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Version 1.2.7
Epic Loot is a plugin that adds additional RPG style loot to crates, NPC corpses, barrels and crafting. There is a configurable chance that an enhanced piece with varying set types and modifiers will appear in a loot crate, barrel or corpse. Players also have a chance to receive an enhanced version of their crafted items, rather than the plain old vanilla armor/weapon/tool. Wearing more than 1 of the same type of item will provide the user with a set bonus. Depending on the set type, they may get access to higher mining yields, more damage to scientists or even access to exclusive loot tables that proc while gathering. The plugin is incredibly configurable, supports language conversions and allows users to modify and design their own set bonuses. There are currently 24 different set types and 27 unique set bonuses! Set types are added to the name of the item and are responsible for providing the user with a buff. Miners, - Increases the wearers mining yield. Lumberjacks, - Increases the wearers woodcutting yield. Skinners, - Increases the wearers skinning yield. Farmers, - Increases the wearers farming yield. Foragers, - Increases the wearers collection yield. Fishermans, - Increases the wearers fishing yield. Assassins, - Increases damage done to players. Demo, - Decreases damage from explosives. Elemental - Reduces cold and fire damage. Scavengers - Offers the wearer a chance to obtain additional scrap from barrels and crates. Transporters - Reduces the fuel costs for helicopters and boats. Crafters - Increases crafting speed. Reinforced - Reduces durability loss on all equipped items. Tamers - Reduces damage taken from animals. Hunters - Increase damage done to animals. Operators - Increases damage done to humanoid NPCs. Jockeys - Increases speed of the wearers mounted horse. Raiders - Offers the wearer a chance for their fired rocket/thrown explosive to be refunded. Builders - Offers the wearer a chance for their building/upgrade costs to be refunded. Assemblers - Offers the wearer a chance for their crafting materials to be refunded. Fabricators - Offers the wearer a chance for an additional crafted item to be produced. Medics - Increases healing received. Knights - Decreases damage received from melee attacks. Barbarians - Increased damage done with melee attacks. Smelting - Chance to receive a refined ore, instead of a raw ore, while mining. InstantMining - Chance to instantly mine the rest of a node out on hit. InstantWoodcutting - Chance to instantly cut down the rest of the tree on hit. Regrowth - Chance for the felled tree to respawn. InstantSkinning - Chance to instantly skin the rest of an animal on hit. InstantCook - Chance to receive cooked meat instead of raw meat while skinning. PVPCrit - Chance to critically damage a player, adding an additional 10-30% damage. Reflexes - Reduces damage taken from PVP. IncreasedBoatSpeed - Increases the speed of all watercraft. FreeVehicleRepair - Removes the repair cost for repairing vehicles of all kinds. Survivalist - Increases calories and hydration from all food sources. Researcher - Chance to receive your scrap back while researching. Feline - Reduces fall damage. Lead, - Reduces radiation damage. Gilled - Underwater breathing. Smasher - % Chance to destroy barells and roadsigns instantly. WoodcuttersLuck - Access to a loot table for woodcutting. MinersLuck - Access to a loot table for mining. SkinnersLuck - Access to a loot table for skinning. RockCycle - Chance to spawn a new rock once mined out. Attractive - Chance for loot to be instantly moved to your inventory. FishersLuck - Access to a loot table for fishing. TeamHeal - Shares heals with nearby team mates. HealthShot - Heals team mates for damage that would have been done when shot. BulletProof - Reduces the damage received from bullets. FishingRodModifier - Adjusts the tensile strenght of the cast fishing rod, making it harder to snap the line. UncannyDodge - Chance to dodge a projectile and negate its damage. When a user wears enough pieces of the same set, they will get access to extra set bonuses, depending on the number of pieces worn. Any of the buffs from the set types can be added as set bonuses to any set. You can also add the BonusMultiplier set bonus if you want to increase the set bonus percentage based on the number of pieces worn. BonusMultiplier - Add an additional bonus on top of the existing modifier. Type: chat Command: genitem Parameters: <optional: item shortname> <optional: set type> <optional: tier> Usage: /genitem pants miners s - will spawn a pair of pants with the miners set type and a random modifier from s tier range. /genitem transporters c - will spawn a random item with the transporters set type and a random modifier from the c tier range. /genitem pants b - will spawn a pair of pants with a random set type and a random modifier from the b tier range. /genitem pants - will spawn a pair of