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Version 1.3.800
Discord Join our community discord for fast support and future updates. We have several channels where you can get help, offer suggestions, see what's coming in future updates, and more. Our discord is the fastest way to get the help and info you need! Features: Tracks Animal Kills Tracks Player Kills Tracks NPC Kills Tracks Fish Caught Tracks Loot Containers Destroyed / Looted Tracks Animals Harvested Tracks Corpse Harvested Tracks Player Deaths Tracks Suicides Tracks Harvest Counts Options to Enable/Disable Tracking Option to enable/disable messages and message intervals UI for Player Stats, Global Stats, Top 10 Displays, Leaderboards WebRequests for external data storage SQL Support (2 options availble, read documentaion: Chat Commands: Player Commands: /krhelp - Shows all commands in chat /pkills - Shows your kill records UI /pkills (playername) - Shows another players kill records UI /pkillschat - Shows your kill records in chat /pkillschat (playername) - Shows another players kill records in chat /topkills - Shows top kills UI with page selection /topkillschat (entity) - Shows top kills in chat /totalkills - Shows global kill count for all entities /totalkillschat - Shows global kill count in chat for all entities /killchat true/false - turns on/off kill messages in chat /totalkills - Shows global kill count for all entities /leadkills - Shows leaderboads UI /pstats - shows your harvest records UI /pstatschat - shows your harvest records in chat /pstats (playername) - Shows another players harvest record UI /pstatschat (playername) - Shows another players harvest record in chat /topstats - shows top player harvest stats UI Admin Commands: (Requires killrecords.admin permission) /krhelpadmin - Shows all admin commands in chat /killsweb - Sends data over webrequest /krbackup - saved datafile when using SQL /krsql update - Updates your records in SQL /krsql check - Checks SQL to see if your records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled /krsql checkall - Checks SQL to see if all records exist from cache, if not will create if SQL enabled /resetkillrecords - Clears and resets all player data in Kill Records Permissions: This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. killrecords.admin -- Gives permission to use all admin chat commands killrecords.killchat -- Allows player to turn on/off kill messages Configuration: { "Tracking Options": { "Trackchicken": true, "Trackboar": true, "Trackstag": true, "Trackwolf": true, "Trackbear": true, "Trackpolarbear": true, "Trackshark": true, "Trackhorse": true, "Trackfish": true, "TrackPlayer": true, "Trackscientist": true, "Trackdweller": true, "Tracklootcontainer": true, "Trackunderwaterlootcontainer": true, "Trackbradhelicrate": true, "Trackhackablecrate": true, "Trackdeaths": true, "Tracksuicides": true, "TrackAnimalHarvest": true, "TrackCorpseHarvest": true, "TrackBradley": true, "TrackHeli": true }, "Player Chat Commands": { "krhelp": "krhelp", "pkills": "pkills", "pkillschat": "pkillschat", "topkills": "topkills", "topkillschat": "topkillschat", "totalkills": "totalkills", "totalkillschat": "totalkillschat", "leadkills": "leadkills", "pstats": "pstats", "pstatschat": "pstatschat", "topstats": "topstats", "totalstats": "totalstats", "totalstatschat": "totalstatschat", "killchat": "killchat" }, "Admin Chat Commands": { "krhelpadmin": "krhelpadmin", "krweb": "krweb", "krsql": "krsql", "krbackup": "krbackup", "krreset": "krreset" }, "Harvest Options": { "treescut": true, "oremined": true, "cactuscut": false, "woodpickup": true, "orepickup": true, "berriespickup": true, "pumpkinpickup": true, "potatopickup": true, "cornpickup": true, "mushroompickup": true, "hemppickup": true, "seedpickup": true }, "Order Options": { "chickenpos": 1, "boarpos": 2, "stagpos": 3, "wolfpos": 4, "bearpos": 5, "polarbearpos": 22, "sharkpos": 6, "horsepos": 7, "fishpos": 19, "playerpos": 8, "scientistpos": 9, "dwellerpos": 10, "lootpos": 11, "unlootpos": 12, "bradhelicratepos": 13, "hackablecratepos": 14, "deathpos": 15, "suicidepos": 16, "corpsepos": 17, "pcorpsepos": 18, "bradleypos": 20, "helipos": 21 }, "Chat & UI Options": { "enableui": true, "UseImageLibrary": true, "ShowKillMessages": true, "KillMessageInterval": 1, "KillMessageLimit": 5000, "enableuinotify": true, "disablechats": true, "uinotifytype": 4 }, "Web Request": { "UseWebrequests": false, "DataURL": "URL", "SecretKey": "SecretKey" }, "SQL": { "UseSQL": false, "FileType": 0, "SQL Host": "HOST", "SQL Port": 3306, "SQL Database": "DATABASENAME", "SQL Username": "DATABASEUSERNAME", "SQL Password": "DATABASEPASSWORD" } Localization { "players": "Players: {0}", "noplayer": "Kill Records:\n No player found with: {0}", "chicken": "Chickens: {0}", "boar": "Boars: {0}", "stag": "Stags: {0}", "wolf": "Wolves: {0}", "bear": "Bears: {0}", "polarbear": "PolarBears: {0}", "simpleshark": "Sharks: {0}", "horse": "Horses: {0}", "fish": "Fish: {0}", "treecut": "Trees: {0}", "oremined": "Ore Mined: {0}", "cactuscut": "Cactus Cut: {0}", "woodpickup": "Wood Pickup: {0}", "orepickup": "Ore Pickup: {0}", "berries": "Berries: {0}", "seeds": "Seeds: {0}", "mushroom": "Mushroom: {0}", "corn": "Corn: {0}", "potato": "Potato: {0}", "pumpkin": "Pumpkin: {0}", "hemp": "Hemp: {0}", "dweller": "Dwellers: {0}", "corpse": "Animals Harvested: {0}", "pcorpse": "Bodies Harvested: {0}", "loot": "Loot Containers: {0}", "unloot": "Underwater Loot Containers: {0}", "bradheliloot": "Brad/Heli Crates: {0}", "hackloot": "Hackable Crates: {0}", "bradley": "Bradley: {0}", "heli": "Patrol Helicopter: {0}", "bradleyapc": "Bradley: {0}", "patrolhelicopter": "Patrol Helicopter: {0}", "scientists": "Scientist: {0}", "deaths": "Deaths: {0}", "suicide": "Suicides: {0}", "killchat": "Show chat kill messages {0}", "chickenui": "Chickens", "boarui": "Boars", "stagui": "Stags", "wolfui": "Wolves", "bearui": "Bears", "polarbearui": "PolarBears", "sharkui": "Sharks", "horseui": "Horses", "fishui": "Fish", "playerui": "Players", "scientistui": "Scientists", "dwellerui": "Dwellers", "deathui": "Deaths", "suicideui": "Suicides", "lootui": "Loot Containters", "wlootui": "Underwater Loots", "bradheliui": "Brad/Heli Crates", "hackableui": "Hackable Crates", "bradleyui": "Bradley", "treeui": "Trees", "oreminedui": "Ore Mined", "cactusui": "Cactus Cut", "woodui": "Wood Picked Up", "oreui": "Ore Picked Up", "mushroomui": "Mushrooms", "potatoui": "Potatos", "pumpkinui": "Pumpkins", "hempui": "Hemp", "berriesui": "Berries", "seedsui": "Seeds", "cornui": "Corn", "patrolhelicopterui": "Patrol Helicopter", "corpseui": "Animals Harvested", "pcorpseui": "Bodies Harvested", "webrequestgood": "Kill Record Data Sent to Website:", "webrequestbad": "Couldn't get an answer from Website!", "webrequestdisabled": "WebRequest Disabled - Enable in Config file", "totalkills": "Total Kills All Players", "totalstats": "Total Harvests All Players", "sqlupdate": "Your records have been manually updated in the database", "sqlcheck": "Your records have been checked and updated in database", "sqlcheckall": "All players have been checked and updated in database", "datafilebackup": "Records have been manually saved to data file", "datafilenotinuse": "DataFile not in use, config is set to SQL only", "resetkills": "All Kill Records have been reset and plugin reloaded", "KRHelp": "Kill Records by MACHIN3 \n/pkills - Open Kill Records UI \n/pkillschat - Show kill Records in chat \n/pkills (playername) - Open players Kill Records UI \n/pkillschat (playername) - Show players Kill Records in chat \n/topkills - Open top players UI \n/topkillschat (type) - Show top players list in chat \n/leadkills - Opens leaderboards UI \n/totalkills - Show global kill count for all entities \n/totalkillschat - Show global kill count in chat \n/killchat true/false - Enable/Disable Kill messages", "KRHelpadmin": "Kill Records by MACHIN3 \n/krbackup - Manually saves records to datafile \n/krweb - Manually sends records over webrequest if webrequest enabled \n/krsql update - Manually updates your records to SQL if SQL enabled \n/krsql check - Checks SQL to see if your records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled \n/krsql checkall - Checks SQL to see if all records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled \n/resetkillrecords - Clears all kill record data for all players" } API private object GetKillRecord(string playerid, string KillType) // Returns kill total int for specific kill or full kill record of player in jsonFree -
Version 1.8.800
Discord Join our community discord for fast support and future updates. We have several channels where you can get help, offer suggestions, see what's coming in future updates, and more. Our discord is the fastest way to get the help and info you need! XPerience Website: Features: Gain Experience doing just about anything in game. Ranks Experience / Levels Night Boost Stats & Skills Bonus XP with Kill Records mod UI for player controls Top players UI SQL support for remote storage (only for saving not loading) In Game Admin Panel UI for mod adjustments Permissions to restrict Stats/Skills Selectable profile UI backgrounds Much more.... Ranks: Prestige Ranks: once a player reaches max level they reset and start over with a new rank. there are 13 ranks predefined and you can change/add as many ranks as you want with name, sig(tag), and image. Ranks are disabled by default. Can adjust rank xp boosts, stat/skill boosts, points each rank starts with, extra points earned each level within a rank, and more Rank Options: Enable/Disable Rank Feature Set Max Rank Achieveable (must not be higher than number of ranks in config) Option to allow remaining XP to carry over Set XP boost per rank Set Stats/Skills boost per rank Set Start Stat/Skill points per rank Set Additional Stat/Skill points per level per rank Option to show rank level Option to show rank xp Option to set rank name, level, xp colors Top ranked players page in Top UI Sends Rank, Name, Sig, ImageURL, Level, and XP to SQL if used Option to show Rank Tag(sig) in chat name Option to show Rank Name and Image in LiveUI Admin chat commands to reset level only and rank only for players or all records Stats/Skills effected by ranks show same color as rank level in player profile UIs Groups feature to use for other mods to grant/restrict features