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Everything posted by David

  1. David


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. David


    Thank you! I will include that into overall package along with others.
  3. David

    Custom Buttons

    Added in current version, {player.name} and {player.steam} Permission system changed to how it was previously, users with permission custombuttons.admin can see all the buttons without having specific permissions.
  4. David

    Error in Console

    did you reloaded plugin while you was in position menu ?
  5. David

    Error in Console

    DId you noticed when it happend?
  6. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  7. If you change last value of color code to 0, you will have no background. Last value is transparency. Example : "0.16 0.34 0.49 0.0"
  8. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  10. As I told you in private messages already, there is no shop extension in Welcome UI Addons, there is no need to spam support section. Regarding to how to use Addons together with WelcomePanel, instructions are written in plugin description.
  11. David

    Error in Console

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  12. David

    Error in Console

    Hey, I noticed that too, it does not have impact on functionality but I will be fixing it today
  13. David

    Furnace Levels

    Version 1.4.6


    FurnaceLevels is giving players another form of progression by letting them upgrade their furnaces. Amount of levels you can create is nearly unlimited. Available modifiers are speed, fuel consumption and resource output. FEATURES FurnaceLevels is giving players another form of progression by letting them upgrade their furnaces. Amount of levels you can create is nearly unlimited. Available modifiers are speed, fuel consumption and resource output. Players can pay for upgrades with ingame items, Economics or ServerRewards. Upgrades are tied to specific furnace placed, upon picking it up levels are lost. FURNACE LEVELS CHANGES VANILLA BEHAVIOR OF OVENS AND IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER PLUGINS WHICH MODIFIES OVEN BEHAVIOR. COMPARISON WITH VANILLA RATES WITHOUT UPGRADES HERE https://youtu.be/DkBS7iAzgyM FURNACE LEVELS CAN BE USED AS REPLACEMENT FOR QUICKSMELT FURNACE LEVELS IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH FURNACE SPPLITTERS (and most likely it wont change since furnace splitters are not that useful after furnace update) COMMANDS /furnace player command to get information on upgrades PERMISSIONS furnacelevels.use Required permission to access upgrade menu. CONFIG CREDITS @SinKohh co-developing plugin
  14. David

    Welcome Panel

    As I said, right now only 10 sections available.
  15. David

    Welcome Panel

    Hey, right now WelcomePanel comes with 10 tabs, I do have plans to make page system eventually but not now since I have other projects going on.
  16. David

    Custom Buttons

    yes, this issue was brought to me by other customer already, it is on my list and it will be resolved soon.
  17. David

    Custom Buttons

  18. David

    Custom Buttons

    will do at some point, i just didnt have time yet to remake them
  19. David

    Custom Buttons

    I've spent decent amount time on rewriting whole plugin and I tried my best to make it user friendly and also provide all necessary informations into tooltips, not speaking about my discord name left in first menu where Im saying that you can contact me if you have any questions... I don't know if I can make it more simpler Thank you Alfred for helping out!
  20. David

    Custom Buttons

    Sorry, I was quite busy and this feature didnt make it into initial release. I will revisit plugin in 1-2 days to tweak some stuff so I will add that also.
  21. David

    Button commands

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  22. David

    Button commands

    Hey, sorry but only one command per one buttons is supported.
  23. David

    Permissions not work

    I guess you can remove admins from default group but I think that it can be more issue when creating vip buttons. I will work something out to fix that.
  24. David

    Permissions not work

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  25. David

    Permissions not work

    I already responded to your ticket


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