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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Somthing must be conflicting if the ch47 is not spawning.
  2. Is the ch47 flying in and just not spawning the npc's?
  3. Razor

    Loot from crates

    If you want to use the systems loot tables or any other plugin to controle the loot tables make the line that looks like this Same for npc loot if you wish just remove the table file name. "Crate Loot Table File Name And Total Item Slots To Use": { "CrateLoot": 5 } to this "Crate Loot Table File Name And Total Item Slots To Use": {} Save and reload plugin
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. Razor

    Changing Crates dropped

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. Razor

    No attack other npcs

    Ill try to implement this.
  7. Razor

    Skins not loading

    there is no way to detect that as its client to steam workshop and not server.
  8. Razor

    Jet Event

    Read update notes
  9. Razor

    Changing Crates dropped

    Currently no as the way they are spawned to be set on fire..
  10. Razor

    questions about defenders

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  11. I added some checks in 1.4.0 see if its helps on your map. Note 1.4.0 is a new config so you will need to redo your config options
  12. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.4.0
  13. The new update should do this now also config will regenerate so you will need to redo config.
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  15. I Will work on adding a way to use up list first then regenerate list to use if more then x names.
  16. Razor

    questions about defenders

    ill work on adding more config options for the npc's to set ranges.
  17. Razor


    Sorry Was not trying to ignore you u i somehow missed this message.. The message system for the support tickets sucks as it sends a list of all the requests and i just click down the list and must of missed the ticket. Currently you have an open conversation with the review team i would reply there but Codefling currently does not let me reply to dm or even the forums support section as i am on time out i guess and there time out does not allow me to communicate with customers only support tickets. If you have any recommendations or changes please let me know as i am always trying to in prove things.. The next update should have a fix for the AlphaLoot issue witch will be coming out later today.. Do you have any more suggestions?
  18. ill look ans see and if i can reproduce it and add some checks to next update to try and prevent this.
  19. Razor

    can you cancel a jet event?

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.3.1
  20. It may be there is not collider there on the map for them to hit. is it a custom map? what tipe of terrain is it happening on?
  21. Razor

    can you cancel a jet event?

    added /jet end to the chat commands
  22. Razor

    can you cancel a jet event?

    Reload the plugin o.reload JetEvent next update ill add a command.
  23. Razor

    Skins not loading

    rust loads the skins to client so depending on the download speed from steam workshop to there client.
  24. When they spawn they just grab a random name from the list.
  25. Razor

    Custom loot

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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