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BotReSpawn 1.3.6

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I'm concerned about a change made today:

"Botnames should sync with kit names, where possible"

My kit names are not at all a good name for a bot. They are things like bs_zombie_generic1 etc.... is this an option with the update?

  • Like 1


Hello there and friendly greetings!

Years ago, when I first started to use BotSpawn I said to Steenamaroo that I would gladly pay for his plugin, if he ever decided to sell it.

Well... I kept the promise I made at the time. 😉

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, BetterDeadThanZed said:

I'm concerned about a change made today:

"Botnames should sync with kit names, where possible"

My kit names are not at all a good name for a bot. They are things like bs_zombie_generic1 etc.... is this an option with the update?

I agree, i use the same kit on several bots in some cases and am having trouble using existing skinned kits that used to work with BotSpawn but BotReSpawn does not accept it so i have to go back to the original unskinned kit, So if you skin a white snow jacket to something that looks like a stormtrooper it will no longer work,

My kits (like yours) have descriptive names so that it is easier for me to  select them. it also complicates the use of more than one kit, for instance in the example above one kit is called "white" and the other "white2" (doesnt work) i also had blue (which was an all blue uniform) and blue2 had a stripe down the leg (doesnt work) so if you want to use "Dome_Guard" as a kit i doubt if "Dome_Guard2" would work

Edited by pookins


Sweet!  Appreciate all your work.  The plugin is working great and I'm getting more used to the UI and starting to like it.  

Last question:  Would it be possible to modify the cargo ship event and add some more npc?



Posted (edited)

I have never in my life seen so many people wreck themselves like this thread.


If you would rather burn a bridge with the founder of this entire website over $40 and your own severe lack of knowledge that's on you.

Edited by SlyvestorStone
Tofu Ninja


Dose this bot spawn support custom monuments without custom spawns?

  • Administrator



The actual names of your kits are never used.
The update synchronises the kits you specify with the botnames you specify, if possible,
the same as BotSpawn did,

So if you have three kits listed and three names listed,
kit 1 will always be paired up with npc name 1.


@Tofu Ninja- Yes, you can add custom profiles but keep UseCustomSpawns false, and BotReSpawn will just find suitable random spawn points near that profile.

Glad things are going well. Thanks for the comments, and patience this last few weeks.
I'll be adding events relating to patrol heli and CH - I can certainly look into the possibility of augmenting the CargoShip compliment.
Thanks for the suggestion.

@JagsterWintermute- I remember your BotSpawn review! Thank you for the support. 🙂



Hi! Any tutorial on how to use the plugin? I'm kinda new to it. Thanks

Tofu Ninja

Posted (edited)

Not sure what I am doing wrong but I have not been able to spawn NPCs at this custom monument.  I would like to set this up without custom spawns if possible.  I don't want to change profiles when I change maps (just want bots to spawn there when the monument in on the map).  I couldn't find any examples of custom profiles so I copied a monument profile (that does not work).

custom profile

  "Profiles": {
    "Abandoned Airfield 0": {
      "type": 0,
      "Spawn": {
        "AutoSpawn": true,
        "Radius": 100,
        "BotNames": [],
        "BotNamePrefix": "",
        "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
        "Kit": [],
        "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 5,
        "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 0,
        "Announce_Spawn": true,
        "Announcement_Text": "",
        "BotHealth": 100,
        "Stationary": false,
        "UseCustomSpawns": false,
        "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false
      "Behaviour": {
        "Roam_Range": 40,
        "Aggro_Range": 30,
        "DeAggro_Range": 40,
        "Peace_Keeper": true,
        "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 50,
        "Bot_Damage_Percent": 50,
        "Running_Speed_Booster": 10,
        "AlwaysUseLights": false
      "Death": {
        "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0,
        "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "",
        "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 10,
        "Corpse_Duration": 1,
        "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 0,
        "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50,
        "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100,
        "Wipe_Main_Percent": 0,
        "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100,
        "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100,
        "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100,
        "Respawn_Timer": 1,
        "RustRewardsValue": 0.0
      "Other": {
        "Chute": false,
        "Suicide_Timer": 5,
        "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false,
        "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [],
        "Disable_Radio": true
  "MigrationDataDoNotEdit": {}


Screenshot 2021-12-14 140119.png

Screenshot 2021-12-14 140842.png

Edited by Tofu Ninja
  • Administrator


No, copying and pasting things is unlikely to work.

You need to use the chat commands - /botrespawn add "Abandoned Airfield"
Do this at the Airfield, so the profile is stored in the correct place.

After that the UI will open at your new custom profile - Go to the 'other' tab and set Parent Monument to the Airfield.

Once done, this profile will always be at the Airfield, even after map changes, as long as there is an Airfield.

  • Administrator


35 minutes ago, Kærcher said:

Hi! Any tutorial on how to use the plugin? I'm kinda new to it. Thanks

No, there's nothing formal right now, although most of the customising is done via UI.

Is there anything specific you're having trouble with?

Tofu Ninja

Posted (edited)

Thanks I was able to setup some bots there but was not able to add a parent monument because airfield was not available.  Would be nice if the plugin could auto detect the custom monuments like some other plugins do.

Edited by Tofu Ninja


8 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

You need to use the chat commands - /botrespawn add "Abandoned Airfield"

The Abandoned Airfield is not a monument prefab, but a custom marker, its from the Hapis Remaster map made by Nox.

I dont know if its possible to add that prefab to the profil list. But i can be wrong.





  • Administrator


Oh, I see...This is a custom version of the Airfield?
In that case, BotReSpawn won't pick it up - You'd have to just add a custom profile with the chat command, I'm afraid.

I'm not sure if there's a way to detect these custom locations by their map markers or not but, even if there is, I doubt there's a way to detect their rotation, which is essential for the auto-migration of custom spawn points at map change.

