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  1. More information about "Airfield Event"

    $19.99 $14.99

    Airfield Event

    Adds an airfield event to your server! A cargo plane lands on the airfield and drops airdrops, boxes. Strong NPCs, Bradley and a patrol helicopter will protect the crates
    You can also set up custom loot using the "SimpleLootTable" plugin

    Easy to set up. Excellent customization options in the config
    Commands(admin only):
    afestart - force the event to start
    afestop - cause the event to end
    afefast - quick landing of a cargo plane, for testing settings
    afe_addcustom - adds a custom landing place for a cargo plane. You must stand on level ground and look in the direction where the cargo plane will move(do not forget to set in the config file "Use a custom place to land a cargo plane": true)
    void AirfieldEventStarted() // called when the event starts
    void AirfieldEventEnded() // called when the event has ended
    AirfieldEvent config:
    { "PVE mode (crates can only be looted by the player who first dealt damage to the NPC)": false, "Time after which the owner of the event will be deleted if he left the dome or left the server (for PVE mode)": 300, "Give event ownership to the owner's teammates if he is no longer the owner. Only if teammates are within the event radius (for PVE mode)": true, "Radius for event(for PVE mode)": 380, "Create a dome for PVE mode": false, "Dome transparency (the higher the value, the darker the dome, recommended 4)": 4, "Dome offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 30.0 }, "Message when a player enters the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You have entered the Airfield Event", "Message when the event owner leaves the event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "Return to the event dome, otherwise after 300 seconds you will no longer be the owner of this event", "Do not allow other players into the event(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": false, "Message when a player is ejected from the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You cannot be here, you are not the owner of this event", "Allow admin to be in event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": true, "Triggering an event by timer (disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 3900, "Random time to event start": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 900, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "Minimum number of online players to trigger an event": 1, "Drops amount(number of cargo spawns after plane landing, maximum 10)": 3, "Crates amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 1, "Crate simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Remove crates after being looted by a player(in seconds)": 300, "Extend the duration of the event if the NPCs were attacked(if there is less time left, then increase to the set time(in seconds))": 600, "Crates lifetime(in seconds). The crate will not be destroyed if it has been activated": 3600, "Crates timer(in seconds)": 900, "Airdrops amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 1, "Airdrop simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 0, "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs type(NPCs prefab, experimental setting, it is not known how the NPCs will behave) 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 8, "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0, "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0, "NPCs accuracy(the lower the value, the more accurate, 0 - maximum accuracy)": 2.0, "NPCs attack range": 75.0, "Radius of chasing the player(NPCs will chase the player as soon as he comes closer than the specified radius, must be no greater than the attack range)": 60.0, "Minimum distance to NPC damage": 75.0, "Message if the player attacks far away NPCs": "NPC is too far away, he doesn't take damage", "Forcibly immobilize an NPC": false, "Method of distribution of kits for NPCs(1 - sequentially, 2 - repeating, 3 - randomly)": 1, "List of kits for NPC(requires Kits plugin)": [ "kit1", "kit2", "kit3" ], "Default displayName for NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": "Airfield NPC", "List of displayNames for each NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": [ "Airfield NPC1", "Airfield NPC2", "Airfield NPC3" ], "Event message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Airfield event started", "Event end message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Airfield event ended", "Landing message(displayed when the cargo plane has landed)": "Cargoplane landed at Airfield", "Patrol helicopter spawn chance (0 - 100%)": 50, "Call the helicopter only after activating the hackable crate": false, "How long the helicopter will patrol the airfield (in minutes)": 5, "Helicopter damage multiplier": 1.0, "Helicopter health": 10000.0, "Helicopter main rotor health": 900.0, "Helicopter tail rotor health": 500.0, "The patrol helicopter will not patrol the airfield if it has found a target": true, "Make helicopter fly away after end of patrol time": false, "Spawns a helicopter right on the airfield(if false, then the helicopter will arrive from afar in a few seconds)": false, "Helicopter patrol range": 150, "Event marker on the map(will spawn a marker immediately after the start of the event)": false, "If true, spawn the marker only after the plane lands": false, "Event marker name": "Airfield event", "Event marker lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.75, "Event marker radius": 0.5, "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0, "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0, "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0, "Use a custom place to land a cargo plane": false, "Custom place position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Custom place rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Use custom navmesh (enable if using custom airfield and getting NPC navmesh error)": false, "BradleyAPC spawn chance (0 - 100%)": 0, "BradleyAPC lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "BradleyAPC bullet damage": 7.0, "BradleyAPC health": 1000.0, "Use Notify plugin for messages": false, "Type notify for 'Message when a player enters the event dome'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Message when the event owner leaves the event dome'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Message when a player is ejected from the event dome'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Message if the player attacks far away NPCs'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Event message'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Event end message'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Landing message'(only for Notify plugin)": 0 }  
  2. More information about "Helipad Event"

