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  1. More information about "Radial Menu"


    Radial Menu

    The radial menu is a customizable quick access panel with all popular and frequently used server commands. It makes it a lot easier and faster to interact with various server mechanics, be it teleportation, trades, setting house points and various panels.
    Allows to almost completely eliminate the manual entry of commands by the player. Automatic calculation and arrangement of any number of sections/subsections on a circle. Several display effects. Tracks a press of the MMB or on command (can be keyed to the same MMB). Checks for the privileges of a particular command, before executing it. Ability to use your own panel images. Full customization of the location and scale of icons and panel. Support for popular plugins (NTeleportation, TeleportGUI, Clans, Friends and Rust teams). Executing console or chat commands.  
    General settings
    Track MMB presses to open a radial menu? - if the player has a MMB bind, the plugin will not open the Radial Menu.
    The command to open the radial menu - you can use both the command and the MMB tracking. When using MMB tracking and the command at the same time: If a player has a MMB bind, his bind will be executed when he clicks on it, and the Radial Menu will not open. If there is no bind, the player can use both the command and the MMB press.
    Upload images to players when they connect? - when a player connects to the server, the plugin will automatically download 3 images of menu rings to his client. This avoids displaying black rectangles when opening the menu while the plugin is downloading the images to the client.
    Section/Subsection settings
    The plugin has main sections (level 1), subsections at level 1 (level 2) and subsections at level 2 (level 3).
    Section name - the name of the section, which is displayed under the icon.
    Enable this section? – on/off section.
    Section permission [required] - permission required for the plugin to work (without dots). Add "_add" to the end of the name so that the plugin does not register or check permissions for child subsections.
    Section icon - direct link to the icon (recommended size 64x64).
    Fill icon with color below? - Completely fills the icon with the color set below.
    Inactive/active section color [HEX or Unity RGBA] - The plugin supports 2 types of colors: HEX (e.g. "#57de54" or "#57de54ff") and Unity RGBA ("0.34 0.87 0.33 1").
    Command executed on behalf of the player - if you do not have subsections in this section, the command (without the "/" if chat) that will be executed for that player is specified here. You can specify multiple commands using commas (e.g. "radar ui, vanish, adminpanel hide"). If there are subsections in this section, the command is not specified. Specify %steamid% or %username% so that the plugin replaces them with the data of the player on whose behalf the command is executed. 
    Command type - Where to run this command: true - chat, false - console.
    Permissions for above command - if the command above is specified, you can specify the privileges of that command in this field (e.g. "removertool.normal, removertool.structure, removertool.external"). The plugin will check if the player has these privileges before executing the command.
    Show this section only to those with permissions above? - allows to draw the section automatically (without giving permissions to this plugin) if the player has command permissions.
    Show this section even to those who don't have permissions? - forcibly displays the section to all players, even those who do not have privileges to it (if you click on it, a message about lack of permissions will be displayed in chat).
    Subsections layout [n - number] - this setting is responsible for how subsections are arranged.
    0 - automatically. Suppose you have 10 subsections, then 360 degrees / 10 subsections = 36 degrees. The plugin will automatically position the 10 subsections every 36 degrees (clockwise, starting from the top). n - from the beginning. The plugin will arrange the subsections clockwise, starting from the top, not automatically, but in a certain step. For example, you have 3 subsections, but you do not want them to be automatically scattered all around the circle, you want them to be displayed at the top, with some small step, this step will be calculated due to the conditional number of subsections n (for example, 15). Now 360 degrees / 15 conditional subsections = 24 degrees, then your 3 subsections will be positioned from the beginning and there will be 24 degrees between them. -n - from the active item. The plugin will arrange the subsections relative to the active section. For example, you have 3 subsections, but you don't want them to be automatically scattered all around the circle, and you also don't want them to be arranged in some clockwise, starting from the top. By choosing this type of arrangement, the subsections will be located in the same place as the active section, in the increments you specify. It works the same way as above, only n is specified with a minus sign (for example, -15, the minus is needed for the plugin to understand what type of arrangement to use). All examples of the layout of the subsections are present in the standard config.
    It may be unclear how permissions work in this plugin. Let's figure it out with a simple example from the standard config.

