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Everything posted by nivex
it's self-explanatory which is at least how I try to name all of the options if I can it converts the raid from pve to pvp and vis-versa. no, chance to randomly spawn pvp overrides this setting. it's use case is having each event type be PVE or PVP. so you could have Maintained Events be PVP and Buyable Events be PVE.
Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
i've fixed it next update. below this line of code: raid.ProfileName = rb.Profile.Name; add: raid.IsLoading = true; so it looks like this: raid.ProfileName = rb.Profile.Name; raid.IsLoading = true; and it'll work
sounds like you need to update. this is not possible in 2.6.4 unless you modified the Protection Radius.
@aimacak 1. what spawn problem? I have already answered this 2. edit the language file. all of that is there, PVPFlag, PVEFlag, ModeEasy, ModeMedium, Buy Raids, etc as CryEngine said. it does work. you must also reload the plugin after editing. if it does not work then it's Oxide bug. copy lang file to PC, delete lang file from server, reload, reupload lang file and reload plugin again. 3. what fix? "Use Difficulty Colors For Buttons": true, you can't set this true. this must be false if you want to use the hex codes for the buttons and text @Vengadorwebput the item in their kit. you cannot spawn bradley with this plugin. your question is very confusing. you're asking for more items to spawn but you are increasing the item amounts instead. if you want more items then you must enable Allow Duplicate Items in the profile. multiplier and amounts modify the amount the item will spawn with only, not the number of items that will spawn in total. you should have no less than 150 items per difficulty loot table
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@aimacak it's not going to show those colors with that configuration. this is what it shows after I loaded your configuration. you need to reload the plugin after you edit the config, and you need to make sure you're using 2.6.4 buyraid is fixed in next update it is possible that your changes aren't saved if you are editing them from a control panel. some control panels bug out and do not update, even though it appears that they have. update using a reliable FTP client instead. WinSCP preferred but FileZilla is ok
doc is not updated. not really sure how else to explain that option. it means what it says. the distance it will spawn bases away from the center of the map
hi, yes, sorry this was changed in the latest update. I will change it back you need to enable stability for all buildings + enable the extra copypaste stability option in each profile every single base must have this true: "Stability (true/false)": true, and this must be true "Enable CopyPaste Stability Option (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK - POTENTIAL SERVER CRASH)": true,
no, you can have a random chance for PVE or PVP for ALL difficulties, but you cannot do it individually "Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 50.0, you can use Convert PVP to PVE for Buyable Events even if all profiles are PVP though. this requires Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids be set true. they're going to be converted to PVE anyway so theres no reason to set it false. you cannot lock individual difficulties either. it applies to all difficulties just like PVE and PVP above it would be too confusing for users if i moved these options into the profiles, too. all their settings for those options would be reset and i really don't like resetting options if i can help it. if you can come up with a solution then i'll consider it.
@MrIceso sorry about this. Rust corrected their spelling of chocolate and it exposed a bug within my plugin that causes it to loop however many times you have Amount Of Items To Spawn set to, which can crash the server when its set excessively high. this is fixed in next update tier packages would have the item in the Difficulty Loot folder for each file. just search choc and rename that to chocolate. the next update fixes this as well by renaming it automatically so you don't have to I will release it in a few moments
you can increase the amount in the config. change the max amount allowed per difficulty and then set that total number under Max Maintained Events
it's not in the config file but was removed from the cs file in 2.6.2. everything is done using Rust's extents now in 2.6.2