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BotReSpawn 1.3.6

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@Covfefe Murderer True False is o longer a thing because murderers are gone, 
So to solve this creating a kit with a melee weapon in the hotbar will switch the AI to "dumb/murderer" mode
Creating a kit with a gun in the hotbar will put it in "smart/scientist" mode

If your kits are not appearing in the UI then you do not have a weapon in the hotbar



Posted (edited)

custom spawn points is 



There are still the auto spawns at monuments. You do not need to add a spawn for any of the npcs unless you want them in certain custom locations.


Edited by Psyonide


what is this error?
is this just my config's problem?



Posted (edited)


Edited by MooDDang
  • Administrator


2 minutes ago, MooDDang said:

what is this error?
is this just my config's problem?


I haven't seen that until now - I will find out.
Thank you for posting.

  • Like 1


I was about to put in a support ticket for the plugin not starting when the server restarts:

BotReSpawn - Failed to compile: BotReSpawn.cs(3362,39): error CS0305: Using the generic method `Facepunch.ComponentExtensions.GetComponent<T,U>(this T, out U)' requires `2' type argument(s)

Does this update you just released address that?

  • Administrator


I've seen a few people with the same issue but I don't know how it's happening.

Was this when you first installed the plugin, or had it been running successfully before this?



2 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

I've seen a few people with the same issue but I don't know how it's happening.

Was this when you first installed the plugin, or had it been running successfully before this?

It was running fine when I went to bed last night. My server automatically restarts at 4:30am using Smooth Restarter. When I connected around 7:30am I had players telling me there were no zombies. When I restarted the plugin through the console, it worked fine.

  • Administrator


Ok, thank you for the info.

I've had multiple successful restarts over here but I'm on a windows box. I'll have someone check on a linux box incase there's some difference.



10 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Ok, thank you for the info.

I've had multiple successful restarts over here but I'm on a windows box. I'll have someone check on a linux box incase there's some difference.

Mine is a Windows box. I just updated the plugin and same error when the server started... manual reload in the console gets it started. 

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Damn. I can't replicated it here but, of course, I need to find out what this is and sort it.

Not sure where to start, though. It's complaining about a method that I don't even use, as far as I know.
Do you have some means of forcing reload of the plugin after server restart, as a temp fix at least?

Edited by Steenamaroo


15 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Damn. I can't replicated it here but, of course, I need to find out what this is and sort it.

Not sure where to start, though. It's complaining about a method that I don't even use, as far as I know.
Do you have some means of forcing reload of the plugin after server restart, as a temp fix at least?

I've already set an automated command to be sent 15 minutes after the restart so worse case scenarios, players who are on at that time of the morning won't have zombies for about 10 minutes max.

  • Administrator


Ok, good to know.
Thank you again for all the info ^.



System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BaseProjectile.ServerUse (System.Single damageModifier, UnityEngine.Transform originOverride) [0x000e3] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at NPCPlayer.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x000f7] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0 8b/s in, 1kb/s out
  at ScientistNPC.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x00000] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.TickAttack (System.Single delta, BaseCombatEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00106] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.AttackTick (System.Single delta, BaseEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00007] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AttackTickAIEvent.Execute (AIMemory memory, AIBrainSenses senses, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x00042] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AIEvents.Tick (System.Single deltaTime, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x000c3] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0 
  at BaseAIBrain`1[T].Think (System.Single delta) [0x0007e] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at BaseAIBrain`1[T].DoThink () [0x0000d] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.ServerThink (System.Single delta) [0x0001a] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at NPCPlayer.ServerThink_Internal () [0x0000d] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at HumanNPC.TryThink () [0x00000] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0
  at AIThinkManager.DoProcessing (ListHashSet`1[T] process, System.Single budgetSeconds, System.Int32& last) [0x00014] in <fd605909c1234f828aff4652dbdd1011>:0



how can bots respawn in day time pls. thanks and when are RP going to be on!


  • Administrator


Hi @pinoysaboteur
I'm working on RustRewards integration as we speak,
and npcs should be respawning/despawning according to time of day, and your population settings, after a short delay.

Respawn timer is taken into account for this, and is now in minutes, so it might be worth ensuring it's not set to a very high value.

I think I've found, and prevented, this error now. Thank you.
Do you have any unusual items in the npc belts, like a hammer for example?
If you do, removing those may stop the error, between now and the next plugin update.



ah so if i set respawn to 0 when it turn day time it will spawn?


  • Administrator


0 might be a bit intense, forcing the spawngroup to check very frequently.

I'll make some changes to this - Respawn timer (due to being killed) needs to be separated from the respawn timer due to day/night changing.

  • Like 1


Okay, what the FUCK has happened to my entire map after restart with this plugin in



4 minutes ago, McPhee said:

Okay, what the FUCK has happened to my entire map after restart with this plugin in

a really bad bug



Aren't these premium plugins tested before going live???? Holy shit this is a disaster. 



Confirmed, this plugin just completely wiped all our servers and broke the sav files (messed up vanilla monuments even)

So first PVE customers get held hostage behind a paywall (yes he deserves to be paid for his work, but you all do realize BotSpawn brings people to his site here, and he gets thousands in commissions off the sales of all the stuff here).

Then after holding PVE servers hostage behind a paywall, the new version is far inferior from an admin standpoint.  No commands, all set up has to be done through a GUI which is lengthy to navigate and disables mouse movement (rotating your view) making setting spawn points a pain.

Then a massive bug is discovered that completely nukes your server and not even a mass ping or email to customers warning them.  We spent 4 hours this morning trying to figure out why our servers wiped only to hear through the grapevine it was BotReSpawn


Great work.  And great testing.


Strange to me how you had a massive helping hand in developing and testing BotSpawn 2.0 back in the day and had NO problems there.    I know for a fact

  • Like 3


I just don't get how a plugin can be released for sale with such a huge fucking bug in it. This is just insanity. 



Pretty shitty timing on the release of this. Understand that plugins like this can be complicated and $$$ should be involved, but you should seriously consider going back to both communications school and then dig into some ITIL practices for release management. 

Releasing a patch for a critical failure with no real notification (via Discord [from my understand is a option]) or other means is hot trash. Now, you have several administrators on key servers having to clean up your mess.

Congrats - you done fucked up.

  • Like 1
Elektra Hart


Even after the emergency update unfortunately the option to turn off the radio is still not working. 

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