    $11.99 $7.99

    Helipad Event

    Adds an event for the Lunchsite monument to your server. A crate with valuable loot will spawn on the helipad. The crate is protected by NPC guards and a patrol helicopter. The event is completely ready for use immediately after installation, you can flexibly configure it at your discretion

    Easy to set up. Excellent customization options in the config
    You can customize the contents of the box:
    in the config file, set up a list of items that will be inside also you can use kits (you need Kits plugin), just set the name of the kit in the config file, you can use the list of kits and choose them randomly also you can use loot tables (you need SimpleLootTable plugin) You can customize the NPCs:
    you can set the health of the npc you can set NPC damage multiplier on players you can give kits for NPCs (you need a Kits plugin)  
    Commands(admin only):
    hpestart - force the event to start
    hpestop - force stop the event
    void LaunchSiteHelipadEventStarted() // called when the event starts
    void LaunchSiteHelipadEventEnded() // called when the event has ended
    Config file:
    { "Time to event start(in seconds)": 3600, "Random time to event start": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 900, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "Box lifetime(in seconds)": 1800, "Time the box is closed(in seconds)": 900, "Box skin": 0, "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs amount(maximum 20)": 2, "NPCs type, 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 8, "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0, "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0, "List of kits for each NPC(requires Kits plugin)": [ "kit1", "kit2", "kit3" ], "List of displayNames for each NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": [ "LaunchSite NPC1", "LaunchSite NPC2", "LaunchSite NPC3" ], "Give NPC names randomly from the list (if false, names will be assigned according to the list one by one)": true, "Event start message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Helipad event started", "Message when box is unlocked(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Box on the helipad unlocked", "Spawns a helicopter right on the launchsite(if false, then the helicopter will arrive from afar in a few seconds)": false, "Patrol helicopter spawn chance (0 - 100%)": 50, "Helicopter patrol range": 150, "How long the helicopter will patrol the launchsite (in minutes)": 5, "Helicopter damage multiplier": 1.0, "Helicopter health": 10000.0, "Helicopter main rotor health": 900.0, "Helicopter tail rotor health": 500.0, "The patrol helicopter will not patrol the helipad if it has found a target": false, "Make helicopter fly away after end of patrol time": false, "Event marker on the map(will spawn a marker immediately after the start of the event)": false, "Event marker name": "Launch site event", "Event marker lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.75, "Event marker radius": 0.5, "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0, "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0, "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0, "Use box kit(need a plugin Kits)": false, "Messages list - messages that players will see, depending on how much time (in seconds) is left before the box is opened": [ { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 15 minutes", "time": 900 }, { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 10 minutes", "time": 600 }, { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 5 minutes", "time": 300 }, { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 3 minutes", "time": 180 }, { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 1 minute", "time": 60 } ], "List of items in the box": [ { "shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic", "minAmount": 1, "maxAmount": 3, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "explosive.timed", "minAmount": 1, "maxAmount": 3, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "explosive.satchel", "minAmount": 5, "maxAmount": 10, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "explosives", "minAmount": 40, "maxAmount": 100, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "minAmount": 64, "maxAmount": 128, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "rocket.launcher", "minAmount": 1, "maxAmount": 1, "skinID": 0 } ], "Kit list": [ "111111111", "222222222", "333333333" ], "Use random kit(if false, then the first Kit in the list is always used": false, "Box simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in the box(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 1, "Maximum number of items in the box(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 3 }  
  3. More information about "Monument Events"


