ELF's Wishlist
Power Plant Event
It’s an Event in the Power Plant location
The event begins with a chat warning: soon CH47 will get new crates with items for scientists to the Power Plant location.
When the time is up, the NPCs guarding this location will appear in the Power Plant zone. Then a water barrel will appear on the top of the central building. A CH47 will fly to this location to get new crates with items.
When the CH47 arrives in the Event zone, it will fail to control and crash in a cooling tower of the power plant. All the crates from the CH47 will be on the top of the cooling tower. But they will be in the fire. You need put out the fire to get access to the crates.
It is necessary to activate a fire system to put out the fire. A fire system is on the top of the central building. So a Workcart will arrive to the Event area to bring a barrel of water. You need move this water from the Workcart to the empty barrel on the top of the central building. As soon as you do this, you will be able to start the fire system by pressing a button.
When the fire system has activated, the fire in the cooling tower will be out. You will be able to access the crates in the cooling tower.
There is a camera in the location for viewing the event.
When an event appears, a marker will display on the map (it can set up in the configuration file).
All players in the event area have a timer with countdown to the end of the event
Dependencies Required
Dependencies (optional, not required)
True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits
Chat commands (only for administrators)
/ppstart - start the event
/ppstop - end the event
/pppos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates. It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the Power Plant is read)
Console commands (RCON only)
ppstart - start the event
ppstop - end the event
Plugin Config
en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian
void OnPowerPlantEventStart() – called when the event starts
void OnPowerPlantEventEnd() – called when the event ends
void OnPowerPlantEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event
My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923
Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
Check out more of my work here!
Parkour Pro
Introducing Parkour Pro, the ultimate tool to elevate your server experience! What's better than a heart-pounding challenge? Bragging rights, of course. Engage your players with a thrilling parkour adventure that not only tests their skills but also lets them flaunt their victories.
With Parkour Pro, setting up a captivating parkour area on your server is a breeze. Define the starting point, the exhilarating path, and the sweet taste of victory at the end—all at your fingertips. This plugin empowers you to craft unique parkour courses tailored to your server's theme and vibe.
Why should you consider adding a parkour element to your server? Because it's the perfect recipe for increased player engagement and server popularity. As players tackle these dynamic courses, your server's metrics will soar, creating an environment that's not only fun but also competitive.
To kickstart your parkour revolution, Parkour Pro comes complete with a demo prefab. Brace yourself—this challenging yet conquerable course is ready to captivate your players. Take the first step in transforming your server into a realm of excitement, skill, and, most importantly, epic bragging rights. With Parkour Pro; the thrill is in your hands!
Video Walkthrough
parkourpro.use - Required to run any parkour courses
Console Commands
pk_close_ui - Close the UI
pk_leaderboard - Show the leaderboard UI
pk_courses - List all the courses
pk_clear_course_data - Clear the course data for the given course (Admin Only)
pk_clear_all_course_data - Clear all course data. (Admin Only)
Chat Commands
/pk_close_ui - Close the UI
/pk_leaderboard - Show the leaderboard UI
/pk_courses - List all the courses
/pk_end - End your current Parkour Run
/pk_clear_course_data - Clear the course data for the given course (Admin Only)
/pk_clear_all_course_data - Clear all course data. (Admin Only)
For any issues please Reach out to me on Discord: http://discordapp.com/users/233662340179034112
RustInvaders | Rust Events Plugin
The RustInvaders Events plugin introduces an exciting PvP and PvE experience where players compete to raid each other's bases during the Raid Phase. The event encourages teamwork, strategic planning, and high-stakes combat, rewarding the most successful raiders or the teams with more points awarded.
There are 4 phases
- Preparing -> Players are preparing until and talking until the event start!
- Grace/Build -> The event has been started, players should farm and build their bases until the next phase. You can't deal damage to other players or buildings.
- Attack/PvP -> In this phase, the PvP/Damage is now activated. You can earn points by killing other players (Not by killing teammates).
- Raid -> PvP and Building damage enabled. You can raid other players, if someone TC gets destroyed, their team will be eliminated.
- Period/Phase system.
- Whitelist -> Allow only players in team to be in the server.
- Instant Craft -> Allow instant craft
- Instant Loot -> Allows you to break the barrels in 1 hit and receive all the loot in your inventory.
- No Radiation
- No decay -> No base decay until PvP Phase
- Base Claim zone -> When placing a toolcupboard, the area will be claimed. Any player that doesn't belong to the TC owner team, will be killed after 60s if he doesn't leave the area.
- InGame Map TC Marker
- AutoKits (Require Kits plugin)
- Raid Detection System (If the raiders doesn't deal damage after 60 seconds, the raid will end.)
