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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Razor

    loot table

    Loot Profiles /raidme loot add <profileName> - Create or add more items to a profile /raidme loot clear <profileName> - Clear all information from a profile then in datafile find the profile name and edit it for min/max in config add profile names "Npc drop loot config names": ["name1", "name2"],
  2. Razor


    not sure yet.
  3. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    can you read post above yours
  4. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    change in config these to false Display global chat message on raid start": true, "Display global map marker on raid start": true,
  5. Razor

    Skin Spray

    if you want to add the skinbox shins to it you can place the skin list in the items datafile for that item /daya/skinspray/<itemshortname>
  6. Yes
  7. Razor


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  8. Razor


    you need to add the permissions check config for each raid type permission
  9. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    ill add it to notes and see what i can do.
  10. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    "Display global chat message on raid start is for global notify to all players on server
  11. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  12. thanks for the reply yes we are working on a good video its just so big its taking some time to complete as you can do so much with the plugin.
  13. did you also install the included TalkingNpcVehicles.cs file assuming not? docs show. 1. Spawn the vendor /talking_npc vehicle copter <"Unique_Vendor_Name"> <false/true> 2. Create vehicle spawn points for copters A message will popup explaining how to add the spawn points. if nothing popping up most likely means TalkingNpcVehicles is not loaded let me know. Nothing inadequate about that. if you would like contact Lizard Mods#0947 on discord hes been working on a video for me. as there is 100000000 of posabilities.
  14. Razor

    heli spawn

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  15. Razor

    heli spawn

    ill add config option next update
  16. Razor

    Juggernaut Settings

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  17. Razor

    Juggernaut Settings

    Currently no
  18. Razor

    some manual

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  19. Razor

    some manual

    we have a guy working on a video if you add him to discord he can help you out Lizard Mods#0947
  20. Razor


    i have plugin random raids witch is auto event
  21. Razor

    heli spawn

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  22. Razor


    xperience plugin would need to add the support as they supply no hooks
  23. Razor


    "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, Put it to 0.0 to disable them. or lower example 0.5 to make them do less damage
  24. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    did you try "AttackCopter profiles": { "Profile Names": { "easy": { "Heli float health": 1000.0, "Total crates to drop": 2, "Heli strafe cooldown": 50.0, "Heli can strafe x times": 3 }, "medium": { "Heli float health": 1000.0, "Total crates to drop": 2, "Heli strafe cooldown": 50.0, "Heli can strafe x times": 3 } } },
  25. Razor


    in Counsol o.reload AutoFarm and see if any errors. And can you explain more?


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