based on player rank Creates groups for each rank listed in the config and automatically assigns/revokes player group based on rank Stats: 1. Mentality Research Cost Reduction Research Speed Reduction Critical Hit Chance Increased Damage to NPCs 2. Dexterity Block Chance Dodge Chance Armor Damage Reduction Horse Speed Boost Boat Speed Boost Vehicle Speed Boost Fuel Reduction Chance 3. Might Increased Max Health (armor with UI) Increase Melee Damage Increased Max Hunger Increased Max Thirst Reduced Bleeding Reduced Radiation Increased Heat/Cold Tolerance 4. Captaincy Requires Team of 2 or more players Give boosts to all other team member skills Optional boost to all other team member XP gains Increase effective distance of Captaincy per level Stacks with other members with Captancy stat 5. Weaponry Condition Damage Reduction Chance Hand Tools Power Tools Melee Weapons Projectile Weapons Increased Max Ammo Per Clip 6. Ninjary Decrease detection from Helicopters Decrease detection from NPCs Decrease detection from Bradley APC Decrease detection from Turrets Increased damage with knives Increased damage with swords Skills: 1. WoodCutter Increased Wood Gathering Increased Bonus Chance for Apples 2. Smithy Increased Production Decreased Fuel Consumption (furnace, grill, etc) Chance for more Items Chance for High Quality Metal from metal ore 3. Miner Increased Ore Gathering Increased Bonus Reduced Fuel Consumption (hats) Chance for Metal Fragments from metal ore 4. Forager Increased Plant Gathering Chance for more seeds Chance for Random Item 5. Hunter Increased Food Gathering Increased Bonus Increased Damage Chance on Wildlife Night Damage Boost on Wildlife Increased damage with swords 6. Fisher Increased Fish Caught Increased Items Collected Decreased Oxygen Tank Usage Decreased Oxygen Time 7. Crafter Decreased Crafting Speed Decreased Crafting Costs Better Repair Value Chance for Better Condition 8. Framer Decreased Building Costs Decreased Repair Time Decreased Repair Costs 9. Medic Reduced crafting time (mixing table) Revive players with more health Recover from wounded with higher health Get more health from some medical tools 10. Scavenger Chance for more loot in drops/crates Chance for custom item drops Chance for more loot from Scientists 11. Electrician Increased Solar Panel Input (current energy from sun) Increased Solar Panel Max Output Increased Windmill Output (current energy from wind) Increased Windmill Max Output Increased Small Battery Max Output Increased Medium Battery Max Output Increased Large Battery Max Output Increased Small Generator Max Output Option to set a minimum solar panel output amount per electrician level (even during night time) 12. Demolitionist Reduced chance for explosives to become duds Increased explosive damage Increased explosive radius More features available with XPerience Addon v1.4.9 13. Tamer (requires Pets or Personal Animal mod) Tame Animals as Pets Assigned Plugins Stats/Skills BackPacks Can assign Backpacks plugin to any Stat or Skill Can set number of rows availible to Stat/Skill levels Archery Can assign Archery plugin to any Stat or Skill Can set level requirement for Novice, Adept, and Mastery Wizardry Can assign Wizardry plugin to any Stat or Skill Can set level requirement for Novice, Adept, and Mastery Chat Commands Player Commands: /xphelp - Shows all commands in chat /xpstats - brings up user control panel /xpstats (player) - shows full player XP profile /xpstatschat - shows your level, xp, stats, and skills in chat /xptop - brings up top players UI /xpaddstats (stat) - level up selected stat /xpaddskill (skill) - level up selected skill /xpresetstats - resets all stats and refunds points /xpresetskills - resets all skills and refunds points /xpliveui (0-5) - Live UI Location / 0 = off Admin Commands: (Requires server admin or xperience.admin permission)(can be changed in config) /xpresetall - Clears and resets all player data in XPerience /resetalllevels - resets all player levels to 0 /resetallranks - reset all player ranks to 0 /xpreset (name or id) (playername or steamid) - resets player's progress to 0 /resetlevel (playername) - reset player's level to 0 /resetrank (playername) - reset player's rank to 0 /resetharvest - clears all harvest data fro XPerience /xpadminhelp - displays admin commands for admins /xpgive (name or id) (playername or steamid) (amount) - gives x amount of experience to player /xpgiveall (amount) - gives x amount of xp to all players /xptake (name or id) (playername or steamid) (amount) - takes x amount of experience from player /xpconfig - opens in game admin panel /xpfix - resets all player data except experience and recalculates level, points, and requirements Console Commands xpresetall - resets XPerience (full wipe) and reloads mod xpresetplayer <name or id> <player name or id> - resets selected player data xpgive <name or id> <player name or id> <amount> - gives xx amount of xp to player xptake <name or id> <player name or id> <amount> - takes xx amount of xp from player Permissions This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. Rank Groups:If Ranks are enabled then groups will be created automatically for each rank defined in the config and players will be assigned/removed automatically based on their current rank. xperience.admin -- Gives permission to use admin commands -- Gives VIP reset permission to user xperience.xpboost -- Gives permission to recieve XP boost Other Permissions: (only required if use permissions is enabled) xperience.mentality - Can level Mentality xperience.dexterity - Can level Dexterity xperience.might - Can level Might xperience.captaincy - Can level Captaincy xperience.woodcutter - Can level WoodCutter xperience.smithy - Can level Smithy xperience.miner - Can level Miner xperience.forager - Can level Forager xperience.hunter - Can level Hunter xperience.fisher - Can level Fisher xperience.crafter - Can level Crafter xperience.framer - Can level Framer xperience.medic - Can level Medic xperience.scavenger - Can level Scavenger xperience.tamer - Can level Tamer ## API // Give XP to player - looks for ulong steamid and value in double GiveXPID(ulong player, double amount): Gives x amount of XP to player using the player ulong id and amount as double // Give XP to player - looks for value in double GiveXP(BasePlayer player, double amount) -------------------------------------------------- // Give XP to player - looks for value in double (this will give XP without any effects from bonuses or boosts) GiveXPBasic(BasePlayer player, double amount) -------------------------------------------------- // Give Stat Points to player - looks for value in int GiveStatPoints(BasePlayer player, int amount) -------------------------------------------------- // Give Skill Points to player - looks for value in int GiveSkillPoints(BasePlayer player, int amount) -------------------------------------------------- // Take XP from player - looks for value in double TakeXP(BasePlayer player, double amount) -------------------------------------------------- // Get Player Data - looks for player and info type as string GetXPCache(BasePlayer player, string info) // String Tyes: steamid - returns player steamid displayname - returns player display name level - returns current level xp - returns current xp amount reqxp - returns required xp to next level rank - return current rank ID rankname - returns current rank name ranksig - returns current rank tag rankimg - returns url to current rank truexp - returns total xp from rank truelevel - returns total levels from rank statp - returns current unspent stat points skillp - returns current unspent skill points // Stats/Skills - can return current stat/skill levels or points spent in stats/skills statname - returns current level of stat statnamep - returns points spent in stat skillname - returns current level of skill skillnamep - returns points spent in skill // Example: mentality - returns current Mentality level mentalityp - returns points spents in Mentality hunter - returns current Hunter level hunterp - returns points spent in Hunter // Resource Info - can return total resources gathered resourcetype - returns total gather amount of specific resource //Example: wood - returns total wood gathered -------------------------------------------------- // Added A new Hook for Research related plugins to use specifically for the tech tree. // Example expects thee item rarity value casted as a double and the player var cost = 0; if (XPerience != null && XPerience.IsLoaded) cost = XPerience.Call<int>("OnResearchCostDetermineHook", (double)rarirtyvalue, player); ## Configuration **Extremely Configurable! Careful with adjustments!** { "Player Chat Commands": { "openplayerstats": "xpstats", "showplayerstatschat": "xpstatschat", "opentopplayers": "xptop", "playeraddstat": "xpaddstat", "playeraddskill": "xpaddskill", "playerresetstats": "xpresetstats", "playerresetskills": "xpresetskills", "playerresetall": "xprestart", "playerliveuichange": "xpliveui", "openhelp": "xphelp" }, "Admin Chat Commands": { "showadminhelp": "xpadminhelp", "openadminpanel": "xpconfig", "adminresetxperience": "xpresetall", "adminxpgive": "xpgive", "adminxptake": "xptake", "adminresetplayer": "xpresetplayer", "adminfixdata": "xpfix", "adminitemchange": "itemchange" }, "Default Options": { "userpermissions": false, "liveuistatslocation": 1, "liveuistatslocationmoveable": true, "showchatprofileonconnect": true, "showunusedeffects": false, "NotifcationCooldown": 2, "restristresets": true, "resetminsstats": 60, "resetminsskills": 60, "bypassadminreset": true, "vipresetminstats": 30, "vipresetminsskills": 30, "playerfixdatatimer": 60, "disableplayerfixdata": false, "disablearmorchat": true, "hardcorenoreset": false, "allowplayersearch": true, "allowplayerreset": true, "topplayersperpage": 40, "showonlinestatus": true }, "UI Text Colors": { "defaultcolor": "white", "level": "green", "experience": "green", "nextlevel": "yellow", "remainingxp": "cyan", "statskilllevels": "green", "perks": "green", "unspentpoints": "green", "spentpoints": "red", "pets": "cyan", "mentality": "white", "dexterity": "white", "might": "white", "captaincy": "white", "woodcutter": "white", "smithy": "white", "miner": "white", "forager": "white", "hunter": "white", "fisher": "white", "crafter": "white", "framer": "white", "medic": "white", "scavenger": "white", "tamer": "white" }, "Image