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Chill Roleplay

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  1. when we take a taxi to a location it takes you like into outer space sooo high in the sky and then your just stuck up there?
  2. yes even know default is not on they can still smelt in newest versions
  3. Chill Roleplay

    Anyone can smelt

    Anyone on my server can process the gems its meant to be a high level skill on our server.
    **Fantastic Server Panel - A Must-Have!** I've tried multiple server information panels, but Mevet's Server Panel stands out as the best! It offers seamless integration with any plugins, regardless of their creator, allowing for complete customization of your server. You can even set it up to run specific commands for players, enhancing the overall player experience. (if you get one of Mevents bundles you can also get some plugins that are tailored to work with the panel in a very cool way ) The ease of use is incredible — the templates are straightforward to set up, and the tutorial video can be customized to reflect your server’s unique style. Since switching to this panel, not only has my management experience improved, but my players are also enjoying the server more than ever. Highly recommended for any server owner looking for an upgrade or new alternative!
    XBuildingSkinMenu is a Game-Changer! XBuildingSkinMenu makes skinning a building and adding wallpapers incredibly simple! I got a sneak peek of its upcoming features yesterday, and let me tell you, this is the ultimate tool for building skins and wallpapers. If you're looking to treat your players to something special, this is it. Don’t miss out—go ahead and give them the best! The Hammer to hit makes things easy and fun and if you don't wanna do it manually you can paint the whole house via tc.
  4. Place the wallpaper down (crafted for 20 cloth) then once its all laid out /bskin and select wallpaper then go to tc and paint the house (monster will be releasing an update very soon possibly today or in next couple days with some new QOL features that will make wallpapering a breeze)
  5. Chill Roleplay


    @RustFlashJust an idea, it would be cool to have a optional need for sleep. Like in the sims where you get tired. Maybe like 6 bars and when you loose them all you can no longer run until you sleep again.
  6. everything was working great before. Now our gem cutters cannot smelt the gems @DAez
  7. Multiple Players reporting they can no longer smelt any of the gems or stones that go in the furnace since the update
  8. [ExtractionRareMinerals] CanAcceptItem This error keeps happening wih the new version
  9. I agree I think each item placed should have a cost. I spoke with M&B and he's creating a separate plugin to allow the permissions of each to be sold so you can place infinite amounts still and I was looking to get others' opinions who purchased the plugin. Is there people who want every item placed to be free? What this new plugin will do is the same thing you can have done through skill-tree, npcs, discord or even just active moderators. Id much rather not have o have multiple plugins just so players can purchase the permission. I didn't want this to be a admin-only skill but if everything free every time you place it everyone will have a recycler on truck and airplane and everything. My suggestion is to have a price for each part placed and a permission that makes all of them free for servers that don't care about economy or are just ok with letting people place things for free. People should still need to have permission to place it but should be charged for each one in a custom item /scrap or economics currency. even better would be having a discount for people with the vehicle editor VIP permission I mean think about the servers that will be utilizing this like us with dealerships and mechanics if the mechanics can just give it away for free on each person who pulls up they will be over worked and rarely paid for their services.
  10. Chill Roleplay


    maybye a reward for one of the alerted groups if they stop it? so there's a looming threat to the hacker
  11. Chill Roleplay


    please consider adding a way for police to stop it from hacking also a radius if they leave it stops :) love it thooough
  12. is it possible to charge per placement ? Possibley server rewards or scrap at least to place each item?


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