pants with a random set type and a random set modifier. Type: console Command: genitem Parameters: <target name/steam ID> <optional: item shortname> <optional: set type> <optional: tier> Usage: /genitem "new guy" pants miners s - will spawn a pair of pants with the miners set type and a random modifier from s tier range. /genitem "new guy" transporters c - will spawn a random item with the transporters set type and a random modifier from the c tier range. /genitem "new guy" pants b - will spawn a pair of pants with a random set type and a random modifier from the b tier range. /genitem 76561197988695317 pants - will spawn a pair of pants with a random set type and a random set modifier. Type: chat Command: eladdskin Parameters: <set type> <item shortname> Usage: /eladdskin Transporters pants 2533474346 - Adds the specified skin ID to the list of skins for the transporters pants. Type: chat Command: givescrappercurrency Parameters: <quantity> Usage: /givescrappercurrency 100 - gives 100 scrapper currency to the player. Type: console Command: givescrappercurrency Parameters: <target name/ID> <quantity> Usage: givescrappercurrency new 100 - gives new guy 100 scrapper currency. Type: console Command: elprintitems Parameters: none Usage: /elprintitems - will print a list of items that can be enhanced into console. Type: chat Command: el Parameters: none Usage: /el - opens up the EpicLoot menu. Type: chat Command: reseticonpositions Parameters: none Usage: /reseticonpositions - forces all player icon positions to be set to the default config value. epicloot.use - Required to access the menu. epicloot.admin - Required to use the genitem commands. epicloot.drop - Required for items to drop from crates, barrels and corpses. epicloot.salvage - Required to access the salvager menu. epicloot.enhance - Required to access the enhancement menu. - Enhancements have no cost. epicloot.craft - Required to randomly craft epic loot items. void GenerateItem(BasePlayer player, string type = null, List<string> item_shortname = null, string tier = null, bool msg = false) Type must be a set type (miners, transporters etc). Item_shortname can contain a number of item shortnames. The hook will pick a random item from the list. Tier must be either s, a, b or c.$19.99- 240 comments
- 12 reviews
- 10
- #enhanced
- #custom loot
(and 7 more)
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Version 1.1.4
Add a whole new level of excitement to your Rust server with Lucky Crates! This customizable loot crate plugin randomly spawns crates around the map, giving players a shot at discovering unique items and valuable loot. Whether you're aiming for thrilling high-stakes loot runs or just want to drop some fun surprises, Lucky Crates is designed to fit seamlessly into your server. With easy-to-tweak settings, you have full control over how often the crates spawn, what kind of loot they contain, and how long they stick around. You can even set it up so the whole server gets notified when a crate spawns, turning it into a server-wide event that gets everyone racing for the prize. Lucky Crates not only reward players with valuable loot but also create hot spots for potential PvP encounters, making every crate spawn a thrilling event. Want to make it easier for players to find the crates? No problem—just enable map markers! Whether your server is all about intense PvP action or focuses more on community-driven PvE, Lucky Crates will keep things fresh and fun for your players. Config: The configuration is fully customizable to fit your preferences and performance needs. Please note that these values have been tested on a 1000x1000 'small' map, so be sure to adjust them as needed for different map sizes. Log player looting to file - Logs Lucky Crate's loot interaction to file for admins. Destroy Lucky Crate on looting - Instantly destroy the Lucky Crate after it has been looted, or allow it to remain for the entire duration. Max number of slots in a container - The number of item slots available in each Lucky Crate. Always fill all container slots - This will always fill all container slots in the Lucky Crate. Prevent duplicate items - This will make sure each item is unique in the Lucky Crate. Note: this will override "always fill container slots", meaning it's best to use if you have a large loot table. If the loot table length is lower than the container size, it will result in empty slots. Container type to use - Choose whether to spawn Lucky Crate in large or small wooden boxes. Large box skin id - The skin ID for the large wooden box. By default, this uses a custom-made Lucky Crate skin. Small box skin id - The skin ID for the small wooden box. By default, this uses a custom-made Lucky Crate skin. Debug mode - Enables detailed feedback in the console for troubleshooting. Broadcast Lucky Crate spawn to all player - Sends a global message to all players when a Lucky Crate spawns. Broadcast message - This customizable global message