Icons": { "mainicon": "", "mentality": "", "dexterity": "", "might": "", "captaincy": "", "woodcutter": "", "smithy": "", "miner": "", "forager": "", "hunter": "", "fisher": "", "crafter": "", "framer": "", "medic": "", "scavenger": "", "tamer": "", "chicken": "", "boar": "", "stag": "", "wolf": "", "bear": "", "online": "", "offline": "" }, "UI Notify (requires UINotify plugin)": { "useuinotify": false, "disablechats": false, "xpgainloss": false, "xpgainlosstype": 0, "levelupdown": false, "levelupdowntype": 1, "dodgeblock": false, "dodgeblocktype": 2, "criticalhit": false, "criticalhittype": 3 }, "XP - Level Config": { "levelstart": 25.0, "levelmultiplier": 50.0, "maxlevel": 500, "levelxpboost": 0.05, "statpointsperlvl": 1, "skillpointsperlvl": 2 }, "XP - Night Bonus": { "Enable": true, "StartTime": 19, "EndTime": 5, "Bonus": 0.1, "enableskillboosts": true }, "XP - Gain Amounts": { "chickenxp": 5.0, "fishxp": 5.0, "boarxp": 10.0, "stagxp": 15.0, "wolfxp": 20.0, "bearxp": 25.0, "sharkxp": 30.0, "horsexp": 20.0, "scientistxp": 25.0, "dwellerxp": 25.0, "playerxp": 25.0, "lootcontainerxp": 5.0, "animalharvestxp": 5.0, "corpseharvestxp": 5.0, "underwaterlootcontainerxp": 10.0, "lockedcratexp": 25.0, "hackablecratexp": 50.0, "craftingxp": 5.0, "bradley": 25.0, "patrolhelicopter": 30.0, "playerrevive": 5.0 }, "XP - Gather Amounts": { "treexp": 5.0, "orexp": 5.0, "harvestxp": 5.0, "plantxp": 5.0, "noxptools": true }, "XP - Building Amounts": { "woodstructure": 5.0, "stonestructure": 10.0, "metalstructure": 15.0, "armoredstructure": 20.0, "buildxpdelay": true, "buildxpdelayseconds": 2 }, "XP - Teams": { "enableteamxpgain": true, "enableteamxploss": true, "teamxpgainamount": 0.1, "teamxplossamount": 0.05, "teamdistance": 50.0 }, "XP - Mission Amounts": { "missionsucceededxp": 50.0, "missionfailed": false, "missionfailedxp": 10.0 }, "XP - Reducer Amounts": { "suicidereduce": true, "suicidereduceamount": 0.05, "deathreduce": true, "deathreduceamount": 0.05 }, "BonusXP - Bonus Amounts (requires KillRecords plugin)": { "showkrbutton": false, "enablebonus": false, "requiredkills": 10, "bonusxp": 5.0, "endbonus": 500, "multibonus": true, "multibonustype": "fixed" }, "Economics Rewards (requires Economics plugin)": { "econlevelup": false, "econleveldown": false, "econresetstats": false, "econresetskills": false, "econlevelreward": 50.0, "econlevelreduction": 25.0, "econresetstatscost": 100.0, "econresetskillscost": 100.0 }, "Server Rewards (requires ServerRewards plugin)": { "srewardlevelup": false, "srewardleveldown": false, "srewardresetstats": false, "srewardresetskills": false, "srewardlevelupamt": 5, "srewardleveldownamt": 5, "srewardresetstatscost": 75, "srewardresetskillscost": 75 }, "Mentality Stat": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "researchcost": 0.1, "researchspeed": 0.1, "criticalchance": 0.05, "useotherresearchmod": false }, "Dexterity Stat": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "blockchance": 0.05, "blockamount": 0.1, "dodgechance": 0.05, "reducearmordmg": 0.05 }, "Might Stat": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "armor": 0.1, "meleedmg": 0.05, "metabolism": 0.02, "bleedreduction": 0.05, "radreduction": 0.05, "heattolerance": 0.05, "coldtolerance": 0.05 }, "Captaincy Stat": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 3, "costmultiplier": 3, "skillboost": 0.05, "enablexpboost": true, "xpboost": 0.05, "captaincydistance": 10.0 }, "WoodCutter Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "gatherrate": 0.5, "bonusincrease": 0.1, "applechance": 0.1 }, "Smithy Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "productionrate": 0.1, "fuelconsumption": 0.1, "metalchance": 0.05, "metalamount": 1 }, "Miner Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "gatherrate": 0.5, "bonusincrease": 0.1, "fuelconsumption": 0.1, "metalchance": 0.1, "metalamount": 1 }, "Forager Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "gatherrate": 0.3, "chanceincrease": 0.1, "randomchance": 0.05, "randomChanceList": { "0": { "shortname": "apple", "amount": 1 }, "1": { "shortname": "bandage", "amount": 1 }, "2": { "shortname": "scrap", "amount": 1 }, "3": { "shortname": "bucket.water", "amount": 1 }, "4": { "shortname": "metal.fragments", "amount": 1 } } }, "Hunter Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "gatherrate": 0.3, "bonusincrease": 0.1, "damageincrease": 0.05, "nightdmgincrease": 0.01 }, "Fisher Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "fishamountincrease": 0.75, "itemamountincrease": 0.25 }, "Crafter Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "craftspeed": 0.1, "craftcost": 0.05, "repairincrease": 0.07, "repaircost": 0.05, "conditionchance": 0.07, "conditionamount": 0.1 }, "Framer Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "upgradecost": 0.05, "repaircost": 0.05, "repairtime": 0.1 }, "Medic Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "revivehp": 5.0, "recoverhp": 5.0, "crafttime": 0.1, "tools": 2.0 }, "Scavenger Skill": { "maxlvl": 10, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "scavlootchance": 0.1, "scavchance": 0.1, "scavmultiplier": 1.0, "customscavmultiplier": 0.5, "customscavrandom": true, "usecustomscavlist": true, "drops": true, "crates": true, "uncrates": true, "lockedcrates": true, "hackcrates": true, "scientists": true, "componentsonly": false, "scavChanceList": { "0": { "shortname": "scrap", "amount": 1, "maxamount": 10, "requiredlevel": 1 }, "1": { "shortname": "metal.fragments", "amount": 1, "maxamount": 10, "requiredlevel": 5 } } }, "Tamer Skill": { "enabletame": false, "maxlvl": 5, "pointcoststart": 2, "costmultiplier": 2, "tamechicken": true, "tameboar": true, "tamestag": true, "tamewolf": true, "tamebear": true, "chickenlevel": 1, "boarlevel": 2, "staglevel": 3, "wolflevel": 4, "bearlevel": 5 }, "Clans (requires Clans plugin)": { "enableclanbonus": false, "enableclanreduction": false, "clanbonusamount": 0.1, "clanreductionamount": 0.02 }, "SQL Info": { "enablesql": false, "SQLhost": "localhost", "SQLport": 3306, "SQLdatabase": "database", "SQLusername": "user", "SQLpassword": "password" } } ## Localization { "adminpanel": "Admin", "adminmenu_001": "Main", "adminmenu_002": "Level / XP", "adminmenu_003": "Stats", "adminmenu_004": "Skills", "adminmenu_005": "Other Settings", "adminmenu_006": "SQL", "adminmenu_007": "SAVE SETTINGS", "adminmenu_008": "Save & Reload Mod", "adminmenu_009": "CLOSE", "adminmenu_010": "Reset Default Settings", "adminmenu_011": "Fix Player Data", "adminmenu_012": "Other Mod Settings", "adminmenu_013": "Reset Options", "adminmenu_014": "My Stats", "adminmenu_015": "Player's Stats", "adminmenu_016": "Player Info", "adminitemchange": "{0} condition is now {1} and max condition is now {2}", "adminitemchangerequirement": "{0} current condition is {1} and max condition is {2}\nTo change this use /{3} (condition value) (maxcondition value)", "adminfixplayers": "All player data has been reset except experience.\nLevels, points and requirements recalculated.", "adminresetconfig": "Config has been reset to default values.", "saveconfig": "New Config has been Saved", "admininfoliveui": "Default Live UI Location", "adminxp_001": "Level & XP Settings", "adminxp_002": "[Level / Point Settings]", "adminxp_003": "Level Start:", "playerfixdata": "Your data has been fixed and your level recalculated. You will need to reapply your stat & skill points", "playerfixdatabutton": "Fix My Data", "playerharveststats": "Total Harvest Count", "playerharvestreset": "Player harvest count has been reset", "selectedplayerharvestreset": "Player {0} harvest count has been reset", "playerresetdisabled": "Player reset disabled, contact server admin", "playersearchdisabled": "Player searching is currently disabled", "imgwaiting": "Waiting On ImageLibrary to finish the load order", "resettimerdata": "Wait another {0} mins", "xphelp": "XPerience Plugin by M@CHIN3 \n Commands: \n/xpstats - brings up user control panel \n/xpstatschat - shows your level, xp, stats, and skills in chat \n/xptop - brings up top players UI \n/xpaddstats (stat) - level up selected stat \n/xpaddskill (skill) - level up selected skill \n/xpresetstats - resets all stats and refunds points \n/xpresetskills - resets all skills and refunds points \n/xpliveui (0-4) - Live UI Location / 0 = off", "xphelpadmin": "XPerience Plugin by M@CHIN3 \n Admin Commands: \n/{0} - Opens admin control panel for mod setup/{1} - resets entire mod and deletes all player data \n/{2} (playername) - resets selected player data \n/{3} (playername) (amount) - gives x amount of experience to selected player \n/{4} (playername) (amount) - takes x amount of experience from selected player \n/{5} (conditionvalue) (maxconditionvalue) - changes the item condition and max condition in your hand", "playerprofilechat": "My Stats: \n---------------- \nLevel: {0} \nCurrent XP: {1} \nNext Level: {2} \nStat Points: {3} \nSkill Points: {4} \n---------------- \nMentality: {5} \nDexterity: {6} \nMight: {7} \nCaptaincy: {8} \n---------------- \nWoodCutter: {9} \nSmithy: {10} \nMiner: {11} \nForager: {12} \nHunter: {13} \nFisher: {14} \nCrafter: {15} \nFramer: {16} \nMedic: {17} \nScavenger: {18} \nTamer: {19} \n", "suicide": "You have lost {0} XP for commiting suicide", "death": "Your XP has been reduced by {0} for death", "levelup": "You are now Level {0}. You have recieved {1} stat point and {2} skill points", "leveldown": "You have lost a level! You are now Level {0}", "statdown": "You have lost {0} stats points", "skilldown": "You have lost {0} skill points", "statdownextra": "You did not have enough unspent stat points to take, your ({0}) stat has been lowered and you have lost {1} stats points, {2} stat points returned to your unspent amount", "skilldownextra": "You did not have enough unspent skill points to take, your ({0}) skill has been lowered and you have lost {1} skill points, {2} skill points returned to your unspent amount", "bonus": "You get a bonus {0} XP for {1} {2}", "notenoughpoints": "You do not have enough points", "notenoughstatpoints": "You do not have enough points for level {0} {1}, requires {2} statpoints", "notenoughskillpoints": "You do not have enough points for level {0} {1}, requires {2} skillpoints", "pointsadded": "you now have {0} points applied in {1}", "pointsremoved": "you have remove {0} points from {1}", "statup": "You used {0} statpoints to reach Level {1} in {2}", "skillup": "You used {0} skillpoints to reach Level {1} in {2}", "nostatpoints": "You have lost all stat points", "noskillpoints": "You have lost all skill points", "resetstats": "You have reset your stats and have {0} stat points returned", "resetskills": "You have reset your skills and have {0} skill points returned", "attackerdodge": "Your victim dodged your attack", "attackerblock": "Your victim blocked {0} damage from your attack", "victimdodge": "You dodged last attack", "victimblock": "You blocked {0} damage from last attack", "crithit": "You preformed a critical hit for {0} extra damage", "weaponcon": "New weapon condition is now {0}", "medictools": "Medical Tools", "medictooluse": "You recived an extra {0} health from {1}", "medicrecoverplayer": "You have recovered with an extra {0} health.", "medicreviveplayer": "You have been revived with an extra {0} health.", "medicrevivereviver": "You have revived player with an extra {0} health.", "captaincyskillboost": "Team Skill Boost", "captaincyxpboost": "Team XP Boost", "captaincydistance": "Effective Distance", "captaincyteamrequired": "Must be part of a team!", "playerinfoalive": "Player Info Since Last Spawn:", "timealive": "Alive", "timeflying": "Flying Time", "timedriving": "Driving Time", "timeboating": "Boating Time", "timesleeping": "Sleeping Time", "timeswimming": "Swimming Time", "timeinbase": "Time In Base", "timedmgrec": "Last Dmg Recieved", "timedmgrecfrom": "Last Dmg From", "timedmgdelt": "Last Dmg Delt", "timedeltto": "Last Dmg To", "timeinmonument": "Time In Monuments", "timeinwild": "Time In Wilderness", "status": "Status", "online": "Online", "offline": "Offline", "metersran": "Meters Ran", "meterswalk": "Meters Walked", "level": "Level", "experience": "Experience", "xp": "XP", "mentality": "Mentality", "dexterity": "Dexterity", "might": "Might", "captaincy": "Captaincy", "woodcutter": "WoodCutter", "smithy": "Smithy", "miner": "Miner", "forager": "Forager", "hunter": "Hunter", "fisher": "Fisher", "crafter": "Crafter", "framer": "Framer", "medic": "Medic", "scavenger": "Scavenger", "tamer": "Tamer", "stats": "Stats", "skills": "Skills", "researchcost": "Research Cost", "researchspeed": "Research Speed", "critchance": "Critical Chance", "blockchance": "Block Chance", "dodgechance": "Dodge Chance", "fishamount": "Fish Amount", "fishitems": "Item Amount", "fishoxygen": "Oxygen Reduction", "fishoxygentank": "Oxygen Tank Reduction", "armor": "Armor", "tea": "Tea Boost", "teatypenone": "None", "teatypemaxhealthtea": "Basic", "teatypemaxhealthtea.advanced": "Advanced", "teatypemaxhealthtea.pure": "Pure", "melee": "Melee Damage", "calories": "Max Calories", "hydration": "Max Hydration", "bleed": "Bleeding Time", "radiation": "Radiation", "heat": "Heat Tolerance", "cold": "Cold Tolerance", "craftspeed": "Crafting Speed", "woodgather": "Wood Gathering", "woodbonus": "Bonus Gathering", "woodapple": "Apple Chance", "productionrate": "Production Chance", "productionamount": "Amount", "fuelconsumption": "Fuel Consumption", "fuelconsumptionhats": "Fuel Consumption (hats)", "metalchance": "Metal Fragment Chance", "metalamount": "Metal Fragment Amount", "hmetalchance": "High Quality Chance", "hmetalamount": "High Quality Amount", "oregather": "Ore Gathering", "orebonus": "Bonus Gathering", "gather": "Gathering", "seedbonus": "Seed Bonus", "randomitem": "Random Item", "foodgather": "Food Gathering", "bonusgather": "Bonus Gathering", "damagewildlife": "Damage (wildlife)", "nightdamage": "Night Damage (wildlife)", "costreduction": "Cost", "fullrepair": "Full Repair Chance", "highcond": "Higher Condition Chance", "upgradecost": "Upgrade Cost", "repairtime": "Repair Time", "repaircost": "Repair Cost", "nextlevel": "Next Level", "medicrevive": "Revival Health", "medicrecover": "Recover Health", "mediccrafting": "Mixing Table Speed", "scavchance": "Extra Loot Chance", "scavmultiplier": "Extra Loot Multiplier", "customscavchance": "Custom Loot Chance", "customscavmultiplier": "Custom Loot Multiplier", "unusedstatpoints": "Stat Points", "unusedskillpoints": "Skill Points", "totalspent": "Points Used", "liveuilocationoff": "Live XP UI Stats are off", "liveuilocation": "Live XP UI location is {0}", "liveuilocationhelp": "/xpliveui (0-4) - Live UI Location / 0 = off \n Current UI location is {0}", "resetstatsbutton": "Reset Stats", "resetskillsbutton": "Reset Skills", "nopermordisabled": "Stat/Skill disabled or you do not have permission to use.", "chicken": "Chicken", "boar": "Boar", "stag": "Stag", "wolf": "Wolf", "bear": "Bear", "tamerinc": "Increase Tamer to tame animals", "tamerpets": "Tameable Pets", "topplayers": "Top Players", "resetxperience": "All XPerience player data deleted", "resettimerstats": "You have {0} mins left before you can reset your stats", "resettimerskills": "You have {0} mins left before you can reset your skills", "canresetstats": "{0} mins", "canresetskills": "{0} mins", "victimarmordmg": "Armor Absorbed {0} Damage", "armordmgabsorb": "Armor Damage", "liveuiselection": "Live Stats Location", "mystats": "My Stats", "help": "HELP", "helpprev": "<< Prev Page", "helpnext": "Next Page >>", "helpcommands": "Chat Commands", "helpcommandslist": "Note that many of these commands can be used within your control panel without using chat. \n\n/{0} - shows chat commands in chat \n\n/{1} - brings up your control panel \n\n/{1} (playername) = brings up another players full profile \n\n/{2} - shows your level, xp, stats, and skills in chat \n\n/{3} - brings up top players panel \n\n/{4} (stat) - level up selected stat \n\n/{5} (skill) - level up selected skill \n\n/{6} - resets all stats and refunds points \n\n/{7} - resets all skills and refunds points \n\n/{8} (0-5) - Live UI Location / 0 = off \n\n", "moddetails": "About XPerience Created by:", "bindkey": "You can bind any key to open your XPerience control panel. \nPress F1 to open your console \nDecide what key you want to bind the command to \nType bind 0 chat.say /{0} \nThis will bind the 0 key to open the control panel. \nNext execute the writecfg command in your console to save the config so it won't reset when you relaunch the game", "aboutxperience": "\n\n XPerience is an extremely detailed RPG based mod that allows players to earn experience and levels by interacting with all aspects of the game. You can earn experience from just about anything from cutting down trees, mining ore, hunting, killing, fishing, building, and more.. As you earn experience you will progress in levels that grant stat points and skill points you can spend in different traits that will give you increased abilities. There are currently 4 major Stats and 11 secondary Skills each with their own special attributes, more may come in the future. Stats will grant you overall character strengths while Skills grant you increased abilities when interacting with the world. For every level you increase these traits it will increase the strength of the abilities that each one gives you. The higher the level of each trait the more points it requires to reach the next level. Server owners can configure and adjust every aspect of the XPerience mod including level requirements, level multiplier, xp gained from each source, points awarded per level, point cost per level, bonuses, stat and skill strengths per level, max level of stats and skills, reset timers, and more.", "serversettings": "Every server that uses XPerience can be setup differently to fit their preference. Below are some of the settings for this server. Many things can effect these values like other mods that may be installed. \n\n[MAIN SETTINGS] Levels, Multipliers, Points, Timers, etc..\nLevel Start: {0} | Required XP to reach level 1 \nXP Requirment: {1} | XP Requirement increase for next level ex. ({0} {1} to reach level 2) \nLevel XP Boost: {2}% | XP increase per level \nStat Points Earned Per Level: {3} \nSkill Points Earned Per Level: {4} \nReset Timers: Enabled:{5} Stats {6} / Skills {7} | Time in mins before you can reset your stats or skills \nVIP Reset Timers: Stats {8} / Skills {9} | Time in mins before VIP players can reset stats and skills \nNight Bonus XP: Enabled:{10} | {11}% | Bonus XP received between {12}:00 and {13}:00 hours game time if enabled \nNight Skills Enabled: {14} | Skills that have bonuses at night between {12}:00 and {13}:00 hours game time \n\n", "xpsettings": "[XP Settings]: Amount of XP earned for kills, gathering, building, crafting, etc.. \n", "xpsettingskills": "[Kills & Revive] \n\nChickens: {0} \nFish: {1} \nBoar: {2} \nStag: {3} \nWolf: {4} \nBear: {5} \nShark: {6} \nHorse: {7} \nScientist: {8} \nDweller: {9} \nPlayer: {10} \nBradley: {11} \nHelicopter: {12}\n\nReviving: {13}", "xpsettingsloot": "[Gathering / Looting] \n\nLoot Container: {0} \nUnderwater Loot Container: {1} \nLocked Crate: {2} \nHackable Crate: {3} \nAnimal Harvest: {4} \nCorpse Harvest: {5} \nTree: {6} \nOre: {7} \nGathering: {8} \nPlant: {9}", "xpsettingscraft": "[Crafting / Building] \n\nCrafting: {0} \nWood Structure: {1} \nStone Structure: {2} \nMetal Structure: {3} \nArmored Structure: {4} \n", "xpmissionsettings": "[Missions] \n\nMission Succeeded: {0} \nFailed Reduction Enabled: {1} \nFailed Reduction Amount: {2} \n", "xpreductionsettings": "[XP Reduction] \n\nDeath: {0}% Enabled: {1}\nSuicide: {2}% Enabled: {3}\n", "nextpagestats": "To view details about Stats and Skills click Next Page at the top.", "aboutstats": "The 4 major Stats are Mentality, Dexterity, Might & Captaincy.", "aboutmentality": "Grants you the ability to lower research costs such as the amount of scrap required to unlock new items, Reduces Research Speed that decreases the amount of time it takes to research items in the research station, and gives you increased chance to attack with a critical hit and cause more damage to an enemy or animal.", "aboutmentalitysettings": "[Current Mentality Settings] \nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nResearch Cost Reduction: {3}% \nResearch Speed Reduction: {4}% \nCritical Chance: {5}%", "aboutdexterity": "Grants you increased chance to Block attacks and lower the amount of damage you recieve, increased the chance to Dodge an attack completely and take no damage, and decrease the damage you recieve when your Armor bar is full (Armor requires Might)", "aboutdexteritysettings": "[Current