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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Steenamaroo

    BotSpawn Freezing server

    Glad you were able to pin it down, and thanks for letting everyone know.
  2. Steenamaroo

    Bots chasing players

    Hi, There is an open issue where Murderers wont deaggro. If you need a quick-fix, scientists don't seem to have the same problem. It's fixed in the next update, which should come before forced wipe.
  3. The fire in fairly short bursts and their aggression range is adjustable. That error is the kind of thing I'd expect to see if you gave them bows or rocket launchers or something.
  4. Steenamaroo

    BotSpawn Freezing server

    Hi, I can think what would cause a meltdown like that but that's a heck of a lot of convars you have set and a lot of them relate to AI. I don't know what defaults would be for all those but I think I'd want to remove them all for testing.
  5. Hi, From FAQ Q: What weapons can my bots use? A: I recommend sticking to basic bullet-weapons, hand tools and melee weapons. Anything else is luck whether it works or not.
  6. Honestly, I'm not really sure - but the plugin is definitely killing off all npcs, regardless of where they come from. It would create problems with any other npc spawning plugins you have - BotSpawn, RaidableBases, ZombieHordes...It'll kill them all.
  7. Yeah, it looks like NightZombies runs a routine to just kill any and all NPCs on the map. BotSpawn, by design, respawns its npcs aftey they've been killed so that's the answer.
  8. Hi, I haven't seen that happen before. BotSpawn will continually spawn npcs until your specified amount is met. If anything were to kill them, BotSpawn would replace them, so that makes me think something on your server is killing these npcs off. I'd recommend doing - oxide.unload * - then reloading BotSpawn and watching to see if it still happens. If not, some plugin is killing npcs. +1 - Attach your config + currently used data files if that doesn't work.
  9. Hi, The blocklist is there so you can prevent certain plugins from showing in Permissions Manager. I could write in a condition to block the displaying of any permission containing the word 'admin', and to prevent the adding of people to the group admin, unless you have a PermissionsManager admin permission, but of course that wouldn't help for some plugin that doesn't use the word 'admin' in its permission. Is that what you mean?
  10. Steenamaroo

    NRE in console

    Hi, Thanks for reporting. The issues should be resolved now, at Codefling API, although I'll release an update at some point to patch for the event that it happens again.
  11. They should run huge distances - If they're doing that I'll take a look into it and fix it. Thanks for letting me know.
  12. Hi, yeah that was about the best I could do for melee murderers. Their vanilla AI would have them just run up to you, on your safe high ground, and swing their weapon...missing over and over. The run-away mechanism is just so you can't jump on a crate and safety shoot them.
  13. Sorry, I don't know. That's not what this plugin is for.
  14. This plugin removes the one npc who causes nav console spam, and leaves the rest alone.
  15. That’s what it’s meant to do.
  16. Steenamaroo

    put different colors

    For the text colours, sure. For button and label colours in CUI, though, it has to be the other format.
  17. Steenamaroo

    put different colors

    I agree hex would be easier but, unfortunately, this is what Rust CUI accepts. You can convert easily here - https://doc.instantreality.org/tools/color_calculator/ You want the RGB Normalized decimal value.
  18. Steenamaroo


    Hi, Can you tell me how many npcs you're spawning? If BotSpawn's up and running 'bot.count' in console should tell you. I'd expect to see that if you're asking too much of it.
  19. Steenamaroo

    Avoiding Safe Zones

    Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  20. Steenamaroo

    Avoiding Safe Zones

    I went the other way and just made npcs in safe zones act as the Bandits would - They're passive unless you are marked as hostile. This will be in the next update.
  21. Thanks for reporting and for taking the time to post the info and screenshots. This should now be fixed.
  22. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.1.4
  23. Is that the result of reloading PlayerRanks and not BetterChat? Thanks.
  24. I think I know what it is - Would you mind confirming that reloading PlayerRanks immediately solves the issue?
  25. Perfect. Thank you.


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