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Hey there. Having a problem with Skill Tree Items. We have it setup in crafting store with the following command to be run upon purchase: givespitemto {player} 50 2863540162 tome of skill points as per the info on lone/codefling. Has been working fine up until recently. I have just gone thru some testing and it appears the command givespitemto is no longer functioning. gives no feedback in console and gives an unknow command error in game. Might be related to the unity/oxide updates that messed up alot of plugins. The plugin compiles fine. its just like the command doesnt work. In fact the only commands that still work are givexpitem and givespitem. 


Hope a fix can be deployed soon for this.




Edit. Confirm givespitem does work. had to give myself 2x 50 sp items to give to a player. 

Edited by Aussie4life
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On 9/27/2023 at 12:13 PM, imthenewguy said:

Its a console command.

yep and that still doesnt work. tried it with %steamid%, player name and steam64id. still didnt give the items. Didnt give any feedback in console when ran either


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It won't give feedback if:
The target is null (not found) or you don't have the oxide permissions to run the command (if using in game console), or if it gives the item to the player.

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2 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

It won't give feedback if:
The target is null (not found) or you don't have the oxide permissions to run the command (if using in game console), or if it gives the item to the player.

givespitemto {player} 50 2863540162 tome of skill points - This is the correct command and syntax? Where {player} gets replaced by the players name?


Edit: i just ran, via server console (we use a ptero dedi), the following command: image.png.605a6b34c72cd01778ea0b209c884806.png and got nothing in my inventory in game. Perms shouldnt matter using web console. and i was logged in and awake when running the command. Trust me im not here trying to waste your time. Target cant be null as its my account, perms shouldnt matter in web console, and i didnt get the item in game.... if its not an issue with the plugin (given the recent updates, it seems likely theres something wrong with the way the plugin compiles given all the plugins that have had issues), then what would the most likely issue be?


Here is my in game inv to show i never got the item when running the command in console.



Edited by Aussie4life
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Unload all other plugins except for SkillTree and SkillTreeItems and see if the issue persists. If it doesn't, then it means that you have another plugin potentially conflicting with it.

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should I able to add these items to loot table?

hmm..sor I mean is it possible to add these items to the loot table in raidable bases

Edited by AaronL
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Error while compiling SkillTreeItems: Member modifier 'private' must precede the member type and name | Line: 29, Pos: 9

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We're playing Roguelike, is there any chance these could drop on player death (when configured to reset them) with a configurable % of their total xp? 

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Running latest version.

Error is:
 Error while compiling SkillTree: 'IFuelSystem' does not contain a definition for 'nextFuelCheckTime' and no accessible extension method 'nextFuelCheckTime' accepting a first argument of type 'IFuelSystem' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 6816, Pos: 58

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I wish we would be able to change the lang files because having these read as presents kinda defeats the whole purpose of them being labeled as one thing, and read as another.  

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