Dexterity Settings]\nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nBlock Chance: {3}% | Block Amount: {4} \nDodge Chance: {5}% \nReduced Armor Damage: {6}%", "aboutmight": "This is one of the most beneficial stats in the system! It grants you the ability to reduce bleeding time, radiation taken, greater tolerance to heat and cold, higher max calories and hydration, increased max health (Armor) as well as increases the damage you do with melee weapons.", "aboutmightsettings": "[Current Might Settings] \nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nArmor: {3}% | Increased Max Health \nMelee Damage Increase: {4}% \nMetabolism Increase: {5}% | Thirst/Hunger \nBleed Reduction: {6}% \nRadiation Reduction: {7}% \nIncreased Heat Tolerance: {8}% \nIncreased Cold Tolerance: {9}%", "aboutcaptaincy": "Gives other team members overall skill boosts and XP boost within a certain range. Stacks on a % increase of the team members skills to increase the skills abilities for each team member seperatly based on the skill level of each member. Only effects skills and not stats. Requires at least 2 members in a team and has no effect on the current player.", "aboutcaptaincysettings": "[Current Captaincy Settings]\nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nEffective Distance: {3}FT \nSkill Boost: {4}%\n XP Boost Enabled: {5}\n XP Boost: {6}%", "aboutskills": "The 11 secondary skills are Woodcutter, Smithy, Miner, Forager, Hunter, Crafter, Framer, Fisher, Medic, Scavenger & Tamer\n(taming requires pets mod and may not be available on certain servers).", "aboutwoodcutter": "Increases the amount of wood you receive from cutting down trees, increases the bonus amount you get when a tree has been cut down, and gives you increased chances to have apples fall while cutting a tree.", "aboutwoodcuttersettings": "[Current WoodCutter Settingss] \nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nGather Rate: {3}% \nBonus: {4}% \nApple Chance: {5}%", "aboutsmithy": "Increases the chance of extra production from smelting or cooking in a furnace or grill and reduces the amount of fuel used in a furnace or grill so they burn longer with less fuel.", "aboutsmithysettings": "[Current Smithy Settings]\nMax Level: {0} \nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2}x Level \nIncreased Production: {3}% \n Fuel Consumption: -{4}%", "aboutminer": "Increases the amount of ore gathered from stone, metal, sulfur, etc.. and the amount of bonus material recieved when an ore has been fully collected. This skill also reduces the amount of fuel used when wearing a hat that consumes fuel like the mining hat, candle hat, etc..", "aboutminersettings": "[Current Miner Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\nGather Rate: {3}%\nBonus: {4}%\nFuel Consumption: -{5}%", "aboutforager": "Increases the amount of resources you receive when collecting by hand from the ground such as wood, stone, metal, sulfer, berries, mushrooms, etc.. anything collected on the ground by hand. You also get an increased amount of seeds from berries, hemp, and other resources that provide seeds. This skill also gives you an increased chance to find random items when gathering by hand so make sure you keep an eye out around you for random item.", "aboutforagersettings": "[Current Forager Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\nGather Rate: {3}%\nSeed Chance: {4}% Amount: {5}\nRandom Item: {6}%", "abouthunter": "Grants you the ability to get more food from animals when harvesting, increased bonus amount when fully harvested, increased damage to wildlife and even greater damage to wildlife when hunting at night.", "abouthuntersettings": "[Current Hunter Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\nGather Rate: {3}%\nBonus: {4}%\nWildlife Dmg Increase: {5}%\nNight Dmg Increase: {6}%", "aboutcrafter": "Grants you increased crafting speed while reducing the amount of material cost when crafting. Gives you increased chance to fully repair items and increased chance to create items with up to 10% higher condition.", "aboutcraftersettings": "[Current Crafter Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\nCraft Speed: -{3}%\nCraft Cost: -{4}%\nRepair Speed: {5}%\nCondition Chance: {6}%\nCondition Increase: 10%", "aboutframer": "Decreases the cost of materials needed to upgrade or repair buildings as well as reduces the repair time when a building has been damaged.", "aboutframersettings": "[Current Framer Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1}\nCost Multiplier: {2}\n Upgrade Cost: {3}%\nRepair Cost: {4}%\nRepair Time: {5}%", "aboutfisher": "Gives you the ability to catch more fish at one time or increases the items you collect when fishing if you don't catch a fish.", "aboutfishersettings": "[Current Fisher Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2} \nFish Increase: {3} \nItem Increase: {4}", "aboutmedic": "Gives you the ability to revive yourself and other players with more health once revived as well as reduces the time it takes to craft teas or other items in the mixing table.", "aboutscavenger": "Increases chance to find more loot inside containers with chance to find bonus items when looting containers. The higher your level the more items you'll find. Keep an eye out around these containers for your extra loot!", "aboutmedicsettings": "[Current Medic Settings]\nMax Level: {0}\nStarting Cost: {1} \nCost Multiplier: {2} \nRevival Health: {3} \nRecover Health: {4} \nCrafting Time: {5}%", "abouttamer": "If this skill is available then it will grant you the ability to tame animals as pets. Each level allows you to tame a bigger animal that can help you survive in the world. These pets can also carry items and even attack your enemies. Pets are currently controlled by a seperate mod with it's own settings and adjustments. More details about Pets can be found using the '/pet help' chat command", "abouttamersettings": "[Current Tamer Settings]\nEnabled: {0} \nMax Level: {1} \nStarting Cost: {2} \nCost Multiplier: {3} \n\n[Tameable Pets]\nChicken: {4} | Level Req: {5} \nBoar: {6} | Level Req: {7} \nStag: {8} | Level Req:{9} \nWolf: {10} | Level Req: {11} \nBear: {12} | Level Req: {13}", "nextpageskills": "Click Next Page to view more skill information", "techtreenode": "You need {0} scrap to research {1}", "xpgiveneedname": "Need to enter a player name /xpgive (playername) (amount)", "xpgivenotfound": "Player not found", "xpgiveneedamount": "Need to enter an amount /xpgive (playername) (amount)", "xpgiveplayer": "You have given {0} {1} experience, they now have a total of {2} experience.", "xpresetneedname": "Need to enter a player name /xpreset (playername)", "xpresetnotfound": "Player not found", "xpresetplayer": "You have reset your character.", "xpresetselectedplayer": "You have reset {0}", "xptakeneedname": "Need to enter a player name /xptake (playername) (amount)", "xptakenotfound": "Player not found", "xptakeneedamount": "Need to enter an amount /xptake (playername) (amount)", "xptakeplayer": "You have taken {0} experince from {1}, they now have a total of {2} experience.", "adminpanelinfonew": "ⓍⓅerience Admin Control Panel\n\n Here you can adjust all the settings for this mod without having to open and edit the config file. On the menu to your left are several pages where you can adjust everything from levels, experience, stats, skills, and more.. Once you have made any adjustments to these pages make sure your click SAVE on the menu and then Reload Mod so that these adjustments are writen to the config and loaded. If you do not click save and reload any adjustment you made will be lost! Keep in mind this is an extremely detailed mod and even the slightest adjustment can make a huge difference on how this mod functions! It is suggested that you make minor adjustments to see how the settings will effect your server and player's gaming experience. If you adjust the level start or xp requirement increase settings make sure you click Fix Player Data on the menu AFTER you save and reload the mod so that the system can recalculate all players levels and requirements. Players will not loose any XP but they will have their profile reset and will have to reapply any points they have.\n\nIf you have any issues, questions, or suggestions you can join the mod developer's discord ⓍⓅerience was created by MACHIN3", "playerfixdatahelp": "You can use the Fix My Data button below to have your xperience data recalculated. This will reset all your stats except your experience. Your level, required xp, points, and info will be reset and recalculated based on the current server settings and your current experience. You will receive however many points for stats and skills that your level should have and you will need to reapply them towards your stats and skills.\n\n Reasons you may need to do this:\n1. Server settings may have been changed since your last login.\n2.Map wipe didn't properly link your data.\n3. New features were added.\n4. Server was restored to an earlier date.", "uinotify_xpgain": " {0} XP", "uinotify_xploss": "-{0} XP", "econdeposit": "You received a deposit of {0} into your account for leveling up", "econwidthdrawlevel": "You lost {0} from your account for level loss", "econwidthdrawresetstat": "You spent {0} for resetting stats, your balance is now {1}", "econwidthdrawresetskill": "You spent {0} for resetting skills, your balance is now {1}", "econwidthdrawresetstatfailed": "You Do Not Have {0} for resetting stats, your balance is {1}", "econwidthdrawresetskillfailed": "You Do Not Have {0} for resetting skills, your balance is {1}", "srewardwidthdrawresetstat": "You spent {0} points for resetting stats, your balance is now {1}", "srewardwidthdrawresetskill": "You spent {0} points for resetting skills, your balance is now {1}", "srewardwidthdrawresetstatfailed": "You Do Not Have {0} points for resetting stats, your balance is {1}", "srewardnwidthdrawresetskillfailed": "You Do Not Have {0} points for resetting skills, your balance is {1}", "srewardsup": "You recieved {0} points in server rewards for leveling up", "srewardsdown": "You lost {0} points in server rewards for leveling down", "fixdatadisabled": "Fix Data Option Disabled By Admin", "hardcorenoreset": "Hardcore mode enabled, Stat/Skill Reset is Disabed", "crafternotenough": "Not enough resources to repair item", "killrecords": "Kill Records", "mykillrecords": "My Kill Records", "playerkillrecords": "Player's Kill Records", "maxleveled": "You have reached the max level for {0}", "playerrankup": "You have reached the Rank of {0}, your level, experience, stats, and skills have been reset. You start with {1} stat points and {2} skill points", "rank": "Rank", "ranksig": "Rank Tag", "ranklevel": "Rank Level", "rankxp": "Rank XP", "playerlevelreset": "Player level has been reset", "selectedplayerlevelreset": "Player {0} level has been reset", "playerrankreset": "Player rank has been reset", "selectedplayerrankreset": "Player {0} rank has been reset", "allplayerlevelreset": "All Player levels have been reset", "allplayerrankreset": "All Player ranks have been reset" }Free -
