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will007's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Drone Taxi (Rust Uber)"


    Drone Taxi (Rust Uber)

    Drone Taxi adds another way to travel around the Rust World!
    Simply type /taxi to bring up a taxi selection screen. Each taxi has its benefits and different scrap costs to run. Prices are all customisable as well as who can use them!

    How To Use It?
    Typing /taxi will bring up a taxi UI. Select one of the three drone types available and it will be delivered near you. Once onboard right click on your map where you want to go. Make sure you have enough scrap to get there!
    The drone will try to avoid all obstacles and are restricted in where they can pick passengers up as well as a drop. Check the video for a demo

    Types Of Drones
    There are three types of drones, Drone X, Drone XL, and Drone Lux
    Drone X is the cheapest and simplest drone. It seats only one person!
    Drone XL seats three people
    Drone LUX is for the mega-rich players. This only seats one player but is a way better ride
    You require specific permission to be able to use each drone. They are as follows and respect the corresponding drone
    There is only one command /taxi this brings up the taxi UI
    Each drone can have its price per second, as well as base price, tweaked.
    flatFeeX -> amount of scrap to charge for setting a destination for drone X
    flatFeeXL -> Same as above but for drone XL
    flatFeeLUX -> Same as above but for drone LUX
    varableFeeX - > How much scrap to charge per second of flight for drone X
    varableFeeXL -> Same as above but for drone XL
    varableFeeLUX -> Same as above but for drone LUX
    coolDown - > Time in seconds before a new taxi can be called
    ignoreBuildingBlocked -> Enable this to ignore building blocked sphere (monuments) This is not recommeneded
    Sometimes the chairs will appear invisible. This is purely cosmetic for the player and they tend to reshow after a few seconds.
    Need to contact me for issues or private work mrcameron999#0001 on Discord
  2. More information about "Base Pack For Raidable Bases - 38 Bases"

    $15.00 $13.00

    Base Pack For Raidable Bases - 38 Bases

    A set of 38 bases for plugin Raidable Bases.
    12 Easy Bases
    12 Medium Bases
    12 Hard Bases
    1 Expert Base
    1 Nightmare Base
    To use the bases, the contents of the archive must be unpacked to the oxide\data\copypaste folder on your server.
    After extracting the files, enter the following commands into the server console:
    rb.config add "Easy Bases" EZ1 EZ2 EZ3 EZ4 EZ5 EZ6 EZ7 EZ8 EZ9 EZ10 EZ11 EZ12 rb.config add "Medium Bases" MB1 MB2 MB3 MB4 MB5 MB6 MB7 MB8 MB9 MB10 MB11 MB12 rb.config add "Hard Bases" HB1 HB2 HB3 HB4 HB5 HB6 HB7 HB8 HB9 HB10 HB11 HB12 rb.config add "Expert Bases" EXP1 rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" NMB1  
  3. More information about "Raid Base Pack 3"