    Monument Events

    The Monument Events plugin creates amazing events on the monument from preconfigured presets from config. It creates CustomNPCs around the monument which will roam the monument during the event. Then it will spawn CH47 Helicopter which will drop Hackable crates & spawn configured Patrol Helicopters which will roam the monument vicinity. When players try to unlock the Hackable Crate there will be a CH47 Helicopter which will carry NPC and drop on the monument and will give players an amazing raged experience.

    Amazing event for engaging players for monument conquest 10+ Monument preset preconfigured PVE/PVP support Easy setup everything is pre-configured, so drug and drop and it will auto start from the selected time Massive configure option for individual monuments (Except a few not added)  

    /mestart Preset_Name | monumentID - Starts any specific event (Console & Chat command) /mestop Preset_Name | monumentID - Stops the event (Console & Chat command) /mestartrandom - Starts a random from presets (Console & Chat command) /meadd edit PRESET_NAME - Select a monument for editing spawn points (Chat command) /meadd npcspawn - Creates NPC spawn points for the selected monument (Chat command) /meadd wavespawn - Creates Wave Npc spawn points for the selected monument (Chat command) /meadd cratespawn - Creates Crates  spawn points for the selected monument (Chat command) /meadd stopedit - Deselect the current editing monument (Chat command)  

    MonumentEvents.admin - Permission required for using commands  

    Coming Soon

    DATA:  NPCData.json SettingsData.json

  4. More information about "My Homes"


    My Homes

    MyHomes is a plugin that provides a convenient user interface for the NTeleportation plugin.
    Streamline your players' experience on your server by eliminating the need to remember multiple different chat commands for just one plugin.
    With this plugin, all your players need to remember is the "/homes" command to open the interface where they can manage their teleports. MyHomes is fully plug & play; no configuration needed.
    Just load it on your server and start using.
  5. More information about "PNPC Helicopter AI"


    PNPC Helicopter AI

    Let your Personal NPCs fly helicopters for you with the Heli AI Addon! This addon for Personal NPC enables your bots to take control of helicopters, allowing you to sit back and enjoy the flight while they fly to the destination.
    🚁 Fully Automated AI Pilots
     • Spawn a Personal NPC bot
     • Select a point on the in-game map, and the bot will fly there.
     • Works perfect with all helicopters in Rust.
    🎯 Smooth Flight Controls
     • Adjustable altitude, flight speed, and maneuverability.
     • Setup pitch, throttle, and rotation for better control.
     • Automatically adjusts height above the ground to avoid obstacles.
    ⚙ Other Customization
     • Set minimum and maximum flight altitude.
     • Adjust landing speed, flight slope, and pitch strength.
     • Optimize rotation and throttle power for smoother navigation.
    How to Use:
    1️⃣ Spawn a bot using the PersonalNPC plugin.
    2️⃣ Enter the helicopter as a passenger.
    3️⃣ Mark your destination on the in-game map.
    4️⃣ Sit back and let your AI pilot handle the flight!
    📜 Requirements:
    ✔ PersonalNPC Plugin (must be installed & enabled).
    ✔ Addon must be activated in bot settings.

    📺 See It in Action! Watch the Video

    📃 Configuration:
    {   "Max height above the ground": 25.0,   "Minimum height to fly forward/backward": 15.0,   "Max slope by forward axis": 0.3,   "Pitch strength": 0.2,   "Throttle strength": 1.0,   "Land throttle strength": 0.5,   "YAW strength (rotation around its axis)": 1.0 }  


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