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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Razor


    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
  2. Razor


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  3. Razor


    I still dont see any errors I just see debug messages?
  4. Razor

    Jet Event

    if you copy the default loot table in custom loot and rename it to something else and edit it like you like then in custom loot config add in the example under API add in and change MyRenamedFile to what you named the file. Reload and put in for loot profile jetplugin in the jetevent config part "Crate Loot From CustomLoot Profile Name": ["jetevent"] "API": { "jetplugin": { "lootTable": "MyRenamedFile", "maxItems": 6, "minItems": 6, "gunsWithAmmo": false, "noGuns": false, "MaxBps": 3, "WaterPreFillPercent": 20, "ClearContainerFirst": true } } }
  5. Razor


    I am not seeing any errors related to the plugin.
  6. Razor

    Jet Event

    Ya that is an option i am going to be working on maybe a ch7 fly in fast and jump out some npc while the crates on fire.
  7. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    this value iis only used by the random setting and not npc kills and raidable base settings.
  8. Razor

    Jet Event

    Ya I will do that next update I'll be mia for 2 days driving
  9. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    post your config also what you mean by number of TC
  10. Razor

    Jet Event

    Version 1.7.3


    Random jets that fly around the map shooting off nukes and crash with some loot. Permissions jetevent.admin Commands jet - Displays command usage You can use Custom Loot from here to populate the heli_crates { "Jet Settings": { "Chat Command": "jet", "Use Random Timer": false, "Random Timer In Minutes": 60, "Random Timer chance 1-100": 20, "Total Jets To Spawn": 15, "Jet Lifetime In Minutes": 5, "Total Nukes The Jet Can Fire": 3, "Jet Altitude (Recommended 360.0 or above)": 360.0, "Allow nuke damage to BuildingBlocks": true, "Disable Map Marker": false, "Use nuke fog effect on close by players": false }, "Radiation Settings": { "Use Radiation": true, "Radiation Radius": 50.0, "Radiation Amount": 10.0, "The Lifetime Of The Radiation Pocket In Minutes": 5 }, "Crash Settings": { "Use Jet Crashes": true, "Total Plains To Crash": 2, "Spawn Dead Pilot": true, "How Many Loot Crates On Crash": 3, "Crates On Fire For x Seconds": 180, "Crate Loot From CustomLoot Profile Name": [], "Crate Loot Table File Name And Total Item Slots To Use": { "CrateLoot": 5 } }, "TruePVE Settings": { "Create PVP Zone Around Crash Site Using ZoneManager And TruePVE Mapping Name": "", "Create Visual Dome Around Zone": false, "Zone Radius - 0.0 Disables Zone And Dome": 50.0, "LifeTime Of The Zone In Minutes": 60, "Zone Enter Message": "You have Entered A PVP Zone", "Zone Exit Message": "You have Left A PVP Zone" }, "Nuke Player Settings": { "Jet Altitude (Recommended 360.0 or above)": 360.0, "Use Radiation": false, "Radiation Radius": 50.0, "Radiation Amount": 10.0, "The Lifetime Of The Radiation Pocket In Minutes": 5, "Allow nuke damage to BuildingBlocks": true, "Use Explosion effect (Calling in more then 10 planes to one location this may cause fps lag if enabled)": false, "Use nuke fog effect on close by players": false }, "Send In Npc BackUp Settings": { "Total Defenders": 6, "Total Time In Minutes Defender Will Stay": 60, "Crash Site Npc Configs": [ { "Spawn Health Of The Defender": 100.0, "Weapon Damage Scale Default 1.0": 1.0, "Defenders aimConeScale default 2.0": 2.0, "Names To Give The Defenders": [ "Pvt. Harris", "Pvt. Hobbs", "Pvt. Fiske", "Pvt. Carter", "Pvt. Mackenzie", "Pvt. Quinn", "Pvt. Wright", "Pvt. Baird", "Pvt. Marshall", "Pvt. O�Malley", "Pvt. McElroy", "Pvt. Grimes", "Pvt. McGovern", "Pvt. McGinnis", "Pvt. Foley", "Pvt. Morgan", "Pvt. McEvoy", "Pvt. Gunderson", "Pvt. Hammarsten", "Pvt. Jenkins", "SGT. Tosh", "SGT. Waugh", "SGT. Stoughton", "SGT. Cooper", "SGT. Crockett", "SGT. Jackson", "SGT. Hamilton", "SGT. Jefferson", "SGT. Wilson", "SGT. Lane", "SGT. Jameson", "SGT. Nuttall", "SGT. Gentry", "SGT. Gillespie", "SGT. Pike" ], "Defenders Drop Loot": false, "Spawn Kits For The Defenders": [], "Keep Kit Items On Defender Corpse": false, "Remove Kit Weapon On Defender Corpse Spawn": false, "Lock Wear Slots On Defender Corpse Spawn": false, "Loot From CustomLoot Profile Name": [], "Loot Table Data File Name And Total Item Slots To Use": { "Default": 5 } }, { "Spawn Health Of The Defender": 110.0, "Weapon Damage Scale Default 1.0": 1.0, "Defenders aimConeScale default 2.0": 2.0, "Names To Give The Defenders": [ "Pvt. Harris", "Pvt. Hobbs", "Pvt. Fiske", "Pvt. Carter", "Pvt. Mackenzie", "Pvt. Quinn", "Pvt. Wright", "Pvt. Baird", "Pvt. Marshall", "Pvt. O�Malley", "Pvt. McElroy", "Pvt. Grimes", "Pvt. McGovern", "Pvt. McGinnis", "Pvt. Foley", "Pvt. Morgan", "Pvt. McEvoy", "Pvt. Gunderson", "Pvt. Hammarsten", "Pvt. Jenkins", "SGT. Tosh", "SGT. Waugh", "SGT. Stoughton", "SGT. Cooper", "SGT. Crockett", "SGT. Jackson", "SGT. Hamilton", "SGT. Jefferson", "SGT. Wilson", "SGT. Lane", "SGT. Jameson", "SGT. Nuttall", "SGT. Gentry", "SGT. Gillespie", "SGT. Pike" ], "Defenders Drop Loot": false, "Spawn Kits For The Defenders": [], "Keep Kit Items On Defender Corpse": false, "Remove Kit Weapon On Defender Corpse Spawn": false, "Lock Wear Slots On Defender Corpse Spawn": false, "Loot From CustomLoot Profile Name": [], "Loot Table Data File Name And Total Item Slots To Use": { "Default": 5 } } ] }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 7, "Patch": 2 } }
  11. Razor