That would mean, at best, I could find that monument and offer it as a default location, but any custom spawn points would need re-done any time the map changes, but that monument is on both maps.

Not sure if that's a big deal or not - I'll look into it, either way.



Here's some feedback from me: The old version of this allowed us to choose to have scarecrow AI spawn instead of scientist. I liked that. The scientist AI seem to have some different characteristics than the scarecrows that isn't really appropriate when we are creating "zombie" AI on our servers. For example, the way the "Scientist Zombies" move in this version. Also, Deathnotes gives the scientist kill response when killing a "zombie" in this new version. The other thing is loot. The loot that the "zombies" have now is scientist loot, not "zombie" loot like we got with the Scarecrow AI.

Would it be possible to bring back the Scarecrows?

  • Like 1
  • Administrator



Thanks for the feedback.
Death notes is probably out of my control I'm afraid but the rest I can look at.

BotSpawn used a different prefab for murderer/scientist. The murderer + scientist prefabs, funny enough. 😛
BotReSpawn uses the same scientist prefab for everything, with the only difference being that npcs who only have melee weapons get modded to be less smart and more aggressive, just running at you and swinging.

A few people have mentioned the fact that all corpses all have the same loot so that is one thing I intend to look at.
The other is I think I can bring back in the murderer huffing and puffing,
so my plan would be, rather than having a "murderer: true/false" option,
I'd probably just give each profile a 'huff and puff' true/false, and a click-to-select for default loot type.

I haven't actually looked into it properly yet but my hope would be that you could select from crates/corpses which exist in game and choose one of those as the loot you'll see on your npc's corpse.

At present I think FacePunch's Scarecrow class is probably a placeholder - I don't think it uses weapons or has a completed AI but if they do something cool with it it's possible I could just integrate that,
which which case we would just have Scarecrow true:false.

  • Like 1


Could you also add jackhammer and chainsaw support for the melee npcs, and allow the kits with them to be listed and not removed from the kits for those melee npc profiles?

  • Administrator


That is the plan, yeah.
I want to support all the weapons that BotSpawn didn't if possible.



2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:


Thanks for the feedback.
Death notes is probably out of my control I'm afraid but the rest I can look at.

BotSpawn used a different prefab for murderer/scientist. The murderer + scientist prefabs, funny enough. 😛
BotReSpawn uses the same scientist prefab for everything, with the only difference being that npcs who only have melee weapons get modded to be less smart and more aggressive, just running at you and swinging.

A few people have mentioned the fact that all corpses all have the same loot so that is one thing I intend to look at.
The other is I think I can bring back in the murderer huffing and puffing,
so my plan would be, rather than having a "murderer: true/false" option,
I'd probably just give each profile a 'huff and puff' true/false, and a click-to-select for default loot type.

I haven't actually looked into it properly yet but my hope would be that you could select from crates/corpses which exist in game and choose one of those as the loot you'll see on your npc's corpse.

At present I think FacePunch's Scarecrow class is probably a placeholder - I don't think it uses weapons or has a completed AI but if they do something cool with it it's possible I could just integrate that,
which which case we would just have Scarecrow true:false.

The huffing and puffing is certainly something that would be good to have back. If I remember correctly, during the Halloween event, the Scarecrows can melee attack and throw items. There's other mods out there that spawn Scarecrows and mummies that actually throw grenades.

  • Administrator


That's right. I'd hope to be adding all of that at some point soon.



5 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

I haven't actually looked into it properly yet but my hope would be that you could select from crates/corpses which exist in game and choose one of those as the loot you'll see on your npc's corpse.

If you could pull this off, that would be great. 

  • Haha 1

Posted (edited)

$40 is too steep of a price. That is basically an entire game. Pretty much the same price as Rust itself. You all might have deep enough pockets but I don't. I'm not sure why I should pay such a high price tag when I can take that money and go enjoy an entire other game instead. The most I would pay is $10, maybe $20 tops.

To those that say along the lines "it was dropped on him at the last minute". While I agree with that. I don't agree that is an excuse to charge such an exorbitant amount.

I'll miss this plugin because I will never pay that price tag. It was fun while it lasted.

Edited by thaurane
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24 minutes ago, thaurane said:

$40 is too steep of a price. That is basically an entire game. Pretty much the same price as Rust itself. You all might have deep enough pockets but I don't. I'm not sure why I should pay such a high price tag when I can take that money and go enjoy an entire other game instead. The most I would pay is $10, maybe $20 tops.

To those that say along the lines "it was dropped on him at the last minute". While I agree with that. I don't agree that is an excuse to charge such an exorbitant amount.

I'll miss this plugin because I will never pay that price tag. It was fun while it lasted.


This comment honestly makes no sense to me. The cost of modding the server how you want it and the price of purchasing the game have absolutely nothing to do with each other. If you want to run a cheap server go vanilla. If you want to run a good server it takes money, it takes time, and it takes a lot of work. 

If you want to run a good modded server and not pay anything, spend the next 5 years making your own mods, or pay for the ones that fit your server as you go. You can pay money or you can pay with your own time and efforts. The money goes towards other peoples time and efforts. This is how the world really works folks.

  • Like 5


11 hours ago, Oddyseous said:


This comment honestly makes no sense to me. The cost of modding the server how you want it and the price of purchasing the game have absolutely nothing to do with each other. If you want to run a cheap server go vanilla. If you want to run a good server it takes money, it takes time, and it takes a lot of work. 

If you want to run a good modded server and not pay anything, spend the next 5 years making your own mods, or pay for the ones that fit your server as you go. You can pay money or you can pay with your own time and efforts. The money goes towards other peoples time and efforts. This is how the world really works folks.


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