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you need to configure the type of appearance of bosses on the map, as well as set places for them to appear if you want to place them in certain places on the map or on certain monuments, or set the type of random appearance. All these settings are in the configuration of the plugin
Hi, you need to configure the plugin configuration
I understood how you did it, update the NpcSpawn plugin and you will not have such a problem
how did this happen to you, can you describe it?
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Version 2.1.5
This plugin adds to the game a variety of NPC bosses with different abilities and a very adaptable configuration Description Using this plugin you can add NPC bosses to any point on the map. You can set up any ability with the plugin configuration. If it is necessary, you can add multiple abilities to one boss. Abilities are divided into two categories, ones take place in a certain radius from the NPC, and others are triggered by damaging from an NPC. The map also displays the location of the actual bosses (their name and amount of health). You can give any clothes and weapons for NPCs using the configuration. Custom Map Maps that have a configuration for the appearance of boss on their custom monuments You can also download all these files for all maps here Dark Ages Blue Tears All files for custom maps are stored in the folder oxide/data/BossMonster/CustomMap. You don't have to delete files from there, the plugin will understand by itself which map is currently installed on the server and will download only the necessary file if there is one in this folder. The plugin will tell you about this process in the console during the plugin loading. It will write in the console what file works on the current map, and what ones don’t work If you want to create a custom place for the boss to appear on your custom map or on a map that is not in this list, you have to create the ID of this custom map. After that you need to place an item such as a RAND Switch on your map. It must be placed randomly, where it will not be visible to other players. You will get the identifier, if you add up the three coordinates of the position of this object from RustEdit (x, y and z) and write the resulting value in the parameter of your file (an example file can be taken from ready-made files) - ID As an example, let's take the coordinates (26.896, -456.158, 527.258), then our identifier is 26.896 - 456.158 + 527.258 = 97.996 Then you need to indicate a list of bosses that will appear on your map. You need to copy the configuration data block for each boss. In the database parameters you will specify the name of the boss and a list of positions where it can appear Dependencies (optional, not required) GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic PveMode Chat commands (only for administrators) /WorldPos - displays the actual player’s position on the map /SavePos <name> - saves a new position to the configuration file for the boss with the name - name, relative to the nearest monument /SpawnBoss <name> - spawn of the boss with the name - name in the coordinates of the administrator Console commands (RCON only) SpawnBoss <name> – spawn of the boss with the name – name KillBoss <name> – kill all bosses with the name – name Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Boss Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Custom Map Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnBossSpawn(ScientistNPC boss) - сalled when a boss appears on the map void OnBossKilled(ScientistNPC boss, BasePlayer attacker) - сalled when a player kills a boss API ScientistNPC SpawnBoss(string name, Vector3 pos) - spawns a boss named name in position pos void DestroyBoss(ScientistNPC boss) - destroys the boss My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$35.00- 427 comments
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Version 2.2.7
It’s an event in the Satellite Dish location Description The event begins with a chat warning: a bioweapons deal will be in the Satellite Dish. When the time is up, extra crates, NPCs guarding this location will appear in the Satellite Dish. Then a locked zombie’s cage will appear. A CH47 will fly to this location to make a transaction. When the CH47 arrives, it will drop the locked crate as a payment for the biological weapon. Then it will land and zombies will begin boarding on the CH47. As soon as the CH47 has picked up all the remaining zombies, it will fly off the map. If you kill at least one zombie, an alarm will start. The alarm can be ended by answering the phone on the Satellite Dish within 10 seconds. If you don’t stop the alarm, reinforcements will arrive as Bradley to this location. It will parachute down from the aircraft. All crates looting, NPCs, zombies, Bradley can be changed by configuration. It is possible to change the configuration of all NPCs or use the BotSpawn plugin for NPCs. There is a camera in the location for viewing the event and lighting for night events. When an event appears, a marker will display on the map (configurable in the configuration file). It is possible to set up in the configuration the PVP zone for those who use the TruePVE plugin. All players in the event zone have a timer with countdown to the end of the event It is possible to set up an automatic event appear on the map. All timers can be set up in the configuration. Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /satdishstart - start the event /satdishstop - end the event /satdishpos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates. It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the Satellite Dish is read) Console commands (RCON only) satdishstart - start the event satdishstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnSatDishEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnSatDishEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnSatDishEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$30.00- 37 comments
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- #server event
Version 2.2.0
A new event includes a lot of game mechanics Description The event starts with a warning in the chat: a submarine will soon be passed near the island. A submarine will appear on the water when the time is up. There are 4 floors in the submarine. 2 floors are over the water and 2 floors are under the water. It is possible to get into the submarine on absolutely any transport. There are 4 outside entrances, 4 underwater entrances, and 2 submarine entrances (added in the Underwater Update). There are about 50 NPCs outside the boat and two upper floors. There are about 120 crates of items, rooms with blue and red doors, locked crates, recyclers, workbenches in the submarine (it is possible to set up in the configuration). There are also 4 cameras on the submarine that you can connect to (Submarine1, Submarine2, Submarine3, Submarine4). The number and location of all NPCs and crates can be changed in the plugin configuration. It is also possible to change the dropdown items in them. It is necessary to blow up the doors on the submarine with explosives to get to the crates (it is possible to set up the amount of damage to the doors in the configuration). When an event appears, a marker will display on the map (configurable in the configuration file). It is possible to set up in the configuration the PVP zone for those who use the TruePVE plugin. A timer with a countdown to the Event end and the number of crates and NPCs will display for all players in the Event zone. The conditions for the completing event are the end of the timer or the end of the loot crates. The submarine will disappear at the end of the event. It is possible to set up an automatic event appear on the map. All timers can be set up in the configuration. It is possible to lower the FPS on the server due to the large number of entities during the submarine appearance or the end of the event! Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /waterstart - start the event /waterstop - end the event /waterpos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates.It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the submarine is read) Console commands (RCON only) waterstart - start the event waterstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnWaterEventStart(HashSet<BaseEntity> entities, Vector3 position, float radius) – called when the event starts void OnWaterEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnWaterEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! The submarine is designed by Jtedal$40.00 -
Version 1.0.6
Is a simple but interesting plugin to add lock picking to the game! Description The picklocks can be used to open door locks and code locks (can be edited in the configuration). It is possible to change the time and probability of opening the door with a picklock (can be edited in the configuration). It is possible to change the spawn of picklocks in the crates if it is necessary. If you want to open the door with the picklock you need to go to the door, take the picklock in the player’s hands, and press the middle button of the mouse. The process of breaking the door will start. Console commands givepicklock {steamid} {amount} - gives the player with {steamid} a certain number of picklocks ({amount} pieces) in his inventory Plugin Config en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$10.00- 17 comments
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- #code lock
- #door
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Players getting shot by invisible source while on cargo
KpucTaJl replied to KingSizeKevin's Support Request in Support
I have come up with a compromise, you can write to me in Discord and I will provide you with an updated version of the plugin -
Players getting shot by invisible source while on cargo
KpucTaJl replied to KingSizeKevin's Support Request in Support
as soon as I have guarantees that my work will not get online for free, I will not download the update -
Players getting shot by invisible source while on cargo
KpucTaJl replied to KingSizeKevin's Support Request in Support
I kind of answered the question above in the correspondence. I will answer again. This happens very rarely, about 5% of the time, you are the only person who talks about it as a problem. This is the first, second thing I want to say, there will be an update for this plugin soon that will fix it. But I do not know if this update will be about Codefling. Today I will upload it to Lone.Design. There is a vulnerability on Codefling through which plugins are obtained for free, until Codefling developers say they have eliminated this vulnerability, I will not upload this update here. -
Players getting shot by invisible source while on cargo
KpucTaJl replied to KingSizeKevin's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Pending to Closed -
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
Players getting shot by invisible source while on cargo
KpucTaJl replied to KingSizeKevin's Support Request in Support
Hi, this is a very rare bug that is very difficult to solve, I have been dealing with this issue for 2 weeks, I have about 3 days left to post an update that will solve this problem -
Hi, please check configuration parametr "Use the value true only you have a problem with appearance of a ship NPC in the air"
Version 2.3.5
Creates a unique event at the Harbor monument for players to participate in for rewards. Players must battle numerous NPCs and APCs to access the puzzle to open the loot room! Description This event started off as a warning on the chatbox about the ships coming soon to dock in Port, loaded with precious cargo. After the period has passed, a ship appears in one of the locations at Harbour that are accessible from the map, where the crane loads the container. The loading area is protected by one Tank and 7 NPCs by default. The container door is locked, you must push a button from inside the cranes cockpit to open the door. Inside the container, there is a default security camera, locked box, 2 DMS, 2 Elite, and 2 Military boxes. The locations and loot from all crates/NPCs can be configured within configurations, and unwanted crates/NPCs added or removed. Also, ships will generate the default ship loot, e.g. The config file allows to modify tank as well as loot inside of the ship. When the event occurs, the map displays the markers (configured in the config file). All players that are inside the event area will have a timer counting down the amount of time until the event ends. Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation HeliControl Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /harborstart – starting of the event /harborstop – ending of the event /harborpos – determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates.It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the cargoship is read) Console commands (RCON only) harborstart – starting of the event harborstop – ending of the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnHarborEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnHarborEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnHarborEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$35.00 -
Version 2.2.6
The event is an alternative to the usual cargoship, but it is only in the air Description The chat notification about the airship with scientists arrival to the island begins the event A smoke screen appears in the air after the time is up (it is possible to deactivate the smoke screen in the configuration), then the airship with scientists appears There are 2 locked, 2 elite, 2 military, 2 standard crates and 16 NPCs on the airship as the default The location and loot of all the crates/NPCs can be changed in the configuration, you can add or remove unnecessary crates/NPCs There are 2 CCTV cameras by which you can track the availabilities of locked crates on the airship (the name of the cameras can be changed in the configuration) The looting of both locked crates is the condition for the completion of the event. After that the players have time to depart the airship. They can use the transport that they arrived on it or use hot air balloons on the airship (you need be inside the basket of the hot air balloon) Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /airstart – starting of the event /airstop – ending of the event /airpos – determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates.It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the cargoship is read) Console commands (RCON only) airstart – starting of the event airstop – ending of the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnAirEventStart(HashSet<BaseEntity> entities) – called when the event starts void OnAirEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnAirEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! The airship is designed by Jtedal$25.00