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Everything posted by Cahnu

  1. Cahnu

    Turrets are Off

    Hi, just wanted to follow up on this. Have you had a chance to test?
  2. Cahnu

    Lootable Turrets

    Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  3. Cahnu

    Lootable Turrets

    Please let me know if you are still running into this. Otherwise I'll go ahead and close out this issue.
  4. Cahnu

    Turrets are Off

    If you are able to, the best way to test would be turning off other plugins entirely(you could temporarily remove the .cs file) and checking if it works. If you can pinpoint which plugin is causing it we could see what needs to be done to make them play nicely together. I'm fairly certain it's some other plugin on your server given I wasn't able to recreate it and no one else is reporting this issue.
  5. Cahnu

    Lootable Turrets

    Just wanted to follow up here. I've confirmed I'm unable to recreate this issue on the latest version. If you are still running into this let me know. I haven't seen anything on discord from you.
  6. Cahnu

    Turrets are Off

    Hello, I have confirmed on the latest version I'm unable to recreate this issue. Do you have another plugin that could be conflicting? Anything to do with power or turrets?
  7. Cahnu

    Heli Crash Event

    The plugin should generate a lang file where all of the messages can be edited. It’s name would be HeliCrashEvent It’s set to post two notifications by default. One when it starts and another shortly before it crashes. I’m going to be posting an update soon to allow that to be configured.
  8. There’s nothing else you should need to do. It should auto detect if you have TruePVE. I can test it out tonight and see if I have any issues with it. Please create a support ticket and I can work with you on it there.
  9. Cahnu

    Hello, Forced Update

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.5
  10. Cahnu

    update 05/04

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.2.1
  11. Nope. I haven't looked into it. I don't believe the other person who mentioned it ever messaged me with details. Update has just been pushed for all heavy plugins to fix the Rust update today.
  12. Cahnu

    Heavy Oil Rig Event

    There was an issue with the Rust update today. I just pushed an update to fix it. Please download the latest version.
  13. Cahnu

    Lootable Turrets

    Thanks for the config. I don't see anything wrong with how it's set in your config. I'm having trouble recreating the issue. Could you perhaps take a short video demonstrating what you are experiencing? You can send it to me on discord if you'd like as I don't think it will allow you to send it here. Discord: Cahnu#5653
  14. Cahnu

    Lootable Turrets

    Hi, can you please let me know which way you are trying to configure it and what's happening specifically? I haven't had anyone report any issues with this config setting.
  15. Cahnu

    Code lock and custom loot.

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.2.0
  16. Sorry about that. It's now been updated on Lone Design as well.
  17. Cahnu

    Code lock and custom loot.

    I don't know if swapping it to a switch would resolve the issue. I haven't tested that. However, that would remove the note drop element which many people like. So realistically it would have to have both options which would be fairly involved and harder to support. That may be something I consider down the road if this issue still isn't resolved but I'm hopeful Rust will put out an update that resolves this and/or allows for a workaround. I think I see the confusion with the loot setting. I apparently left the built in table option out of the description in the config. I just updated the plugin to show that option 1 is the custom loot table. Option 2 should actually be for AlphaLoot. So if you are looking to use the table in the config file you wouldn't need any other plugins. Download the new version of the plugin, let it reload a new config and set it to option 1. Then just fill out your items in the config file and reload the plugin again so it will pick the new items up. You should be good to go then. Sorry about the confusion.
  18. Cahnu

    Code lock and custom loot.

    Hello, I have been made aware of the code lock option now showing outside of where it normally should on the ship. This seems to be a new bug that was introduced and unfortunately it seems to be a rust issue with having the code lock on the moving ship. I haven't found a work around for it yet. There is an option in the config to remove the code lock & note drop entirely you could consider if it's becoming a problem. The downside is players would no longer be able to shut off the turrets with a code and could only destroy them. That will resolve the code display issue though. I'll let you know if I end up finding something to resolve it that doesn't require disabling it though. As far as the loot settings, if you want to specify a loot table within config file you would set the loot table type to 1. There then should be another section called custom loot table for hackable crates where you would plugin the items you want. It should auto generate the section and some default items when the plugin creates the config file on first load so you have a template to follow. Try to delete your config file and reload the plugin to let it regenerate the config to see if that section is there if you are not seeing it. I also attached an example config file from my server so you can see what it should look like. Let me know if you are still having trouble and I'd be happy to help. HeavyCargoShipEvent.json
  19. Cahnu

    Turrets NOT on

    Hi, can you please check if you have any other plugins that may be conflicting? I've tested this is working normally so another plugin may be causing conflict. Any plugins you have around power control or turrets could be causing issues. Feel free to send me a DM if you need help tracking it down.
  20. I can't really test with every plugin out there so it's possible there may be some that conflict. If you want to pm me with details I'll see what I can do.
  21. Cahnu

    Heli Crash Event

    I apologize I hadn't seen this post. Please open a support issue with any details you have around it and I'll be happy to look into it.
  22. @Leonard Hagedorn When the event ends it will remove all entities that were spawned by the plugin. So all turrets, bradleys, scientists & hackable crates would be removed. It also clears the loot piles from the excavator + any diesel that may be left from the event. The only thing that wouldn't be removed currently is loot from destroyed entities. So if you killed the scientists or bradley and there was loot crates or a backpack from them, it wouldn't despawn those.
  23. Version 1.0.4


    Heavy Excavator Event is a configurable plugin that allows for a new type of random event. Randomly a message will appear letting players know that there is a heavy excavator being formed. The excavator will then start mining resources. A heavy unit is stationed by each resource output pile. A heavy unit includes extra scientists, auto turrets, and a bradley. You must fight your way through the heavy units to get the resources that are mined by the Excavator. There's also two hackable crates positioned in the core of the Excavator, guarded by additional scientists and auto turrets. You must work to clear the heavy units and hold the Excavator until it finishes mining resources for maximum loot. That's if other players don't get to it first! This is a great event to add to your server to give it a little more variety. It can be a fun PVP zone or a PVE event for non PVP servers. EASY OPTIONAL SETUP - NO SETUP REQUIRED You can simple drop the plugin in as-is and it will start the random event every 1 to 2 hours OR you can modify the config to your specific needs. Configuration Example - en Admin Only Commands /HeavyExcavatorStart /HeavyExcavatorStop /HePOS Hooks void HeavyExcavatorEventStarted() void HeavyExcavatorEventStopped() Customization Spawn locations as well as the total number of turrets, scientists, hackable crates, & bradleys can be modified. Simply go to the location in game you want to place the new item and use the command /HePOS. It will message you the location. You can the add that location to the config in the appropriate section for want you want to modify. Reload the plugin and you're good to go! Discord: cahnu
  24. Cahnu

    Heli Crash Event

    It should be every 60 seconds by default and should only show up a total of 3 times with each event. I could add a config setting to hide the messages all together in a future version but if yours is broadcasting every 5 second you may have something else going on. I would try deleting the config and letting it regenerate in case it was changed to a bad value that may be causing it. Feel free to reach out to me in DM or on discord as well if you're still having issues after doing that and I can try to troubleshoot with you.
  25. Cahnu

    Console Error Spam

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed


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