uses placeholders: {x}, {y}, {z} for coordinates, {grid} for the grid location, {distance} for how far the player is from the Lucky Crate, and {direction} for the direction in compass terms. Total maximum number of Lucky Crates that can exist: Defines the overall maximum Lucky Crates allowed across the server. Set to -1 for unlimited. Number of Lucky Crates to spawn each interval - Controls how many Lucky Crates are spawned per spawn interval. Maximum number of Lucky Crates on the map at any given time: The maximum number of Lucky Crates that can exist simultaneously on the map. Duration of Lucky Crates in seconds - The lifespan of each Lucky Crate before it is automatically removed. Lucky Crate spawn frequency in seconds - How often the system will attempt to spawn new Lucky Crates. If a player loots a crate, this will trigger a new spawn attempt after one minute (up to the maximum number of crates allowed). Lucky Crate spawn attempts - The number of attempts the system will make to find a valid spawn location for each Lucky Crate. Enable map marker - Displays a map icon at the spawn location of each Lucky Crate to encourage PvP or help players find the crates. Map marker duration in seconds - The lifespan of the map marker. If "Destroy Lucky Crate on looting" is set to false, the marker can encourage PvP by keeping players aware of crate locations. Check Lucky Crates to destroy interval in seconds - The interval at which the plugin checks to see if crates should be destroyed. Higher intervals can improve performance, but the interval should not exceed the crate's lifespan. Default config: { "Log player looting to file": true, "Destroy Lucky Crate on looting": true, "Max number of slots in a container": 1, "Always fill all container slots": true, "Prevent duplicate items": true, "Container type to use": "box.wooden.large", "Large box skin id": 3346528269, "Small box skin id": 3346533967, "Debug mode": false, "Broadcast Lucky Crate spawn to all players": true, "Broadcast message": "<color=#FF9900>[LuckyCrate]</color> A Lucky Crate has spawned at {x}, {y}, {z} in grid {grid}, {distance}m away to the {direction}!", "Total maximum number of Lucky Crates that can exist": 50, "Number of Lucky Crates to spawn each interval": 1, "Maximum number of Lucky Crates on the map at any given time": 10, "Duration of the Lucky Crate in seconds": 300.0, "Lucky Crate spawn frequency in seconds": 60, "Lucky Crate spawn attempts": 10, "Maximum allowed slope angle for crate spawning": 45.0, "Enable map marker": true, "Show Lucky Crates items on the map marker": true, "Map marker duration in seconds": 300.0, "Check Lucky Crates to destroy interval in seconds": 60.0 } Loot table: You can keep the standard setup or use your imagination to add a wide variety of items that fit your server's theme. Whether it's high-tier weapons, rare resources, or fun and quirky surprises, the choice is yours! Add more items to make every Lucky Crate spawn feel unique and rewarding for players. The weight system determines the likelihood of each item appearing in a Lucky Crate. Items with higher weights are more likely to spawn compared to items with lower weights. For example, if an item has a weight of 50 and another item has a weight of 1, the item with weight 50 is much more likely to appear. This allows you to control the rarity of specific items, creating a balanced and engaging loot experience for your players. { "LootTable": [ { "ItemName": "rifle.ak", "Weight": 1, "AmountMin": 1, "AmountMax": 1 }, { "ItemName": "weapon.mod.holosight", "Weight": 5, "AmountMin": 1, "AmountMax": 1 }, { "ItemName": "ammo.pistol", "Weight": 50, "AmountMin": 10, "AmountMax": 10 }, { "ItemName": "scrap", "Weight": 75, "AmountMin": 50, "AmountMax": 100 }, { "ItemName": "metal.fragments", "Weight": 50, "AmountMin": 200, "AmountMax": 250 }, { "ItemName": "supply.signal", "Weight": 3, "AmountMin": 1, "AmountMax": 1 }, { "ItemName": "wood", "Weight": 100, "AmountMin": 500, "AmountMax": 500 }, { "ItemName": "metal.refined", "Weight": 15, "AmountMin": 50, "AmountMax": 100 }, { "ItemName": "rifle.bolt", "Weight": 2, "AmountMin": 1, "AmountMax": 1 }, { "ItemName": "explosive.timed", "Weight": 1, "AmountMin": 1, "AmountMax": 1 }, { "ItemName": "weapon.mod.silencer", "Weight": 10, "AmountMin": 1, "AmountMax": 1 }, { "ItemName": "leather", "Weight": 50, "AmountMin": 100, "AmountMax": 100 }, { "ItemName": "sulfur.ore", "Weight": 75, "AmountMin": 200, "AmountMax": 300 } ] } The logging format: Each time a player loots a Lucky Crate, the plugin logs the event in a file, making it easy for admins to track interactions. Here’s an example of what the log file might look like: [ "Matt looted a Lucky Crate at (1262.12, 10.45, 522.40) on 10/11/2024 03:40:00", "Matt looted a Lucky Crate at (782.73, 8.85, 1693.96) on 10/11/2024 03:40:14", "Matt looted a Lucky Crate at (754.21, 22.18, 79.26) on 10/11/2024 03:53:53", "Matt looted a Lucky Crate at (314.68, 48.28, -224.63) on 