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Anyone know why it sometimes shows names twice? When this happens you can't select the user.
It reports back it cant find Player "STEAMID#". 




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Never had this problem although it shows two ployers who have never existed on my server and no way to delete them ?

apart from that its an unreplaceable aid  to the server.

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Weird one. I've never seen that happen before.

PermissionsManager gets its names from BasePlayer.allPlayerList, which the server manages, so it's very strange to appear twice but, furthermore, the "was not found" error happens if the userID doesn't match any player in that very same list.

I don't have an explanation - Do you have any unusual plugins that might be doing something weird?


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3 minutes ago, pookins said:

Never had this problem although it shows two ployers who have never existed on my server and no way to delete them ?

apart from that its an unreplaceable aid  to the server.

It's meant to show awake and sleeping players - Did you know that?

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Yes of course i know that , but  as i stated above (and posted the issue several months ago)  it shows two player names that have never existed on my server, they dont show in my logs on the server or monitoring rcon .

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In the All Players list, or as members of some group?

Edited by Steenamaroo
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2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

@Chernov- Would you mind confirming if this solves your issue?

PermissionsManager.cs 69.49 kB · 0 downloads

Actually apart from putting the groups in alphabetical (instead of ranked) order i still have the "dniper" and "ppop" group ?

used groups shown below


Permission manager groups showing (first page only)


Its not in any way a "game breaker" its just odd , it also includes (for some reason) treasure hunter which is from the Huntsman plugin and not "really" a  "group",

But thanks for the update anyway  🙂

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3 hours ago, pookins said:



t also includes (for some reason) treasure hunter which is from the Huntsman plugin and not "really" a  "group",

But thanks for the update anyway  🙂

treasurehunter "really" is a "group" from the DangerousTreasures plugin
You can turn this off in its config and remove the group if you would like to get rid of it.


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1 hour ago, Jbird said:

treasurehunter "really" is a "group" from the DangerousTreasures plugin
You can turn this off in its config and remove the group if you would like to get rid of it.


I say its not an actual group as it is not listed when /chat group list cmd is used,  it does not show in chat , and my post is about groups that dont exist that show in this plugin which cannot be removed, and i do know what plugin it is from as i have been using that plugin since its release.

Steenamaroo 519

Posted March 12, 2021

PermissionsManager doesn't handle creating/renaming/removing groups,
but there are oxide commands for these.

oxide.group remove <GroupName>

But as the groups do not exist on my server the above cannot be used

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@pookins- The attached file was directed at Chernov.

Your issue was described as Permissions Manager showing players who never joined your server, but your example shows group names.
Do you have an issue with listed players too?

treasurehunter is a real group, created by DangerousTreasures.

 `/chat group list cmd` - what command is this?

Try oxide.show groups in console - It should show treasurehunter and oxide.group remove treasurehunter should remove it although, as Jbird says, it's created by DangerousTreasures so you'd need to disable the option in its config otherwise the group will just be recreated next time you reload.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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" `/chat group list cmd` - what command is this?"

Never mind - I found it.
This command lists BetterChat chat groups. That's not the same as oxide groups.

Use `oxide.show groups` in console to list all oxide groups or, better yet, use PermissionsManager. 😛


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15 hours ago, pookins said:

I say its not an actual group as it is not listed when /chat group list cmd is used

and my post is about groups that dont exist that show in this plugin which cannot be removed

and i do know what plugin it is from as i have been using that plugin since its release.

1) That is for BetterChat as Steenamaroo already explained. This doesn't read all groups only a few by default and any you manually add.

2) Since the plugin is simply reading and displaying information most of the time, as in this instance, then I am sure that they are around somewhere. The ones you mentioned appeared to be typos so perhaps there is something else going on with them causing them to still be found by this plugin. Perhaps they are part of a different plugin as well and have been accidentally added and are being added every reload even if you do remove them successfully.

3) You literally said that the group was from the Huntsman which is an entirely different plugin. So no offense but knowing your plugins apart can help figure out problems like this and help find a solution.

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[Error] Error while compiling: PermissionsManager.cs(1290,58): error CS1061: Type `Oxide.Plugins.UserData' does not contain a definition for `Perms' and no extension method `Perms' of type `Oxide.Plugins.UserData' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

i have a problem on this linux hosting

on a local computer under windows everything is fine

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Oh, that's rare enough one. I think it means you have a plugin called UserData, and my plugin has a class called UserData.
A short-term solution would be to unload UserData plugin, reload PermissionsManager, then reload your UserData plugin.

For the longer term I can send you a patched copy, and include that patch in the next update.

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46 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

о, это достаточно редко. Я думаю, это означает, что у вас есть плагин с именем UserData, а в моем плагине есть класс с именем UserData.
Краткосрочным решением будет выгрузить плагин UserData, перезагрузить PermissionsManager, а затем перезагрузить плагин UserData.


I do not have plugin UserData

47 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

В долгосрочной перспективе я могу отправить вам исправленную копию и включить это исправление в следующее обновление.

ye pls, its very good

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It could be an extension or part of an extension.
Either way, I'll just rename the class to something less generic. 👍

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@solovei8- The copy attached here solves your problem.
Thanks for reporting it. This fix will be in the next public update. 👍

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