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DeutscherRitterPlatz's Wishlist

  1. More information about "BEDWARS | Minigame"


    BEDWARS | Minigame

    BedWars is a team-based multiplayer game where players work together in teams to protect their beds while attempting to destroy the beds of opposing teams. The primary objective is to be the last team standing.





    Example videos (Demo / Not latest updated of the plugin. All bugs were fixed!)
    Command example:
  2. More information about "Multiverse"



    Connect multiple Rust servers together and have your players travel between them in fun ways using events!
    This plugin allows you to synchronize player inventories and stats, event containers, and much more to come!
    Please use the Discussions tab to recommend suggestions, as I am very open to implementing your great ideas for everyone to enjoy!
    NOTICE: This plugin does not automatically reconnect you to other servers as Rust's Nexus system is not released yet.
    You'll be notified that you must type in the connect command leading the IP and port of the server you've been transferred to.
    Try before you buy it!
    connect germany.mikehawke.co.uk:29015

    CH47 Transition Event
    The Chinook event carries you and another 12 participants over the seas. You'll be greeted by Jackie Chan and Jamie Lee, your border patrol officers which will assist you to have a save welcoming onto the server. Make sure you're not wearing any illegal items on you or you'll be marked hostile and will be immediately attacked.

    The storage on the right in the picture can be used as luggage which can carry items that are coming with the Chinook onto the other server. On screen you'll find the directions on how to get yourself seated. Press [RELOAD] to open up the seating panel, and assign yourself onto whichever you're liking.


    Cargo Ship Transition Event
    The Cargo Ship event you're willing to infiltrate and use for transport is driven by scientists or has a peaceful visit in the server you're in, broadcasting its next travelling spot.

    You got a luggage storage which can contain items you wanna carry from the other server in mass. 