10/11/2024 03:54:06", "Matt looted a Lucky Crate at (-1121.76, 11.11, -240.14) on 10/11/2024 03:57:48", "Matt looted a Lucky Crate at (-475.64, 16.85, -208.04) on 10/11/2024 03:57:57", "Matt looted a Lucky Crate at (-236.99, 32.97, 349.00) on 10/11/2024 03:58:07" ] Hooks SpawnLuckyCrate This hook allows you to spawn a crate at any given location. It takes a Vector3 position and spawns a container at those coordinates. Server owners can use this to manage custom crate placement. [HookMethod("SpawnLuckyCrate")] private BaseEntity SpawnLuckyCrate(Vector3 position) { return SpawnContainer(position); } With Lucky Crates, server owners have a powerful tool to inject excitement and unpredictability into their world, keeping players engaged and eager for the next crate to appear.$7.99- 9 comments
- 1
- #lucky
- #lucky crates
(and 20 more)
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Version 1.0.1
Take your Rust base automation up a notch with Usable Droppers, a simple yet powerful plugin that turns regular containers into functional droppers. These droppers continuously drop items with full customization, making them perfect for automatic setups like furnace farms or creating seamless item-dispensing systems. Usable Droppers pairs perfectly with Usable Hoppers to create an efficient, hands-off system for managing your resources. Whether you're automating resource processing or need an easy way to drop items, Usable Droppers gives you the flexibility to control how and when items are dispensed. With a detailed configuration, you decide the drop interval, item types, and much more, making it easy to fit into any server setup. Chat commands: /ud - Shows available UsableDroppers commands. /udset - Sets the container you are looking at to a dropper. /udremove - Remove the dropper from the container you are looking at. /udlist - Display all droppers you own. /udsetmode <player|direction|random> - Sets the dropper mode to specify drop location of the items. Player mode will save the current player location and the dropper will start to drop items there. Direction drops items in a specific direction chosen by the player and random will drop items in a random sphere around the container. /udsetdirection <forward|backward|left|right|up|down> - Specify the direction if chosen direction mode. /udrange - Display the drop location and dropper range. Admin commands: /udclearall - Removes all droppers in the game. /udclearplayer <playername or steamid> - Remove a specific player's dropper. Permissions: Config: Allowed containers for droppers - Which containers are allowed to be turned into droppers. Available drop modes - Which drop mode the user's will be able to choose. Command cooldown - The cooldown between command usage (in seconds). Debug mode - Used for detailed feedback in console. Drop interval seconds - How often the dropper will attempt to drop items. Higher values will increase performance. Drop radius - Drop radius when the user has random drop mode selected Item types allowed - Which types of items that the dropper will drop. Max distance for commands - How close to the dropper/container you need to be to use commands. Max droppers per player - The number of droppers available to each player. Max items per tick - The number of item stacks the dropper will drop each tick. Max range for player mode - The maximum range of player mode, from the dropper to the player. If this is higher than max distance for commands then this will be ignored. Default config. { "Allowed container types for droppers": [ "woodbox_deployed", "box.wooden.large", "furnace", "storage_barrel_c", "storage_barrel_b" ], "Available drop modes": { "direction": true, "player": true, "random": true }, "Command cooldown": 0.0, "Debug mode": false, "Drop interval seconds": 5.0, "Drop radius": 2.0, "Item types allowed": { "ammunition": true, "attire": true, "blueprint": true, "component": true, "construction": true, "electrical": true, "food": true, "fun": true, "items": true, "medical": true, "misc": true, "resources": true, "tool": true, "traps": true, "weapon": true }, "Max distance for commands": 15.0, "Max droppers per player": 5, "Max items per drop": 3, "Max range for player mode": 15.0 }$7.99 -
Version 1.0.12
Are you sick of your base being cluttered by countless items and having nowhere to store them? Have you had to build an extra wing on your base entirely for storage? Look no further, Instanced Containers has you covered! Instanced containers is a plugin that allows for players to create multiple containers inside of 1 container, saving them a significant amount of space in their base. It supports small/large wooden boxes and coffins by default, but can be used for any container by adjusting the config. The plugins has 3 user based permissions included: instancedcontainers.use - will allow the user to create instances of a container (3 instances per container by default). - bypasses the cost for creating an instance of a container. You can also create your own permission groups through the config and add your own instance limits. Example: "vip": 6 would create a permission called and give players with the permission access to add 6 instances per container.$15.00- 60 comments