    $29.99 $15.99

    Raid Base Pack 3

    Expand Your Rust Empire with Our Exclusive Raidable Bases Package!
    RustBase Pack. 3
    Give your Rust experience a boost with our comprehensive package featuring 30 raidable bases designed to challenge even the bravest players! This unique set provides everything you need to expand and fortify your presence in the Rust world.
    Key Features:
    Diverse Challenges: From easy bases for beginners to nightmare structures for the most experienced players, our package offers a wide range of difficulties to keep the excitement and challenge alive in every raid.
    Optimized for Thrilling Raids: All bases are meticulously optimized to provide you with the best raiding experience possible. Each design has been carefully crafted to balance challenge and fun, delivering engaging and strategic gameplay.
    Unique Style with Special Skins: Each base features special skins that not only add a unique aesthetic touch but also highlight the theme and difficulty of the base. From the brutality of easy bases to the imposing presence of nightmare bases, each one is a visual masterpiece!
    6 Easy bases 
    6 Medium bases
    6 Hard bases 
    6 Expert bases
    6 Nightmare bases
    Skin Details:
    Easy: Frontier Skin 
    Medium: Brick Skin for a solid and robust construction.
    Hard: Container Skin for an industrial and challenging look.
    Expert and Nightmare: Container and HQ Skin for an epic and formidable design.
    Get ready for action and strategy as you immerse yourself in the challenging world of Rust with our raidable bases package! Upgrade your server today and take your raids to the next level!
    rb.config add "Easy Bases" rustbaseeasy13 rustbaseeasy14 rustbaseeasy15 rustbaseeasy16 rustbaseeasy17 rustbaseeasy18 rb.config add "Medium Bases" rustbasemed13 rustbasemed14 rustbasemed15 rustbasemed16 rustbasemed17 rustbasemed18 rb.config add "Hard Bases" rustbasehard13 rustbasehard14 rustbasehard15 rustbasehard16 rustbasehard17 rustbasehard18 rb.config add "Expert Bases" rustbaseexpert13 rustbaseexpert14 rustbaseexpert15 rustbaseexpert16 rustbaseexpert17 rustbaseexpert18 rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" rustbasenightmare13 rustbasenightmare14 rustbasenightmare15 rustbasenightmare16 rustbasenightmare17 rustbasenightmare18  
  4. More information about "HVMs"



    Swipe a keycard to start hacking HVMs, after hacking, enjoy discounted items and extra loot.

     Default Hacking Times:
    AccessLevel 1 - 2 minutes AccessLevel 2 - 3.75 minutes AccessLevel 3 - 7.5 minutes  Default Reset Times:
    AccessLevel 1 - 15 minutes AccessLevel 2 - 20 minutes AccessLevel 3 - 25 minutes  
    3 Tiers (AccessLevel 1, 2, 3).  Map Marker off by default, enable in config.

    Item Shop & Loot Stashes

    Tier 2 HVM Rewards Example: 

    Starting the HVM hacking gives you rewards in Economics & ServerRewards if configured.

    HVMs are located at every monument by default, configurable in config.
     + Spawn HVMs manually by using commands.
    (permission - "hvms.Admin")
    /hvm: Shows all available commands.
    /hvm spawn [1-3] [name]: Spawns an HVM and saves its location.
    /hvm remove [name]: Destroys an HVM and removes its location.
    /hvm list [page]: Lists all HVM spawn locations.