- Point System
- Works with: Sputnik, Convoy, ArmoredTrain, WaterEvent, Caravan, Shipwreck, AirEvent.
rustinvaders.admin -> Admin permission!!! c.grant user/group <id> rustinvaders.admin
Admin Commands: /panel -> open Admin menu. /create_team <team name> <team tag> <team leader steam id> /delete_team <team name> /add_player <steam id> <team name> /remove_player <steam id> <team name> /ban <team name> /unban <team name> Player Commands: /scoreboard | /score | /stats
{ "Server Event Name": "SERVERNAME | RUST INVADERS | EVENT", "Whitelist": false, "Instant barrel Loot/Kill": true, "Instant Craft": true, "Disable Radiation": true, "PhaseData": [ { "Preparing Phase time (Seconds)": 900, "Grace Phase time (Seconds)": 1800, "Attack Phase time (Seconds)": 3600, "Raid Phase time (Seconds)": 4500, "Allow PvP while Preparing/Grace period?": false, "Disable decay until PvP phase?": true } ], "ImageData": [ { "ImageName": "logo", "ImgUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/gyiCIND.png" }, { "ImageName": "logo_sponsor", "ImgUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/3BKolSl.png" }, { "ImageName": "separator", "ImgUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/sfExTbD.png" }, { "ImageName": "scoreboard_background_color", "ImgUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/ef4X6XH.png" }, { "ImageName": "phase_timer_background_color", "ImgUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/BLXbzKO.png" } ], "PointsSystem": [ { "Killing a player": 1, "Looting patrol helicopter crate": 5, "Looting bradley crate": 5, "Looting a locked hackable crate": 5, "Completing a raid (Destroy enemy TC)": 25, "Defend a raid (Survive 60 seconds after the last explosive thrown while being raided).": 15 } ] }
Data (default)
{ "eventData": { "current_time": 600.0, "paused": false, "finish": false, "current_phase": 0 }, "teamDataList": [], "playerData": {} }
Data (With team and players included)
{ "eventData": { "current_time": 600.0, "paused": false, "finish": false, "current_phase": 0 }, "teamDataList": [ { "TeamName": "TEST_EXAMPLE1", "TeamTag": "TE1", "Eliminated": false, "Banned": false, "TeamRank": 1, "TeamPoints": 0, "PlayerList": [], "TeamLeader": 3, "kit_permission": "kit.permission.here" }, { "TeamName": "TooEz4ME", "TeamTag": "TE4M", "Eliminated": false, "Banned": false, "TeamRank": 1, "TeamPoints": 0, "PlayerList": [], "TeamLeader": 4, "kit_permission": "kit.permission.here" } ], "playerData": { "76561198436883671": { "Name": "Redix :3", "Kills": 0, "Deaths": 0, "RaidCompleted": 0, "RaidDefense": 0, "HeliCrateLoot": 0, "BradleyCrateLoot": 0, "HackableCrateLoot": 0, "ItemsCrafted": 0, "ItemsGathered": 0, "GrowableGathered": 0, "AnimalKills": 0, "StructuresPlaced": 0, "StructuresDestroyed": 0, "Farm": 0, "EventsWon": 0 } } }
Next Update:
- King Of The Hill event
- Admin menu Team Manager
- Daily Events
The Crashed Helicopter | Danger
This is a great prefab for creating custom RUST maps. During the game, the prefab won't stand out too much since it's made in the rust style. The purpose of a prefab is to build your base inside of it.
- #rashed helicopter
- #danger
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
LegoAim Variants Kit
"Set for creating custom arenas, the set can be divided into two parts. The first part is the Base, which consists of the floor and walls of your arena. Without them, players will simply run away from you. There are a total of 10 elements in this part, along with 10 colors for each element. The second part includes the inner part of the arena, as well as walls, ramps, towers, and boxes. There are a total of 14 elements in this part, and each one can be painted in one of 10 colors. All the elements are designed to fit together. To create your own arena, you will need to add any element from the set to the desired location on the map, copy the object's position, and when adding new objects, use the copied coordinates only to blend the objects. It is advisable to start with the Base and then fill the arena with the inner elements."
If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!
thanks https://codefling.com/stampy
Набор для создания пользовательских арен, набор можно разделить на Базовый - это пол и стены вашей арены, без них игроки просто убегут от вас, всего 10 элементов, а также 10 цветов для каждого элемента, вторая часть - это внутренняя часть арены, а также стены, пандусы, башни и боксы, всего 14 элементов, и каждый можно раскрасить в один из 10 цветов. все элементы подогнаны друг к другу, чтобы создать свою арену, вам нужно будет добавить любой элемент из набора в нужную точку на карте, скопировать местоположение объекта и при добавлении новых объектов вам нужно будет использовать скопированные координаты только для смешивания объектов, желательно начинать с Основы и только потом заполнять арену внутренними элементами.
From the set you can create 8 954 302 432 552 373 722 465 310 variants of arenas.