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Everything posted by Züzuroth

  1. Züzuroth

    wood skin don´t work

    this was updated from the september update and not the december update on Umod. Author need to use the 2.x.x version of the plugin on Umod and update that and not the old version that was on here. Love how there is two version on two sites - professionel
  2. After update: Server Exception: Mountable Cycle (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at BaseMountable.GetDismountCheckStart (BasePlayer player) [0x00006] in <d6bbf0f789d24f118ee9d29a084444e2>:0 at BaseMountable.ValidDismountPosition (BasePlayer player, UnityEngine.Vector3 disPos) [0x00006] in <d6bbf0f789d24f118ee9d29a084444e2>:0 at BaseMountable.GetDismountPosition (BasePlayer player, UnityEngine.Vector3& res) [0x00042] in <d6bbf0f789d24f118ee9d29a084444e2>:0 at WaterInflatable.VehicleFixedUpdate () [0x000ef] in <d6bbf0f789d24f118ee9d29a084444e2>:0 at BaseMountable.FixedUpdateCycle () [0x00039] in <d6bbf0f789d24f118ee9d29a084444e2>:0 at ServerMgr.FixedUpdate () [0x00018] in <d6bbf0f789d24f118ee9d29a084444e2>:0 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception, Object) ServerMgr:FixedUpdate() (Filename: <d6bbf0f789d24f118ee9d29a084444e2> Line: 0) Also spam of cosole: Server Exception: Mountable Cycle Server Exception: Mountable Cycle Server Exception: Mountable Cycle Server Exception: Mountable Cycle Players was not able to use any mountable vehicles on the server. As soon as we unloaded the plugin, vehicles worked again. Plz, fix
  3. Züzuroth

    Bradley Drops

    Hi there! Is there an option to lock the Bradley to the player and his team? We’re running a PvE server and we have the Personal Patrol plugin so Patrol will lock and only do damage to the player/team that called it. Could this be possible with Bradley Drops, so other players won’t get killed by their neighbor buying a Bradley or they might get it stolen by other players?
  4. We have given our VIPs the access to use the plugin, but all players on the server can see the dots on the map when just one player uses the command.
  5. Züzuroth

    Skill Tree

    Thanks for taking your time, answering my many questions I am glad you think some of the ideas could be fun! As stated before, permission based skills will unfortunately be the one thing keeping us from switching (atm.) to Skill Tree. I love the style, the work you have putted into it and all the great functions and ideas of it, but yeah, we want to give our VIPs that “boost” and bonus, of supporting our servers. When that is said, if and when you decide to add skill specific permissions, a great idea could be to let the skills stay on the trees, with the graying out, just with additional text of the permission like “Requires VIP” or “Requires Donator”, if your permission is called that ^^ Again, thanks for taking your time, and hope you’ll get pushed around by more people, wanting you to add the permission function
  6. Züzuroth

    Skill Tree

    Hi imthenewguy! Just watched your in depth video in one sitting. Nicely done, explaining everything I just want to ask you a couple of things (maybe I’ve missed something): 1. Is it possible to add a permission system to each perk and not only for each tree? We want some of the perks to be for VIPs only (mostly the ultimate ones,) since we’re not planing on wiping the data more than once or twice a year. - This is the only thing holding us back from purchasing the plugin and switching xp plugin 2. Also, we would like to hear if there is any plan of making separate buttons for each tree in the UI, so players don’t have to scroll through it all? 3. Would it be possible to change Bandage Expert to a percentage that increase instead of a flat 100% bonus? 4. Regarding the Revitalization perk. Could this have a timeout, so players won’t be able to heal to full? Like “x hp per level per second, for a maximum of 20hp”? 5. For better understanding by new players, would it be possible to add a small info box or have a info page? My concern is mostly how to unlock row 2, 3 and ultimate by x amount of points used. Or just a text in between the rows saying something like “You need to use x more points to unlock this row.” Or something like that? 6. Maybe add a shield perk like the Overshield, to the Medical tree, that gives x amount of hp taking from a shield? 7. About the the position of the skinning ultimate perk’s hud, can that be moved? Thats it (for now), haha. Looking forward to hear from you ^^
  7. Does this have support for: Revive Player plugin? (Players are able to click revive on dying, and spawn where they die, with their inventory.) XPerience plugin? (Plugin is giving special perks like 20hp shield and more HP. Also, players lose XP on death, could this be disabled?) ^^
  8. Any chance you could add a toggle comand (like /jump), so players can toggle it off if they don’t want to use it? ^^
  9. Anything you could share? It’s a free plugin, so can’t see what should be wrong with that You could also tell what we have to change in the plugin file :)
  10. Anyone has a fix for this?
  11. Not working after game update
  12. Looking forward to those features Also, it would look more pleasing if we could specify a display name of the monuments in chat, instead of the prefab names
  13. Does the plugin take team members in consideration? I.e: are team members allowed to participate in looting/swiping cards? Could this also lock npc damage/looting? Can’t see Launch Site or Giant Excavator in config, is these supported? Would it be possible to have specific lockout times per monuments? This would make us able to lock small monuments like Supermarket or Gas Station for a few minutes, and larger monuments like Oil Rigs or Military Tunnels for a longer amount of time. Any way to display the lockout timer on monuments on the map? (Could use a vending marker with a border). Not 100% sure about respawning time of monuments and the mechanics of it, but would there be a way to display a timer on the map, for when the monument are lootable again? (Would probably only work on key card puzzles, to use a key card swipe hook or something). This plugin seems awesome for our PVE server, and would prevent all the problems regarding who came first and so on. Would love to get this!
  14. Failed to call hook 'CanHackCrate' on plugin 'Convoy v2.0.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.Convoy.CanHackCrate (BasePlayer player, HackableLockedCrate crate) [0x00185] in <999aec160bd64e4588d49894da275647>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.Convoy.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00c9f] in <999aec160bd64e4588d49894da275647>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <60c318df79ed41688ea59335e48d61ad>:0 4kb/s in, 414kb/s out at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <50629aa0e75d4126b345d8d9d64da28d>:0
  15. Züzuroth

    Raidable bases vs convoy

    Are you saying that if our server runs RaidableBases, the server could crash and you can't do anything about it? Seems like something you should talk with Nivex about and not a customer.
  16. Testet it and ScarecrowNPC SOMETIMES have correct loot table (The one created with CustomLoot) and sometimes not
  17. So anything you could look into?
  18. Sorry - ScareCrow We have the Plugin NightZombies and use CustomLoot to set the loot table for them. They are spawned at night, bur it seem they have the "normal" loot table that ScareCrows have, and not the loot table made by CustomLoot. We use this setting: "ScareCrow": { "enabled": true, "lootTable": "default", "maxItems": 6, "minItems": 6, "gunsWithAmmo": false, "noGuns": false, "MaxBps": 0, "WaterPreFillPercent": 20, "ClearContainerFirst": true With this loot table: (Look at attachments) This worked fine before feb. update default.json
  19. After update this force, our loottable on zombies does not work anymore for some reason.


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