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About Water Treatment Showdown Event

The Water Treatment Event plugin transforms the Water Treatment Monument into a high-stakes adventure. This event introduces a series of challenges, including zombie hordes, military defenses, and a dramatic escape sequence.


Event Details Location: Water Treatment Monument

Event Trigger: An explosion occurs following experimental activities within the monument, resulting in the infestation of zombies in the main building.

Security Measures To add a layer of difficulty, the monument is secured by:

  • Bradley APC
  • Guards: Armed personnel stationed at key points.
  • Snipers: Positioned to cover strategic locations.


Player Objectives

Acquire the Loot: Players must infiltrate the main building to retrieve valuable loot.

Escape Before the Nuke: After securing the loot, an F15 jet will approach and drop a nuclear bomb, causing radiation to spread across the monument. Players must evacuate the area before the nuke detonates.


Configuration Options

Server owners can customize the event settings, such as:

  • Zombie Density: Adjust the number of zombies in the main building.
  • Guard Strength: Modify the health and equipment of the guards and snipers.
  • Timing: Set the duration between loot acquisition and the nuke drop.
  • Activation: The event can be triggered manually or set to run on a schedule.
  • Sam Sites: On/Off And Several others see below for configuration example



You can assign rewards using:

  • Economics
  • ServerRewards
  • SkillTree

You can also send message using GUI Announcements 



Dependencies Required

NPC Spawn


Console Commands

wtestart  This manually trigger the start of the event

wtestop  Force to stop  the event


Chat Commands

/wtestart  This manually trigger the start of the event

/wtestop  Force to stop  the event


Permissions to run the console commands



Hooks of the Event

OnWaterTreatmentEventStart    //Triggered when Event Start

OnWaterTreatmentEventEnded //Triggered when Event Finished



  • Animation scene when the event start
  • Improve FX 
  • Animation scene when the event ends
  • Trigger hooks for other developers
  • Different Awards for the winners 
  • PVE Mode 