    Config preview:
    Map Marker Visibility, Custom Messages, Notifications, Vending Machine Skins, Hacking Times, Reset Times, Success Rates, Rewards (Item Shop & Loot Stashes), Locations Default Config:
    { "General Settings": { "Map Marker Visibility || '1'= Always until Hacked, '2'= Only when Hacking, '3'= Off": 3, "Marker Name": "A Locked Vending Machine", "Marker Name (Hacking)": "Hacking...", "Gametip Msg when HVM is Locked": "Swipe keycard to start hacking.", "Gametip Msg when HVM is Hacking": "Hacking... {formattedTime}", "Global Chat Notify Hacking": false, "Global Chat Hacking Msg": "HVM Hacking near {mapGridLocation} !", "Notify Groups Only || All 0.0 = Global Chat; Chance 0.0 = 0%; 1.0 = 100%": { "Default": 0.0, "Admin": 0.0 }, "Economics Reward Msg": "You received {economicsAmount} <color=#3e9c35>$</color>", "Server Rewards Msg": "You received {serverRewardsAmount} <color=#cd4632>RP</color>", "Remove Non-Monument HVM Locations on Wipe": true, "Disable 'Dynamic Pricing' for HVM Item Shop": true, "Console Debug": false }, "Main Settings": { "Workshop SkinIDs for HVMs": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 3174792873, "|AccessLevel 2|": 3174791726, "|AccessLevel 3|": 3174785929 }, "Hacking Times | 1.0 = 1 second": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 119.0, "|AccessLevel 2|": 225.0, "|AccessLevel 3|": 450.0 }, "Reset Times | 1.0 = 1 second": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 900.0, "|AccessLevel 2|": 1200.0, "|AccessLevel 3|": 1500.0 }, "Hacking Success Rates | 1.0 = 100%": { "|AccessLevel 1|": { "Min": 0.85, "Max": 0.9 }, "|AccessLevel 2|": { "Min": 0.9, "Max": 0.95 }, "|AccessLevel 3|": { "Min": 0.95, "Max": 1.0 } }, "Item Shop - Added when Hacking completes - Chance 1.0 = 100%": { "|AccessLevel 1|": [ { "Chance To Add": 0.7, "Item For Sale": "pistol.revolver", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 25 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.pistol", "Sell Amount": 10, "Stock": 100, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 10 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.06, "Item For Sale": "pistol.prototype17", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 1, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 150 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.5, "Item For Sale": "pistol.semiauto", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 65 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.05, "Item For Sale": "supply.signal", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 1, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 50 } ], "|AccessLevel 2|": [ { "Chance To Add": 0.5, "Item For Sale": "rifle.sks", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 100 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.7, "Item For Sale": "smg.thompson", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 2, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 100 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.rifle", "Sell Amount": 25, "Stock": 150, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 15 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.pistol", "Sell Amount": 15, "Stock": 300, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 10 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.15, "Item For Sale": "grenade.flashbang", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 30, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 1 } ], "|AccessLevel 3|": [ { "Chance To Add": 0.06, "Item For Sale": "shotgun.m4", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 1, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 250 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.4, "Item For Sale": "rifle.ak", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 150 }, { "Chance To Add": 1.0, "Item For Sale": "ammo.rifle", "Sell Amount": 25, "Stock": 300, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 10 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.05, "Item For Sale": "explosive.timed", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 3, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 100 }, { "Chance To Add": 0.055, "Item For Sale": "ammo.rocket.basic", "Sell Amount": 1, "Stock": 2, "Currency": "scrap", "Price": 75 } ] }, "Loot Stash Slots": { "|AccessLevel 1|": 5, "|AccessLevel 2|": 8, "|AccessLevel 3|": 10 }, "Loot Stash Rewards - Added when Hacking completes - Chance 1.0 = 100%": { "|AccessLevel 1|": [ { "Chance": 1.0, "Item": "scrap", "Item Amount": { "Min": 125, "Max": 450 } }, { "Chance": 0.3, "Item": "halloween.lootbag.small", "Item Amount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 4 } } ], "|AccessLevel 2|": [ { "Chance": 1.0, "Item": "scrap", "Item Amount": { "Min": 325, "Max": 850 } }, { "Chance": 0.3, "Item": "halloween.lootbag.medium", "Item Amount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 2 } } ], "|AccessLevel 3|": [ { "Chance": 1.0, "Item": "scrap", "Item Amount": { "Min": 625, "Max": 1850 } }, { "Chance": 0.3, "Item": "halloween.lootbag.large", "Item Amount": { "Min": 1, "Max": 1 } } ] }, "ServerRewards & Economics Rewards - Given when Player starts Hacking - |Plugins Required|": { "|AccessLevel 1|": { "Economics - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "ServerRewards - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 } }, "|AccessLevel 2|": { "Economics - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "ServerRewards - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 } }, "|AccessLevel 3|": { "Economic - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 }, "ServerRewards - Plugin": { "Min": 0, "Max": 0 } } } }, "HVM Locations": { "harbor/harbor_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "5.15,1.25,98.2", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,180.0,0.0" } ], "harbor/harbor_2.