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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Razor

    Invisible NPC's

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. Razor

    Invisible NPC's

    Do you have the default config unload and try and delete your config and reload the plugin see if its maybe a config error if not its a plugin conflicting with the npc's spawning.. No BotRespawn does not conflict from what i am told..
  3. Razor

    Invisible NPC's

    Humm someone long time ago mentioned this issue i am trying to find it to see what resolved it for them... look in rcon see if there is any errors when the npc spawned. But i do believe it was a conflict with some other plugin or maybe a config error i dont recall.
  4. Razor

    Invisible NPC's

    are you using plugin better npc?
  5. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    Read page 4 here in this thread its posted.
  7. it is randomraids.admin not randomraid.admin
  8. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    random raids does not have a command to buy raids but you could sell the flair item to start the raids in a shop. the Npc Raiders plugin you can buy raids with that plugin.
  9. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    in config look for "Trigger by npc kills": { "Trigger by npc kills": { "Enable log kills and random raid on kills": true, "Reset npc kills on player raided.": true, "Warn player in chat of upcoming revenge on them": true, "Npc kills settings": { "scientistnpc_heavy": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_oilrig": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 15, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_cargo": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 10, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_excavator": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 18, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_junkpile": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 10, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_full_any": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_roam": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] } } },
  10. Razor

    Random Raid Timer GUI or In Chat

    I Closed it cause i seen your suggestion..
  11. Razor


    Was he alive offline or dead if dead the plugin cant find the player for the hook call.
  12. Razor


    in config try to enable CallHookOnCollectiblePickup = true
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. Razor


    they spawn with in a radius of the base it does not scan for externals and all that as would cause so much lag trying to figure out how large a players base is in order to spawn them in you can adjust how much damage an auto turret deals to an npc.
  15. in config try to enable CallHookOnCollectiblePickup = true in autofarm
  16. Razor


  17. Razor


    with seeds you can if you click on the seed in your inventory.
  18. Razor

    Npc Random Raids

    set the Raid chance (1-100)": 25, higher.
  19. Razor


    Sounds like you may have an error in your config file. there should be more to this error message.
  20. Razor


    i know it is with seeds so would assume clones work as well.
  21. Razor

    Random Raid Timer GUI or In Chat

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  22. Checking there is no cooldown set for the flair item.. If they throw it and it does not pass the checks aka base size, tc auth, it will give them back the flair item and a notification in chat why it failed..
  23. there should be no cooldown for the flair item ill look into this.
  24. Razor

    Raid Flare Item keeps failing.

    some other plugin is modifying the item in the container cause this plugin will not modify any existing items.
  25. currently there is no delay option.


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