  "Event Start every [sec]": 7200.0,
  "Duration of the event [sec]": 2400.0,
  "Warning time before the Event Spawn [sec]": 120.0,
  "Warning time before the Event Ends [sec]": 400.0,
  "Time after player loot the hackable crate to end the event and drop the nukes, this need to be lower than Warning time before the event ends [sec]": 240.0,
  "Amount of Zombies around the crates": 8,
  "Guards Settings": {
    "Name": "Guardian",
    "Health": 150.0,
    "Roam Range": 8.0,
    "Kit, remember that this decrease the performance": "",
    "Chase Range": 100.0,
    "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0,
    "Sense Range": 85.0,
    "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0,
    "Scale damage": 0.4,
    "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0,
    "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false,
    "Vision Cone": 135.0,
    "Speed": 7.5,
    "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false,
    "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false,
    "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true,
    "Wear items": [
        "ShortName": "hoodie",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 941172099
        "ShortName": "shoes.boots",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 869007492
        "ShortName": "roadsign.jacket",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 2803024010
        "ShortName": "coffeecan.helmet",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 2803024592
        "ShortName": "pants",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 1313091292
    "Belt items": [
        "ShortName": "rifle.lr300",
        "Amount": 1,
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
        "Mods": [
        "Ammo": ""
        "ShortName": "syringe.medical",
        "Amount": 5,
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
        "Mods": [],
        "Ammo": ""
        "ShortName": "grenade.f1",
        "Amount": 1,
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
        "Mods": [],
        "Ammo": ""
  "Snipers Settings": {
    "Name": "Silent Death",
    "Health": 150.0,
    "Roam Range": 20.0,
    "Kit, remember that this decrease the performance": "",
    "Chase Range": 100.0,
    "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0,
    "Sense Range": 85.0,
    "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0,
    "Scale damage": 0.4,
    "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0,
    "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false,
    "Vision Cone": 135.0,
    "Speed": 7.5,
    "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false,
    "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false,
    "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true,
    "Wear items": [
        "ShortName": "hoodie",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 3031048156
        "ShortName": "shoes.boots",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 2511111623
        "ShortName": "jacket",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 3023836945
        "ShortName": "pants",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 3031050852
        "ShortName": "metal.facemask",
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 3037689021
    "Belt items": [
        "ShortName": "rifle.bolt",
        "Amount": 1,
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 562396268,
        "Mods": [
        "Ammo": ""
        "ShortName": "syringe.medical",
        "Amount": 5,
        "SkinID (0 - default)": 0,
        "Mods": [],
        "Ammo": ""
  "Discord Webhook URL": "",
  "Activate PVE Mode where only the event owner can access to the event": false,
  "Elite crate amount to spawn [0-3]": 3,
  "Hackable crate amount to spawn [0-2]": 2,
  "Activate verbose debug mode": false,
  "Spawn Bradley in the event": true,
  "Spawn Snipers in the event": true,
  "Spawn Guards in the event": true,
  "Spawn Zombies in the event": true,
  "Spawn Sam Sites in the event": true,
  "Add Radiation when the F15 drop the nuke": true,
  "Create explosion in the main building when the event start": true,
  "Rewards Settings, you can activate more than one at the same time": {
    "Economics": {
      "Enable": false,
      "RewardForLootHackableCrate": 200,
      "RewardForDestroyBradley": 2000
    "Reward Points (RP)": {
      "Enable": false,
      "RewardForLootHackableCrate": 200,
      "RewardForDestroyBradley": 2000
    "Skill Tree XP": {
      "Enable": false,
      "RewardForLootHackableCrate": 200,
      "RewardForDestroyBradley": 1000
  "Vending Mark title for the event": "Water Treatment Plant Showdown",
  "Vending Mark title to show owner of the event": "Owner: {0}",
  "Vending Mark title to show the time left of the event": "{0} time left",
  "Notification Settings": {
    "Send missions details to the players?": true,
    "Message system to use? Please use one of the supported one [Chat|GUIAnnouncement]": "Chat",
    "Chat message configuration": {
      "Icon to use for messages": 76561199486270644,
      "Message Prefix Size": 13,
      "Message Prefix Color": "#d06c31",
      "Message Color": "#FFFFFF",
      "Message Size": 13
    "GUIAnnouncement message configuration": {
      "banner Tint Color": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.7",
      "text Color": "1 1 1"
    "Message Prefix Text": "[The Water Treatment Plant Showdown]"



Spanish (Argentinian) Translations


  "StartingEvent": "Actividad inusual detectada en la Planta de Tratamiento de Agua. Se aconseja reconocimiento para posibles oportunidades.",
  "StartedEvent": "Alerta máxima: Presencia de guardias confirmada en la Planta de Tratamiento de Agua. La inteligencia sugiere que están protegiendo activos críticos. Proceda con precaución.",
  "EndingEvent": "Actualización: Las fuerzas de Cobalt están iniciando la retirada de la Planta de Tratamiento de Agua. La ventana de oportunidad se está cerrando.",
  "EndEvent": "Operación completa: Planta de Tratamiento de Agua liberada de la ocupación de Cobalt. Área asegurada para la adquisición de recursos.",
  "PlayerEnteringTheZone": "{0}, la zona está amenazada debido a un incidente en los experimentos de Cobalt. La situación es volátil e impredecible. Ejerce extrema precaución en tu aproximación.",
  "KilledBradley": "{0} y su equipo destruyo a Bradley",
  "AlertOfNuke": "Advertencia Urgente: ¡Se detectó un jet F15 con amenaza nuclear en la Planta potabilizadora! Evacuar inmediatamente para evitar la exposición a radiación letal."



Icons for Server HUD 

watertreatmenticon3.png.0c15b82b5748207b57d2a5b5111f2015.png      watertreatmenticon2.png.e9eaacad1fa455b36b200a2beff60663.png

Thank you @Dead Nasty for the designs 




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