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Everything posted by Explosive_Shart

  1. Version 1.0.0


    A set of four 8 bit characters. Has Mario, Luigi, Pac-Man and Megaman.
  2. Version 1.0.1


    A recreation of Lon Lon Ranch from "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time" but "Rusted" up a bit to fit the game. I made it as close to scale as possible without taking up too much space. This is meant to be a replacement for Stables. Does not have a safe zone. Has a footprint about the size of Outpost with 1244 prefabs. Total of 6 loot crates and 15 loot barrels. Has one recycler and one level 1 workbench. Has both Stables Mission Providers. Has 5 horse spawners and a vending machine with both Saddles, both Horse Shoes and Roadsign Horse Armor. To claim a horse buy a saddle and hold your action key until it says "Buy Horse". To install unzip the file and place all prefab files in your CustomPrefabs folder for RustEdit and place the lonlonranch.vprof file in VendingPresets. For support message me on discord at Explosive_Shart#5430
  3. A while back I mentioned BotRespawn wasn't working after a restart and I had to go in game and reload the profiles. You said something like navmesh true. Well the problem comes back sometimes in weird ways. default monument bots weren't spawning but the custom ones were.
  4. Version 1.0.3


    A recreation of Kakariko Village from "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time" but "Rusted" up a bit to fit the game. I made it as close to scale as possible. Also includes the Bottom of Well associated with Kakariko Village. Placement of the bottomofwell 16 prefabs should placed at a Y position height of 18 or above. Has a footprint about the size of Outpost with 1795 prefabs. One green card room with a blue card spawner. Total of 15 loot crates and one green card spawner. Has one recycler. One level 1 workbench and repair bench in green card room. For support message me on discord at Explosive_Shart#5430
  5. Is there some configuration that makes all bots at monuments swarm on players? I can't find anything relating to that. Aggro range is low but other bots just seem to swarm my players.
  6. You can message me on discord about it. This is the first I've heard about that not working. Make sure you unzip the folder and put the prefab file, splat and topology in your custom prefabs folder, then refresh your prefab list in rustedit. If it's still bugged reload RustEdit.
  7. I tried to retest it by having helis spawn every 3 min and now I can't get it to recreate. It doesn't even do the 60 second message. FML
  8. The message flooding happens so often it's almost impossible to see what anybody says in game. I only changed the number of players to activate. I see nothing that relates to the message. So a configurable timer would be nice.
  9. Does the plugin have to spam the message to the server "Incoming Heli is malfunctioning it may crash somewehre." every 5 seconds?
  10. For some reason when I restart my server BotRespawn will sometimes not auto start with the server and i have to go in game and reload profiles. I am using IcedHost as a server. Right now I only have bots at default monuments like Airfield,Power Plant, Water Treatment and Train Yard.
    Amazing amount of control in game without having to edit a config file. Easy to use. Almost feels like the Fallout games when you can loot just about everything while in game.
  11. Version 1.0.3


    This is a recreation of a popular restaurant called Waffle House. It's about the same size as the Supermarket so it makes a great replacement to liven up your map and has similar loot. Works with the SignArtist plugin to create your own advertisement signs on the windows, it also comes with 6 google image files to use with SignArtist. Apply the Height Mask, Topology Mask, and Splat Mask. Don't forget to place a custom monument marker over it so players can see it on the map. Added a file of images to work with SignArtist. Just place images in a private Discord channel for you and admins to host the image from to be able to post in game. This monument is 418 prefabs. For support contact me on Discord: Explosive_Shart#5430
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Just a little Hotdog Cart for everyone to enjoy. I put it out on Discord months ago for free. For support contact me on Discord: Explosive_Shart#5430
  13. Version 1.0.3


    This monument is based on the popular gas station 7-11. It is the same size as Oxums Gas Station so it makes a great replacement. This contains 702 prefabs,. For support contact me on Discord: Explosive_Shart#5430


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