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Everything posted by Chloe_Glano

  1. Chloe_Glano

    Raidable Bases

    I am generating Raidable Bases using the scheduling feature. In the profile settings, there is an item called 'Permission Required To Enter.' Could you explain how to use this setting? My assumption is that without the required permission, players would not be able to access or complete the Raidable Base.
  2. Chloe_Glano

    Raidable Bases

    @nivex I have sent the base file via direct message.
  3. Chloe_Glano

    Raidable Bases

    @nivex I have reinstalled the door controller and am copying base. The CopyPaste plugin is functioning correctly, but when generated from the RaidableBases plugin, the pairing of the door controller gets disconnected.
  4. Chloe_Glano

    Raidable Bases

    The Dumbledore door controller is working properly, but the garage door controller is not functioning.
  5. Chloe_Glano

    Raidable Bases

    Is it possible to set IQDronePatrol by difficulty level?
  6. Chloe_Glano

    Raidable Bases

    Can the setting "Ignore List For Turn Lights On" be used to control "electric.tesla coil"
  7. Chloe_Glano

    Meteor Rain

    I am using TruePVE https://umod.org/plugins/true-pve
  8. Chloe_Glano

    Meteor Rain

    Does this plugin also work in PVE?
  9. I would like support for the GUIAnnouncements plugin. I have made the following modifications and am using the plugin. version 1.4.5 ■Add.1 [PluginReference] GUIAnnouncements; ■Add.2 (line:1225) foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList.ToList()) _.GUIAnnouncements?.Call("CreateAnnouncement", String.Format(_.lang.GetMessage("GUIRaidersLeaving", _, player.UserIDString), _.GetGrid(location)), "Green", "White", player, -0.03f); ■Add.3 (line:3407) GUIAnnouncements?.Call("CreateAnnouncement", String.Format(lang.GetMessage("GUIwarningRevengeGrid", this, TCplayer.UserIDString), GetGrid(raidPos), GetGrid(priv.transform.position)), "Red", "White", TCplayer, -0.03f); ■Add.4 (line:3475) GUIAnnouncements?.Call("CreateAnnouncement", String.Format(lang.GetMessage("GUIgridMessageDirection", this, player.UserIDString), GetGrid(vector), GetDirectionAngle(Quaternion.LookRotation((vector - player.eyes.position).normalized).eulerAngles.y, player.UserIDString), (int)Math.Round(Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, vector))), "Red", "White", player, -0.03f); ■Add.5 (line:3955) GUIAnnouncements?.Call("CreateAnnouncement", String.Format(lang.GetMessage("GUIwarningRevengeGridNpc", this, p.UserIDString), GetGrid(priv.transform.position)), "Red", "White", p, -0.03f); ■Add.6 (line:4397) ["GUIwarningRevengeGrid"] = "<color=orange>[</color><color=red>WARNING!!</color><color=orange>]</color> Ready for Intercepting to {1}! 10 minutes a go", ["GUIwarningRevengeGridNpc"] = "<color=orange>[</color><color=red>WARNING!!</color><color=orange>]</color> Ready for Intercepting to {0}! 10 minutes a go", ["GUIgridMessageDirection"] = "<color=orange>[</color><color=red>WARNING!!</color><color=orange>]</color> Raid Battle Start in grid {0}, {1} of you {2} yards!", ["GUIRaidersLeaving"] = "Raid Battle is Over ! Area {0}"
  10. Chloe_Glano

    Raidable Bases

    Send Miss
  11. Chloe_Glano

    Raidable Bases

    Send Miss
  12. Chloe_Glano

    Wagon Plus

    It would be great if this plugin could adjust the speed of resource acquisition at the train yard.
  13. I want to set the number of item spawns, which are currently configured for each difficulty level, for each raid base. I would be happy if it could be set up like this. /oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/Nightmare Bases.json "Amount Of Items To Spawn": 180, ↓ "Additional Bases For This Difficulty": { "raidnightmare": [ { "Option": "autoheight", "Value": "false" }, { "Option": "height", "Value": "1.0" }, { "Option": "Amount Of Items To Spawn", "Value": "180" } ], "raidnightmare2": [ { "Option": "autoheight", "Value": "false" }, { "Option": "height", "Value": "1.0" }, { "Option": "Amount Of Items To Spawn", "Value": "250" } ] }


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