    It's not hard to figure out that this is the home point section of the standard config. To exclude identical names of permissions the plugin converts them to this form.
    Because of the large number of permissions generated by the plugin, there are mechanics for reducing them. If you add "_all" to any section, in the "permission" field, the plugin will not register the permissions of child subsections. For example, if the player has the permission "_homes_all", then all displayed houses, all commands (add, remove, etc.), in general everything that belongs to the section "_homes_all" will obey and is checked by the permission "radialmenu._homes_all". The "permission" fields of the child sections still have to be filled in for the plugin to work.
    I strongly recommend using the "Permissions Manager" plugin to set privileges for players or groups. It draws a simple interface, through which it is very easy to add or remove permissions.
    The plugin supports work with teleportation plugins (set/remove/teleport to home point) NTeleportation, TeleportGUI and Teleportation by OxideBro (for RU server owners).
    To do this, in the main section (level 1), you must specify the permission of the "_homes" section, this is necessary for the plugin to understand that it will work with the teleport plugin.
    Next, in the subsection "_homes" (level 2) you must add the MAXIMUM number of displayed house points, for example 5. If the player has more house points than this number, then only the first 5 will be displayed, if less, then all of them will be displayed. For each such point, you must set its unique name, which begins with "home_n", where "n" is any unique number or word (e.g. home_1, home_2, etc.). In addition to the house points here you can place a section with the establishment of the house point, its name should be "home_add", and the command "home add {0}" (command your plugin teleport), where {0} - the name of the new house point, the plugin itself will set it relative to the square in which the player at the moment is (for example D3, if there are several in the square, then D3h1, D3h2, etc.).
    After that, in the subsections (level 3) of each such house point, you can specify commands relating specifically to it. For example: "home {0}", "home remove {0}" or any other commands, where {0} is the name of the specific house, the plugin itself will substitute it when executing the command.
    If you find all of the above complicated, you can take a look at the standard config as an example.
    The plugin supports work with plugins Friends, Clans by k1lly0u and Rust teams.
    Here everything is set up similar to Teleportation. But for the plugin to understand what to work with, in the main section (level 1) you must specify one of the three options:
    "_teammates" - the plugin will work with Rust teams "_friends" - the plugin will work with the Friends plugin "_clans" - the plugin will work with the Clans plugin In subsections (level 2) you must add the MAXIMUM number of displayed friends, for example 8. If the player has more friends than this number, then only the first 8 will be displayed, if less, then all of them will be displayed. For each friend you must set its unique name, which begins with "friend_n", where "n" is any unique number or word (for example friend_1, friend_2, etc.).
    After that, in the subsections (level 3) of each friend you can specify commands specific to him. For example: "tpr {0}", "trade {0}" or any other commands, where {0} is the nickname of the player, the plugin itself will substitute it when executing the command.
    An example of the configuration of this section is also present in the standard config.
    Plugin Config
    Example of plugin configuration in English
    Example of plugin configuration in Russian. If you need Russian config, open it (RadialMenu.cs) before loading the plugin, and at the top set the variable "isRus = true". Then save and upload this file to your server.
  2. More information about "NoFallDamagePlus"



    Preview Video
    NoFallDamagePlus is an innovative plugin designed for Rust that allows players to reduce fall damage based on permissions while also triggering unique effects and sounds when fall damage occurs. This plugin enhances gameplay by providing customizable fall damage management, enabling a more enjoyable experience for players. Perfect For PVE & PVP Servers
    Dynamic Fall Damage Reduction: Players can reduce fall damage based on specific permissions, allowing for a tailored experience. Custom Effects: Trigger a variety of visual and sound effects upon taking fall damage, enhancing the immersive experience in the game. Configurable Effect Range: Admins can adjust the distance from which effects can be seen by other players, allowing for better management of visual clutter. Statistics Tracking: Keep track of fall damage taken, total damage negated, and average fall damage per player. Message Toggling: Players can enable or disable message notifications for fall damage interactions, providing greater control over in-game notifications.  
    How to Use:
    Download the NoFallDamagePlus plugin file and place it in the oxide/plugins directory on your Rust server. Ensure the plugin is loaded correctly by checking the server logs for any errors.  
    Modify the NoFallDamagePlus.json file in the oxide/config directory to customize damage reduction percentages, effect ranges, and other settings to suit your server's needs. Permissions can be set up using the Oxide permissions system.  
    Players will need specific permissions to access fall damage reduction and effects. Use the following commands to assign permissions:
    Or you can add permissions to players or groups with the plugin PermissionManager
    Use Permissions:
    oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.nodamage - Grants complete fall damage immunity. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce10 - Grants 10% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce20 - Grants 20% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce30 - Grants 30% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce40 - Grants 40% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce50 - Grants 50% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce60 - Grants 60% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce70 - Grants 70% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce80 - Grants 80% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce90 - Grants 90% damage reduction.  
    Effect Permissions: Players must also have the respective effect permission to trigger the associated effect when taking fall damage.
    oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectGoldenStars - Grants permission to trigger the Golden Stars effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire - Grants permission to trigger the Fire effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion - Grants permission to trigger the Explosion effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectWater - Grants permission to trigger the Water effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectRichochet - Grants permission to trigger the Ricochet effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectSurvey - Grants permission to trigger the Survey effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectWater - Grants permission to trigger the Water Splash effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.SoundEffectBearTrap - Grants permission to trigger the Bear Trap Fire effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectDig - Grants permission to trigger the Digging effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectSpawn - Grants permission to trigger the Barricade Spawn effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion1 - Grants permission to trigger Explosion Effect 1. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion2 - Grants permission to trigger Explosion Effect 2. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion3 - Grants permission to trigger Explosion Effect 3. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectWaterExplosion - Grants permission to trigger Water Bomb Explosion. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire1 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 1. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire2 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 2. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire3 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 3. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire4 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 4. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectRockSpawn - Grants permission to trigger the Rock Spawn effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectBlood - Grants permission to trigger the Blood effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.SoundEffectHowl - Grants permission to trigger the Howl sound effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.SoundEffectHurt - Grants permission to trigger the Hurt sound effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeMetal - Grants permission to trigger the Metal Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeStone - Grants permission to trigger the Stone Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeToptier - Grants permission to trigger the Top-tier Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeWood - Grants permission to trigger the Wood Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectBulletExplosion - Grants permission to trigger the Bullet Explosion effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectBulletFire - Grants permission to trigger the Bullet Fire effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectDigSiteExplosion - Grants permission to trigger the Dig Site Explosion effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectSand - Grants permission to trigger the Sand effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectMissingCubes - Grants permission to trigger the MissingCube effect.  
    /fallstats - Displays the total fall damage taken, average damage per fall, and fall count. /fallnegatedstats - Shows total negated fall damage, average damage negated per fall, and fall count. /fallnoti - Toggles message notifications related to fall damage on and off. /fallhelp - Displays help information about the plugin.  
    Effect List:
    The following effects can be triggered based on player permissions when they hit the ground from falling:
    Golden Stars Effect Fire Effect Explosion Effect Water Effect Ricochet Effect Survey Effect Water Splash Effect Bear Trap Fire Effect Digging Effect Barricade Spawn Effect Explosion Effect 1 Explosion Effect 2 Explosion Effect 3 Water Bomb Explosion Effect Gas Explosion Effect Fire V2 Effect Fire V3 Effect Fire Explosion Effect Ore Break Effect Bloodspurt Effect Howl Sound Effect Hurt Sound Effect Metal Upgrade Effect Stone Upgrade Effect Top-tier Upgrade Effect Wood Upgrade Effect Bullet Explosion Effect Bullet Fire Effect Dig Site Explosion Effect Sand Effect  
    Plugins By Duff
  3. More information about "Markiii's MotorCross Madness 1"


