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BotReSpawn 1.2.9

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I had a few requests to change the increments system because a lot of people set health of several thousands and going up in tens was a bit of a nightmare.
The current solution is to go up in tens to 100, 20s to , 20s to 300, 50s to 500, then hundreds thereafter.

It seemed like a nicer solution than having to choose your increment, or having multiple buttons for +10+20+50 etc. 

I suppose I could make it go up in tens until 200...

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How I can disable bots's suicide ?
"Suicide_Timer": -1, ??

all my bots die by suicide now, didn't have this problem with botspawn 😕

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So I am struggling trying to figure out how to add custom spawns for NPC's. I have NPC's spawning at some of my monuments and I'm wanting to add 1 spawn point for a Boss NPC. The last plugin was super easy and straightforward with directions but I can't seem to figure this out now. So I have a custom spawn point set. In the data folder in the spawndata file, I changed the health and added a kit. I've also tried override = false and true with no luck. I don't know what to do from here as there doesn't seem to be any info that is clear to me on setting this up. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

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9 minutes ago, T-Nuts said:

So I am struggling trying to figure out how to add custom spawns for NPC's. I have NPC's spawning at some of my monuments and I'm wanting to add 1 spawn point for a Boss NPC. The last plugin was super easy and straightforward with directions but I can't seem to figure this out now. So I have a custom spawn point set. In the data folder in the spawndata file, I changed the health and added a kit. I've also tried override = false and true with no luck. I don't know what to do from here as there doesn't seem to be any info that is clear to me on setting this up. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

And of course, after hours and hours of trying to figure this out I got it to work. I want the boss and only the boss to drop a locked crate. I see it in the defaultprofiles but how I can just have it for this one npc?

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Can't spawn bots in underwater Lab ?


tried to spawn one in each

Edited by PapaNo
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2 hours ago, T-Nuts said:

And of course, after hours and hours of trying to figure this out I got it to work. I want the boss and only the boss to drop a locked crate. I see it in the defaultprofiles but how I can just have it for this one npc?

Hi T-Nuts,
There are some options which users can override per spawnpoint, meaning those settings apply only to that one spawn point, but the spawning of a hackable crate isn't one of them.
If you want a single npc to spawn a hackable crate on death, you'd need to create a custom profile for that one npc and enable the hackable crate option.

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33 minutes ago, PapaNo said:

Can't spawn bots in underwater Lab ?


tried to spawn one in each

Hi PapaNo,
There are some areas where BotReSpawn can't find random spawn points, due to them being tunnels/underwater/underground.
The current system of finding random spawn points doesn't work like that, but I do hope to add something different for these particular monuments in the future.

For now, you can place some custom spawn points in those areas if you'd like BotReSpawn npcs there.

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2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Hi T-Nuts,
There are some options which users can override per spawnpoint, meaning those settings apply only to that one spawn point, but the spawning of a hackable crate isn't one of them.
If you want a single npc to spawn a hackable crate on death, you'd need to create a custom profile for that one npc and enable the hackable crate option.

Copy. Guessing I just copy one profile from defaultprofile and move it over to customprofile and edit it there? Then assign that customprofile to that one spawn point? I can probably figure that out if this is how I need to go about doing it. 

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No, it's much easier than that.
Just do `/botrespawn add *profilename*` and then the UI will pop up at your new profile, ready for customising.
From there you can add kits, spawnpoints, or change almost all of the settings, right in the UI.

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Just now, Steenamaroo said:

Sorry, no. There's no limited version or trial for BotReSpawn.

my friend would be great to show a trial version because in some countries the salary does not exceed $ 150-200. I have to give $ 40 for a plugin, not knowing how it will work ...

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  • Administrator

Sure, I understand.
A trial version or demo isn't really feasible but I'll see about getting a demonstration / setup video together.
Would certainly be a good idea to be able to see what you're getting, in action.

Thanks for commenting.

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| Failed to run a 0.10 timer in 'BotReSpawn v1.0.4' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn+CustomGroup+<PostSpawnProcess>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x001bf] in <d58f5ea89b3f41dca672b45574e6963e>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in <9882f28dc2204b4dba514a9ad18f5042>:0


Can't find in my config any 0.10 timer 😕

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Thanks for reporting PapaNo.
This one's been found and fixed - Next update sorts it out.
Seems like a reasonably rare one - I've DMd you a copy of what I have for now.

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4 hours ago, miki said:

my friend would be great to show a trial version because in some countries the salary does not exceed $ 150-200. I have to give $ 40 for a plugin, not knowing how it will work ...

Find a server with BotReSpawn and try it out as a player? If you are having trouble finding a server with it on, DM me and I will give you my server details where you can see BotReSpawn working for yourself if you like.

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4 hours ago, miki said:

my friend would be great to show a trial version because in some countries the salary does not exceed $ 150-200. I have to give $ 40 for a plugin, not knowing how it will work ...

it's almost identical in use as BotSpawn, but has a UI now. the config files are pretty much the same but more organized.

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kits cannot be used on my servers, only with a plugin with umod, will you add support for all other plugins with kits?

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1 hour ago, palich said:

kits cannot be used on my servers, only with a plugin with umod, will you add support for all other plugins with kits?

I am using this with Kits plugin from Umod , BUT i am editing my Kits as a lot of the skins i was using no longer work with the rewrite of this  plugin and kits with smg's wont work , otherwise working very well.

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@palich which version of kits are you using?

The problem with different kits plugins is some of them dont have compatible API/Hooks for other plugs to test and use the kits to make sure they are valid..

BotReSpawn checks each kit to make sure that they will work with the bot before hand

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35 minutes ago, MikeHawke said:

@palich which version of kits are you using?

The problem with different kits plugins is some of them dont have compatible API/Hooks for other plugs to test and use the kits to make sure they are valid..

BotReSpawn checks each kit to make sure that they will work with the bot before hand

just to clarify, the kits *with skinned clothing that no longer seem to work with the BotReSpawn plugin are ones that i have been using with BotSpawn with no problems, I have also been informed by dev of Guarded Crates plugin that some weapons no longer work with the new npc's (?) and this is the list he gave me, it might resolve someones issues

Supported Weapon List.

Medium to Long range:

    LR300,  Assult Rifle,  M39 Rifle, MP5, Semi Rifle, Spas 12

Close Range:

M92 Pistol, Python, Thomson, Semi Pistol, Revolver


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Whales? This came up with someone else - I suspect maybe a translation issue.
Do you mean Kits?

If so, BotReSpawn uses "GetAllKits" or "GetKitNames", API (either), and "GetKitInfo" API.
Any Kits plugin supporting that API should work, but it's only tested and guaranteed to work with Kits from uMod.

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Would it be possible to add oil rigs as parent monuments so we can attach recurring custom spawn points to them?

Edited by KingSizeKevin
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Sure. I didn't realise that wasn't possible.
I'm out all day but I'll rectify it tonight.

Thanks for letting me know!

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