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Everything posted by ThePitereq

  1. ThePitereq

    Pump use 50 power

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  3. ThePitereq


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  4. ThePitereq


    currently doesn't have that much time to rewrite working plugin, it would take me full 2-3 weeks to design and implement everything, then additional 2-4 weeks of testing on production. It's planned but not sure when.,
  5. ThePitereq


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. ThePitereq

    Timed Explosive Bug

    Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  7. ThePitereq


    Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  8. Changed Status from Pending to No Response
  9. ThePitereq

    need help

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. ThePitereq

    Buy Raid not working right

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  11. ThePitereq

    Console Error Invalid URI

    Hey, you've cut the error and don't know where it happened. Weird one tbh.
  12. Maybe you don't own permission to limit your quarries try assignign some derfault permissions like virtualquarries.default and then additionals like virtualquarries.pumpjack virtualquarries.metal and virtualquarries.scrap. All of them can be found in config
  13. ThePitereq

    Gianrt Exq ?

    technically there is no real solution to make real excavator into VQ, but you can just make quarry profile that will simulate the excavator output, or just enable the instanced excavator in config that's on map
  14. ThePitereq

    Tank move

    If he is getting stuck it means that something is wrong there, can add option to disable that output in next update.
  15. ThePitereq

    Tank move

    like to keep it stay in one place? Currently not
  16. "nightcommand-0": { "Command (if set, ignore item)": [ "env.time 0", ], "Shortname": "", "Skin ID": 645763, "Amount": 1, "Item Name": "", "Display Name": "Make Night", "Is Blueprint": false, "Icon URL (if skin not 0)": "<some icon needed>", "Price": 100000, "Price Per Purchase Multiplier": 1.0, "Multiply Price Per Daily (true) Or Per Wipe (false) Purchases": true, "Show Description Field": false, "Discount Permission (value)": {}, "Required Permission": "", "Display Blacklist Permission": "", "Daily Buy Max": 0, "Wipe Buy Max": 0, "Cooldown Between Purchases (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 0 },
  17. Just in commands section assign an command that will set night tim, not sure what command you use.
  18. install PopUp API, you need to press SPRINT Button but you dont get message abovut that.
  19. ThePitereq


    Oh yeah got report like that. Will be fixed in next version probably tomorrow.
  20. ThePitereq

    ID List for Meals

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  21. Can you describe the issue a little bit more?
  22. ThePitereq


    YOu had to set custom item name to "Low Grade Fuel" and iit's not recognizable by normal player, but through game it is, keep the custom name "" (empty)
  23. You need to add sell listing in your data/ShoppyStock/StockMarket/Config/<stockName>.json in Server Sell Items
  24. ThePitereq

    ID List for Meals

    Hey, not sure about what are you talking about. What meals?
  25. you can modify max health default value over 100 and on previous versions of game it secured player from losing food/hydration over default rust limit, not sure if it's still a thing.


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