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Rust Rewards 3.2.3

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Is it possible to insert roadsigns, to get money when i Destroy it?

Best regards 

  • Administrator


I'll make a note and take a look at that next time I'm working on RustRewards.
Thanks for the suggestion!

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whats about the polar bear ? 😄

  • Administrator


It's not in the UI under animal kills?
It should be there automatically, as far as I know.



6 hours ago, MingoBingo said:

whats about the polar bear ? 😄

6 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

It's not in the UI under animal kills?
It should be there automatically, as far as I know.

It shows below bear for me.
7 from the top.
When you are looking at the UI.

Which version do you have @MingoBingo



Hi there,

I was wondering if you have thought about adding support for the Notify plugin? I was wanting to receive a notification through Notify of the reward instead of a chat message.

Thanks for the great plugin!

  • Like 1


7 hours ago, Albonation said:

Hi there,

I was wondering if you have thought about adding support for the Notify plugin? I was wanting to receive a notification through Notify of the reward instead of a chat message.

Thanks for the great plugin!

Also in favor of this and/or Popup Notifications. Helps very much keep the chat clean 🙂




Popup notifications are already a possibility in the plugin.

16 hours ago, Albonation said:

I was wondering if you have thought about adding support for the Notify plugin? I was wanting to receive a notification through Notify of the reward instead of a chat message.

8 hours ago, Neighigh said:

Also in favor of this and/or Popup Notifications. Helps very much keep the chat clean 🙂

Have either of you @Albonation or @Neighigh by chance tried changing your notification setting "Type" to "Icon"?
You can also set the "Icon Position" to your liking. I've changed it a few times. Keep changing my mind. ^-^



35 minutes ago, Jbird said:

Popup notifications are already a possibility in the plugin.

Have either of you @Albonation or @Neighigh by chance tried changing your notification setting "Type" to "Icon"?
You can also set the "Icon Position" to your liking. I've changed it a few times. Keep changing my mind. ^-^

Yessir! I made my own icon and moved it next to our XP Bar, set to default and looks real clean cause XP and $$$ show up right next to eachother now.



Yes, I did see that the plugin had it's own pop-up thing going on. However, I was hoping to keep things a little less cluttered and I happened to prefer the Notify popup.



7 hours ago, Neighigh said:

Yessir! I made my own icon and moved it next to our XP Bar, set to default and looks real clean cause XP and $$$ show up right next to eachother now.

Nice! 🍻



Hello....How to I activate HappyHour?

  • Administrator


Just set a valid begin and end hour for happy hour, and make sure that the happy hour multiplier is not 0.
That's all. 🙂



I really cant get Happy hour to start... What would I need to put for it to start at 7pm (Game Time)

And end at 8pm (Game time)

      "HappyHour_BeginHour": 21,
      "HappyHour_EndHour": 22,

    "Multipliers": {
      "UseDynamicDistance": false,
      "DynamicDistance": 0.0099999997764825821,
      "HappyHour": 1.0,
      "RaidableBases": 1.0


  • Administrator


That should work, although that's between 9 and 10 pm.

Between 7 and 8 is 
"HappyHour_BeginHour": 19,
"HappyHour_EndHour": 20,



A bit of a strange one this, and I've now fixed the config. RustRewards suddenly and randomly stopped giving RP on one of my servers, and switched to scrap instead - I have no idea why. The config had changed itself only with respect to the type of reward given, everything else in the config was unchanged.

The chain of events are as follows.

I did a mid-monthly wipe on Thursday 21st at 7.00pm. Rewards were given up until midnight, and then a new ServerRewards earnings file in the logs folder was created and rewards were given until 10:54am, and then they stopped. This must have been when the config changed and as I am the only one with access to it on the server I can't even say to myself "maybe one of the other admins did it accidentally."

Nobody noticed it until yesterday when one player saw they weren't getting rewards, and another one (thankfully) saw they were getting scrap instead. (Well spotted that man, I gave him 5,000RP as a reward as I suddenly had a chance of finding the cause of the problem.) Up until that point I was scratching my head in puzzlement as to why it had suddenly stopped working as it always has without any problems. 🙂👍

While describing the problem in #bugs on my Discord, a friend of mine who used to be an admin on my servers and has now gone on to create his own PvE network, chipped in that "I’d keep an eye out for that, it’s happened to me a couple times lately. It’s just random."