- 5 reviews
- 5
- #storage
- #containers
(and 4 more)
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Version 1.0.2
Take your Rust base automation to the next level with Usable Hoppers, the plugin that turns any containers into fully functional hoppers that automatically collect items from the ground within a configurable range. While Usable Hoppers is perfect for setting up an automated horse farm—where it gathers horse poop and deposits it into a composter—it’s versatile enough for other tasks too. Whether you're automating gathering dropped resources, or organizing loot from the battlefield, Usable Hoppers will save you time and effort. The plugin is designed to automate item collection directly from the ground, making resource management in your base smoother and more efficient. Usable on regular chests, furnaces, lootable crates and even airdrops. Fully customizable, you can control the pickup radius, item types, and collection frequency, giving you complete control over how it works in your base. Simplify your Rust gameplay and let Usable Hoppers do the heavy lifting! Chat commands: /uh - Shows available UsableHoppers commands. /uhset - Sets the container you are looking at to a hopper. /uhremove - Remove the hopper from the container you are looking at. /uhlist - Display all hoppers you own. /uhrange - Display the range of your hoppers. Admin commands: /uhclearall - Removes all hoppers in the game. /uhclearplayer <playername or steamid> - Removes a specific player's hopper. Permissions: Config: The config is easily configurable to your liking and performance requirements. Allowed containers for hoppers - Which containers allowed to be turned into hoppers. Command cooldown - The cooldown between command usage (in seconds). Debug mode - Used for detailed feedback in console. Hopper radius - The hopper pickup range, in a spherical dome. How often the hopper collects items - How often the hopper will attempt to pickup items in range. Higher values will increase performance Item types allowed - Which types of items that the hopper will pickup. Max hoppers per players - The number of hoppers available to each player. Max items per tick - The number of items the hopper will pickup at each tick. Default config. { "Allowed containers for hoppers": [ "woodbox_deployed", "box.wooden.large", "furnace", "storage_barrel_c", "storage_barrel_b" ], "Command cooldown": 0.0, "Debug mode": false, "Hopper radius": 3.0, "How often the hopper collects items": 10.0, "Item types allowed": { "ammunition": true, "attire": true, "blueprint": true, "component": true, "construction": true, "electrical": true, "food": true, "fun": true, "items": true, "medical": true, "misc": true, "resources": true, "tool": true, "traps": true, "weapon": true }, "Max hoppers per players": 5, "Max items per tick": 10 }$7.99 -
Version 1.0.2
Welcome to my cargo harbor, an alternative to the standard rust harbor, except that my cargo harbor is larger and occupies less island space because I designed it with 80% of its bulk above water. It contains green, blue and red puzzles, which are all independent of each other, so you can visit this monument repeatedly as you progress in the game. This monument is a far more compact version of deep water harbor updated with modern prefabs. NPC’s This monument has built-in NPC’s powered by an included plug-in. If you do not wish to use the built-in bots simply do not install the plug-in and add your own bots at your leisure Trains This monument contains working railway tracks that can be connected to a larger railway. Quick Start Extract the zip file into your RustEdit install folder. Start Rust Edit. Click on Prefabs at the top & open up your Prefab List. Under the Custom category, you will now find RobJs Premium Prefabs. Double-click on the prefab file, which will spawn it into the map for you. Drag it to the general area you want to place it and click on Snap To Terrain Apply the Height Mask, Topology Mask, and Splat Mask. Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord$15.99- 1 review
- #beach monument
- #harbour
(and 6 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Containers Park is ready to go on any map, this monument doesn`t contain a puzzle so no card is needed to loot and makes a great POI. Features: Simple installing; Great detail; Optimized FPS; There is radiation. General Info: Prefabs count: ~2k; Type: for looting; Modifiers: Height&Splat&Topology. Loot: Oil Barrels: 5; Food boxes/crates: 5; Barrels: 30; Ordinary crates: 13; and 1 green card. Other works: You may like to take a look at a full finished maps by myself.$9.60-
- #rust custom
- #custom monument
(and 4 more)
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