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BotReSpawn 1.3.6

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Dont give them L96's ,

  • Haha 1


Are you serious about that lousy answer?
Even if L96 is equipped, the damage % of "features provided" should work,
If you set it to 50% damage, you "must" take 50% damage.


Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, dnjfhr56 said:

Are you serious about that lousy answer?
Even if L96 is equipped, the damage % of "features provided" should work,
If you set it to 50% damage, you "must" take 50% damage.

Are you serious about your post , did you read the data config ?

p.s. The old BotSpawn had NPCs that didn't move when no players were around. It is also necessary this time.

all my monument configs have this option

 "Outpost 0": {
      "type": 0,
      "Spawn": {
        "AutoSpawn": false,
        "Radius": 100,
        "BotNames": [],
        "BotNamePrefix": "",
        "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
        "Kit": [],
        "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 5,
        "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 0,
        "Announce_Spawn": false,
        "Announcement_Text": "",
        "BotHealth": 100,
        "Stationary": false,
        "UseCustomSpawns": false,
        "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false


And how is this damage supposed to be calculated , is it when you are naked. with wood armour/metal chest plate/rad gear/ full armour ? , and yes i am serious about my answer. i have from 400-700 bots running around my server as well as 4 types of Huntsman (kitted) and Guarded crate guards (kitted) with a variety of weapons. if they are doing too much damage with one weapon, change the weapon if you want more damage do the same.

Edited by pookins

Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, pookins said:

Are you serious about your post , did you read the data config ?

p.s. The old BotSpawn had NPCs that didn't move when no players were around. It is also necessary this time.

all my monument configs have this option

 "Outpost 0": {
      "type": 0,
      "Spawn": {
        "AutoSpawn": false,
        "Radius": 100,
        "BotNames": [],
        "BotNamePrefix": "",
        "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
        "Kit": [],
        "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 5,
        "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 0,
        "Announce_Spawn": false,
        "Announcement_Text": "",
        "BotHealth": 100,
        "Stationary": false,
        "UseCustomSpawns": false,
        "ChangeCustomSpawnOnDeath": false


And how is this damage supposed to be calculated , is it when you are naked. with wood armour/metal chest plate/rad gear/ full armour ? , and yes i am serious about my answer. i have from 400-700 bots running around my server as well as 4 types of Huntsman (kitted) and Guarded crate guards (kitted) with a variety of weapons. if they are doing too much damage with one weapon, change the weapon if you want more damage do the same.


Sorry for the aggression of my words. I just wiped the server 8 times with a bug in this plugin and lost at least 20 users with it. I needed to calm down. i'm Sorry.

"Stationary - true/false - Allows CustomSpawnPoints npcs to exist off navmesh; They will aim and fire but will not move."

This is not an option I was talking about.
In the previous plug-in, if there were no players around, the NPC did not move, and when a person came in, it started moving, and only then fired when it came within the aggro range.

However, in this version, NPCs are always moving even when there are no players around.

In the previous version, if you set L96's NPC damage percentage to 50%, the player will die in 2 shots, but this version ignores that. Even if it is set to 50%, the player dies with one shot. Damage logic does not work properly.

What makes you sure I didn't read the description?
I've read enough explanations, tried, and there are at least 500 NPCs on my server, and I'm checking all the NPCs closely.

Edited by dnjfhr56


On 8/18/2021 at 2:56 PM, Halbox said:

Yea they have some kind of hibernation mode and just start moving when un-vanished players come closer, that's normal behaviour (I think it's kinda resource saving that way)


And what I'm talking about is this.

Chit Show


12 hours ago, Death said:

Just a friendly reminder, everyone is free to their opinion. They're rightfully frustrated so please let them express themselves without feeling obligated to attack them.

Let's keep things chill. Thank you!

Thank you! 


Posted (edited)

Sometimes I try to understand why these plugins cost more than the game! Yes games are built and sold in larger scales! until today I think its bunkers! So you have a botrespawn plugin, Rust modifies its files, and you claim you need to rewrite the whole plugin! which we all know its a lie! As you mentioned you had full intention of releasing this at the end of the year! why not give people some time? to budget correctly? My opinion is you just want to be making money so decided to slap a 40$ price tag on a plugin which is "not working as intended"!  This is what happens when people start greed over money! you legit gave us no option but to buy this plugin if we want some sort of PVE on servers!Then you have those who purchase your plugin, and complain the state its in, I blame them too for supporting you and then coming here and complaining about it. 

Then DEVS wonder why people start sharing their plugins instead of actually buying them! 

Simple logic, if you keep plugins at reasonable prices  people will buy them if you take the piss your plugins will be shared between friends who put money together to buy one plugin and shit on your disclaimer!  I mean if you take the piss why should other people not take the piss? simple as 1,2,3!

