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Yac Vaguer

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Everything posted by Yac Vaguer

  1. We follow the issue on the Issue section, but maybe someone else faced this issue too
  2. Hi @Devil-Steph I've never seen that behaviour before, it might be related with the plugin you are sharing the config that is overrating how they behave. Is it Zombie Horde plugin from chaos?
  3. Yac Vaguer

    Chat Spam issue

    It seems a fair request, I will add it for the next version
  4. Yac Vaguer

    control error

    There is a flag in the config that says verbose, or developer mode, please keep it false this one to avoid extra messages, it is false by default
  5. Hi Dana, yes but I’m traveling right now, I will be back in 10 days I will fix it asap then sorry for the troubles
  6. The only way that it doesn't work is when you change the skin id, is that what happen when you stack it?
  7. Oh wow I hope everything is fine with you and your family there take your time to reply or just send me a dm on discord
  8. Changed Status from Pending to No Response Changed Fixed In to 1.2.0
  9. You can only call once active Patrol, otherwise they can crash your server throwing severals. Once the patrol is destroy you can call again, you get the messages in the chat log and also you get the signal back to your inventory
  10. Do you get any console error when this hapen?
  11. Yac Vaguer


    If you share the github repo I can do it and send the PR
  12. Yac Vaguer


    Hey, nice job with the notifications, can you make a API for devs so we can call it through ServerMessage.Call?() ?
  13. Hi @TwoShoes This seems related with a wrong parameter in the configuration file, most likely in the rewards section, make sure that the values are correct, otherwise you can try re generating the config file
  14. Version 1.2.0


    Simple Patrol Signal is a plugin for Rust that allows server admins to add a dynamic patrol helicopter event to their game. Players can summon a patrol helicopter to their location using a specially designed signal. The helicopter will arrive, patrol the area, and then depart after a configurable duration. This adds an element of excitement and danger, especially during combat situations. Compatible Plugins - [No Escape](https://umod.org/plugins/no-escape) Features - **Summon a Patrol Helicopter**: Players can use a special signal item to call a patrol helicopter to their location. - **Configurable Helicopter Behavior**: You can configure the helicopter's health, patrol duration, number of loot crates it drops, and more. - **Loot Drops**: Customize the loot dropped by the helicopter, including the types of crates and their drop chances. - **Fully Configurable**: All settings, from the helicopter's health to the duration of its patrol, can be adjusted in the configuration file. Commands Chat Admin Command - `/helisignal`: Admins can use this command to give themselves or a player a Patrol Heli Signal. - `/helisignal reset {partial username}`: Remove the Cooldown for the player in order to use again the Heli Signal - `/helisignal despawn`: Remove the current Attack Helicopter called by this plugin Console Command - `helisignal`: Admins can use this command to give themselves or a player a Patrol Heli Signal from the server console. Permissions - `simplepatrolsignal.vip`: Players with this permission will get a different cooldwown that you can set on the configuration - `simplepatrolsignal.use`: Basic Permission for all players to actually use the Heli Signal - `simplepatrolsignal.admin`: Admin permission to use the chat commands Configuration Example { "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 }, "Supply Signal Settings": { "Skin ID": 3332447426, "Display Name": "Patrol Heli Signal", "Warmup Time Before Patrol Arrival (seconds)": 5.0, "Default Cooldown Time (seconds)": 3600.0, "VIP Cooldown Time (seconds)": 1800.0 }, "Patrol Helicopter Settings": { "Patrol Duration (seconds)": 1800.0, "Helicopter Health": 10000.0, "Main Rotor Health": 900.0, "Tail Rotor Health": 500.0, "Number of Crates to Spawn": 6, "Time Before Firing Rockets (seconds)": 0.25 }, "Loot Settings": { "Enable Loot Drops": true, "Loot Containers and Drop Chances": { "crate_normal": 5.0, "crate_normal_2": 5.0, "crate_elite": 10.0, "heli_crate": 15.0, "bradley_crate": 15.0 } }, "Block During Raid": true, "Block During No Escape": true } Key Configuration Options • Supply Signal Settings: Control the signal’s display name, skin ID, and warm-up time before the helicopter arrives. • Patrol Helicopter Settings: Configure key aspects of the helicopter, including its health, patrol duration, and when it fires rockets. • Loot Settings: Specify which loot containers can drop, along with their chances. Supply Signal Skins Default Skin: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3332447426 ![images](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2411203511269108830/6D682EEE399220D3D4ACC2BC50D0B23430E06D42/?imw=637&imh=358&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true) Ideas for Server Integration Here are some ideas on how to integrate the Patrol Heli Signal into your Rust server: 1. Add to Loot Tables: Make the signal a rare loot item in supply drops, Raidable Bases, or as custom loot. 2. Part of /kits: Add the Patrol Heli Signal as part of your kit rewards. 3. SkillTree: Include the Patrol Heli Signal as a reward in a SkillTree progression system. 4. Marketplace: If you have an in-game marketplace or shop, the Patrol Heli Signal can be a premium purchase. 5. Vending Machines: Make it purchasable in vending machines to increase its accessibility while keeping it balanced. Collaborators * Thanks @Malkizidfor the amazing cover Image
  15. Yes, are the first lines in the config file
  16. Yac Vaguer

    Annoying files

    Hello, I'm requesting a simple modification to optimize how the plugin create files There are two things that are not good practices and a bit annoying 1. Move the logs files from data/logs to logs, oxide and carbon have already a folder for logs and it would be great to have them there instead of data. I do not backup logs but I do it for data folders and having one log for each player that ever connect to the server in any point of time it is annoying 2. Remove data files that have no credit, again it is keeping a file for every player that ever played in the server with empty information making it annoying to deal with it. I'm doing economy wipe every month so I have a lot of this. I'm ok with a console command, but it would be better to just remove the file if the balance is 0, or having a configuration option to remove files. ``` { "Display Name": "UnTalIvan", "Balance": 0, "Card Number": "4266839266164616", "Card Date": "2024-07-14T19:21:27.03931-03:00", "Last Wipe": "0001-01-01T00:00:00" } ``` I understand that proposal are in discussion, but at this point of time these issues looks more like a bug than a potential suggestion Thank you
  17. Changed Status from Pending to No Response Changed Fixed In to 1.6.3
  18. I don't know if it is a type but it is `wtestart` you are missing the `r` Can you give me what console error you are getting? About the hook It seems working for me with the Server Hud for example is working just fine, maybe you are missspeling it ?
  19. Yac Vaguer

    PvE Mode

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  20. Yac Vaguer

    PvE Mode

    In the config file you have a section for pve just set pve mode: true in the config and restart
  21. Yac Vaguer


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  22. Yac Vaguer


    Hi, It seems that you have an issue in your config file, try to regenerate it
  23. Yac Vaguer

    Bradley killing BotReSpawns

    After discussing with Cash, he managed to make a workaround to avoid conflicts between the two plugins


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