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Everything posted by Razor
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Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to 1.2.3
Oh crap my bad redownload and unzip the second cs file for the vehicles will be inclided in the zip.
use command /talking_npc vehicle copter CopterGuy true do you have the vehilce addon plugin installed aswell?
Yes so stand on the pear where you want the npc to spawn type /talking_npc vehicle copter CopterGuy true CopterGuy will be the name we are giving the npc names must be one line. so could also be Copter_Guy once you run the command a popup should tell you to go to the spawn points and press the reload key follow the prompts for the 2 spawn points once done he whould work with out any issues.
"Taunt players with .mp3 voices": [] Not implemented yet as the boombox i was using is not loud enough so still working on a way. "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], Using Umod Kits plugin you add "Spawn kits for the npcs": ["kitname1", "kitname2", "soON"], And it will chose one per npc at random CustomLoot can be configured by profilesNames you could ask there about how to set up a profile to just use and not alter other loot. There Names are in the config. Chat Messages are in the lang folder
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verify you have the perm make sure you did not disable the autofarm placement /autofarm Make sure limit for placement is not reached aka perm limit in config.
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
Ya we already know just sucks sites let them copy and release non-original ideas on the same site.
Ya seems BetterNPC devs only want to support there products and don't care if they conflict with others. them adding a simple hook for other devs to stop them from trying to take controle would be good but seems they don't seem to care as long as there plugins are comparable together.
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
Version 1.4.5
With all cs files installed this will work with minimal configuration out of the box to spawn Copters/Boats/ModularCars/Snowmobiles/bikes. Once all plugins are installed you can add the default vendors for modularcars/copters. To do modularcars you will need https://umod.org/plugins/spawn-modular-car from umod. Requires: https://www.myvector.xyz/index.php?resources/talkingnpcvehicles-addon-for-talkingnpc-plugin.115/ Works with: https://umod.org/plugins/custom-vending-setup PERMS: talkingnpc.admin - Needed for the chat commands. <conversationFile> = default, modularcar, copter, boat, bike - conversationFile is the fileName in /oxide/data/TalkingNpc/Conversations/ <type> = boat, copter, modularcar, snowmobile <true/false> = for placement at monument for respawn/map changes. Modular Cars Vendor: 1. Spawn the vendor modularcar can be replaced with the type <modularcar, copter, boat, bike> /talking_npc vehicle modularcar <"Unique_Vendor_Name"> <false/true> 2. Create vehicle spawnpoints for modularcars A message will popup explaining how to add the spawn points. the /oxide/data/TalkingNpc/Addons/<"Unique_Vendor_Name">.json to set the car properties. You can edit the UI messages in /oxide/data/TalkingNpc/Conversations/<"Unique_Vendor_Name">.json **************************************************************** Copters Vendor: 1. Spawn the vendor /talking_npc vehicle copter <"Unique_Vendor_Name"> <false/true> 2. Create vehicle spawnpoints for modularcars A message will popup explaining how to add the spawn points. the /oxide/data/TalkingNpc/Addons/<"Unique_Vendor_Name">.json to set the car properties. You can edit the UI messages in /oxide/data/TalkingNpc/Conversations/<"Unique_Vendor_Name">.json **************************************************************** About /talking_npc vehicle chat command: <type> - "snowmobile", "copter", "modularcar", "boat", "bike" Some info for custom Conversation Files: $userID - Will insert players userID $displayName - Will insert players display name OpenVending <Vending Machine Configuration Files name> - Will open a vending machine Giveitem <item id> <amount> <skinID> <item name> - Give Item "Player Commands": [ "chat.say \"/TheCommand arangements\"" ],$25.00 -
seems BetterNpc is taking control of my npc if you unload BetterNPC does the raiding work?
are you by chance using BetterNPC plugin?
if you erase them and they try to spawn somewhere npc cant move it will throw navmesh errors. post our hole config
what do you have set for chance and cooldown to be raided again for random raids? and for npc kills you need to set "Reset npc kills on player raided.": true, if you want it to raid them again when they reach x amount of kills' again at the chance.