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  1. It should work yes, if not I will be able to fix it within a very, very short time period. But I haven't received any complaints about it not working.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    A bank building that can be used for multiple things, such as a cool roleplay building on your roleplay server, or as a cool monument for your players to explore. There is no loot or anything but feel free to place this yourself if you want. The prefab includes height. Looking to get a prefab or map customly made? Feel free to contact me on discord [-Core-] Daan#1402
  3. Hello, I'll update the map for you to a new version that does work. My bad for not doing this any earlier! Edit: The new version was uploaded.
  4. Lucius

    Fuel Pump

    Is it possible to pay using economics too?
  5. Lucius


    Is it possible to add a function to recognize players using a permission? Like if they have permission for example police.onduty then they are counted as being on-duty..? This would be really practicle for many people including me. The reason I need this would be the server im working on, i'll give you an insight of my server so you might be able to understand why I want it so bad haha. https://youtu.be/tHnDLC2cgeA
  6. Lucius


    But if I may ask, how do you recognize on-duty/off-duty players if you dont do it with a permission/group.
  7. Lucius


    Hey, that is correct. I have the NPCs and know how to give permissions or groups using a NPC. Though my question was if the police officers on-duty have a sort of onduty permission which makes it so I can just remove the command and instead give that onduty permission using a NPC.
  8. Lucius


    If the police officer goes on-duty do they get added to a certain oxide group or permission or not? Asking this so if I do buy this plugin I could disable the on/off-duty command and bind the system to a NPC that will then give the group/permission instead of a command so its more realistic.
  9. Have you tried using the basic config that the creator of this plugin made and is downloadable on the main page?
  10. Version 1.0.0


    The famous well known 'Eiffel Tower'. This is a dome/oil rig styled monument in the shape of the Eiffel Tower. There is an elevator that goes up to the second floor though it doesnt reach the absolute top that has 3 military crates. The tower isn't scaled 1:1 as that would end up way too large anyway, the size as it currently is is about 1.5x higher than the dome is. There is loot containers placed down, the loot is pretty similar to the dome though there is a few extra food/medical crates on the Eiffel Tower. Object Count: 2316 The prefab includes splat and height. Looking to get a prefab or map customly made? Feel free to contact me on discord [-Core-] Daan#1402
  11. Download this plugin: https://umod.org/plugins/image-library and put it in your oxide/plugins, this is a dependency and it is required to download/use the pictures.
  12. Lucius

    Simple Prison

    The splat I used for this kept breaking when I created the custom prefab, I'll see if I can add a splat and height in the next few days I think biome isn't needed seeing as it fits basically anywhere. I like the screenshots, looking good man!
  13. Lucius

    Need some info/explanation.

    So default respawn rate is 40 minutes?
  14. Lucius

    Need some info/explanation.

    What does the refillrate do exactly?
  15. Lucius

    Loot containers are unlootable

    It works perfectly, incredibly work. Thanks


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