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Rust Rewards 3.2.3

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  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Taking a look at it now.
To be honest I'm not sure the adding up idea really works.

Firstly the option to set zero multiplier is there to allow you to prevent people from getting rewards under certain circumstances.
The zero means all other multipliers become irrelevant, because the outcome is always 0.
If we're adding up then zero wouldn't serve that purpose anymore, unless I hard code a rule, although I can do that.

Secondly taking a simplified version of your example
300*(1.5+1.5) == 300 * 3 == 900


a 1.5X multiplier should give you 50% more than base.
two 1.5X multipliers on 300 should give you

300 + 50%(150) + 50%(150) = 600


(300 + 50%(150)) + 50%(225) = 675

Given that the multipliers are calculated separately, independently of the actual reward, my first option makes sense to me.

Also, in your example people would constantly have mad multipliers because everything set to 1 would be increasing it so, again,
I'd have to hardcode a rule to deal with that.


I think the solution would be for me to return 0 if any multiplier is zero, to retain that function,
and then, starting with a base multiplier of 1, add on how much greater than 1 each multiplier is


so 300 * multipliers  1.5 and 1.5

becomes 300 * (1 +(1.5 -1) * (1.5 - 1))

or 300 * 1 + 0.5 + 0.5

or 300 * 2



Edited by Steenamaroo


7 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

I don't think anyone's ever asked for that before but I certainly certainly make it a configurable option.
I'll default it to false so nothing changes unexpectedly for people but look out for a new true/false in config at the next update.

Thanks for the suggestion. 👍

Appreciated. The rewards can get stupid high for no reason and I cannot reliably plan around an expected amount to be received right now if that makes sense.



6 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Taking a look at it now.
To be honest I'm not sure the adding up idea really works.

Firstly the option to set zero multiplier is there to allow you to prevent people from getting rewards under certain circumstances.
The zero means all other multipliers become irrelevant, because the outcome is always 0.
If we're adding up then zero wouldn't serve that purpose anymore, unless I hard code a rule, although I can do that.

Secondly taking a simplified version of your example
300*(1.5+1.5) == 300 * 3 == 900


a 1.5X multiplier should give you 50% more than base.
two 1.5X multipliers on 300 should give you

300 + 50%(150) + 50%(150) = 600


(300 + 50%(150)) + 50%(225) = 675

Given that the multipliers are calculated separately, independently of the actual reward, my first option makes sense to me.

Also, in your example people would constantly have mad multipliers because everything set to 1 would be increasing it so, again,
I'd have to hardcode a rule to deal with that.


I think the solution would be for me to return 0 if any multiplier is zero, to retain that function,
and then, starting with a base multiplier of 1, add on how much greater than 1 each multiplier is


so 300 * multipliers  1.5 and 1.5

becomes 300 * (1 +(1.5 -1) * (1.5 - 1))

or 300 * 1 + 0.5 + 0.5

or 300 * 2



Oh it kicked this message to the second page and didn't notify me.

I know it would likely require a huge re-write.

"Also, in your example people would constantly have mad multipliers because everything set to 1 would be increasing it so, again,
I'd have to hardcode a rule to deal with that."
For this, thats where values between 0 and 1 would come in.
If someone wants no reward or have something trigger a no reward scenario, just have them put -1 or something and do a clamp for <0 = no reward idk.

Maybe code a Second version of rust rewards and upload it as a second, paid plugin 😉 haha
I'd be happy to pay for a second version of the plugin separately that has this modification that i mentioned in the previous post. Idk if you'd be up for further support for my version solely. I could do $150 if I had my own version and if you'd support it.

  • Administrator


That shouldn't be necessary, hopefully.
I think the solution I proposed makes sense.

In the case where there are two 1.5 multipliers it makes sense to me that your reward should increase by 50%, then again by 50%,
not 300% (3X)

It still works, then, that you can leave 1 as default, having no effect,
and 0 would still work for disabling multiplier completely...Useful for zones and that kind of thing.

I can implement that easily with a config true/false.



2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

That shouldn't be necessary, hopefully.
I think the solution I proposed makes sense.

In the case where there are two 1.5 multipliers it makes sense to me that your reward should increase by 50%, then again by 50%,
not 300% (3X)

It still works, then, that you can leave 1 as default, having no effect,
and 0 would still work for disabling multiplier completely...Useful for zones and that kind of thing.

I can implement that easily with a config true/false.

Yeah I'm just weird I guess.
Doesn't make sense to do this change for just me man. I can adapt to the norm.

For me though, it makes more sense that a modifier should be a once off from the base value determined by whatever event is happening in Reward Values.

Then you just add the multipliers together and do one final equations rather than multiple.

The way you have it, the player is getting rewarded more than what they should IMO.

In the system im suggesting:
If they kill a boar worth 100RP, are vip with a 0.5 (which would be a 50% increase rather than 1.5) and they kill it in satellite which is a 2x multiplier valued in code at 1 (i.e. 100% increase - saying this just to get you in the mindset haha)

The reward given would be the events reward + (events reward*multiplier)

EventRP+((EventRP*modifier1)+(EventRP*modifier2)...etc etc)

If you want a reason for this madness, I'm getting the reasoning and math for it from RPGs.

Say your base critical strike chance is 10%
Helmet give you 3% crit chance
Chest gives 4% crit chance
boots give 2%

The total should be 19% crit chance
(((10% * 3%) * 4%) * 2%)

It shouldn't stack lol. Doesn't make sense to me.