    Markiii's MotorCross Madness 1

    Compatable with 
    MotorCross Madness #1 – A Custom Dirt Bike Track for Your Rust Server
    Bring something fresh to your server with MotorCross Madness #1, a completely custom-built dirt bike track designed for intense events and challenges.
    Track Highlights:
    Custom-Built Track: Every jump, turn, and obstacle has been carefully designed to create a unique riding experience for your players.
    Challenging Obstacles: This isn’t your average track. With tough jumps and obstacles, it’s perfect for players who enjoy a challenge.
    Event-Ready: Great for hosting server events, races, or just giving your players a new activity to enjoy.
    Custom Lighting: Enhanced with lighting that adds to the track’s aesthetic and gameplay experience.
    Elevate your server’s gameplay with MotorCross Madness #1 – a track built for thrill-seekers.
    Includes Topology, Splat, Height maps etc. For immediate installation. 

    914 Prefabs.
  4. More information about "Halloween Upside Down House"


    Halloween Upside Down House

    Halloween Upside Down is based on the Murder House from Seven Wonders. What you get is the House above ground flipped and placed upside down under the original house with a link between the two and an area underneath filled with the undead for you to kill. Slight changes have been made to the Upside Down to allow players to explore the whole area parkour style.
    World 2.0 Update allowed a full re-design from scratch. New pictures will come in due course
  5. More information about "Radiation Roadway Motorbike Track Monument"


    Radiation Roadway Motorbike Track Monument

    Radiation Roadway Motorbike Track Monument is a thoughtfully created course for the relatively
    new Motorbikes that Rust released. Inspired by actual dirt bike tracks and player tested for maximum

    • 1 Monument: Radiation Roadway Motorbike Track Monument
    • Drivable track with turns and jumps
    • Platform for viewers near entrance to track
    • Recycler near entrance to track
    • Various small details found on actual dirt bike tracks.

    NOTE: Basic Rust Edit skills required if you want to seamlessly blend this monument into your map.
    Drag and drop the monument where desired and apply all Prefab Modifiers: Biome Mask, Height Mask, Splat Mask, Topology Mask.
    INSTALLATION VIDEO DEMO: https://medal.tv/games/rust/clips/inKY1BOjQVaDyjC1Z/d1337btmuynN?invite=cr-MSxrQWYsMTUwNzIzNTcwLA

    Check out this monument in-game on The Monster Den (connect us.themonsterden.net)!

    Feel free to reach out to me on Discord (MonsterQueen) for any questions or help needed.


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