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "36.68,4.0,77.8", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-180.0,0.0" } ], "harbor/ferry_terminal_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-7.5,5.25,0.45", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "medium/junkyard_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "11.5,0.6,1.3", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,162.0,0.0" } ], "lighthouse/lighthouse.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "3.0,14.0,6.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-70.0,0.0" } ], "roadside/warehouse.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-4.35,0.0,-1.76", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,165.0,0.0" } ], "roadside/supermarket_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.45,0.025,-6.9", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-180.0,0.0" } ], "medium/radtown_small_3.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-50.1,19.7725,-46.3", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "roadside/gas_station_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 2, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "1.75,3.245,16.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-180.95,0.0" } ], "small/satellite_dish.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "5.85,6.025,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" } ], "large/powerplant_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "41.7,0.27,69.2", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,180.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "10.3,0.27,-39.1", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" } ], "large/military_tunnel_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-62.4,19.65,36.25", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-23.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-1.0,13.4,67.9", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-85.0,0.0" } ], "large/airfield_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "26.2,0.3,7.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-44.1,0.3,-75.3", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-45.0,0.0" } ], "small/sphere_tank.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-28.3,10.6,-16.1", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-115.0,0.0" } ], "large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "3.25,0.3,-67.4", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "large/trainyard_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 2, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "48.5,0.27,-13.5", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-21.5,0.27,17.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "182.0,3.0,12.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" }, { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "182.0,3.0,-12.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-90.0,0.0" } ], "medium/nuclear_missile_silo.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "6.08,0.27,19.9", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,-178.0,0.0" } ], "arctic_bases/arctic_research_base_a.prefab": [ { "Enabled": true, "|AccessLevel|": 3, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-26.70,0.23,6.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_a.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,10.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "4.64,0.01,-0.41" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_b.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_c.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "military_bases/desert_military_base_d.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ], "OilrigAI": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "9.8,27.01,-4.5", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,165.0,0.0" } ], "OilrigAI2": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-10.7,36.15,-9.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,90.0,0.0" } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/bandit_town.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,180.0,0.0" } ], "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab": [ { "Enabled": false, "|AccessLevel|": 1, "Monument Quantity (or 0)": 1, "HVM Location X,Y,Z": "-7.0,0.25,-1.4", "HVM Rotation X,Y,Z": "0.0,0.0,0.0" } ] } }
  5. More information about "Turret Modifier"