    Have at least 2 servers running so you can make sure the whole connection is valid. On both of your servers, make sure you've loaded the required dependencies for the plugin to work: ImageLibrary by k1lly0u from uMod Human NPC by Ts3hosting from uMod On the first server you consider the Main/Master, make sure you have MultiverseCore.cs and MultiverseMaster.cs. in the plugins folder. On the second server you consider Secondary/Slave, make sure you have MultiverseCore.cs and MultiverseSlave.cs in the plugins folder. After this is done, in the Master server, in oxide/config folder you should find MultiverseMaster.json. Opening it up, you should find a similar config to the one underneath this page, at the CONFIGURATION section. In the shared section, under the Servers property, you must define both your Main and Secondary servers in the list. Only one of the defined servers must have the IsMaster property set to true. Once that is done, make sure you reload the plugin (with o.reload MultiverseMaster) to apply the changes. Please make sure you provide the FirstSpawnServerId property and set it to the ID for the server defined in the Servers property in the config. When the server reloads, you should see what is in the image on both of your servers' windows. To validate that everything is connected, you can manually trigger events with the following command: spawnevent master slave01 2: This will create a Friendly CargoShip event on the Master server which when the timer runs out, it gets teleported to the other Slave server you're running. spawnevent slave01 0: This will create a Friendly CH47 event which comes from the Slave server to the Master. This only works if both servers have Airfield on the map. If you don't, you can use 2 or 3 for the event type value to spawn CargoShips and start events on both servers simultaneously. For more info, scroll lower and read through the CONFIGURATION and/or COMMANDS section if things aren't clear enough. 
    srvs 1/3 is the connected and total amount of servers that are connected with eachother.
    evnts 0 are the currently locally running events on the server.
    arriv 0 are the currently local locally running arrival events, events that come from other servers.
    hnshk valid this must be valid at all times, if the master server goes offline, the handshake becomes invalidated.
    NOTE: The handshake between the master server and all the sub-connected servers must be synchronized. If the Master server goes offline, the sub-servers will be locked until the Master server is up so it can dictate where the players should go and the their activity being communicated.
    To set your events up and running, so it all comes to life, follow these instructions:
    If you at any point struggle to understand where all this is referring to, please scroll lower and read through the CONFIGURATION section, every single property is explained. Within the Shared property, you'll find the Schedules array. Schedules currently consist in 4 different key elements to run. SourceServerId is the ID of the server the event is starting from. DestinationServerId is the ID of the server the event is going towards. EventType is the integer index of the event type / kind you want to be executed for that schedule. Cooldown in minutes the schedule will be postponed until it can be triggered again. (I highly recommend 30 minutes) After this property is done, make sure you reload the Master server plugin (o.reload MultiverseMaster) to apply all your changes.  
    NOTE #1: Scheduled events only get triggered if both the server an event is starting from and the server an event is going towards are valid and online / connected.
    NOTE #2: Scheduled events are executed in random order.
    The entire plugin can be managed from one configuration file, which can be found in the config folder of the Master server when you've initially added the MultiverseMaster.cs script in the plugins folder (alongside the MultiverseCore.cs file). There can be defined only one server as being the master server. Highly advise to keep the ID of it to "master".
    The MultiverseSlave.cs and MultiverseCore.cs both go in all the other servers' oxide/plugins folder.
    This is a rundown on all the current settings you can have for the Master server:
    "Sync": { "Interval": 120.0, "Time": true, "Weather": true } The sync property is used by the Master server to synchronize the time and weather across all the servers. The interval is set to 120 seconds by default, which is what it is recommended.
    "ScheduleTickRate (in seconds)": 60.0 Scheduled events ticking rate in seconds. It basically checks every 60 seconds if there's anything available to be triggered onto the server based on the cooldowns of existent scheduled events.
    "Legend": { "EventTypes": { "0": "CH47 Friendly", "1": "CH47 Hostile", "2": "CargoShip Friendly", "3": "CargoShip Hostile" } } The legend is read-only, is to help you to choose what events you'd like to use in your schedule list.
    "Shared": { "FirstSpawnServerId": "master", "WipeDeadBody": true, "UI": { "ShowLogo": true, "ShowShadows": true, "Colors": { "ValueColor": "eee16f", "PassengersColor": "6faaee", "StatusColor": "ee6fbe" } }, "BorderPatrol": { "IllegalItems": [ { "ShortName": "bleach", "SkinId": 0, "MinAmount": -1 } ] }, "Schedules": [ { "SourceServerId": "myserver1", "DestinationServerId": "myserver2", "EventType": 0, "Cooldown": 30.0 }, { "SourceServerId": "master", "DestinationServerId": "myserver1", "EventType": 2, "Cooldown": 30.0 } ], "Servers": [ { "IsMaster": true, "Id": "master", "DisplayName": "Master", "Ip": "myip", "Port": 12345, "RconPort": 12346, "RconPassword": "legitpassword", "Settings": {}, "IsConnected": true }, { "IsMaster": false, "Id": "slave01", "DisplayName": "Slave #01", "Ip": "myip", "Port": 23456, "RconPort": 23457, "RconPassword": "legitpassword", "Settings": {}, "IsConnected": false }, { "IsMaster": false, "Id": "slave02", "DisplayName": "Slave #02", "Ip": "myip", "Port": 23456, "RconPort": 23457, "RconPassword": "legitpassword", "Settings": {}, "IsConnected": false }, { "IsMaster": false, "Id": "slave03", "DisplayName": "Slave #03", "Ip": "myip", "Port": 34567, "RconPort": 34568, "RconPassword": "legitpassword", "Settings": {}, "IsConnected": false } ] } This portion of the config is being shared across all servers, just to stay up to date so you don't have to manually do anything onto the other servers.
    FirstSpawnServerId: Is the where all the newly spawned players that connect to your Multiverse get sent to. If it is one of your other servers, they'll be redirected to this one. WipeDeadBody: Will simply remove the player's info from the data file when a player is dead. This could be used to avoid keeping track of short-time visitors onto the server. UI: It's cosmetic changes to the UI that can be noticed most of the time on screen. BorderPatrol: You may configure what items are illegal to carry from a server to another. IllegalItems: ShortName: Is the short name of the item. SkinId: Used for specific skinned items to be considered contraband. MinAmount: Keep the minimum amount to -1 if you want the whole item to be considered as contraband. Raise it to any other number if a specific amount of items with the amount can be carried across. Schedules: SourceServerId: Is where the event starts. Use the ID predefined in the Servers property. DestinationServerId: Where the players are sent when they the event transitioned. Use the ID predefined in the Servers property. EventType: Is the preferred event ID showed in the Legend section of the config file. Use 0 for CH47 Friendly, 1 for CH47 Hostile, etc. Cooldown: In minutes, it's used whenever an event has started.  Servers: IsMaster: This must be assigned to "true" only for one defined server in this array property. Id: Is the server ID that the Scheduled events will be using to initiate events from a server going to another. DisplayName: The in-game name of the servers which will be announced in chat and the UI whenever an event goes towards them. Ip: The IP of the server one can connect to (client & RCON). Port: The port of the server. RconPort: The RCON port of the server one can connect to. RconPassword: The password of the RCON connection one server can connect to. Settings: This will become more populated in future updates. IsConnected: This can be ignored. It's required to be displayed for serialization reasons.  
    Admin Console Commands spawnevent [fromServerId] [toServerId] [eventType]: Manually starts an event. move [playerName/Id] [serverId]: Forcefully moves a player to another server. They'll respawn like a fresh spawn but with everything they have carried in their inventory from the server they came from. Admin Chat Commands /multiadmin: Opens the admin panel. ONLY ACCESSIBLE ON THE MASTER SERVER. Player Commands None. As of now.  
    Multiverse.admin: Mainly used by administrator commands or behaviour change.  
    Synchronize Teams Synchronize Blueprints Add plugin synchronisation support Add more events Add custom events Add passport system
    (c) Raul-Sorin Sorban — 2022
    All rights reserved
  3. More information about "Admin Map"


