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Everything posted by Steenamaroo
One player cannot dmg BotReSpawn NPCs - all others can
Steenamaroo replied to EmberGaming's Support Request in Support
That's a pretty important insight. I already said but for clarity, the PVE_Safe code only comes into play if hitinfo intiator is null which means Rust does not know who/what caused this damage. That's useful to me for finding things like cacti/barricade damage where it's meant to be null, but it definitely shouldn't be null for a player. I could see an exception, maybe, for some unusual weapon, but certainly for LR,AK,M249, there's no reason player should be null. I'd be pointing the finger at some other plugin altering the hitinfo but you've ruled that out so, 100% I'd be pointing at the player. The reason this is affecting BotReSpawn npcs only is because BotReSpawn is specifically saying 'Protect my npcs if the attacker is null', so at least that makes perfect sense. I'll ask around and see if anyone has any insights -
One player cannot dmg BotReSpawn NPCs - all others can
Steenamaroo replied to EmberGaming's Support Request in Support
This is baffling. I'm afraid I don't have a public test server, no. I only ever had a local dev instance for writing and testing. The only return true (to prevent damage) which comes after the headshot code is for cases where attacking player is null. That code is for handling environment damage where there's no attacker - cacti, barricades, that kind of thing. If you go in to BotReSpawn global settings and set PVE_Safe to false, temporarily, then find that this player can suddenly hurt them, that would indicate something very messed up with this player. To be honest I think it has to be something messed up about that player regardless. -
Don't worry about it. There are no predefined points for any profiles but BotReSpawn can generate random points as long as there's open terrain with navmesh and a view straight up to the sky.. The Dome can have random positions just like any other but be aware the actual Dome gets in the way so you might need to make spawning radius slightly bigger than default to allow for that. The tunnels I'm pretty sure you just need to add custom spawnpoints, as allowing random spawnpoint choice will just find points on terrain above the tunnels IIRC.. At firs that might sound pointless but they are default monuments - One you add your spawnpoints the first time, you should be done forever. The npcs will always spawn at those custom spawnpoints in future, even on different maps. You can replace/remove/modify them any time you like, but you shouldn't need to.
One player cannot dmg BotReSpawn NPCs - all others can
Steenamaroo replied to EmberGaming's Support Request in Support
That's interesting. As I said BotReSpawn has a few conditions in its damage hook which could potentially prevent damage, but they all come before the headshot checks. That means, without doubt, it isn't BotReSpawn that's preventing the damage because, if it was, the headshot related code wouldn't run. All the opportunities to cancel/prevent damage come before that. "We did try this on the test server to make sure it wasnt related to any other items." Was your player able to kill BotReSpawn npcs on the test server? If not I'd i'd guess there's something screwed up going on with that player's client. Maybe they could try on another public server, not yours, which has BotReSpawn, to prove that? I'm really struggling to think of an explanation for this but certainly if your player has issue with BotReSpawn on other servers that would rule out issues on your, or my, end. -
AlphaLoot custom loot profiles not applying?
Steenamaroo replied to Somescrub's Support Request in Support
Hi, It sounds like maybe you're conflating two separate options? The option for Rust_Loot_Source allows you to switch from the default vanilla loot that these npcs get to vanilla loot that some other container would get so, for example, instead of vanilla scientist loot you could make it that they have the vanilla loot that you'd normally find in a barrel, or medical crate. You can disable any/all vanilla loot by setting Allow Rust Loot Percent to 0. The Allow_Alphaloot option is just a true/false allowing you to prevent Alphaloot from populating these npcs, or allow it. Whether or not Alphaloot would be trying to give loot to BotReSpawn npcs would be configured on the Alphaloot side. BotReSpawn just blocks it, or does nothing. -
Not in a batch, no, but I'm pretty sure you can paste the same info multiple times having only copied once.
No worries. Glad to help, if I can. Trees wont have an effect on ai.think, performance difference, as far as I know. Most likely the main contributor is going to be animals. If that proves to be the case you could reduce animal numbers by convars? If that's no use maybe there's a reasonably simple way for a plugin to disable animal AI as they spawn, whilst leaving npc ai intact? Thinking out loud here. NPCLoot is free although, as I say, the option I'm talking about isn't in the public version but I can send it over to you to see if it's any use. Discord's good. Thanks for that.
One player cannot dmg BotReSpawn NPCs - all others can
Steenamaroo replied to EmberGaming's Support Request in Support
Hi, That's an odd one. I'm struggling to think of anything in BotReSpawn that might do that. The damage-preventing checks that I can think of are if the player, or npc, is in a safe zone and Respect Safe Zones is true, or if the player is farther away than the Immune From Damage Beyond setting. It might be worth unloading all plugins then loading BotReSpawn solo and testing with this player, to rule out pve/pvp plugins or anything else that might govern damage for whatever reasons. -
Hi, It's not something I want to add to BotReSpawn. I've spent more time than I care to count troubleshooting issues with customers only to find the problem was some scummy plugin just auto-destroying all npcs in an X radius of their thing, so that's not something I want to inflict on others, even if it is behind a true/false user option. However, there are other approaches. The most obvious one I can think of is just letting BotReSpawn npcs kill these guys? You should be able to set that up on a per-profile basis using the Target_Other_Npcs option, and setting it to Attack. If, for some reason, that's no good I have two other options. I have written a feature in to NPCLoot (for customising vanilla npcs) that lets you turn them off, by location, but it isn't public yet. Now it doesn't catch every location kind, for reasons, but it does get a lot of them. It's still in testing stage but you'd be welcome to test that out and see if it's got you covered. Another option is I could add API to BotReSpawn to return all enabled profile locations as a list, then write a small plugin, using that, to just kill any spawning npcs which aren't BotReSpawn and are within X distance of any of those locations. It'd be like 10 lines. I don't mind doing that, if you want. Essentially what you're asking me to do except not in BotReSpawn plugin itself. Going back a step, is there a reason you need ai.think false? Maybe there's another approach there?
