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Rust Rewards 3.1.9

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That may be an option in ServerRewards/Economics - I'm not sure.
If it's not I can look into adding that to RustRewards.

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11 hours ago, Stark said:

Anyone else having problems with double rewards for the same kill? 

It only happens with NPCs. You can kill one (1) NPC and get double rewards for it. 

image (1).png

Is it only Heavy Scientist or happening with other npc types too?

It's possible to get double rewards with BotReSpawn, for example, as RustRewards has a BotReSpawn reward setting built in, but BotReSpawn also has per-profile Reward settings which call RustRewards.
I'd guess it's something like that, except not BotReSpawn...Some other plugin.

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Is there away to have to have it not say heavyscientiest for all npcs created with BetterNPC and use the names crated with that plugin?

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On 3/12/2023 at 7:32 AM, Steenamaroo said:

Is it only Heavy Scientist or happening with other npc types too?

It's possible to get double rewards with BotReSpawn, for example, as RustRewards has a BotReSpawn reward setting built in, but BotReSpawn also has per-profile Reward settings which call RustRewards.
I'd guess it's something like that, except not BotReSpawn...Some other plugin.

Yeah, it's all NPCs, but NPCs only. This is will Betternpc. Which I'm not too worried anymore as I'll be moving on from Betternpc soon. 

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Is it possible to add a feature for PVP whereby you get points for killing X amount of players, not just 1? For example if you kill 3 you get 1 RP, kill 5 you get 3RP and so on? There's a dead plugin on uMod that does this but without the features like team abuse that's already built in.

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2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

I'll take a look and see what I can do. 👍

Just to add, if you do end up implementing this. Another safeguard for PVP is stop counting kills if you've killed the same person x amount of times in a row.

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1 minute ago, Steenamaroo said:

In what way?

Error while compiling: RustRewards.cs(1025,30): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `NetworkableId' expression to type `uint'

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Getting the same error:

Error while compiling: RustRewards.cs(1025,30): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `NetworkableId' expression to type `uint'


Should we reset config or something?

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  • Administrator

Download the latest version.
I updated in advance of wipe.

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don't know if it's a bug steem but it show 2.2.3 and not 2.2.4 on latest version


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Just now, Steenamaroo said:

Download the latest version.
I updated in advance of wipe.

This is the updated verison

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