    Admin Map

    Admin Map is an innovative plugin for the game of Rust, designed to make server administration easier and improve the quality of the gaming experience. Focused on optimization and functionality, this plugin provides admins with the tools to effectively control players, minimizing the negative impact on the server and other participants.
    Main features:
    Interactive map with players: Admin Map provides server admins with a detailed and user-friendly map showing the positions of all players. This allows admins to easily monitor player activity and movements, and quickly detect suspicious activity. Large variety of different admin map layers:
    - Marker,
    - Text ,
    - Sleeper,
    - TC,
    - Stash,
    - Sleeping Bag Quick Commands on Players: The plugin allows admins to perform quick actions on players directly from the map. Send messages, punish or help players in real time, minimizing reaction time and increasing interaction efficiency. Minimal server load: One of the key features of Admin Map is its low server load. All processing takes place solely on the client side, which means that the plugin will not slow down the server or create additional delays for players. This makes it an ideal choice even for servers with high traffic. Ease of use: The plugin's intuitive user interface provides admins with easy access to functionality. Navigating the map, sending commands and monitoring players is done with minimal effort, making server administration easy. Customization: Admin Map provides admins with the option to customize the functionality to suit their needs. Scanning area, available commands,  buttons, permissions and other options. Hardcore bypass: Admins will be able to access the map on servers with the hardcore game mode installed.
    After permission is granted, it is necessary to rejoin the server Support in RUST+: You will be able to view players online on the map directly in your phone without going to the server! Admin Map is an innovative solution that combines convenience, functionality and optimization. It provides administrators with tools to effectively manage players without negatively impacting gameplay and other server participants. The Admin Map plugin is an essential asset for any Rust server administrator looking to create a comfortable and safe gaming environment.
    adminmap.allow - for use adminmap and hardcore bypass adminmap.<button perm> - any permissions specified in the button settings adminmap.teleport2marker - teleportation by marker via CTRL+RMB adminmap.invis - hide player from the player map adminmap.rust+ - enable rust+ admin map adminmap.rust+.invis - hide from rust+ admin map (recommended in case of giving the map to players)
    /amap - show sidebar /amap off - disable everything and hide the sidebar  
    Color designations on the cupboards map:

    Default Config:
    { "Auto show sidebar panel": true, "Open the admin menu instead of the action menu": false, "Text Map Settings": { "Font size": 8.0, "Use color generation for teams?": true, "Color for team": "ffaf4d", "Color for solo player": "9bd92f", "Color for sleeper": "404040" }, "Command Buttons": [ { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "TP", "Command": "teleport {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "TP2ME", "Command": "teleport {steamid} {admin.steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "INV", "Command": "/viewinv {username}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SPECTATE", "Command": "spectate {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "KILL", "Command": "kill {steamid}", "Color": "0.9 0.1 0.25 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "KICK", "Command": "kick {steamid}", "Color": "0.9 0.1 0.25 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nTEAMMATES", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_teammates {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nPRIVLIDGES", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_privlidges {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nSLEEPING\nBAGS", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_sleepingbags {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nSTASHES", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_stashes {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } ] }  
    Button Library:
    Give item to player for AdminMenu by  k1lly0u  | Minimum required version 1.0.1 { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "GIVE", "Command": "adminmenu.callback {steamid}.4;adminmenu.callback {steamid}.4", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } Permanent ban
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "BAN", "Command": "ban {steamid}", "Color": "1 0 0 1" } View backpack (for Backpack Pro)
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "Backpack", "Command": "/b {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } View backpack (for Backpacks plugin from uMod)
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "Backpack", "Command": "viewbackpack {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }  Spectate
    { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SPECTATE", "Command": "spectate {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }  
    If you want to add buttons here, message me on my discord server
  4. More information about "Andromeda 3000"


