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Everything posted by Hi im billa
I have now restarted the server. Admin Toggle works correctly but unfortunately all other functions do not.
Not that I know of...I'll have to watch it again but the game in the F1 console just said unloaded. In the web console I get more information when I restart. I'll tell you then
I'm sorry you can delete this message. Wanted to reply to another post <
Alright i will. But i cant restart the Server right now because there are players on it. I will do it early tomorrow and send you everything.
Does it conflict with the gui announcement plugin ?
Hi there, I am currently testing your plugin. Unfortunately it doesn't work as it should. Players don't get notifications in chat and I don't get items when I go into admin mode either. Why is this and how can I fix it? { "Permissions Settings": { "Permission required to toggle admin mode": "use" }, "Command Settings": { "Require reason to toggle Admin Mode": false }, "Logging Settings": { "Discord Settings": { "Enable Discord Webhook": false, "Discord Webhook URL": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Discord Embed Color": 3315400 }, "File Settings": { "Enable File Logging": true } }, "Interface Settings": { "Toggle Button": { "Enable button": true, "Active Color": "0.09 0.88 0.09 0.5", "Inactive Color": "0.88 0.09 0.09 0.5", "Active Text": "Activated", "Inactive Text": "Disabled" }, "Panel Settings": { "Enable DisplayPanel": true, "Panel Text": "A D M I N M O D E A C T I V A T E D", "Panel Text Color": "0.88 0.09 0.09 1", "Panel Dock (Bottom, Top)": "Bottom", "Pulse Duration (-1 to disable)": -1 } }, "Notification Settings": { "Chat Notification Settings": { "Enable Chat Notification": true, "Custom Chat Notification Icon (MUST BE STEAMID64) (-1 to disable)": -1, "On Activate Chat Notification": "<size=16>Admin Mode <color=#19e119>Activated</color></size>", "On Deactivate Chat Notification": "<size=16>Admin Mode <color=#e11919>Disabled</color></size>" }, "Popup Notification Settings": { "Enable Popup Notification": false, "On Activate Popup Notification": "<size=16>Admin Mode <color=#19e119>Activated</color></size>", "On Deactivate Popup Notification": "<size=16>Admin Mode <color=#e11919>Disabled</color></size>" } }, "Player Settings": { "Teleport the player back to last known location upon exiting admin mode": true, "Separate Inventorys for player & admin mode": true }, "Outfit Settings": { "Enable Custom Outfit": true, "Custom Outfit (Shortname, SkinID)": { "hoodie": 1234567890, "pants": 1234567890, "shoes.boots": 1234567890 } }, "Third-party Plugin Settings": { "Upon activation of Admin Mode load third-party Plugins": { "Enable Autoload of Plugin List": false, "Enable Autoload of All Plugins in List": true, "Plugin List": { "Autoload Admin Radar (Umod)": false, "Autoload Godmode (Umod)": false, "Autoload Vanish (Umod)": false } }, "Block third-party Plugins Commands when Admin Mode is inactive": { "Enable blocking of Plugin List": true, "Enable blocking of All Plugins in List": true, "Plugin List": { "Block Admin Radar (Umod)": false, "Block Freeze (Umod)": false, "Block Godmode (Umod)": false, "Block Inventory Viewer (Umod)": false, "Block Player Administration (Umod)": false, "Block Spectate (Umod)": false, "Block Vanish (Umod)": false } } } }
Hello, I noticed every time my server restarts your plugin is unloaded. Why is this and how can I fix it?
- #scientist
- #horse
- (and 4 more)
No I don't have the Image Library plugin. But I'll see if I can install it. I finally managed to get the picture. I'm having trouble positioning the image correctly. I have problems with that "anchorMin": "0.30 0.200", "anchorMax": "0.90 1.00", I'm trying to figure out how to get the picture the right size and where to move the picture. I also use the /wp_edit command Left and right click crashes my game after a few minutes. Something is happening in the background and my game is crashing. Maybe it's because I don't have an image library? In any case, it is very difficult to do anything. Every step I take almost always costs me a whole day.
This is how it looks for me with the kit menu and there you can see the permission. I can't change the permission to kits_vip1 either, the plugin doesn't allow it
Hello, I would like to contact you again. Unfortunately I was too tired yesterday to test what you told me. I just tried it and it doesn't work like you tell me. "Kit Name(for claiming)": "vip", you say : put permission instead of kit name my permission is set to kit.vip1 so i changed it to "Kit Name(for claiming)": "kits.vip1" and unfortunately it still doesn't work. I don't see any kits. Not even with your default setting. Do I have to choose a new layout ? Because I first chose the layout and then installed your plugins. I don't know what the problem is but I've been stuck with this problem for about 15 hours now.
Hey, I hope you can help me with the problem. I've been working on the UI for hours and I don't know why, but the KITS just don't want to appear. On the one hand it's really easy to work with your addon, but on the other hand I don't understand certain things. This as an example > "Everything can be changed in config file.\nBy using these tags with curly brackets you can grab data directly from Kits plugin" Where ? and how can i grab the date ? I hoppe you can rly help me with it WelcomePanel (3).json WPKits.json Kits.json