    Turret Modifier

    Written with the best performance in mind turret modifier brings the ability for players to have different custom sentry, auto turrets & flame turrets each with different permissions as well as a global default one. It supports tc limits, auto auths, custom toggle on/of commands and restock command of turret ammo. You can make as many perms as you wish for different turret variants. Ideal for shop plugins, vending machines and more. With more features in the works / development. 
    * Multiple Ammo Types per turret * Ability to place turrets on any building surface. * Turret Limits * Auto Authorization support for Teams & TC * Turret Customization Support * Individual trap limits * commands to toggle turrets on / off * commands to refill the turrets with ammo on the player * More to come, look at config below for full feature list  
    F1 / Console Commands
    tm.flame name or steamID perm or global amount spin<optional, Example: tm.flame give khan global 3 | tm.flame give khan global 3 spin tm.turret name or steamID perm or global amount spin<optional, Example: tm.turret give khan global 3 | tm.turret give khan global 3 spin tm.sentry name or steamID perm or global amount spin<optional, Example: tm.sentry give khan global 3 | tm.sentry give khan global 3 spin tm.clear ( removes all server instances of player placed sentry turrets ) Chat Commands
    /toggle <on> | <off> ( toggles all auto turrets with power on or off ) NOTE: restock command requires the player to have the ammo on them to work. /restock red 500 ( restocks all turrets within that TC area with the specified ammo type & ammount per turret ) /restock <default> | <black> | <blue> | <red> | <sam>  
    { "Enables use of permission based settings": true, "Toggle Command for Turrets: Toggles on / off (set empty string to disable)": "toggle", "ReStock Command for Turrets: Specify Ammo & ReStock Inventory (set empty string to disable)": "restock", "Give Command Flame Turret": "tm.flame", "Give Command Auto Turret": "tm.turret", "Give Command Sentry": "tm.sentry", "Clear Sentry Command": "tm.clear", "SteamIDs that are excluded from build Limits": [], "Can Be Targeted Settings": { "SteamIDs that are excluded from being targeted": [] }, "Global Auto Turret": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Bullet Speed, vanilla = 200f": 200.0, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 30.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1000.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Auto Turret", "Player Auto Turret Permissions": { "toptier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 15, "Bullet Speed, vanilla = 200f": 200.0, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 100.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1500.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 5": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Auto Turret" }, "midtier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 13, "Bullet Speed, vanilla = 200f": 200.0, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 70.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1300.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 5": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Auto Turret" }, "lowtier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Bullet Speed, vanilla = 200f": 200.0, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 50.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1150.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 5": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Auto Turret" } } }, "Global Sentry Turret": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Can take damage": true, "Give turret back on ground missing check": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Power Requirement, 0 = no power": 10, "Amount of ammo for one spray, 0 = no-ammo mode": 3, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 30.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1000.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 36": 12, "Skin": 1587601905, "Display Name": "Sentry Turret", "Set Ammo Types, Rifle = 0 | Explosive = 1 | HV = 2 | Incendiary = 3 | SAM = 4 | All = 7": [ 0 ], "Player Sentry Turret Permissions": { "toptier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Can take damage": true, "Give turret back on ground missing check": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 15, "Power Requirement, 0 = no power": 0, "Amount of ammo for one spray, 0 = no-ammo mode": 3, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 100.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1500.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 4": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 36": 12, "Skin": 1587601905, "Display Name": "Sentry Turret", "Set Ammo Types, Rifle = 0 | Explosive = 1 | HV = 2 | Incendiary = 3 | SAM = 4 | All = 7": [ 7 ] }, "midtier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Can take damage": true, "Give turret back on ground missing check": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 13, "Power Requirement, 0 = no power": 3, "Amount of ammo for one spray, 0 = no-ammo mode": 3, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 70.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1300.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 4": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 36": 12, "Skin": 1587601905, "Display Name": "Sentry Turret", "Set Ammo Types, Rifle = 0 | Explosive = 1 | HV = 2 | Incendiary = 3 | SAM = 4 | All = 7": [ 0, 3, 2, 1 ] }, "lowtier": { "Authorize Team": true, "Authorize tc users": true, "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Can take damage": true, "Give turret back on ground missing check": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Power Requirement, 0 = no power": 6, "Amount of ammo for one spray, 0 = no-ammo mode": 3, "Turret Range, vanilla = 30": 50.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1150.0, "Aim cone, vanilla = 4": 2.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Ammo Slots, Max = 36": 12, "Skin": 1587601905, "Display Name": "Sentry Turret", "Set Ammo Types, Rifle = 0 | Explosive = 1 | HV = 2 | Incendiary = 3 | SAM = 4 | All = 7": [ 0, 3, 2 ] } } }, "Global Flame Turret": { "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Turret Flame Arc, vanilla = 45": 45.0, "Turret Trigger Duration, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Turret Flame Range, vanilla = 7": 7.0, "Turret Flame Radius, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Turret Fuel Per Sec, vanilla = 1": 1.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1000.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Fuel Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Flame Turret", "Player Flame Turret Permissions": { "toptier": { "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 15, "Turret Flame Arc, vanilla = 45": 45.0, "Turret Trigger Duration, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Turret Flame Range, vanilla = 7": 100.0, "Turret Flame Radius, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Turret Fuel Per Sec, vanilla = 1": 1.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1500.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Fuel Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Flame Turret" }, "midtier": { "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 13, "Turret Flame Arc, vanilla = 45": 45.0, "Turret Trigger Duration, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Turret Flame Range, vanilla = 7": 70.0, "Turret Flame Radius, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Turret Fuel Per Sec, vanilla = 1": 1.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1300.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Fuel Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Flame Turret" }, "lowtier": { "Allow placement on Walls / Ceiling using spinners": true, "Max Tool Cupboard Limit, 0 = no limit": 10, "Turret Flame Arc, vanilla = 45": 45.0, "Turret Trigger Duration, vanilla = 5": 5.0, "Turret Flame Range, vanilla = 7": 50.0, "Turret Flame Radius, vanilla = 4": 4.0, "Turret Fuel Per Sec, vanilla = 1": 1.0, "Turret Placement Health, vanilla = 1000": 1150.0, "Inventory Capacity, Available Fuel Slots, Max = 6": 6, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "Custom Flame Turret" } } } }  


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