Jedchado's Wishlist
Home Alone
By Ionut Shiro in Prefabs
Multi leveled floors with red card room and lots of loot each level, NO NPC's added ,you can add yourself.
This is a great prefab to add to your server for the Holiday Season that the players will love looting!
Recycler x 1 located in Basement
Entity count: 2664
Monument originally created by Morgana and maintained by me since 2022.
- #home alone rust
- #rust prefabs
(and 5 more)
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Ravaged Lighthouse
By Ionut Shiro in Prefabs
A broken custom lighthouse with a apocalyptic themed reconstruction and additions .
Being a broken monument and has nothing to do with procedural Lighthouse it may not work with plugins that use procedural monuments !
It has no masks it's just simple drag and drop !
Entity Count : 204
- #ravaged lighthouse
- #rust custom monuments
- (and 4 more)
Better No Workbench
Better No Workbench - Rust Plugin
A plugin for Rust that gives workbench access to players with permission. Unlike the free version you can refill items and it also displays the workbench UI in the bottom right.
Give players so they get workbench access: BetterNoWorkbench.on
{ "Default Workbench Level": 3.0 }- #christmas sale
- #workbench
(and 1 more)
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Drone Taxi (Rust Uber)
Drone Taxi adds another way to travel around the Rust World!
Simply type /taxi to bring up a taxi selection screen. Each taxi has its benefits and different scrap costs to run. Prices are all customisable as well as who can use them!
How To Use It?
Typing /taxi will bring up a taxi UI. Select one of the three drone types available and it will be delivered near you. Once onboard right click on your map where you want to go. Make sure you have enough scrap to get there!
The drone will try to avoid all obstacles and are restricted in where they can pick passengers up as well as a drop. Check the video for a demo
Types Of Drones
There are three types of drones, Drone X, Drone XL, and Drone Lux
Drone X is the cheapest and simplest drone. It seats only one person!
Drone XL seats three people
Drone LUX is for the mega-rich players. This only seats one player but is a way better ride
You require specific permission to be able to use each drone. They are as follows and respect the corresponding drone
There is only one command /taxi this brings up the taxi UI
Each drone can have its price per second, as well as base price, tweaked.
flatFeeX -> amount of scrap to charge for setting a destination for drone X
flatFeeXL -> Same as above but for drone XL
flatFeeLUX -> Same as above but for drone LUX
varableFeeX - > How much scrap to charge per second of flight for drone X
varableFeeXL -> Same as above but for drone XL
varableFeeLUX -> Same as above but for drone LUX
coolDown - > Time in seconds before a new taxi can be called
ignoreBuildingBlocked -> Enable this to ignore building blocked sphere (monuments) This is not recommeneded
Sometimes the chairs will appear invisible. This is purely cosmetic for the player and they tend to reshow after a few seconds.
Need to contact me for issues or private work mrcameron999#0001 on Discord
Supermarket Event
A new event that takes place at the Supermarket monument, made for beginners on your server
The event begins with a message in the chat that soon a merchant who sells valuable cargo will arrive at a Supermarket on your island. The merchant and their guards with trained dogs appear around the supermarket.
Players then have the opportunity to rob the Merchant in order to get all the Supermarket loot for themselves. As soon as the players begin to attack the Merchant, an armored helicopter arrives there with additional security and a Debt Collector. The Debt Collector enters the Supermarket and begins the process of collecting his loot and the Merchant for evacuation. If the player manages to kill all the guards outside the supermarket before the end of this process, then he can enter and loot.
There are several more guards, the Merchant and the Debt Collector waiting for the player. The Merchant and the Debt Collector need to be eliminated to get the most valuable loot that they wanted to evacuate. There are also several loot crates inside the Supermarket to be looted. If the Merchant and or the Debt Collector survive, they will fly away in the armored helicopter and the player will not receive the juicy loot they were dealing.
In the plugin configuration, it is possible to configure all timers, the guards outside the supermarket, inside the Supermarket, Debt Collector guards, and guard dogs patrolling outside the Supermarket. The Merchant and Debt Collector can also be configured as well. A list of all the loot crates inside the supermarket, map marker, event icons on the players screen, and more are all able to be adjusted in the config file.
Dependencies (optional, not required)
True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic XPerience Kits Better Npc Monument Owner
Chat commands (only for administrators)
/supermarketstart - start the event
/supermarketstop - end the event
Console commands (RCON only)
supermarketstart - start the event
supermarketstop - end the event
Plugin Config
en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian
void OnSupermarketEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) – called when the event starts
void OnSupermarketEventEnd() – called when the event ends
void OnSupermarketEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event
My Discord: kpuctajl
Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
Check out more of my work here!
- #supermarket
- #crates
- (and 20 more)