    Problems npc raider

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.5.0
  12. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. Razor

    Problems npc raider

    If you are getting that error then you do not have version 1.5.0 installed. post me your config.
  14. what is SET GENES also can you send me an image of how you have your planters set up so i can see why its not finding the sprinkler or adapter and respawning them.
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  16. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  17. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  18. When holding the can and right clicking example at a door the uI does not open up?
  19. Make sure your using version 1.3.1 check config to see version number verify you still have the permissions for the use.
  20. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    BotReSpawn should not be causing any issues.
  21. Download todays update Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.3.0
  22. Razor

    Monument Music

  23. Razor

    Monument Music

    Version 1.1.4


    Adds music speakers to monuments you choose locations via chat commands and set there urls in the config. Stand where you want the speaker to spawn and run one of the commands. Hit twice with the tool hammer to remove any placed speaker. Permission's monumentmusic.admin Chat Command's /mmc monument - Adds speaker to monument. /mmc mylocation - Adds speaker to your world location. /mmc maponly - Adds speaker to monument for that map name only.
  24. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    was just trying to figure out a good way to do this as the boombox was not very loud so would need to spawn it in one location so it can be heard. by the players when i was making it follow the npc so the sound would come from around them you could not hear it in the base very well.
  25. Razor

    Raid Flare Item keeps failing.

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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