    Andromeda 3000

    Andromeda is part of a 4 maps bundle done under a request from someone where we decided to make them all public after they are finished
    It has an unique terrain and procedural monuments in unique locations and a procedural Outpost with an Airwolf Vendor and bandit camp vending machines + gambling wheel.
    The aim for this is for pvp servers where action can happen between the monuments faster and more often .
    Giant Excavator Pit
    Train yard
    Sewer Branch
    Military Tunnels
    Abandoned Military Base
    Arctic Research Base
    Water Treatment Plant
    The Dome
    Launch Site
    Sulf & HQM & Stone Quarries
    2 Abandoned Supermarket
    1 Gas Station
    2 Mining Outposts
    2 Lighthouses
    1 Large Barn and Ranch
    6 Underwater LabsnMap size is 3000
    Entity Count : 3152
    All maps are optimized and made to be used on any type of server and to ensure performance for every player
  5. More information about "AdventureJournal"



    Adventure Journal
    The "Adventure Journal" plugin is not a quest plugin per se, but rather a tool that allows Rust players to view specific information and messages based on their permissions. It provides an intuitive graphical interface for displaying these details. A complementary quest plugin, currently under development, will soon be integrated with Adventure Journal to offer an complete gaming experience.
    Key Features:
    Permission-Based Display : Displays information and messages customized according to players' permissions.
    User-Friendly Interface : Ensures easy navigation through a well-designed graphical interface.
    Extended Customization : Administrators can configure and add as many permission-based messages as they desire in the config file.
    Integration with ImageLibrary : Incorporates ImageLibrary for an improved visual experience.
    /journal : Allows players to access their "Adventure Journal".
    Interface Features:
    Navigation Buttons : "Next" and "Previous" buttons are displayed based on the number of pages.
    Visual Indicators : Buttons change color when selected, providing clear visual feedback.