Edited by badboi2k
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This is a very reasonable price. It's been worked on for years, and is one of the best plugins hands down. You aren't getting quality for free my friends. Pay up and be glad you got it free for so long.

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Posted (edited)

40$ is a reasonable price? i don't know about you but i just started my server 5 days ago so never used it for "years"  like you most probably, and I've invested quiet a bit of money, now i get asked 40$ for a plugin which is not even "properly finished"? people like you who have been using the free plugin for  years maybe you find it reasonable!

I guess Rust Edit and HumanNPC will be my best friends and save me 40 dollars! 

Edited by badboi2k
  • Like 1


20 minutes ago, badboi2k said:

40$ is a reasonable price? i don't know about you but i just started my server 5 days ago so never used it for "years"  like you most probably, and I've invested quiet a bit of money, now i get asked 40$ for a plugin which is not even "properly finished"? people like you who have been using the free plugin for  years maybe you find it reasonable!

I guess Rust Edit and HumanNPC will be my best friends and save me 40 dollars! 

The amount of money you have spent so far, doesn't make the time Steen has spent making this plugin less valuable. You choose where to spend your money, you can make your own plugin, use a free one, or use a paid one. But this plugin should be $60 in my opinion so you're getting a good deal.


At $40 dollars and 4+ years of work He's making less than $0.00000001 per hour per purchased plugin. How much is your time worth to you? Would you work for that? If you want to talk about what's reasonable, $40 is more than reasonable. If you want to bring up what you've spent so far, that's irrelevant to this plugin and the work put into it. You're just getting started you said, great. Don't buy everything at once, it takes time to get things right. But if you want the best, it costs money. It costs money because it's something of value. Just like your time.

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Mmmm lots of commends …. but yes to pay for the plugin is good because it's been worked on for years and it is one of the best plugins by far. But to go from [FREE to $40] is not the best idea ever. If its about money then why not make all your plugins paid for. Then at least you get paid for the endless hard work you put in for us all. Now it seems you want to gain for all the losses that you had over endless times spend with only one plugin. This plugin was good for a lot of  servers  but all comes to an end, so good luck in future hope you get all in life that you deserve and i hope someone can be able to create a similar plugin that's more affordable in future. When you left uMod it was a good choice but now … Timing is bad cause its difficult for every one specially these days. To be fair … to go from many users for this plugin to only a few its not making any sense at all even money wise. And for those who read this i am not a child or teen that may be spoiled i work hard for my money and this is not worth it at all. Maybe in future.



Вы заебали ныть. Любая работа стоит денег. 

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$40 is absolutely reasonable. I’ve always wondered why it was free in the past like Raidable Bases used to be. Both are essential to my Rust experience and are worth the cost. 

  • Like 3

Posted (edited)

19 minutes ago, Oddyseous said:

The amount of money you have spent so far, doesn't make the time Steen has spent making this plugin less valuable. You choose where to spend your money, you can make your own plugin, use a free one, or use a paid one. But this plugin should be $60 in my opinion so you're getting a good deal.


At $40 dollars and 4+ years of work He's making less than $0.00000001 per hour per purchased plugin. How much is your time worth to you? Would you work for that? If you want to talk about what's reasonable, $40 is more than reasonable. If you want to bring up what you've spent so far, that's irrelevant to this plugin and the work put into it. You're just getting started you said, great. Don't buy everything at once, it takes time to get things right. But if you want the best, it costs money. It costs money because it's something of value. Just like your time.

 know about my wallet and i do  have a budget and don't have stacks of cash laying around!, Imagine building a PVE server and then coming onto your server and you have to pay 40 dollars for a plugin! So that means my Server becomes useless right? so now im stuck in the middle of having a host and not having the budget for a 40 dollar plugin! Yes i understand there is work behind the plugins, but you cant hand something out for free and then ask a large amount for something you were giving away for free from one day to another! if it was such hard work why keep it free in the first place? why not make 10 dollars and gradually increase it or something!  

Edited by badboi2k


Oooo this is a good one .....  Only 423 have the new vers. for $40 its $16,920.

The prev vers. there is 15 316 downloads ... so if it was $10 and only half those paid for the plugin it would be $76,580.

  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

16 minutes ago, Striker said:

Oooo this is a good one .....  Only 423 have the new vers. for $40 its $16,920.

The prev vers. there is 15 316 downloads ... so if it was $10 and only half those paid for the plugin it would be $76,580.

well you are missing the point, it's the way it was done from one day to another, and I'm sure there would far less downloads (15,316) if it was 10 dollars from the beginning!

and from those 15,316 downloads you have to take into account redownloads and so on lol they aren't straight up new downloads!

so re do your math's genius!

based on the number of people following the free version, which stand at 907x10=9070 and not 76,580!

