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Everything posted by Gt403cyl2

  1. Gt403cyl2

    Author perfunctory

    I'm dead so I can't answer questions... What are you on about.......
  2. Gt403cyl2

    Loot Audit

    I haven't added that to this plugin but is in the new one, you can enter the time offset in the config.
  3. Gt403cyl2

    skill tree

    Like which? I recently added it to my servers and have not had any complaints yet.
  4. Gt403cyl2

    Loot Audit

    It will be a separate plugin, it's been in the works since Jan, just have 1 bug I am trying to sort out. anyone who has purchased this will get a discount on the new one.
  5. Gt403cyl2

    Loot Audit

    It's something I've added to the next version.
  6. Gt403cyl2

    Skill Tree

    Ok I got it sorted now, tbh it was kinda unclear how to go about it, I realize the video is there and it's correct, but modifying an existing snippet of the config doesn't follow the video, also the command you use in the video "Testpermsnode" didn't work for me at all.
  7. Gt403cyl2

    Skill Tree

    Lets say I want to add the perm "instantcraft.use" to "Expert Tinkerer": { "enabled": true, "max_level": 5, "tier": 3, "value_per_buff": 0.1, "buff_info": { "Key": "Craft_Speed", "Value": "Percentage" }, "icon_url": "https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ibntd9n1033dh4/Expert_Tinkerer.png?dl=1", "skin": 2873050815, "permissions": null } would I just change the permission from null to "permissions": {"instantcraft.use" : "Instant Crafting"} because I tried that and it threw an error when spending the point on the buff.
  8. Gt403cyl2

    Skill Tree

    Sorry I must be blind, I saw the video for creating your own custom skills, but I think it's out of date? I don't see the command to add, and the vid is not clear enough to read it... Can you provide an example of what I would need to add to the config that I can then modify?
  9. Gt403cyl2

    Skill Tree

    Yeah I was thinking that I should be able to grant a perm, Thanks
  10. Gt403cyl2

    Skill Tree

    Is there a way to make crafting instant when players reach max crafting? Maybe grant a permission? or change a buff?
  11. I mean this could should have the same effect, it shouldn't give 100% protection but if it's the same as the OG the damage eats away at the "currency" lets say scrap in the TC then once there is no scrap in the TC then the damage is taken by the walls ect.... so it's sort of a dynamic version of what you're asking for....
  12. Gt403cyl2

    Decay Logger

    Correct, it logs the data to the data file and discord is used when a request is made for the logs of a given player. with the amount of decay that a server can have it would be pointless to send every log to discord as it would constantly be rate limited.
  13. Gt403cyl2

    Basic Info

    Not sure what you mean, you enter the list of commands you have in the config and when the player uses /commands it lists however many you have in the config.
  14. Gt403cyl2

    add true/false

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.3.0
  15. Gt403cyl2

    add true/false

    The less logic the better when it comes to plugins, so rather than add more code/logic that most won’t use, in your case i would just recommend changing the command in the config for until wipe to something nobody would know so they can’t use the command.
  16. Gt403cyl2

    add true/false

    Not sure I understand. The info is triggered by separate commands, so only the things that are sent by each separate command is shown.
  17. Gt403cyl2

    Decay Logger

    No, as the description says, this is very efficient.
  18. Changed Status from Pending to No Response Changed Fixed In to 1.2.3
  19. Version 1.3.2


    For Admin who want to stay on top of decayed entities, to settle disputes or dismiss accusations, or many other uses. Effortlessly keep track of player-owned decayed entities. This plugin logs the essential details and notifies players when their entities decay. ****Note: Twig is always ignored. Features and Benefits: Detailed Logging: Captures essential information about decayed entities, including the owner's SteamID, display name, entity type, grade, location and decay timestamp. Player Notifications: Enable player notifications to keep your community informed about their decaying entities. Whenever a structure owned by a player decays, Decay Logger automatically sends them a notification, ensuring they're aware of what happened. Discord Integration: Seamlessly integrate Decay Logger with your Discord server to request logs containing a player's decayed entities. Whenever a request is made from console or from in-game chat, the plugin can send the logs for a specified player to your designated Discord channel, allowing you and your team to quickly find the logs you want to examine. Easy Configuration: Minimal configuration, define your desired chat and Discord prefixes, set a Discord webhook, adjust time zone settings, and enable or disable player notifications. Efficient Logging: Optimized data storage through an efficient caching system. Stores logs in memory and seamlessly writes them to disk in JSON format when the plugin unloads or the predetermined cache limit is reached. This intelligent approach guarantees minimal performance impact, allowing you to maintain a comprehensive record of decayed entities, regardless of whether your server has 5 players or 500. Permission: decaylogger.admin - Allows the log request to be made in chat. ***Note: Permission is automatically granted to those with Auth 2 and Auth 1 when they join, no need to grant it manually unless you are in-game when you load the plugin for the first time.*** Chat Commands: /dlog <playersteamid> - Requests the logs for the specified player to Discord. /cleardlog - Clears logs manually in chat. Console Commands: dlog <playersteamid> - Requests the logs for the specified player to Discord. cleardlog - Clears logs manually in console. Default Config: { "Chat Prefix": "<color=#32CD32>Decay Logger</color>: ", "Discord Prefix": "Decay Logger: ", "Discord WebHook": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Your time zone hours from UTC (eg: -4 or 4)": -4, "Log optional entities.": true, "Send player notifications when their entity decays.": true, "Clear Logs on wipe.": true }
  20. Can you join my support discord: https://discord.gg/fT5ZW4q2
  21. Hey thanks I’m bot home currently, will check it out when I get home.
  22. Gt403cyl2

    NEW Sugegestion

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.3.9
  23. Gt403cyl2

    NEW Sugegestion

    Thanks for the suggestion. However, the way you describe your suggestion does not sound like it is useful for how this plugin is expected to be used. this is not intended to log everyone, only those who you wish to keep an eye on.
  24. Gt403cyl2

    Console Commands

    Changed Fixed In from Next Version to 1.2.3
  25. Gt403cyl2

    Console Commands

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version


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