Version 1.6.100
XPerience Addon: READ BEFORE PURCHASE! This is an addon to XPerience! You must have XPerience installed on your server to use this. XPerience Website: Discord Join our community discord for fast support and future updates. We have several channels where you can get help, offer suggestions, see what's coming in future updates, and more. Our discord is the fastest way to get the help and info you need! New Admin Options: ✯ Full rewrite and conversion of admin panel to text inputs and toggle options ✯ Can now add/edit welcome message, command list, and custom pages in admin panel ✯ Can now add/edit custom special items in admin panel ✯ Can now add/edit maps in admin panel ✯ Can now add/edit all image URLs in admin panel including damage bar skins in admin panel ✯ Can now add/edit Global Event reward items and commands in admin panel Added Skills/Stats: These abilities are added to the already existing stats and skill within XPerience.. Added Miner Abilities: Option to increase quarry production by % per Miner level Option to set production duration Option to set cooldown duration Added Weaponry Abilities: Option to fire free ammo from weapons Option to set free ammo chance per weaponry level Increase max distance per Weaponry level Increase max effective range per Weaponry level Added Scavenger Abilities: Chance to receive more items from vendors Option to set percentage chance per scavenger level Option to set percentage amount per scavenger level Added Forager Abilities: Chance to for free recycle for items (gives materials but keeps item) Option to set percentage chance per forager level Added Medic Abilities: Passive Healing Increase health every (x) seconds for (x) amount MedGun for healing entities from a distance Added Demolitionist Abilities: Enable rocket locking Select rocket trackable entities Select rocket trackable ammo Adjust rocket lock chance percentage % Adjust rocket lock time Adjust rocket max lock distance Adjust rocket max lock distance increase percentage % Adjust rocket detonation time Adjust rocket speed increase percentage % Adjust rocket damage increase percentage % Includes Rocket Launcher UI that shows target name, lock status, distance, and max distance allowed Other Features: Global Event Feature: Gathering and Kill goals for all players collectively Set total number of required kills for different entities Set total amount of resources for different types (wood, ores, scrap, and more..) Reward Options: XP, Items, Economics, Server Rewards, Special Items, Per player Commands, Global Commands Awards all players in the server active player list Global Event deposit box for event contributions (obtained by chat command or give button on welcome panel) Option to restrict getting a global event box by permission Option to set max number of global event boxes allowed per player Option to show chat notifications when contributions are made and goals are reached Global Event HUD option to show all goals (with or without border) Option to auto reset global event after x amount of hours from completion Option to destroy all global event boxes on event completion Button to manually destroy all global event boxes Button to manually reset Global Event Global Event details page shown on Welcome Panel Map Display/Voting: Shows 3 maps at a time on welcome menu Can list as many maps as wanted with map name, small img, large img, map size, and details Can set max number of votes per player Can auto clear map/vote data on wipe Can manually clear map/vote data in admin panel More feature to come.... Special Items: (requires XPerience V1.6.9+) Option to set special items as soulbound (only recieving player can use) Option to show Special Items in Welcome menu Option to enable economics purchase of special items Option to enable server rewards purchase of special items Option to enable permissions for purchase options Special Items can be purchased from Welcome Panel Admin chat/console commands to give special items Option to set percentage (%) chance item drop from actions Premade Items: Can change skinID of each default item in config XP Scroll Small XP Scroll Medium XP Scroll Large XP Scroll Massive Option to set amount of xp gained per scroll Option to set scroll rarity drop Stat Book Small Stat Book Medium Stat Book Large Stat Book Massive Skill Book Small Skill Book Medium Skill Book Large Skill Book Massive Option to set amount of points gained per book Option to set book rarity drop XP Booster Option to set percentage amount Option to set duration in mins Custom Items: Admin chat/console commands to create/delete custom items Option to set custom name, type, rarity, award amount, skinID, economics cost, serverrewards cost, and duration Option to include custom items in drop chance Playtime XP: Option to enable XP for time playing Option to set XP amount for every xx mins Option to increase XP amount by percentage % Target Damage Display: (Health/Damage Bar) Shows target health/max health in live UI when target attacked Disappears when target is killed or after 5 seconds if not killed Option to show last damage amount Option to show names on bar Select from 10 premade skins to use for default health on the damage bar UI Add/Create as many damage bar skins as wanted Option to allow players to choose what damage bar skin they want to use Death Records: Option to enable Death Records Track all kills/deaths from players Shows victim, attacker, weapon, damage type, distance, and time Players have their own Death Records profile UI (accessed from XPerience profile) Option to set custom chat command for DeathRecords UI Option to send death record notice to chat Option to adjust chat font size and colors Option to send death record to discord (Discord Messages required) Option to show player turret kills Option to give bonus XP for kill distance Option to set bonus xp amount and distance multiplier Option to list all entities you want to track in config Player Notes: Option to show XP gains Option to show Level Up Option to show Rank Up Option to show Stat Level up Option to show Skill Level up Notify UI: (Player & Global) Option to enable Player and Global Notify UI Bar Option to show when player ranks up Option to show when player levels up Option to show when player increases stats or skills Option to set timeout in seconds when UI bar disappears DiscordMessages Support: (requires DiscordMessages plugin) Discord webhook URL Option to send player rank up to discord Option to send player level up to discord Option to send player stat level up to discord Option to send player skill level up to discord Welcome Panel: Option to use background image Option to use profile background image from XPerience so they match Option to set welcome message on main UI screen Option to set list of chat commands on command page Option to show skill Item Drops (split into 2 parts forager/scavenger) Shows all items listed in the forager and Scavenger skill lists Shows percentage drop chance per skill levels Option to show XPerience profile button Option to show server XP/Level settings Option to show map voting list Option to show special items (books, scrolls, xp boosters) Option to show Mods Installed Option to exclude list of Mods Installed Option to show Admin panel button Option to show custom pages Option to show Custom Item Drops list page (Requires Custom Item Drops V1.0.6+) Shows all items in the Custom Item Drops plugin separated by lists Shows percentage drop chance for default and vip settings per list RaidableBases support: Shows all active and completed raids RustLevels Website: (Optional Feature) IMPORTANT: If you want your server to appear on RustLevels you must join our discord at to receive a link to your auto generated ServerIDKey. This is now required for your server to connect to Sends Server data to RustLevels (Name / IP) Option to set server banner URL Option to set website URL Option to hide player steam info Sends XPerience player data to RustLevels Sends Kill Records player data to RustLevels RustLevels Details: This Addon collects all player data from XPerience, Kill Records and other mods if enabled and sends it to through SQL. All servers with this addon mod can be be publicly shown on with their own page and player profiles if you choose. Once purchased you must submit your server's IP or DNS to our discord here: so that it can be allowed to access RustLevels database and receive your Unique ServerIDKey to place in your config file . Please allow up to 48 hours for your server to be accepted. Player steam badges can be hidden on by config option. This will prevent steam badges for your server players being shown on our website. All player steam information is supplied by Steamworks API with permissions listed in steams privacy policy section 5.5 which RustLevels has no control over: Chat Commands: Server Admins Only /xpglobalremove - removes all data from RustLevels that match your server (will be added back automatically on next data send) /globalupdate - Sends a one time update of all players to RustLevels /xpaddonreload - Reloads the XPerienceAddon mod /newitem "<name>" <rarity> <stat/skill/xp/booster> <points/xp> <skinID> <economics cost> <serverrewards cost> <duration> /removeitem "<name>" /xpitem <name/id> <playername/id> "<itemname>" <amount> Console Commands rustlevelsclear - clears all server and player data from RustLevels rustlevelsupdate - updates all server and player data on RustLevels newitem "<name>" <rarity> <stat/skill/xp/booster> <points/xp> <skinID> <economics cost> <serverrewards cost> <duration> removeitem "<name>" xpitem <name/id> <playername/id> "<itemname>" <amount> Damage Bar Skins: Add/Edit Damage Bar Skins In -> /oxide/config/XPerienceAddon.json "dmgbarimgs": { "0": { "name": "DmgBar0", "url": "" }, "1": { "name": "DmgBar1", "url": "" }, "2": { "name": "DmgBar2", "url": "" }, "3": { "name": "DmgBar3", "url": "" }, "4": { "name": "DmgBar4", "url": "" }, "5": { "name": "DmgBar5", "url": "" }, "6": { "name": "DmgBar6", "url": "" }, "7": { "name": "DmgBar7", "url": "" }, "8": { "name": "DmgBar8", "url": "" }, "9": { "name": "DmgBar9", "url": "" }, "10": { "name": "DmgBar10", "url": "" }, "11": { "name": "DmgBar11", "url": "" } } Map Data: Add maps in the -> /oxide/data/XPerienceAddon/MapData.json { "Maps": { "0": { "name": "Map 1", "details": "Monuments: 116 \n Safezones: 5 \n Land Percentage: 45% \n Islands: 4 \n Large Monuments: 13 \n Small Monuments: 14 \n Tiny Monuments: 78 \n Caves: 5 \n Rivers: 4 \n Mountains: 0 \n Icebergs: 14 \n Ice Lakes: 3", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 3000, "votes": 0 }, "1": { "name": "Map 2", "details": "Monuments: 101 \n Safezones: 8 \n Land Percentage: 67% \n Islands: 1 \n Large Monuments: 11 \n Small Monuments: 8 \n Tiny Monuments: 99 \n Caves: 5 \n Rivers: 9 \n Mountains: 2 \n Icebergs: 7 \n Ice Lakes: 2", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 3000, "votes": 1 }, "2": { "name": "Map 3", "details": "Monuments: 106 \n Safezones: 6 \n Land Percentage: 54% \n Islands: 2 \n Large Monuments: 16 \n Small Monuments: 23 \n Tiny Monuments: 58 \n Caves: 1 \n Rivers: 5 \n Mountains: 1 \n Icebergs: 13 \n Ice Lakes: 1", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 3000, "votes": 0 }, "3": { "name": "Map 4", "details": "Details about this map", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 0, "votes": 0 }, "4": { "name": "Map 5", "details": "Details about this map", "smallimageurl": "", "largeimageurl": "", "mapsize": 0, "votes": 0 } } } Addon Config: { "Welcome Panel": { "showonconnect": true, "autoclosetimer": false, "timeout": 10, "AnchorMin": ".5 .5", "AnchorMax": ".5 .5", "OffsetMin": "-300 -200", "OffsetMax": "300 200", "InsideAnchorMin": ".03 .01", "InsideAnchorMax": ".99 .97", "usebgimage": true, "usexpbgimage": true, "usemenubgimage": false, "bgfadein": 0.2, "menuwidth": 0.2, "menuheight": 0.75, "menubuttonheight": 0.07, "menubuttonfont": 11, "openwelcomepanel": "welcome", "welcomemessage": "Welcome {playername} to our server. This server has the XPerience mod installed which allows you to gain XP, Levels, and Points to spend in different Stats and Skills. Each Stat and Skill will give your character increased abilities. Check out the XP/Level Info page for more details and the Commands page for list of chat commands you can use. Click the My Profile button to view your XPerience profile and all the abilities you can earn. You can also view all the mods installed on our server by clicking the Mods Installed button.\n\nYour Level: {xp.level} \nYour XP: {xp.experience}", "showcommandsbutton": false, "showskillitemdropsbutton": true, "showcustomitemdropsbutton": true, "showprofilebutton": true, "showsettingsbutton": true, "showmodsbutton": true, "excludemods": "RustCore,UnityCore", "showadminbutton": true, "showcustombuttons": true, "showraidsbutton": true, "showspecialitemsbutton": true, "showscustompecialitems": true, "showmapbutton": true, "commands": { "0": { "command": "/xpstats", "details": "Opens your XPerience profile" }, "1": { "command": "/deaths", "details": "Opens All Death Records" }, "2": { "command": "/xphelp", "details": "Opens Help page in XPerience UI" }, "3": { "command": "/xptop", "details": "Opens Top players page in XPerience UI" }, "4": { "command": "/welcome", "details": "Opens the Welcome Panel UI" } }, "custompages": { "0": { "button": "Server Rules", "CustomSubPages": { "0": { "title": "Server Rules", "content": "Server Rules:\n\n* No Harassment, Racism, Sexism, Trolling, Disrespect, or Hate Speech!\n\n" } } } } }, "Maps": { "maxmapvotes": 2, "autoreset": false }, "Connection Info": { "serveridkey": "", "sendtorustlevels": false, "hideplayerssteam": false, "hidemodlist": false, "websitebannerurl": "", "websiteurl": "" }, "Other Features": { "usepermissions": false, "dmgbar": true, "dmgbarname": true, "dmgindicator": true, "dmgbartimeout": 10.0, "dmgbarupdate": 0.5, "dmgbarskindefault": 3, "dmgbarlocation": 35 }, "Note Messages": { "xpgain": true, "xpgainnote": 1, "levelup": true, "levelupnote": 1, "statup": true, "statupnote": 1, "skillup": true, "skillupnote": 1, "rankup": true, "rankupnote": 1, "combine": true }, "Skills": { "minerquarry": 0.1, "minerquarryduration": 120, "minerquarrycooldown": 600, "weaponryammochance": 0.01, "weaponryreload": 0.05, "weaponrydistance": 0.08, "weaponryrange": 0.04, "scavengervendingchance": 0.05, "scavengervendingamount": 0.05, "foragerrecyclerchance": 0.05, "foragerrecyclerspeed": 0.1, "medicpassivehealing": true, "medicpassivehealingcooldown": 10, "medicpassivehealingtimer": 10.0, "medicpassivehealingamount": 0.02 }, "Notify UI": { "playernotify": true, "rankup": true, "levelup": true, "statup": true, "skillup": true, "globalnotify": true, "rankupglobal": true, "levelupglobal": true, "statupglobal": true, "skillupglobal": true, "notifyuitimeout": 5.0 }, "Death Records": { "enabledeathrecords": true, "usepermissions": false, "senddeathtochat": true, "sendplayerdeathtochat": true, "senddeathtodiscord": false, "usepopupnotifications": true, "logturretkills": true, "chatfontsize": 10, "attackercolor": "#FF0000", "victimcolor": "#00FF00", "weaponcolor": "#0000FF", "distancecolor": "#00FF00", "enabledistancebonus": true, "xpbonusamount": 50, "bonusrangedistance": 25, "deathrecordschatcommand": "deaths", "discordwebhookurldeaths": "", "entityList": { "0": { "entity": "chicken", "name": "Chicken" }, "1": { "entity": "boar", "name": "Boar" }, "2": { "entity": "stag", "name": "Stag" }, "3": { "entity": "wolf", "name": "Wolf" }, "4": { "entity": "bear", "name": "Bear" }, "5": { "entity": "polarbear", "name": "Polar Bear" }, "6": { "entity": "simpleshark", "name": "Shark" }, "7": { "entity": "ridablehorse", "name": "Horse" }, "8": { "entity": "scientistnpc", "name": "Scientist" }, "9": { "entity": "tunneldweller", "name": "Tunnel Dweller" }, "10": { "entity": "underwaterdweller", "name": "Underwater Dweller" }, "11": { "entity": "scarecrownpc", "name": "Scarecrow" }, "12": { "entity": "zombienpc", "name": "Zombie" }, "13": { "entity": "customscientistnpc", "name": "Custom Scientist" }, "14": { "entity": "bradleyapc", "name": "Bradley APC" }, "15": { "entity": "patrolhelicopter", "name": "Patrol Helicopter" }, "16": { "entity": "basehelicopter", "name": "Patrol Helicopter" } } }, "Images": { "xperienceaddonlogo": "", "rustlevelslogo": "", "dmgbarimg": "", "dmgbarimgname": "", "notifybar": "", "welcomepanel": "", "raideasy": "", "raidmedium": "", "raidhard": "", "raidexpert": "", "raidnightmare": "", "welcomebg": "", "menubg": "", "xp": "", "dmgbarimgs": { "0": { "name": "DmgBar0", "url": "" }, "1": { "name": "DmgBar1", "url": "" }, "2": { "name": "DmgBar2", "url": "" }, "3": { "name": "DmgBar3", "url": "" }, "4": { "name": "DmgBar4", "url": "" }, "5": { "name": "DmgBar5", "url": "" }, "6": { "name": "DmgBar6", "url": "" }, "7": { "name": "DmgBar7", "url": "" }, "8": { "name": "DmgBar8", "url": "" }, "9": { "name": "DmgBar9", "url": "" }, "10": { "name": "DmgBar10", "url": "" }, "11": { "name": "DmgBar11", "url": "" } } }, "Discord": { "enablediscord": false, "discordwebhookurl": "", "discordrankup": false, "discordlevelup": false, "discordstatup": false, "discordskillup": false, "useecludedlist": false }, "Raidable Bases": { "easyxp": 500.0, "mediumxp": 1000.0, "hardxp": 1500.0, "expertxp": 2000.0, "nightmarexp": 2500.0, "awardall": true, "awardpercentage": true, "percentagereduction": 0.1 }, "Special Items": { "createitemcommand": "newitem", "deleteitemcommand": "removeitem", "xpboosterduration": 3, "xpboosterrarity": 3, "xpboosteramount": 0.1, "xpscrollsmall": 50.0, "xpscrollmedium": 100.0, "xpscrolllarge": 250.0, "xpscrollmassive": 500.0, "scrollsmallrarity": 1, "scrollmediumrarity": 4, "scrolllargerarity": 7, "scrollmassiverarity": 10, "recievechance": 50, "soulbind": true, "deletesoulbind": true, "includecustomitems": true, "kills": true, "bkills": true, "ckills": true, "boosterkills": true, "looting": true, "blooting": true, "clooting": true, "boosterlooting": true, "missions": true, "bmissions": true, "cmissions": true, "boostermissions": true, "raidablebases": true, "braidablebases": true, "craidablebases": true, "boosterraidablebases": true, "bookofstatknowledgesmall": 1, "bookofstatknowledgemedium": 2, "bookofstatknowledgelarge": 3, "bookofstatknowledgemassive": 5, "bookofskillknowledgesmall": 1, "bookofskillknowledgemedium": 2, "bookofskillknowledgelarge": 3, "bookofskillknowledgemassive": 5, "smallstatbookrarity": 1, "mediumstatbookrarity": 4, "largestatbookrarity": 7, "massivestatbookrarity": 10, "smallskillbookrarity": 1, "mediumskillbookrarity": 4, "largeskillbookrarity": 7, "massiveskillbookrarity": 10, "smallxpscrollskinID": 2875023577, "mediumxpscrollskinID": 2875023708, "largexpscrollskinID": 2875023800, "massivexpscrollskinID": 2875023861, "smallstatbookskinID": 2876483610, "mediumstatbookskinID": 2876483501, "largestatbookskinID": 2876483375, "massivestatbookskinID": 2876478826, "smallskillbookskinID": 2876486178, "mediumskillbookskinID": 2876486286, "largeskillbookskinID": 2876486372, "massiveskillbookskinID": 2876486500, "xpboosterskinID": 2874722752, "useeconomics": true, "useeconomicsbooks": true, "useeconomicscustom": true, "useeconomicsboosters": true, "specialitemeconperm": false, "useserverrewards": true, "useserverrewardsbooks": true, "useserverrewardscustom": true, "useserverrewardsboosters": true, "specialitemsrperm": false, "xpscrollsmallcost": 100.0, "xpscrollmediumcost": 250.0, "xpscrolllargecost": 500.0, "xpscrollmassivecost": 1000.0, "statbooksmallcost": 100.0, "statbookmediumcost": 250.0, "statbooklargecost": 500.0, "statbookmassivecost": 1000.0, "skillbooksmallcost": 100.0, "skillbookmediumcost": 250.0, "skillbooklargecost": 500.0, "skillbookmassivecost": 1000.0, "xpboostercost": 1000.0, "xpscrollsmallsrcost": 10, "xpscrollmediumsrcost": 25, "xpscrolllargesrcost": 50, "xpscrollmassivesrcost": 100, "statbooksmallsrcost": 10, "statbookmediumsrcost": 25, "statbooklargesrcost": 50, "statbookmassivesrcost": 100, "skillbooksmallsrcost": 10, "skillbookmediumsrcost": 25, "skillbooklargesrcost": 50, "skillbookmassivesrcost": 100, "xpboostersrcost": 500 } } About RustLevels: RustLevels collects data from Rust servers that use the XPerience, XPerience Addon, Kill Records, and other plugins. Each server gets added and updated automatically each time the server saves and displays all their player's data related to these plugins. Every server is setup differently based on the owners of each server so no two servers will be alike. RustLevels website will show all players that play on each server with their progression based on that server's setup. RustLevels is NOT responsible for any server progression or setup nor do they have any control over the player data displayed on their website. (Player data is controlled by each server individually not by RustLevels) You can subscribe to our discord mod update channel where we post updates when released at: [ ] The version numbers at the bottom left of the RustLevels website should match the Addon version your using at all times.$29.99- 33 comments