So I know it's a bug and not me being an idiot. This time anyway. 😉

For what it's worth, here's a screenshot of the recent earnings logs, you can see the date and time stamps for the last time the logs were written to.


I also noticed that the config file is constantly being updated and I have to keep clicking yes to reloading it in Notepad++ every so often. Shouldn't that be a data file that's updated and not the config? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway. All fixed now and I'll be sure to check the configs on my servers every couple of days.

Over to you, Steenamaroo. 🙂

  • Administrator


Thanks for the detailed report.
The config file changing/updating is normal enough, as the config file is saved when an admin or player with the adminui permission uses the UI.
The reason for that is that the admin ui can change config variables, so it has to be saved upon exit to ensure that any changes are committed.

To make manual changes to the config file it's best to either ensure that no one with adminui permission is using the UI at the time, or that RustRewards is unloaded.


For the switching to scrap issue - I'm not sure what's happened there.
If the whole config file reset to defaults that would be one thing, but you say the rest of your settings remained?
You definitely have other settings in there which deviate from defaults, and held their values?

Which version of RustRewards are you running?
Older versions did switch the config setting back to Scrap if ServerRewards/Economics was missing but I changed that at some point.
The current version the plugin should use scrap if SR/E are missing, but doesn't change the setting permanently.




Ah thanks for that I now understand the reasoning for the config updating and of course it makes perfect sense. I was using 3.0.6 for some reason, and updated to 3.0.7 when I noticed the problem, in case that fixed it.

As far as I know, no admins were on the servers on Friday morning as the only one who may have been on there was at work. Which just leaves me who has more time on his hands, and I know I didn't do it. 🙂

I am the only one who has access to the dedi running the servers and yes I usually unload a plugin before making changes to the config, but it depends if it's a config that's asking to be reloaded. I often take a copy of a config to edit it and then unload, copy-paste the changes, save and reload.

Yes, I confirm that no other settings had changed only the reward type so it's a bit of a mystery, one that I thought reporting just in case you have one of those "aha!" moments.

Maybe the version I was using still had the config switch to scrap in it? And maybe there was a blip that stopped it from detecting RustRewards and ServerRewards flipped to scrap? Dunno. The thing is it's all working now as it should so just consider this as a potential bug report to think about the next time you're revising the code. 😉

Sorry. Didn't say. Great plugin. Thank you.

  • Like 1
  • Administrator


Thanks for the follow up.
I think that explains it. I just checked, to make sure, and V1.0.6 does have the code which sets UseScrap to true if the other two plugins are missing.

V1.0.7 does not so you shouldn't see this issue again.
If, for any reason, the plugin is ever loaded with SR/Economics missing in future it will use scrap (and notify you in console) but will not alter its own config.
Reloading RustRewards once SR/E is loaded would set things straight again.

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On 8/10/2021 at 5:04 AM, Elloco said:

how can is disble chatmessage for all player? 

With the newest update you can set the global default.
You need to delete the portion of the data file, or the whole file if you have not customized the item names.
Then edit the new options in the config to what you want and you are good to go with an...

o.reload RustRewards

Or if you do this while the server is down you can just start up and rock on!



Brilliant work with the update @Steenamaroo!

Whenever you get around to another update, could we set also the Icon Position if we use that as the default?
Currently it defaults to dead center and can be distracting.

Or if the global default could be something else, my choice is Top Middle personally.

Keep up the good work! No rush on that update, I can explain and note it a few places.


Posted (edited)

any reason why my config json file isn't saving. tried adding reward points and adding true to use economics. save file. open it back up and it's default json again.-finally took after re inputting the reward amounts 10 times. Not sure why they kept going back to default.

Edited by sarge


1 hour ago, sarge said:

any reason why my config json file isn't saving. tried adding reward points and adding true to use economics. save file. open it back up and it's default json again.-finally took after re inputting the reward amounts 10 times. Not sure why they kept going back to default.

Were you trying to do this while it was running?
For some plugins like this you need to unload the plugin, then make your edits, then load again.

  • Administrator


@sarge- This ^.
RustRewards expects you to be making changes via UI so config saves when you unload/reload it.
To make manual changes to the file you'd need to unload RustRewards, do your work, then reload.



Request: Add config option so that pickup only applies to planters.  Right now someone could plant 500 seeds on a river and come back in 3 hours and get a ton of money.  I would rather reward the person who built a farm. 

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