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About Canvas


Canvas provides your server a new way to allow your community to connect or play against eachother in an art pixel war. This is heavily inspired by r/place.



  • Large canvases that players in your server can draw on
  • Three different types of pixel group-based payments for fresh or overtaking fees
  • Group-based cooldowns for placing pixels
  • Zooming in and out / scrolling capabilities, or coordinate inputs
  • Pixels are registered per players that overtook them
  • Pixel age tracking
  • Exporting to Imgur or PNG in super-size resolutions (API optimal) 

Next Update

  • Multi-selection support — for selective pixels exporting + API
  • Custom empty-pixel background colors (dark/light mode or paper)
  • Viewer settings — saved to file
  • Timelapse support — record placed pixels + API
  • Pixel notes — for any purchased pixels, you can leave notes
  • More exporting options


  • Load in the actual 2022-edition r/place datasets into Canvas
  • Add image loader into the Canvas
  • Add private canvases, multiple global canvas pages and showcase lists
  • Integrate export Canvases onto signs (can already do it by exporting the Canvas to Imgur, and using SignArtist to place it on)
  • Pixel notes
  • Live feed of other players' selected pixels



byte [] ExportCanvas ( int scale = 25, int yOffset = 1, bool transparent = false, int blur = 0 ); // Exports PNG squared Canvas
void UploadCanvasToImgur ( Action<string> onUpload, int scale = 25, int yOffset = 1, bool transparent = false, int blur = 0 );
void SetPixel ( int x, int y, string color, string note, ulong playerId ); // playerId can be 0 to anonymously set it
void ClearPixel ( int x, int y );
void ApplyImage ( string url ); // Downloads and applies the pixels of an image - make sure it's the same resolution as the canvas

byte [] ExportCanvas ( Canvas.Painting painting, int scale = 25, int yOffset = 1, bool transparent = false, int blur = 0 ); // Exports PNG squared Canvas
void UploadCanvasToImgur ( Canvas.Painting painting, Action<string> onUpload, int scale = 25, int yOffset = 1, bool transparent = false, int blur = 0 );
void SetPixel ( Canvas.Painting painting, int x, int y, string color, string note, ulong playerId ); // playerId can be 0 to anonymously set it
void ClearPixel ( Canvas.Painting painting, int x, int y );
void ApplyImage ( Canvas.Painting painting, string url ); // Downloads and applies the pixels of an image - make sure it's the same resolution as the canvas



        "CanvasCommand": "canvas",
        "Resolution": 160,
        "Export Scale": 25,
        "Zoom Iterations": 5,
        "Zoom Amplifier": 2,
        "Scroll Amplifier": 2,
        "Fee": {
                    "Currency Type (0 = None, 1 = Item, 2 = ServerRewards, 3 = Economics, 4 = Other": 1,
                    "ItemShortName": "scrap",
                    "ItemSkinId": 0,
                    "OtherSettings": {
                            "PluginName": "MyCurrencyPlugin",
                            "TypeMode (0 = Int, 1 = Double, 2 = Float)": 0,
                            "FullName": "My Bank",
                            "ShortName": "cc",
                            "DepositMethod": "Deposit",
                            "WithdrawMethod": "Withdraw",
                            "BalanceMethod": "Balance"
        "Group Cooldowns": {
            "admin": 0.0,
            "default": 5.0
        "Group Max Bulk Pixels": {
            "admin": 500,
            "default": 5
        "Group Pixel Fee": {
            "admin": 5,
            "default": 15
        "Group Pixel-Override Fee": {
            "admin": 10,
            "default": 50


  • Canvas.use: To be able to call the /canvas and do any activity.
  • Canvas.export: To be able to run the Export UI command and see the button on the Canvas.
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