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(and 4 more)
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Version 0.1.2
The plugin enables the collection of a vast amount of gaming data with subsequent transmission to a database(MySQL). This functionality empowers website owners to display the desired statistics from the database on their sites. Moreover, it offers the capability to send data via API, which proves highly beneficial in scenarios where your gaming server and database reside on separate machines, and the database restricts connections beyond localhost. Please note that an instruction manual will be included in the downloaded file, and it is imperative for users to read it thoroughly. Collecting(The full list is available below in the section Collected Data) : Server information; Player information; Team information; Clan information(in future); Feedback(F7) information; Report(F7) information. Sending data through: direct MySQL; via API(POST query) to MySQL. { "Current Server ID": 0, "Time in seconds for updating data in the database(0 to disable)": 300.0, "DataBase - Display upload messages": true, "DataBase - Upload method(true for API, false for MySQL)": true, "API - Service URL(Specify the address of your website)": "", "API - Service Key(Generate your own API key)": "GlBRw-elM6v-gjko3-cxSDk-Tsy7B", "MySQL - Host": "localhost", "MySQL - Port": 3306, "MySQL - Database name": "db_playrust", "MySQL - Username": "root", "MySQL - Password": "root", "Data Base - Servers Name": "db_servers", "Data Base - Players Name": "db_players", "Data Base - Players Deploys Name": "db_players_deploys", "Data Base - Players Explosions Name": "db_players_explosions", "Data Base - Players Farms Name": "db_players_farms", "Data Base - Players Kills Name": "db_players_kills", "Data Base - Players Raids Name": "db_players_raids", "Data Base - Teams Name": "db_teams", "Data Base - Clans Name": "db_clans", "Data Base - Feedbacks Name": "db_feedbacks", "Data Base - Reports Name": "db_reports", "Wipe - Clear data upon detection of wipe": true, "Wipe - Clear database data upon detection of wipe": true, "Wipe - List of data to clear upon detection of wipe": [ "players", "teams", "clans", "feedbacks", "reports" ], "List of deployed names": {}, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } ServerData: ServerName ServerIdentity ServerIP ServerPort QueryPort ServerDescription ServerHeader ServerURL ServerTime ServerTags MaxPlayers ServerEntities ServerUptime ServerMap MapSize MapSeed FirstSave LastSave WipeID ServerVersion ServerProtocol RconPort RconPassword PlayersData: Info UserID DisplayName Language UserGroups CurrentTeam CurrentClan Flags - Online/Offline, Banned BanReason Connection Connections - Number of connections to the server Ping PlayedTime - PlaytimeTracker/PlayTimeRewards plugins required IdleTime - PlaytimeTracker/PlayTimeRewards plugins required FirstConnectionIP LastConnectionIP FirstConnectionDate LastConnectionDate FarmStats Balance - Economics plugin required BankBalance - BankSystem plugin required Points - ServerRewards plugin required Experience Reputation - ReputationMaster plugin required Barrels Fish_Attempts Guts Supplies Excavator_Supplies Chinooks Surveys Blueprints CraftList GatherList CratesList - List of open crates with quantities FishList MonumentsList - Number of monument visits. MonumentsWatcher plugin required DeployedsList KillStats InflictedDamage - Damage inflicted exclusively on real players Kills FriendlyKills Deaths Suicides WoundsInflicted - Only real players TimesWounded - Only real players Chickens Boars Stags Wolves Bears Sharks Scientists Patrols Bradleys VehicleStats(kills) Bikes Cars RowBoats RHIBs Submarine_Solos Submarine_Duos Tugs Heli_Minis Heli_Attacks Heli_Scraps Balloons Trains Train_Wagons Train_Wagon_Cabooses HitParts - List of body part hits with quantities, only real players KillParts - List of body part kills with quantities, only real players KillWeapons - List of kills from various weapons with quantities, only real players RaidedDeployableConstructionsList RaidedConstructionsList RaidStats Cupboards Doors Windows Foundations Ceilings Walls Doorways WindowFrames Stairs Hatches External_Wooden_Gates External_Wooden_Walls External_Stone_Gates External_Stone_Walls External_Ice_Walls External_Ice_Short_Walls RBStats - The number of raided bases by difficulty level. RaidableBases plugin required RBEasy RBMedium RBHard RBExpert RBNightmare ExplosionStats Rocket Rocket_HV Rocket_I Rocket_Smoke Rocket_Missile Rocket_MLRS Torpedo Explosive_Ammo Grenade_Explosive_40mm Grenade_Smoke_40mm Nade_F1 Nade_Moly Nade_Flash Nade_Smoke Nade_Bean Satchel C4 TeamsData: TeamID TeamName LeaderID TeamMembers ClansData(temporarily not working) : ClanID ClanName LeaderID ClanMembers FeedbacksData: ID UserID Subject Type Message Time ReportsData: ID UserID TargetID TargetName Subject Type Message Time$19.99- 2 comments
- #rust
- #reputation
- (and 26 more)
Version 1.0.2
Discover the brand new RaidableBasesDB plugin that takes your gaming experience to the next level! This innovative plugin automatically stores a player's Raidable Ladder statistics in the SQL database after each successful raid, making it easy to track player progress. You can also manually update player statistics using the "rb.update" command, with the SteamID option allowing for targeted updates to individual players. The RaidableBasesDB plugin is an essential addition to the Nivex RaidableBases plugin, providing an efficient and effortless way to keep track of your players' statistics. Easy to configure and use, this plugin offers server administrators a powerful tool for managing player statistics. And the best part is, I'm already working on an Azuriom RaidableBases plugin that will be released soon! The RaidableBases Azuriom Plugin is now available. Display your RaidableBases data on your Azuriom site. Interested? DM me! Plugin commands at a glance: rb.update: Updates the statistics of all players. rb.update <SteamID>: Updates the statistics of a single player with the specified SteamID. rb.wipe: Deletes all content in the database.$25.00- 1 comment
- 3 reviews
- #raidablebasesdb
- #raidablebases
(and 8 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.1.2
Integrate the BattleMetrics Banlist directly onto your Azuriom website. Keep your community informed about player bans in a simple and efficient way. Key Features: User-Triggered Updates: The banlist automatically updates the last 50 Entries when a user visits the page, with a 10-minute buffer. Download ALL Bans: In the admin area, there is an option to download and save ALL ban entries from BattleMetrics. Note: The button in the backend that downloads all entries is only required when initializing the plugin and when old entries are modified or deleted. SQL Database: Bans from BattleMetrics are stored in an SQL database. Multilingual Support: Complete language files in both German and English. Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrate the plugin into your Azuriom website. Customizable Title: Admins can change the title displayed on the ban page via the dashboard. Required: An API Token and the Banlist ID from BattleMetrics are mandatory. Quick Setup: Download and Installation: Download the plugin and install it in your Azuriom "Plugins" directory. API Token and Banlist ID: Obtain these from the BattleMetrics website. Activation: Navigate to your Azuriom Admin Dashboard and activate the plugin. Configuration: In the special admin section of the plugin, input your API Token and Banlist ID. Click the 'Sync All' button to initialize all bans. Create Menu Item: Add a menu item in your Azuriom dashboard to provide access to the banlist. A complete guide in German and English is included. By following these steps, you will have the plugin quickly and easily set up.$30.00-
- #azuriom
- #battlemet
- (and 5 more)
Version 1.0.0
Fancy a bit of Centralized Banning without paying for RustAdmin or similar. What is Centralized banning? Centralized banning is the ability to ban a player on one server and have that ban logged across all of your servers. If you have a web server that runs php and mysql you can easily set it up. This is literally a simplified version of the RustyBan Centralized banning system for use with the server end point system. Installation is easy: Setup a sql user, database and API table. (my sql rip is at the bottom) Edit the Database.php file in API/config folder with your Database name, User and password. Drop the API files into your webserver drop the CentralBan.cs plugin into all your servers. Set the API URL in the oxide config file and run the CentralFirstRun command in console. then set your server.bansserverendpoint as your check.php?steamId= address Done! confused? Watch my video SQL CREATE TABLE `API` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `steamId` varchar(17) NOT NULL, `Reason` text NOT NULL, `expiryDate` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE current_timestamp() ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; ALTER TABLE `API` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); ALTER TABLE `API` MODIFY `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; COMMIT;Free