Again, its just a suggestion. I'm obviously the only one concerned about it. If nothing else I could likely make it myself with some work.

Just wanted to point it out to you.

  • Administrator


I think I understand what you're asking for but, honestly, I think my proposed solution is a sensible compromise.

Given that the term used is 'multiplier', and I'm genuinely not being snarky, it doesn't make sense for a value of 1 to represent 2X.
I do get that the idea of multiplying all the multipliers together may get OP, though, so I'm happy to offer the addition alternative I described above.

it may not be exactly what you're describing or asking for but I think it's a sensible interpretation, and you could get the results you want from it.
For clarity you'd just set the multipliers in your example to 1.5 and 2, rather than 0.5 and 1.
The result would be the same (100 + 50 + 100) but, in my opinion, much more intuitive for other users.

  • Administrator


I think the fact that we're discussing in fractions might be complicating things.

The current system, as you know, takes reward - say 100 - and multipliers of 2, 2, 8, to get 100 * 32x = 3200.
The new addition would mean the multipliers are added together instead so you'd get 100 * 12x = 1200. 



52 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

I think the fact that we're discussing in fractions might be complicating things.

The current system, as you know, takes reward - say 100 - and multipliers of 2, 2, 8, to get 100 * 32x = 3200.
The new addition would mean the multipliers are added together instead so you'd get 100 * 12x = 1200. 

Yes, that exactly. haha



Question, and it may have been asked before... if so i apologize... Is there a way to configure Rust Rewards to give reward $ for building? I have a PvE server and have a lot of players that just enjoy building large bases and public builds etc... They dont really run monuments, etc. They were asking and would like to implement if possible? 



Keep getting this error lately, anyone know how to fix?


  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Thanks for reporting. I've added an additional null check which may solve it.
If it doesn't then it's possible it's a carbon specific issue - I'll speak to Raul in that case to see what we can do. 👍

Edited by Steenamaroo
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  • Administrator
Raul-Sorin Sorban


12 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Thanks for reporting. I've added an additional null check which may solve it.
If it doesn't then it's possible it's a carbon specific issue - I'll speak to Raul in that case to see what we can do. 👍

Investigating now

  • Like 1


Hello possible to support dynamicpvp please?

can't set a zone because the ID will change after each restart...





Hi does this mean there is a name mismatch one of our plugins?

"[RustRewards] No friendly name for ScientistNPC - Please notify author"



Hello, sorry to be a bother. I was wonderin if anybody could help me out with a little problem, I'm, trying to set the Icon by default to the top left for players in the Default group but I cant seem to find any settings related to that.



Posted (edited)

Edit: My post posted double for some reason sorry!


Edited by OlRandal
  • Administrator


In the RustRewards.json file in your server data folder you will find a section at the bottom called "PrefDefaults"

There you can specify default preferences for any new player who joins the server.
It wont change the settings for users who already have their own preferences logged in the data file,
but it will for any new users.

"Default_Notification_Type": 0 - The options are 0, 1, 2 or 3 for "Chat", "Banner", "Icon", or "Off"

It looks like I've failed to include 'Position' in that section so I'll add that in for the next update.


  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

In the RustRewards.json file in your server data folder you will find a section at the bottom called "PrefDefaults"

There you can specify default preferences for any new player who joins the server.
It wont change the settings for users who already have their own preferences logged in the data file,
but it will for any new users.

"Default_Notification_Type": 0 - The options are 0, 1, 2 or 3 for "Chat", "Banner", "Icon", or "Off"

It looks like I've failed to include 'Position' in that section so I'll add that in for the next update.


It appears I don't even have this option, I've searched the file both manually and through search function to no avail.

Would I be able to just insert it along with the "general Settings" as  "  "Default_Notification_Type": 2 image.png.3805284eff06b56e9258b0fb3b154213.png


Edit: Im sorry for the silly question, You literally said it was located at the bottom, but that category was non existent.

Im going to try a fresh install and hopefully the setting is present. thanks for the great plugins!

Second Edit: After tyring to add it again to the general settings "and running through a validator I managed to get it to read the line. It is fixed!

FINAL EDIT: I was wrong, a friend logged in to test it and the line was completely overlooked, Ill just have to look forward to the next update!

Edited by OlRandal
  • Administrator


Hi @OlRandal
Looks like you're viewing the json file in the /config folder.

The preferences information is stored in the json file in the /data folder.

  • Haha 1


Steenamaroo. Any chance to add Tesla coil to be worth some points when destroyed for RP please????



28 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Hi @OlRandal
Looks like you're viewing the json file in the /config folder.

The preferences information is stored in the json file in the /data folder.

Oh My gosh! *Facepalm. TY

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Bad Land


hello. Its possible change default notification method to a icon instead chat message for all players?¿

  • Like 1


8 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

In the RustRewards.json file in your server data folder you will find a section at the bottom called "PrefDefaults"

There you can specify default preferences for any new player who joins the server.
It wont change the settings for users who already have their own preferences logged in the data file,
but it will for any new users.

"Default_Notification_Type": 0 - The options are 0, 1, 2 or 3 for "Chat", "Banner", "Icon", or "Off"

It looks like I've failed to include 'Position' in that section so I'll add that in for the next update.


I had just asked the same thing last night 🙂



I want to disable all chat of rust rewards I have set "Disable all notifications" in the config to true, it worked last week now it does not? Thanks if you can help


  • Administrator


As far as I can see it should be working?
Have you double checked the config to make sure?
I can't remember - It's possible you might have to unload the plugin to make config changes, then reload it again after saving your changes.

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