Edited by badboi2k
Chit Show


You either pay his price or you don't. It is what it is.
I still have to get my updates for what I bought here, but this whole situation has made me rethink buying from here again.

The codefling discord brigade that came in with lies and insults and never a correction from Steen or any other developer looked like a straight up extortion racket. (Death finally intervened)

"This is a very reasonable price, my friend." -Tony
"We're the biggest organization around here, and one of the best, hands down." -Louie
"You aren't getting quality protection for free, my friend." -Franky
"Pay up and be glad we didn't find you sooner." -Lucky

I think everyone should take this as a learning experience and plan for more f#$@ery.

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Hello, has this version same APIs like BotSpawn ? or will u add them into this version? we use many custom plugins with your BotSpawn API to spawn NPCs.

  • Administrator


The API will be different, so other plugins would need to update for that, but no...They're not implemented yet.

They are next on the list, though. Thanks for flagging it.

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System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BaseProjectile.ServerUse (System.Single damageModifier, UnityEngine.Transform originOverride) [0x000e3] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at NPCPlayer.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x000f7] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0  0b/s in, 0b/s out
  at ScientistNPC.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x00000] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.TickAttack (System.Single delta, BaseCombatEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00106] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.AttackTick (System.Single delta, BaseEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00007] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AttackTickAIEvent.Execute (AIMemory memory, AIBrainSenses senses, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x00042] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AIEvents.Tick (System.Single deltaTime, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x000c3] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0 
  at BaseAIBrain`1[T].Think (System.Single delta) [0x0007e] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at BaseAIBrain`1[T].DoThink () [0x0000d] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.ServerThink (System.Single delta) [0x0001a] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at NPCPlayer.ServerThink_Internal () [0x0000d] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.TryThink () [0x00000] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AIThinkManager.DoProcessing (ListHashSet`1[T] process, System.Single budgetSeconds, System.Int32& last) [0x00014] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BaseProjectile.ServerUse (System.Single damageModifier, UnityEngine.Transform originOverride) [0x000e3] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at NPCPlayer.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x000f7] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0  0b/s in, 0b/s out
  at ScientistNPC.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x00000] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.TickAttack (System.Single delta, BaseCombatEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00106] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.AttackTick (System.Single delta, BaseEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00007] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AttackTickAIEvent.Execute (AIMemory memory, AIBrainSenses senses, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x00042] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AIEvents.Tick (System.Single deltaTime, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x000c3] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0 
  at BaseAIBrain`1[T].Think (System.Single delta) [0x0007e] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at BaseAIBrain`1[T].DoThink () [0x0000d] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.ServerThink (System.Single delta) [0x0001a] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at NPCPlayer.ServerThink_Internal () [0x0000d] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.TryThink () [0x00000] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AIThinkManager.DoProcessing (ListHashSet`1[T] process, System.Single budgetSeconds, System.Int32& last) [0x00014] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BaseProjectile.ServerUse (System.Single damageModifier, UnityEngine.Transform originOverride) [0x000e3] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at NPCPlayer.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x000f7] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0  0b/s in, 0b/s out
  at ScientistNPC.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x00000] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.TickAttack (System.Single delta, BaseCombatEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00106] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.AttackTick (System.Single delta, BaseEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00007] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AttackTickAIEvent.Execute (AIMemory memory, AIBrainSenses senses, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x00042] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AIEvents.Tick (System.Single deltaTime, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x000c3] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0 
  at BaseAIBrain`1[T].Think (System.Single delta) [0x0007e] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at BaseAIBrain`1[T].DoThink () [0x0000d] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.ServerThink (System.Single delta) [0x0001a] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at NPCPlayer.ServerThink_Internal () [0x0000d] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.TryThink () [0x00000] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AIThinkManager.DoProcessing (ListHashSet`1[T] process, System.Single budgetSeconds, System.Int32& last) [0x00014] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0






When installed, will appear

  • Administrator


Hi, @lengka

Are you on the most recent version? V1.0.3

Do you have anything in your kit belt that's not recommended?



When I did botrespawn add "profilename" , the ui did not open.
I don't know if this was because of the "-" in the profilename.
This is a simple error report.


  • Administrator


Hi mate.
Yes, it's because of the - in the profile name.

I'll write in a catch to prevent creation of profiles with - in the name.
For now, you could just remove the - in json and reload.

Thanks for reporting it.

  • Love 1


11 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Hi, @lengka

Are you on the most recent version? V1.0.3

Do you have anything in your kit belt that's not recommended?

yes   i use the new

  • Administrator


I think it has to be a kit with an unsuitable item in the belt.

I have the plugin removing most unsuitable items but I think there are still a few users can put in.
Can you make sure that your kit belts have only normal bullet weapons, or slashing melee weapons please?
One of them probably has an unsupported item or tool or something like that.

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