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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Razor

    Manual Sprinkler

    Try this. for the sprinkler issue also added genetics
  2. Razor

    Manual Sprinkler

    When you say Above how close is the sprinkler above?
  3. Razor


    Hit me up on discord #Razor2948
  4. Razor


    No not currently...
  5. Razor

    NPCs aren't raiding my base

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. Razor


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  7. Razor


    Not unless your using truePVE
  8. Razor


    If you got it on chaoscode message me there to sort you out.
  9. Razor


    This plugin does not require NpcSpawn.
  10. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    This is not implemented yet as i tried with the boombox but its not loud enough so trying to figure out another solution.
  11. Razor

    NPCs aren't raiding my base

    BetterNpc has been known sometimes to take over others NPC at times. So not sure if that's the case still. But if they say there coming and you get no errors in the logs. I would assume something is killing them off.
  12. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    if the players are on cooldown witch is set here "Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance": 1440, then they can not be raided again tell after that cooldown. that is in minutes Not seconds so set to a lower number. In your example you have it set for one day so a raid will not happen there again for one day.
  13. Razor

    NPCs aren't raiding my base

    Temporarily unload BetterNPC see if they come.
  14. Razor

    NPCs aren't raiding my base

    Are you using any other npc plugins like BetterNpc?
  15. Razor


    Humm should be blocked because of cave_building_pocket_2x2x2_a try adding that to the blocked colliders in the config.
  16. Razor


    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
  17. Razor


    A base that has been attacked once will not be attacked more than once? if you dont want them attacked again set the cooldown higher "Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance": 9999999999, [RandomRaids] No good random raid locations at this time. Means its looking for a base to randomly raid if it can not find one with out a cooldown then there is no raids. Please post Questions here in for forums as these are plugin questions not support bugs.
  18. Razor


    go into the cave and type /raidme terrain let me know what the output is. As caves should be blocked by default
  19. Razor

    Raidable Bases idea

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  20. Razor

    Skin Spray

    yes you may need to delete any ones it downloads by default in the datafiles. but i thank you can set it to 0 then delete the datafile and it should create blank on reload.
  21. Razor

    Skin Spray

    You can add list of skins to each items datafile example "Optional list of skinid's": [ 87878970, 555555, 786879696],
  22. Razor


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  23. Razor

    Raidable Bases idea

    You can get counter raided after raiding a raid base/ Or by the total amount of npc kills/ or just a random timers.
  24. Razor


    If not labeled minutes then its seconds Taunt players with .mp3 voices is not finished yet why there is no documentation on it if chance set to 100 it will always find a raid if there is one.
  25. Razor

    Npc Random Raids



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