    Configuration Files : 
    { "DefaultText": "This journal provides a detailed overview\nof your current quests...\n\nSimply select a quest using the buttons\nto view all its details and rewards.\n\nFor your reference, symbols appear\nabove Quest NPCs:\n\n- <color=yellow><size=14>!</size></color> for a new quest\n- <color=grey><size=14>!</size></color> for an ongoing quest\n- <color=yellow><size=14>?</size></color> for a quest to turn in.\n\nEmbark on your adventure!\nSelect a quest for more information.", "DefaultTitle": "<color=#E3BF4B>ADVENTURE JOURNAL</color>", "PanelWidth": 0.3, "PermissionMessages": [ { "ButtonTitle": "Blacksmith's Aid", "Message": "A skilled blacksmith in the village has recently discovered the remnants of an ancient artifact. This artifact, believed to have vast historical significance, requires a delicate touch to repair. The blacksmith is seeking someone with a steady hand and a keen eye to help restore it. Your assistance could unveil a piece of lost history.\n\n<color=#E3BF4B><size=14>Objective</size></color>\n\nLend your skills to repair an item at the blacksmith's workshop.", "Permission": "permadder.start", "QuestItem": null, "QuestItemSkin": null, "RewardText": "- €750 and 50 HQ Metal", "RewardTitle": "<color=#E3BF4B>REWARD</color>", "Title": "<color=#E3BF4B>Ancient Restoration</color>" }, { "ButtonTitle": "Sulfur Harvest", "Message": "The local alchemist, a man of mysterious concoctions and experiments, is running short on sulfur, a vital ingredient. He's put out a call to adventurers promising a handsome reward for a substantial contribution. The path to obtaining sulfur might be treacherous, but the rewards are enticing.\n\n<color=#E3BF4B><size=14>Objective</size></color>\n\nVenture out and collect 500 Sulfur for the alchemist's experiments.", "Permission": "permadder.second", "QuestItem": null, "QuestItemSkin": null, "RewardText": "- VIP status for 5 days", "RewardTitle": "<color=#E3BF4B>REWARD</color>", "Title": "<color=#E3BF4B>Alchemist's Request</color>" }, { "ButtonTitle": "Bear Hunt", "Message": "Recent sightings of aggressive bears have put the village on edge. These bears, bolder than usual, pose a threat to the villagers and their livestock. Brave souls are being sought to confront these bears and ensure the safety of the community.\n\n<color=#E3BF4B><size=14>Objective</size></color>\n\nTrack down and eliminate 5 menacing bears troubling the villagers.", "Permission": "permadder.third", "QuestItem": null, "QuestItemSkin": null, "RewardText": "- A rare weapon and survival supplies", "RewardTitle": "<color=#E3BF4B>REWARD</color>", "Title": "<color=#E3BF4B>Bear Threat</color>" }, { "ButtonTitle": "Forest Forager", "Message": "The village is abuzz with anticipation for the upcoming grand feast. The village cook, known for his culinary delights, needs a particular ingredient - wild mushrooms. These mushrooms add a unique flavor, and he's seeking skilled foragers to procure them.\n\n<color=#E3BF4B><size=14>Objective</size></color>\n\nDelve into the forest and gather 20 wild mushrooms for the grand feast.", "Permission": "permadder.forest", "QuestItem": null, "QuestItemSkin": null, "RewardText": "- Gourmet meal and 100 wood", "RewardTitle": "<color=#E3BF4B>REWARD</color>", "Title": "<color=#E3BF4B>Mushroom Hunt</color>" }, { "ButtonTitle": "Lost Relic", "Message": "In the heart of the forest, whispers speak of a lost family relic. An old hermit, the last of his lineage, is desperate to find this heirloom. It's believed to be hidden deep within the forest, waiting for a brave soul to retrieve it.\n\n<color=#E3BF4B><size=14>Objective</size></color>\n\nEmbark on a quest to find and return the precious lost relic to the old hermit.", "Permission": "permadder.relic", "QuestItem": null, "QuestItemSkin": null, "RewardText": "- €300 and a mystery item", "RewardTitle": "<color=#E3BF4B>REWARD</color>", "Title": "<color=#E3BF4B>Search for the Lost</color>" }, { "ButtonTitle": "Lumberjack's Challenge", "Message": "The sound of axes striking wood echoes as the village lumberjack announces a challenge. He believes no one can match his skill and speed in chopping trees. This friendly competition is an opportunity to prove your mettle and earn respect.\n\n<color=#E3BF4B><size=14>Objective</size></color>\n\nJoin the lumberjack's contest and chop down 15 trees to showcase your skills.", "Permission": "permadder.lumberjack", "QuestItem": null, "QuestItemSkin": null, "RewardText": "- €400 and a custom axe", "RewardTitle": "<color=#E3BF4B>REWARD</color>", "Title": "<color=#E3BF4B>Timber Trials</color>" }, { "ButtonTitle": "The Fisher's Favor", "Message": "As the cold season approaches, the village's eldest fisherman reminisces about bountiful catches of the past. He wishes to pass on his fishing knowledge and seeks help to gather a diverse range of fish for the village.\n\n<color=#E3BF4B><size=14>Objective</size></color>\n\nLearn from the master and catch 10 fish of any kind to stock up for the coming months.", "Permission": "permadder.fisher", "QuestItem": null, "QuestItemSkin": null, "RewardText": "- Fishing gear and €200", "RewardTitle": "<color=#E3BF4B>REWARD</color>", "Title": "<color=#E3BF4B>Fishing Expedition</color>" }, { "ButtonTitle": "Guardian of the Night", "Message": "Mysterious creatures have been spotted causing trouble under the cover of night. The village needs a brave soul to watch over it during these dark hours. This task will require vigilance, courage, and the ability to confront whatever lurks in the shadows.\n\n<color=#E3BF4B><size=14>Objective</size></color>\n\nPatrol the village for 5 nights, keeping it safe from nocturnal threats.", "Permission": "permadder.guardian", "QuestItem": null, "QuestItemSkin": null, "RewardText": "- Exclusive night vision gear and €500", "RewardTitle": "<color=#E3BF4B>REWARD</color>", "Title": "<color=#E3BF4B>Guardian of the Night</color>" } ], "TextColor": "1 1 1 1" }
    The fonctionnality QUESTIEM AND QUESTITEMSKIN is for using with RepairProgress. For show % of repair spécific item :

    Example: You set up a destroyfuse with skin 123456789. You can either use zoneperm and assign the repairprogress permission within the zone, so that the fuse with the skin is repaired only in that area. Alternatively, you can grant the permission to the player, and as soon as they have the item on them, it will start to repair. As the item repairs over time, the percentage of repair progress will increase directly in their journal.


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