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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. imthenewguy


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  2. imthenewguy


    Actually get him to add a black list based on skin. Have him prevent stacking for any item with the set skin. That way it won't have to use the slow AF hook calls
  3. imthenewguy


    You'll need to ask the dev to add a hook to allow prevention of chest stacking.
  4. imthenewguy


    Updated to require the item.name field to match as well, which it wont when implemented via skinbox.
  5. imthenewguy


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.10
  6. imthenewguy

    Console error

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.2.2
  7. imthenewguy

    Console error

    Ill push the update today.
  8. imthenewguy


    If you can confirm how the dupe is performed I can patch it. Ill need a step by step guide to reproduce the dupe though. I own skin box.
  9. imthenewguy


    How is it being duplicated?
  10. imthenewguy

    Console error

    Yeah same thing.
  11. Yeah you can enable permission based trees in skill trees config and set the tree perms to each profession.
  12. imthenewguy

    disable immortality

    I only speak English
  13. I am actually not sure; I haven't messed around with those DLC items.
  14. Version 1.0.6


    Collection Log is a plugin that will track items collected from multiple sources against multiple collection logs. When a player discovers a new item that is contained in one of the logs, it is marked as found. Once a log has been entirely collected, the player is rewarded with that logs prizes. The sources that players can obtain items from are completely customizable, allowing for some unique logs to be created. Fully customizable logs that also support custom items. 11 different sources that can be collected from (Crates, barrels, Farming, Fishing, Woodcutting etc). Support for item rewards and command rewards included. Supports UINotify for communicating newly collected items. Here is an example of 2 collection logs with different sources: The "Farming" collection log contains growable items such as cloth, corn and pumpkins, but the only valid source to obtain these items from is the Farming source. The "Resources" collection log contains many types of items, but has some overlap with the "Farming" log, which includes cloth, corn and pumpkins. The key difference is that this log supports multiple sources (Collecting, Crates, Barrels, and Woodcutting), but it does not contain the Farming source. In this situation: When a player collects a map generated hemp plant (hemp-collectible), it would register cloth under the "Resources" log as collected, but it will not do the same for the "Farming" log. The "Farming" log would only register if the cloth was obtained from a grown hemp plant (hemp.entity). This is an example of how you can differentiate the same items using different sources. The plugin allows for multiple sources per collection log. Barrel - Triggered when the player destroys a barrel or road sign Collecting - Triggered when the player picks up an entity (hemp-collectible, diesel_collectible etc). Crates - Triggered when the player opens a create (only the first player to open the crate will trigger it). Farming - Triggered when the player collects grown entities. Fishing, - Triggered when the player catches a fish. Mining - Triggered when the player mines ore. Woodcutting - Triggered when the player chops a tree. Skinning - Triggered when a player skins an animal/person. Crafting - Triggered when a craft completes. Unwrap - Triggered when a player uses the unwrap button on an item. Consume - Triggered when a player uses the eat/drink button on an item. Corpse - Triggered when a player loots the corpse of an NPC. The only permission in the plugin currently is collectionlog.use. This is required to use any feature of the plugin. Menu command (customizable via config): cl or collectionlog
  15. imthenewguy

    Durability Loss Skill

    You may have another plugin on your server preventing it. Is it happening in a particular location like Raidable Bases?
  16. imthenewguy


    It's whatever you set it to be in the config. Default values: "Name of the scrapper currency": "epic scrap", "Shortname of the item the currency will be based off of": "blood", "Currency skin": 2834920066,
  17. imthenewguy


    Ill add it to the next update.
  18. imthenewguy

    Console error

    Yeah I see the issue. I will have it included in the next patch.
  19. Not something this plugin was designed to handle, sorry.
  20. The plugin is a battle royal style plugin where players need to find weapons and armor to eliminate each other. Kits make that redundant. It does support commands on start, which is a list of commands that will fire off for for each player in the arena, so this could technically be used to give the players items when the game begins. "Commands to run for each player when the game starts and the gates open. Use {id} in replacement of the players steam id": [ "inventory.giveto {id} nightvisiongoggles" ], It supports economics, server rewards, skill tree and item prizes for winning, and item prizes for participation prizes (if enabled).
  21. Not any of mine, so I am not sure.
  22. "Send the icon to access the ItemPerks menu?"
  23. Looks like someone has created an item skin using an image that is only 256x256. They need to be a minimum of 512x512.
  24. imthenewguy

    duplicate bug

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  25. imthenewguy

    duplicate bug



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