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Everything posted by Razor
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Increase your chance "Random Timer chance 1-100": 20, when the timer hits it will role 1-100 if the number is lower then you set 20 then it will not happen if you want it to happen every time the timer hits set your chance to 100 if you dont want it every time start around 50 then its a 50/50 chance.
Will the event run if you manually type /jet event? Post your config setings.
Version 1.2.3
Will allow you to change the rocket types the copter accepts and can fire. And will allow you to change there damage scale 0.0 and up Ability to use seeker missiles with the holding of Attack_Third key at another copter for usage by the driver. Ability to place Beancans in the storage and do a bomb run where x amount of the beancans will drop out the bottom and explode when they hit something. Driver uses USE key to deploy Passenger use the Attack_Third key to deploy. DamageScales 1.0 = Normal 0.5 = half damage And so on; { "AttackHelicopter Settings": { "Chat Command": "attackHelicopter", "Spawn Health": 850.0, "Fuel Usage Per Second": 0.25, "Instant Startup": false, "Time Between Rockets": 0.5, "Rockets Reload Time": 8.0, "Rockets Per Reload": 6, "Add FlasherLight to tail": false, "Outside Decay Minutes": 480.0, "Inside Decay Minutes": 2880.0, "AutoFire Flares On Rocket Lock": false, "Scan Distance If Using ammo.rocket.seeker": 550.0, "Accepted Rockets Shortnames And Damage Scale": { "ammo.rocket.basic": 1.0, "ammo.rocket.hv": 1.0, "ammo.rocket.fire": 1.0, "ammo.rocket.seeker": 1.0 } }, "Blanket Bombing Settings": { "Enabled With UseKey": true, "Total Beancans To Deploy On Drop": 10, "Beancans Damage Scale": 1.0 }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } }$15.00 -
the regular event you can do "jet event" in console with out the "" Having the plugin just spawn a crash site at a /random/ location with out running the event no
if you set the event to crash x amount of plains and only have x amount of plains then it will crash random on the map. "Total Jets To Spawn": 5, "Jet Lifetime In Minutes": 1, "Total Nukes The Jet Can Fire": 0, "Crash Settings": { "Use Jet Crashes": true, "Total Plains To Crash": 5,
For the crashsite part of the jet command there currently is no console command for that.. are you looking for it to crash by console at a set x y z? or are you looking to start the event by console you can do jet event
Again /talking_npc vehicle copter <MyNpcNameHere> Make sure you have the talkingnpcvehicles.cs installed. or you will not see this command.
/talking_npc vehicle copter MyNpcNameHere
What are the commands you are running to create the helis npc do you have both plugins in the zip installed. /talking_npc vehicle copter <namefForTheNpc>
- #auto plant
- #auto farm
(and 5 more)
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Just set that to 0.0 next update will have that option.