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 5
  12. Ummm ok thank you very much! Remember let the admin set the power of the generator from 100 normal power to anything higher, then I can sell that generator in my rust rewards store for players to put down and use, but the players themselves can't adjust the power output after they get it! again thank you for the time and effort!
  13. zulg

    bradley not working for me

    ok, I understand now, thanks
  14. zulg


    The plugin is called Monument Bradley 1.1.5 by Razor, His plugin has no effect on the launch site bradley in the game, his plugin only effects the bradleys his plugin spawns which are at water treatment plant, airfield ,power plant, and ring road, thanks.
  15. oh i see yes it dose its the store from rust rewards!
  16. Have no idea what your saying, sorry!
  17. zulg

    Map update

    I'll have to wait then My server only wipes monthly, there's no way to catch all the players online to tell them to load there items and reset the map, i'll just update it and put it back in wipe cycle for next time use, thanks
  18. zulg

    Map update

    Not sure how to update a map that's already actively being used! do i just stop the server then upload the updated map thru the ftp and let it override? And the update want mess with any players bases or anything else will it?Thanks
  19. zulg

    bradley not working for me

    Not sure if this is working right for me, i don't see the bradleys heath change when I use radar coomand it still says he has 1000hp but the plugin is set to 2000hp, i am using a custom map but it has the stock Bradley on it and its at the stock launch site too, any ideas? { "Spawn checks Custom Maps (Use this only when bradley does not spawn correctly on custom maps!!!": { "Respawn check (Use rustedit for Custom locations": true, "Respawn check (Vanilla Launchsite)": true, "Respawn check (Launchsite) each x Minutes": 15.0, "Respawn check (all Custom locations) each x Minutes": 15.0 }, "Cooldowns": { "use cooldown between Bradley Kills": true, "Show Gametip on bradleycooldown command": false, "cooldown between Bradley kills (minutes)": 75 }, "Avoid BradleyOptions override settings for other plugins": { "Using Only BradleyOptions": true, "Using BradleyGuards/ParaTroopers (Umod)": false, "Using BradleyGuards (Codefling)": false }, "Spawn checks Vanilla Maps (use this only when you are using just the Launchsite!!!": { "Respawn Use (Launchsite Bradley ,use only when spawn checks are disabled)": false, "Min respawn time (minutes)": 60.0, "Max respawn time (minutes)": 75.0 }, "Bradley Settings": { "Enabled (will not spawn when false)": true, "Change Health (If only using BradleyOptions)": true, "Health": 2000, "Max Fire Range": 100, "Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Hostile timer": 20.0, "Ignores sleepers": true, "Ignores admins": false }, "Bradley Loot": { "Max crates after kill": 4, "Remove Napalm": false, "Remove Gibs": false, "Instantly unlock crates": false }, "Bradley Canon": { "Canon Fire delay": 0.2, "Canon Firerate": 0.5 }, "Bradley Machinegun": { "Machinegun Bullet Damage": 25, "Machinegun Firerate": 0.06667, "Machinegun Burst Duration": 15 } }
  20. zulg


    Have a question, this controls only the default Bradley at launch site? I also use a payware plugin that lets me spawn bradleys at other monuments but that plugin has no control over the default Bradly, say if i change the plugin bradleys heath and speed, it will not mess with default Bradley, with that being said do you think this plugin would mess with my other payware bradleys?
  21. The plugin on the other site, that hasn't been touch in a long time allows you to set the power output of the test gen from 100 to whatever you want, problem is if you put the plugin on it lets every one with a test gen set as much power as they want, everyone over there is asking if only the admins or players with permissions be able to set the power out put, Example I'm an admin and i set the power to 1000 and sell it in my store for RP points, the players who buys the gen cant take it back to base and set the power even higher, you can read all the complaints on the other site as well the U site, thanks
  22. I posted this request at the other site too, because there are very talented People on both sites so I'll ask here too!Could someone please make a plugin that allows us to set the power output of the test Gen. in rust, and also make it where the admin can set the output not the players, there is already one at umod, but know one takes care of it, and it seems messed up with the forum talking over there,I don't think anyone is keeping it up any more! Id be glad to buy the plugin if it could work where an Admin sets the power output, and then I sell it in my rust rewards store for RP points, or maybe use permissions to control the output power?
    Wow its an amazing map with lots of extras, works perfect on my PVE server , its has lots of mountians, but it has nice surprises too! Ill be buying many more from this creator, that's for sure, 5k map that's what my server uses!
  23. thanks for the help, and yes i went and look my provider makes it very easy to upload custom maps!
  24. zulg

    Monument Entities

    ok, so drone stations need to be spawned close to monuments and not just any where random on the map?


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