Good to know. Thanks for updating.
Hi, Truth be told I don't really know. I've never used that plugin. XPerience value for killing npcs was requested and I added it, referencing the plugins API from its description, but I haven't personally tested it. At a quick glance it looks like the plugin has various limitations and restrictions, based on location, daily amounts, etc. Maybe something like that is preventing it?
Oh, ok. I see. For all the vanilla monuments you can just have AutoSpawn true, set a spawn radius, and set your npc day/night spawn numbers, then BotReSpawn will find viable random spawnpoints within that area for those npcs, so in a couple of clicks you can have those monuments populated. You can go around adding custom spawnpoints and it'll use those, but that's optional. The same is true for custom profiles. You can add a profile at any location you like and let BotReSpawn spawn npcs in a radius around that spot, or use custom added spawnpoints. There's no built in option for road specific npcs.
Hi, Not that I'm aware of. What are you stuck on?
Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by that, but zones can be added as reward multipliers.
I just replaced part of that which was out of date. Removed Please stick to normal bullet weapons and melee weapons for now, with your npcs. There are plans to support the more unusual weapons in future. Added Most weapons are supported for npc use, including normal bullet and melee weapons, rocket launchers, bows, crossbows, MGLs, nailguns, flamethrowers, etc. Throwable explosives can be used but throwable melee (like spears) can be used but will not be thrown.
Hi, I'd be more than happy to expand upon the description if more info is needed What were you having trouble with? Optional dependencies - Kits (free at uMod.org) ..... ..... Kits. Kits are managed, per profile, in UI. As with BotSpawn, kit probability can be balanced by assigning a number to a kit. When selecting multiple kits, increasing a kit's number increases its chances of being picked. Only kits with weapons in the belt are shown in UI. Please stick to normal bullet weapons and melee weapons for now, with your npcs. There are plans to support the more unusual weapons in future. ..... ..... Q: My bot kits aren't working. A: Kits which don't have a valid weapon in the belt will not be made available in the UI. A: Please redeem the kit yourself to an empty inventory, to ensure that the expected items are definitely in it.
@Lolapalooza Thanks for the info and help in tracking this down. I think I've found a weapon-item leak and have patched it now. I'm keeping an eye over here too, just to make sure, but I'm attaching a copy that I'm pretty sure solves the problem. It wont address the immediate entity count but should stop it increasing any further, give or take the quantity of items which are actually created and put in loot containers. I'll update publicly, properly, when I'm certain it's completely resolved. CustomLoot.cs
Would you be willing to DM me your CustomLoot config json file, all the loot tables from /data/CustomLoot, and your map size and seed please? I'll run a clone of your setup overnight and track what's happening.
I'm not having that issue here, no. If you reload BotReSpawn do you see any complaints or errors in the console. If a kit is found to have no valid weapon in the belt, for example, BotReSpawn will ignore that kit, but it should complain to you about it a few seconds after startup. Edit : Also make sure you have Keep_Default_Loadout to false for those profiles. If it's true then Kits plugin can't put the clothes on the npc because their vanilla hazmat suit is in the way, giving the appearance that the kit isn't being given out.
Ok, done. I fired up a fresh server with no plugins and printed entity lists. Looked normal, bar about a thousand metal_detector_source <shrug> Fired up CustomLoot to populate every single container on the map with compound bows and, sure enough, the entity list showed bow.compound at the top with about 8000 of them. I then destroyed every container on the map and checked again and bow.compound is no longer on the list. So it seems what you're seeing in your printout is the items which exist in lootable containers, and not an issue. "my system resources are overloaded every 10 days or so" If you're running the server continuously you should consider automating a reboot every 24 hours. Pretty much every server owner does that, to keep things fresh.
Ok, fair enough. As far as I know I'm handling item removal correctly everywhere I need to, but, of course, it's entirely possible I've missed something. I'll set enable everything in CustomLoot on my server and set them all to use the same loot table, giving out the same one or two items. It should be obvious pretty fast if those are accumulating on my server somehow.
Seems like that kind of list should almost conclusively point you in one direction or the other. Do you have CustomLoot set up to give those items with high probability? If not, do you have npcs that use those items as weapons with high frequency?
Hi, Seems odd that it's exclusively melee weapons, no? Is it not more likely to be an issue relating to your npc plugins or kits plugin or something like that, or is CustomLoot really only populating containers with melee weapons? At first glance I was going to say it could be the weapons that npcs spawn with, which are then removed/replaced by some plugin, but there's a few outliers there. I don't think any vanilla npcs spawn with bows (correct me if I'm wrong). Idk. Tell me more. We'll get it figured out.
Oh, so it's really just a testing environment right now, with no players actively mass building or deploying? Strange. I'm pretty sure I could run a map on my local computer with more npcs than that without issue. Is this only an issue when the server has been live for multiple days straight, or do you see a problem right from day one? Usually people automate a server restart every 24 hrs, most often aiming for 4 or 5 am local where the player count is likely to be at its lowest. It might be worth trying that and seeing how you go, if you're finding the server is fine at the start then progressively becomes bogged down.